Read Hard Luck (The Vegas Obsession Series, #1) Online

Authors: Chloe Grey

Tags: #New Adult Romance, #New adult and Contemporary, #Lottery Romance, #Vegas Romance, #Lucky Romance, #On the job romance, #Action and Adventure

Hard Luck (The Vegas Obsession Series, #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Hard Luck (The Vegas Obsession Series, #1)
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I should have been thanking Leslie right now. I hoped she wasn’t too offended. I didn’t know why, but I felt I needed to make it up to her somehow.

Chapter Five


s expected after a big let-down, my day didn’t start off that great. With a night of binging by myself on wine and ice cream, I woke up thirty minutes later than normal, barely having time to jump in the shower, and definitely no time to put any makeup on. I looked like crap. Frantically searched for my keys, I finally found them still dangling outside the front door. Thank goodness I lived in a safe neighborhood.

As I left the apartment, I ran into one of my new Goth neighbors. I was late, and tried to move past her, but the woman kept blocking my getaway.
And what the hell was she doing up so early in the morning anyway?

“Good morning, ma’am. I just want to apologize for the other night. We’re not usually so rude.”

I looked her in the eye, expecting at any moment she’d turn into the smug bitch she had been that night. I had no time for this conversation, and no time to filter my thoughts or try to be nice. She still had the black makeup outlining her eyes, but there was a smile on her lips.

“No need to apologize,” I answered, trying to dart around her.

“I would feel better if I did,” the woman continued. “You see... my husband and I just got married. This is our first place together and we were celebrating. Our friends were all here and I suppose we got a little cocky. Sorry about that.”

I nodded. “Completely understandable and no harm done. And please, don’t call me ma’am. I’m barely two years older than you. Now, if you could please let me by? I’m extremely late for work.”

The woman nodded. “Sure, but before you we’re neighbors, maybe we should know each other’s names. I’m Mindy.” She thrust out her hand and grabbed mine. “My husband’s name is Paul.”

“I’m I... nice to meet you. I’m so sorry, but I really have to go.”

I made a speedy beeline around Mindy, not worrying what my newfound acquaintance would think.

“And what’s your name!” Mindy called out.

“Leslie!” I shouted back.

I stuck my hand over my shoulder to wave and rushed out the main doors to make a mad dash to the car. I threw my purse in and shoved the key in the ignition.
The car didn’t start. It made a sputtering noise and then stalled.

“What the hell?” I cried out. “This is
happening right now.”

I desperately tried it again and again.

“Please...I don’t have time for—” My words were cut off when the car finally roared to life. “Thank goodness,” I mumbled and backed out quickly. I couldn’t handle anything else going wrong.

As I drove to work, I couldn’t take my mind off the time. By now I was twenty minutes late, and was still ten minutes away. I cursed at every red light, eager to make it in. I had tried phoning Monica so she could let them know I’d be late, but she didn’t answer. Finally parked, I grabbed my purse, and bolted to the door.

When I got inside, I quickly glanced around and found that no one seemed too concerned about my being late. Breathing a deep sigh of relief, I went to my desk.
Where is everybody?
It was so quiet. It was strange there wasn’t a single worker in the main work area of the station. I walked toward the news set and that’s when I heard booming laughter. It was the sound of people enthusiastically enjoying themselves.

I came around the corner, and saw Mr. Barkley standing at the front of the revelry.

“So, I want to thank Drew for agreeing to come to work for us. He will be a wonderful asset to the station.”

They were holding a party for him, but it didn’t make sense. He had just come into the picture, so how did they plan everything so quickly? I looked around the crowd. Everyone was there. I had to wonder, how many of them knew about the party before that morning. I walked up the side of the room. Drew was about to make his
I’m so honored to be here

“Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome. I look forward to working with all of you. I’m pretty easy-going, so if need anything, just let me know and we can work through them together.”

His smile widened as he looked around the room. I rolled my eyes. He was definitely a talker. Everyone applauded, except for me.

“We have cake, so be sure to help yourself and then get back to work.” Mr. Barkley announced.

When I looked back to where Drew stood, his eyes were fixated on me. I turned to head back to my desk, and spotted Monica. I walked toward her, eager to get the details on the impromptu party, and less so because it was clear I didn’t get the job.

“I am so sorry,” Monica said, reaching out to pull me into a hug.

For some reason, I pulled away. “Please tell me you didn’t know any of this was going to happen.”

Monica fidgeting from one foot to the other. “I...” she started.

“You’re my best friend. Why didn’t you tell me? Instead, you allowed... no, you encouraged me to make a fool of myself.”

“Stop it. It’s not what you think,” Monica argued. “Mr. Barkley has been talking about getting a male co-host for years. But when Dixie came into the picture and she was gorgeous and unique, he decided to give her a chance. I had a feeling when Dixie walked out, he would choose to go this route. I didn’t know with certainty and since I am your best friend... I hoped he would change his mind.”

I crossed my arms. I wasn’t buying it. “Did you know Drew was starting today?”

Monica vehemently shook her head. “I had no idea, Les. Hun, I’m so sorry you went through this... again. Who knows... maybe it won’t work out for Drew.”

“I appreciate you thinking that way, but look at him... he’s handsome, charismatic, and I bet that all the women here will fall in love with him.”

“Well then... maybe he’s single.”

I knew first hand it wasn’t the case.

“I better get to work. I’m already late.”

“Speaking of... I was worried about you. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just a rocky start. It’s bound to get better.”

I gave her a grin, hoping it looked convincing enough, and head back to my desk. I was logging into my computer when Drew walked up.

“May I help you?” I asked, avoiding his gaze.

