Guardians of the Galactic Sentinel 1: The Deimos Artifact (40 page)

BOOK: Guardians of the Galactic Sentinel 1: The Deimos Artifact
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Other books by this author

Please visit your favorite ebook retailer to discover other books by Phillip Nolte:


   The Junkyard Dogs Series

The Scrapyard Incident (Book 1)

The Veritian Derelict (Book 2)

The Santana Nexus (Book 3)




Junkyard Dogs Omnibus Edition (Books 1-3)




   Short story Collection             

Cannibals Shrink Elvis' Head


About the Author

Born and raised in Minnesota, educated at Moorhead State (Moorhead, MN) and North Dakota State University. I developed a passion for science fiction in junior high and have been hooked ever since. I started writing science fiction sometime around 1986 and a number of my short stories were originally published over a period of several years in the pioneering online e-magazines "Quanta," "Athene" and "Intertext."

I recently retired from my position as a potato scientist at the University of Idaho. During my tenure there, I served on the editorial boards of two national trade journals and wrote hundreds of educational and informative articles for the popular press. I live with my wife and cat (or is it the other way around?) in Southeastern Idaho, where most of the potatoes are.

An irresistible compulsion just a few years ago to get back into writing science fiction resulted in the "Junkyard Dogs" adventures, which eventually expanded to three volumes. One of my favorite science fiction themes has always been ancient artifacts and if they happen to be of alien origin, so much the better! "The Deimos Artifact," first book of the series "Guardians of the Galactic Sentinel," was the result.

Many thanks to Angie Wirth ([email protected]) for her breathtaking artwork.

If you have questions or comments about me, "The Deimos Artifact," "The Junkyard Dogs" series, "Cannibals Shrink Elvis' Head" or diseases of potatoes, feel free to drop me a line at [email protected]


BOOK: Guardians of the Galactic Sentinel 1: The Deimos Artifact
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