Gunz And Laci: Black Rose Mafia (10 page)

BOOK: Gunz And Laci: Black Rose Mafia
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I listened to everything my mother was saying and if my emotions weren’t on ten before, they were now. Nazi and I never talked about our biological parents, but I constantly wondered about them. I also wrote about my mother constantly. Since Nazi and I were three years apart, I knew that I lived with my mother for at least six years but I remembered nothing. I asked myself the same question every night before I went to sleep. How could someone who birthed me and raised me for at least the first three years of my life just give me away

I honestly felt that having this conversation with my mother was something I needed. No one else might not understand my reasoning for doing what I was about to do, but it wasn’t for them to understand. I was doing this for me and for me only. Having my mother possible in my life trumpeted having all the materialistic shit in the world.

Chapter 15: Gunz

Waking up to an empty bed pissed me off; it was as if nothing I did was good enough for Laci. As bad as I wanted to run after her ass, I chose not to because a nigga of my caliber didn’t run after chicks. I ran after her once and I wasn’t doing that shit anymore. I was chucking up the deuces when it came to Laci. On the way to the bathroom, I saw a note on my dresser. I assumed it was from Laci, so I ripped that shit up and threw it in the trash. No words could be said for me to understand why she chose to do what she did.

I brushed my teeth, then went in the kitchen to get something quick to eat. To my surprise, Jiselle was sitting at the table eating a sandwich.

“Hey big bro,” she said cheerfully.


“What’s wrong with you?” she asked.

“Nothing, just don’t really want to be bothered.”

“Yeah okay. I’m sure it has to do with your little girlfriend who I saw leave out of here.”

“I don’t have no girl. She was just something to do when there was nothing to do.”

“Yeah okay. I may have been bitchy when it came down to ole girl, but I could see the chemistry between the two of you. I don’t know what happened but what I will say is that she’s the one you’re supposed to be with. She has this pure thing about her,” Jiselle said before biting back into her sandwich.

I looked at her with a shocked expression. I never expected for Jiselle to say anything nice about Laci. To hear her say the shit I already knew pissed me off even more. It was like everyone could see Laci and I was meant to be, except for her.

“If you want, I’ll kidnap her ass and bring her back here because I know this is where you want her to be.”

“Fuck that bitch. I’m good on her. If you wanted to beat her ass, I wouldn’t even stop you.” I shrugged and left out the kitchen. I went back in my room and pulled out my phone to call my brother. Jinx was my nigga; he knew me just as well as Jiselle, but Jinx was the more level headed of the three of us.

“Yo wassup,” Jinx said, answering the phone.

“Laci fucking left,” I sighed.

“Say word.”

“Nigga, word, my nigga. You think I would joke about this shit. That bitch dead ass left while I was sleeping like I was some John or something.”

“Don’t even stress it; you know she just going through some shit with her family. From the way Nazi talks, Laci always does what her parents expected of her.”

“I don’t give a fuck about that shit. She a grown fucking woman living her life for her parents instead of her fucking self. It’s cool though because a nigga isn’t even tripping over her ass. If she wants to be with that white muthafucker, then that’s on her. These bitches are like buses, miss one and in the next fifteen minutes, another one is coming.”

“You know you don’t mean that shit. You can deny it all you want but we both know you’re hurting behind this shit. Let me talk to Nazi, so she can find out wassup with Laci.”

“Don’t even waste your time bro. I don’t give a fuck about that hoe. Yeah, a nigga’s feelings is hurt because I cared about ole girl. What I’m not going to do is chase a bitch that doesn’t want to be caught. The fuck I look like trying to keep a bitch that doesn’t want to be kept.”

“Ight man, if that’s how you want to look at it,” he sighed.

“That’s exactly how I want to look at it,” I told him. “Make sure you’re back before Sunday; we have a family meeting.”

“I’ll be back. Stay up my nigga.”

“You too,” I replied and hung up the phone.

I left back out my room to see if Jiselle wanted to do something today, but her ass was gone. I thought about calling her but decided against it when I saw Milani’s name flashing across my screen.

