Read Half-breed Wolf Online

Authors: Shiloh Saddler

Tags: #african american, #paranormal romance, #native american, #glbt, #mm romance, #wolf shifter, #shifter romance, #gay erotic romance, #gay historical romance

Half-breed Wolf (3 page)

BOOK: Half-breed Wolf
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Where are you

Oliver licked his bottom lip. It
sounded like the submissive didn’t want him to leave. “I was going
to go for a run since I didn’t go last night. Do you want to come
with me?”

Lance sat up and yawned. “Yes, I would
like to go for a run but…” his voice trailed off and he looked to
the side, sheepish.

Did the man not want him to see his
wolf form? Was it painful for a half-breed to shift? Oliver had not
met any other half-shifters before.

He took Lance’s chin in his hands,
holding him still while he claimed his lips. “Please,” Oliver said,
kissing him again. “I want to see your wolf. Shift for

He cringed at the forcefulness in his
voice. He hadn’t meant to let his Alpha influence shine

Lance did not shy away from him as he
had expected. Instead the man grinned. He stood and pulled down his
leather leggings. “Yes, sir,” he breathed.

For a long minute Lance stood naked
before him. His lean muscles shaped his desirable build and Oliver
sensed he’d be sleek and agile in wolf form. He had powerful legs
for his smaller stature. Appraising the shifter from the ankles up,
he took in all the man had to offer, eyeing his cock like it
already belonged to him.

Lance inhaled sharply but did not move
from where he’d planted his feet, shoulder width apart, strong and
proud. Yes, Lance had every right to be proud. His body would make
every female swoon from miles around.

Except, lucky for him, the Omega
wasn’t interested in finding a wife.

Lance closed his eyes and
dropped to all fours. Oliver instantly thought of what he wanted to
do with the wolf in that position. He mentally groaned.
Later. When the time was right.

Copper fur sprouted along Lance’s arms
and legs a few shades lighter than his skin. His muscles rearranged
themselves beneath the furry covering, nose lengthening into a
snout. Once fully shifted, Lance sat and tipped his head to the
side, revealing his neck.

A heady thrill raced through Oliver’s
veins. He pulled off his clothes so fast his trousers tore in the
process. A small price to pay to cozy up to Lance wolf to wolf.
Once naked his shift sped through him. He padded over to Lance on
his large white paws. Towering over the smaller wolf, he had to
look down to see Lance’s brown eyes. He nudged Lance’s neck and the
wolf stiffened, every muscle turning to granite. Did Lance think he
would bite? The poor shifter must be used to cruel treatment to
have so little trust.

His long pink tongue snaked out and he
licked Lance’s neck. Lance relaxed one lick at a time until he’d
turned to putty under his ministrations. The haze in Lance’s eyes
forced Oliver to stop. He didn’t want to take advantage of the
situation. If Lance agreed to be his mate, he wanted the man to
offer himself freely not out of some animalistic need.

Time to go for a

Lance whined, clearly not wanting
Oliver to stop.

Without looking back, Oliver pranced
out the door, tail straight and swishing from side to side. He
bounded down the hallway to his office, jumping out the window he
always kept open. Once standing in the lush lawn, he spun around in
time to see Lance jump out the window after him.

Which direction?
Lance asked.

The sprawling estate was
his private territory. He yearned to explore and show off every
acre to the half-breed wolf. He gazed toward the right to the
woods. There they’d be secluded from prying eyes. It would give him
more of a chance with the shy wolf.

Lance complied, his soft
steps matching Oliver’s own although the smaller wolf respectfully
remained a few paces behind. They hadn’t gone far before he scented
a deer.
He raced after the deer, inhaling the gamey scent as he ran.
The trees blurred along the sides of his vision as he focused
solely on his prey. The frightened buck noticed his presence and
tried to leap away but it was too late. Oliver lunged, jaws locking
on the buck’s throat. Blood gushed into his mouth as lifeblood
gushed out of the deer.

The buck dropped to the ground,

Breathing hard, Oliver licked the
blood from his lips and for the first time since the chase began
glanced around for Lance. The smaller wolf lay on the ground a
stone’s throw away patiently waiting.

Oliver’s stomach grumbled reminding
him neither of them had eaten. He took a bite out of the
hindquarters and then yipped for Lance to join him.

He’s your
. Lance said respectfully.

An Alpha takes care of his

Lance hesitated as if debating what
he’d meant by those words.

You are a lone wolf. You
have no pack.

Oliver ground his teeth. He didn’t wish his father ill will,
but he couldn’t wait to lead his pack. There would be many new
changes under his leadership. It was time to leave the stone age
behind and embrace the future. If they accepted him as their Alpha
then they’d have to also accept Lance as his mate.

He dragged the deer closer
to Lance.

Lance complied and Oliver wondered if
he’d done so because he’d been issued an order. Wasn’t the wolf
used to an Alpha taking care of him?

Halfway through their shared meal a
new scent hung heavy on the air. The hair on his back spiked and he
growled low in his throat.

Lance spit out the bite in his mouth,
eyeing him with caution.

Another wolf,
Oliver explained.

Snout in the air, Lance
inhaled. His eyes bulged and he sidled closer to Oliver as if
seeking protection.
M-my old

Chapter Five


Lance snarled. He’d thought he’d never
scent them again. They’d kicked him out of the pack. Why had they
ventured outside their territory? Were they spying on him?
Following him? The deer he’d just consumed threatened to revolt.
Mighty Elk probably wasn’t happy he’d shifted so soon. The stony
hardness of his eyes had told him the Alpha hoped the curse
permanent. Oliver had come to his recue. A lump sprouted in his
throat. Would he do so again, or was that too much to ask from a
near stranger?