“The fuck you doing calling my phone?”

“Bryce, there is no reason to be hostile every time we come in contact with each other.”

“Yeah ight, but what the fuck you want Milani? I’m not here for the bullshit today.”

“I called because I wanted to apologize for how I acted at the club the other day. I was in the wrong and should have never bumped into your girl.”

“You good; I’m not even tripping about that shit,” I told her.

“Oh okay, well, I just wanted to say sorry.”

“Hol up Milani. What you doing for the day?”

“Uh, nothing at all. Why wassup?”

“I’m ‘bout to come scoop you; make sure you’re dressed and outside by the time I pull up or your ass is getting left.” I hung up, not giving her ass the chance to respond because I knew she was going to be outside.

Making plans with Milani was just so I would have something to do. I needed someone to get my mind off Laci and she was the best candidate. Yeah, I could’ve picked up a random chick but that wasn’t what I wanted right now. As weird as it seemed, I wanted some intimacy, at least for the moment. I wasn’t stupid; I wasn’t fucking with Milani like that. Her ass was going to stay at arm’s length. I just needed her to serve her purpose for the day. Once the sun went down, her ass was going right back at the top of my shit list; right above Laci.

* * * *

“So, where are we going?” Milani asked as soon as her ass touched the seat.

“Don’t get in my car asking me a whole bunch of fucking questions, ight. You either going to shut up and enjoy my company or get the fuck out, lil mama.” I didn’t want to be harsh with her but she knew how I felt about people asking me questions.

“I only asked a question; there is no need for you to come at me like that,” she sassed.

“You should know better than anyone how I feel about being questioned. If I’m not bringing harm your way, then there is no need for you to question me.”

“How am I supposed to know you’re not trying to bring harm my way? Every time I run into you, you’re being hostile and rude.”

“How I act is a reflection of how you acted towards me. You did some foul shit Milani. What you thought, when we ran into each other shit was going to be peaches and cream? Nah lil mama, ain’t nothing sweet between us. I honestly can’t stand the sight of your scandalous ass.”

“Then why would you tell me to be ready when you come pick me up? Are you trying to play games with my heart or something? Better yet, are you trying to kill me? Gunz, are you going to kill me?” She panicked.

“Milani, if I wanted to kill you, I would’ve never took you out of your house. I could have killed you from standing across the street from your house. You not even worth the bullet so relax.”

“Then why?”

As fate would have it, she asked as soon as I got to a red light. I turned and looked at her pitiful face. She was trying to stay strong but I could see the tears playing on the ledge of her eye lids.

“Because I can’t have the one that I want,” I simply replied and pulled off.

I busted a U-turn and drove back towards Milani’s house. What I was doing was wrong and even though I didn’t care about Milani, she didn’t deserve to be treated like this.

“Wait, why are you bringing me home? I don’t care that you are only taking me out because the one you want isn’t available. I will be that chick on the side, if that’s what you want. I just want to be in your world Gunz. I miss you, I miss spelling your name along your dick with my tongue. I miss it all Bryce; I miss us,” she pleaded.

“While you’re missing us, I’m busy missing her. No matter how much I try, she consumes my thoughts. She’s my soulmate and I can’t have her.”

“The way you feel about her is the way I feel about you. I know I fucked up, but we can make it work. I promise I will do better. Everything you see in her, you will see in me and if you can’t, then I will change to your liking. Just give me one more chance Gunz, please. I just need one more chance.”

“Nah, the way I feel about her is love; the way you feel about me is regret. You regret cheating on me. What I feel for Laci would never cause me to stray away because she is all I need. I, apparently, wasn’t enough for you and it took you no longer having me for you to realize I was everything you ever wanted and more.”

“Yes, I regret cheating on you but that isn’t the reason why I want you back. I want you back because you are it for me. I strongly believe you are the one. All you have to do is give me another chance and I can prove it to you.”

“You’re so dumb; you’re stupid. I just told you that ole girl is my soulmate, yet you are still trying to weasel your way in. You’re pleading your case to man that could give two fucks about you. I had every intention on bringing you to a hotel just to get my dick sucked and wet, then I was dropping your ass right back home. So, do both of us the favor and get out of my car.”

“Fuck you Gunz, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me you want to be with me. Just tell me that we still have a fighting chance. That other bitch doesn’t have nothing on me. I promise she can’t do the things that I can do.”

“That’s exactly why I’m feeling her because she can’t do the things you do.”

I took off my seat belt and got of the car and walked over to the passenger side. I opened the door, lifted out a kicking and screaming Milani, and placed her right on her front lawn. I jogged the short distance to my car, hopped in, and speed off. As if on cue, Milani started blowing my phone up.
Fuck it,
I thought to myself. If I couldn’t have Laci, then I just wasn’t going to fuck with anyone else. Why the fuck would I settle for anyone else other than my equal?

Chapter 16: Jinx

I have been out in Atlanta with Nazi for the past couple of days. It was cool out here but wasn’t nothing like the city. Everything out here was somewhat slow pace and I couldn’t get used to it. I was supposed to have went home the day after but lil mam had my head gone. Nazi was different than them other chicks, which was why I didn’t mind running behind her ass. Lame nigga would say I was running behind her like a lost puppy but that’s because they didn’t know a Taaffeite from a diamond. For those of you who don’t know what a Taaffeite is, it’s one of the rarest and most desirable stones in the world.

The way the stone was described would be the same way I would describe Nazi. She was rare and unique. She was in a lane of her own and I wanted to be able to call her my own. Her ass was playing games though. Whenever I brought up us being together, she would try to change the subject. For a while, I was letting her rock but a nigga had to get ready to start heading back home soon. I refused leaving without knowing she was mine.

As soon as her ass walked out through that door, I was going to lay all my cards on the table. No matter how they were dealt, I was walking out of here a winner because I didn’t play to lose. I also had to talk to her about Laci. Gunz could act like he didn’t give a fuck about Laci, but I knew better. My brother had it bad for shawty; if I could help get them back right, then that was what I was going to do.

I heard Nazi outside of her door struggling to get her key in the whole. I walked over to the door, opening it for her. I took her school book and the couple of bags she had out her hands and carried them into the house.

“Thanks. I stopped by the supermarket to get some things, so I could cook us some dinner. I know you’re probably tired of eating out.”

“Nah, I’m not tired of eating out I just figured your ass couldn’t cook. You know, in this generation, most pretty girls can’t cook. You either get one or the other,” I joked.

“Don’t let this cute face fool you. I may have been raised by white people but I can throw down with the best of them. I’ma have to show your ass tonight to not doubt me.”

“You gonna have to show me another time. I have to head back home.” The smile that adorned her pretty pulp lips two seconds ago was now gone and replaced with a look of disappointment.

“Don’t look at me like that Nazi. You knew I would have to go back home sooner or later.”

“I’m not looking at you like anything. It’s cool,” she said, walking into the kitchen to put away the food that she brought.

I walked in there with her and sat on her little bar counter. I watched her as she moved around the kitchen with ease. She could say she was fine all she wanted to, but her body language was screaming that she was upset. I waited until she was finished putting everything away to start talking.

“Nazi, tell me what’s really good ma.”

“What are you talking about Jinx?”

She tried to walk past me, but I pulled her in between my legs. I held on to her and looked down into her pretty ass eyes.

“We would have some cute ass kids, you know that,” I told her as I admired her face.

The smile that I have grown to love spread across her face as she blushed. “Stop it because who said I’m having your kids.”

“I said it; therefore, that means it’s set in stone. We can start whenever you’re ready, ma. I got that super sperm.”

“Yeah, whatever nigga. What time is your flight?”

“I have to be up out of here in about two hours.”

“Oh,” she sighed.

“Speak your truth Nazi. If you hold it in, I will never know how you’re feeling.”

“I don’t want you to leave. You have only been out here for two days. I know you can stay another day.”