Mighty Elk emerged from the Ash trees
to his left with his Beta Swift Hunter by his side. He’d never be
able to hide from them even if he managed to get away. Swift Hunter
could track a mosquito in a swamp.

The four of them faced
each other. Oliver barred his teeth first.
You’re in my territory. I don’t tolerate

Mighty Elk stood tall,
What are you doing with

Oliver’s head snapped to
Lance and then back to Mighty Elk and Swift Hunter.
Why do you care

, Mighty Elk warned.
Best to leave him alone.

Lance’s claws dug into the dirt. He
would stand his ground. He had every right to be here, and his
former Alpha had no claim to him any longer. He didn’t have the
right to order him around.

Oliver growled.
I don’t take kindly to others telling me what to
do. How do you know Lance?

He used to be in my

Used to be?

Lance lowered his head slightly,
ashamed at being exiled.

I forced him out for the
good of the others. That’s why I’m warning you to stay away from

Oliver growled.
He’s mine now
Get out while you’re still

Lance’s heart thudded hard
and fast. Swift Hunter eyed Oliver and sneered just waiting for
Mighty Elk to give him the order to attack. Fur would fly on
account of him. The acrid taste in his mouth intensified. They
weren’t fighting because of him. They were fighting
him. If he was
willing to protect a worthless half-breed then Oliver must not be a
better man than he originally thought.

You’re threatening
Indignation weighted Mighty Elk’s
Who are you? A lone wolf! I rule a
pack. You’re nothing.

Oliver advanced toward the
two Indian wolves.
If you continue to push
me I will show you what this lone wolf is capable of.

Mighty Elk
. I should kill you and claim this
territory for myself. My pack can expand.
Mighty Elk raised his snout and sniffed.
Slaves. You have a plantation hidden behind these

I run a plantation

This gets even better.
Indians can keep slaves to you know
. He
sneered at Lance the evil smile in his eyes settling an ice block
in Lance’s chest.
I’ll leave you for the
crows, Omega, and run the whole plantation

You’ll be the one left for
the crows
. The barbs in Oliver’s voice
drew back Mighty Elk’s attention.

Lance didn’t breathe any easier,
though. He knew that if Oliver lost this fight his former Alpha may
finish him off too just for the fun of it. He wished he’d never
been dragged to Oliver’s property. He was only bad luck. That was
something his old pack got right. He was a worthless

Still, things had gone too far now.
Mighty Elk had Oliver cornered and that might have been his
intention in the first place. Backing down was not possible, and
the way the challenge had been brought in front of observers
required an immediate solution. Mighty Elk always fought with
either surprise or mass numbers on his side. With only his Beta to
back him up he clearly hoped intimidation or surprise would win the

Oliver flexed his hind
paws slightly.  
Are you ready to
meet my jaws, then, and embrace death?

Mighty Elk snarled.
Big words for only a runt to back you

Leave Lance out of this.
The fight is wolf to wolf.

The death here will be
yours, Lone One.
Finish him

Swift Hunter stepped in front of his
Alpha. Crouching low, he growled and prepared to spring.

We will see
 Oliver’s hind legs launched
him forward like a fur-covered bullet, breaking his sentence
mid-phrase.  For just the thinnest of moments, he had the
advantage of total surprise.  Instead of trying to rend
the larger wolf’s throat, something he could have countered with a
quick shift of his forelegs or a re-angling of his jaws, the
smaller wolf deliberately overshot in his lunge, delivering a
ripping slash with his jaws to the shoulder of the larger wolf’s
right foreleg. Swift Hunter’s teeth grazed Oliver’s side in a
return strike.

Lance’s heart drummed in a rapid beat,
threatening to breakthrough his chest. He stood motionless not
wanting to watch the gruesome scene unfold and yet unable to tear
himself away. He loved this wolf. He barely knew him, but this lone
Alpha was risking his life for his honor.

And right to keep his property, Lance
added as a second thought although he had sensed that Oliver would
have tangled with his old pack leaders without that equaling into
the equation.

Swift Hunter launched himself forward
in his own return rush, trying to bring the smaller wolf to a
grapple he was almost sure to win, but his lunge was ragged and
awkward, ill-timed with his crippled front leg tucked up to his
belly, and Oliver sidestepped it smoothly, delivering another
passing, slashing rip with his fangs to the larger wolf’s

Every drop of blood visible on
Oliver’s white fur pierced his heart. The only thing that kept him
from howling was the fact Swift Hunter was actually bloodier. Wolf
battles were always a nasty sight but never before had Lance had
such a vested interest in the outcome, in those
participating. His life, his future, was in the balance with
each strike. 

Suddenly Swift Hunter’s right hind leg
collapsed under him as well, sending him rolling and tumbling into
the blood-stained snow, unable to even hold to his

And the crows have their
  Oliver panted, a bit
sadly even with victory literally at his feet.  He turned
to the other wolf, his muzzle dripping from the blow that had ended
Swift Hunter’s life.  His fur remained ruffled, blood
streaming down side onto the forest floor.
And will you continue the challenge, or do you concede that I
have won right of place here?

Lance held his breath, not
even daring to pray that the Alpha would be satisfied at losing his
Beta. His Beta was like his brother. This had gotten even more
personal for Mighty Elk. The wolf would now duel with Oliver and
overcome him, Oliver being in a weakened state.

Mighty Elk stared at Swift
Hunter’s still corpse.
You have won this
He paced
backward slowly, uncertain
.  I will not continue the fight
  I must mourn. But know,
Lone Wolf, I could take you. Swift Hunter was too full of

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