“I really can’t. I got work and shit to do back home.”

“I understand all of that, which is why I didn’t want to say anything. I’m not the type to be all in my feelings.”

“If you would just let me put this dick in yo life, then you won’t be in your feelings; trust me. I can make everything better if you let me,” I told her, running my fingers through her hair.

“The only way you putting that scrawny sausage in my life is if you’re mine. Since you’re not, then I guess you can give it to all them other chicks I’m sure you got.”

“I don’t have any chicks because no bitch in this world can grab my attention the way you did. All I’m trying to see is you, I want to be all ‘bout you. I’m fucked up behind you and your ass don’t even see it.”

“Jinx, stop running game on me because it’s not going to work.”

“I don’t run game because I don’t need to. All I speak is facts. You’re the one that keeps denying the chemistry you got, so what the fuck you hiding from? What you running from Nazi because if you tell me you down, then I’m all in?”

“I’m not hiding or running from anything. You want me to be with you while I’m in my final year of college. I won’t be back in New York until June, which means we would have to do the long distance thing.”

“What’s wrong with the long distance thing?”

“I know how men can be when they want pussy and they girl not around; they will go to the next person in line.”

“Let me clear something up for you, ight. You just said you know men, which means you don’t know me. Therefore, don’t assume what I would do based on your knowledge of men. If I want pussy, it ain’t nothing to hop on a plane and come down here to see yo ass. Money isn’t an issue for me. So, come with a better excuse as to why we can’t explore what’s between us.”

“My reasoning may not be a good one for you but it’s how I feel.”

“Fuck it then, I’ll move down here. Everything I do up in New York I can do from here.” I needed Nazi to know how serious I was about the two of us. I wasn’t the average nigga out here fucking with bitches just because I could. The majority of these chicks wasn’t doing anything for me. Nazi, on the other hand, had my head gone. Shit, I was ready to marry her ass if she would let me.

“You would move out here for me?” she questioned.

“I would move out here if it means that me and you can become an us. All I’m trying to do is be with your annoying ass and you making the shit difficult.”

“I’m not making it difficult; I’m just saying how I feel. I know you’re not like most dudes but you still have the potential to hurt me.”

“I would never hurt you because that would be me hurting myself. Just fuck with me, ight. Give me a month to get everything situated, then I’ll move down here until you finish up with school.”

“Okay.” She smiled. I cupped her chin, leaning her head back far enough for me to kiss her lips. I sucked on her bottom lip a little, causing her to giggle.

“Stop it.” She laughed.

“Before I forget, I need to talk to you about something.”

“Oh, this sounds serious,” she said.

“When was the last time you talked to Laci?”

“Umm, the night that we left, why? She okay?”

“Gunz called me the other day and told me that Laci left. I need you to find out if she marrying ole boy. Gunz is acting like he could careless but I know better.”

“Wait, Laci left Gunz?” The way she said it, you could tell she was surprised.

“Yeah, she left. I need you to call her and find out what’s going on.”

“Okay, I’ll call her tomorrow and find out what the hell is going on. But for right now, I just want to spend the little bit of time I have left with you.” She wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my lap.

“Come on ma; let me see you cook, so I can at least know you didn’t poison yourself with your horrible cooking.”

“You keep doubting a playa; we gonna have to have a cook off or something. I’ma have to show you how I get down because you really think it’s a joke. Shit, I can cook, roll a blunt, twerk, I’m cute, but most importantly, I’m smart. I’m bringing a whole lot to the table; what you bringing Jinx?”

“I’m bringing eleven inches of thickness.” I kissed her neck, then walked away laughing.

“You get on my nerves!” I heard her yell after me.

I laughed it off and went to finish packing my stuff before it was too late. Me moving to Atlanta was a big step and I already knew my family was going to have a problem with it. I was going to make sure that I prayed it didn’t come down to me having to choose between Nazi and my family. If it did come down to it, a nigga was gonna have to roll with matters of the heart.

BOOK: Gunz And Laci: Black Rose Mafia
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