My voice was cold mixed with venom, but he just stood there, smiling. And wow... there was still something about that smile.



expected to talk to her before the day started, but when she didn’t show up until after the surprise party began, I had to find her and explain.

“I think that I owe you an apology,” I said when I got to her desk.

She looked at me with what I could only call disdain. I guess I deserved it.

“An apology... and why is that?”

“I wasn’t very welcoming to you yesterday. I might have had too much to drink and I...”

“You were preoccupied with toga girl.”

It was clear she was pretty upset, the way she cut me off.

“Actually I was...”

“You had your thoughts elsewhere. I get that,” she said, cutting me off again. Clearly she did not want to hear what I had to say.

“Do you?” I asked.

“What does it even matter? I am nobody, remember? Isn’t that what you said?”

I wished I hadn’t had so much to drink.

“Look, I didn’t mean it.”

She looked up from her paperwork and gawked at me.

“Hmmm...and I’m supposed to believe you why?”

“I barely know you, so why would I say something like that?”

“I don’t know... you tell me? They’re your words, bud.”

I should have just let her cool off. For a moment, I think she was studying me. I could see her eyes wandering around my face, daring me for an honest answer. I didn’t have one.

For some reason, I got nervous. I never get nervous. But this woman had that effect on me. Looking around the news’ room, I wondered if anyone was paying attention to our exchange. This was not a great way to start a professional relationship with a new co-worker.

“I’m a jerk, okay? Is that what you want me to say? I got drunk and stupid.”

She appeared to soften, but just a bit.

“Drew, you’re wanted in makeup.” It was one of the assistant makeup artists.

“Thanks. Be right there,” I answered, and turned back to Leslie. “I came over here to apologize and hope you’ll accept it. If not, I’ll find a way to show you instead of tell you.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” she asked. It definitely got her attention.

“Well, I was thinking of making you dinner.”

“Dinner. Really? With you and toga girl?”

“Drew,” she assistant called me again. “We’ve got about three minutes to get your makeup on before you go live.”

“Coming,” I answered before turning back to Leslie. “I’ll explain later, okay? Enjoy your day.”

I left feeling I had made a good case, but it was now up to her. What I said was inexcusable, and I regretted it something awful, but I could only move past it if Leslie would too.

Chapter Six


s the day wore on, I couldn’t help but watch the two news broadcasts where Drew made his debut. I hated to admit it, but I was impressed. He looked fantastic on camera, had a good synergy with Monica, and took the unexpected in stride.
Maybe Drew was the right choice after all.

I finished up and was getting ready to leave for the day, when Monica came and stood at my desk. She just looked at me and said nothing, like she was surveying a situation.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“I’m curious about something.”

I put down the pile of papers I was holding, waiting for her to continue.

“I’ll bite,” I answered when she didn’t continue. “What has you so curious?”

“Him...” she motioned with her head in the opposite direction.

I turned to see that Monica was referring to Drew. He was busy talking with another co-worker. Her name was Samantha, but everyone called her Sam because she was like one of the guys. However, her looks proved that she definitely wasn’t a guy. I could tell that Drew noticed her too. He was flirty with her.
Typical male, trying to get in everyone’s pants.

“Huh?” I said, turning back to look at Monica when she called my name.

“I thought I lost you there,” Monica said and laughed. “So, what’s going on between you two? I didn’t know the man existed before today and he already seems so into you.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Look at him now. He’s flirting with Sam. How can he be into me?”

“I saw you guys talking earlier. You can’t deny it, missy. There’s no way that was the first time you met each other. You forget how long I’ve known you? I’m not blind. There was definitely some chemistry going on.”

“You have got to be kidding me, Monica.,” I relented. “Nothing’s going on between us, except for maybe hatred. He stole the job I wanted. Have you forgotten that?”

I could see that Monica still had a lot of questions by the way she was gawking.

“So, does this hate relationship also have a jealousy clause?”

“Jealousy?” I scoffed at that. There was no jealousy. Monica was reading into things... as always.

“You can lie to me if you want, but I could tell the conversation you had with him earlier got heated. You were definitely talking about something important and just then...”

Again, she motioned toward Drew and Sam with her chin.

“You can’t tell me you aren’t a wee bit curious as to what they are talking about. It’s written all over your face.”

Curiosity doesn’t equal jealousy,
I thought, even though there was a nagging question in my mind about whether he and Sam would hook up. It was just a thought. It didn’t mean I was jealous. How could I be? I already didn’t like the guy.

“You want to know the truth? I’ll tell you the truth. Yes, Drew and I have had a couple encounters. I bumped into him when he came in here to talk to Mr. Barkley two days ago. We didn’t even talk, except to apologize for bumping into each other. And then, yesterday, Mr. Barkley had me take his employment contract over to his apartment. Today, he was the one to come over to my cube and talk to me. I listened to what he had to say, and then wished him good luck. That’s it.”

I paused. I didn’t tell her the part where he called me a nobody, or his offer to make me dinner, but I wasn’t ready to admit anything more. With Monica, it would be like throwing kindling into a fireplace full of logs. I’d not hear the end of it for weeks.

“So where does the hate come into the equation?” Monica asked.

I couldn’t believe she was being so naïve.

“He stole my job. I thought we already covered that.”

“Oh yeah... silly me,” she answered. “Are you heading out for the day?”

I nodded, looking down at the papers in my hand. “I just want to get these to Barkley.”

“Okay. I’ll see you Monday, but call me okay? We should do something this weekend.” She gave me an encouraging smile and took off toward her dressing room.

I turned back to Drew and Sam, and took the files right by them to Mr. Barkley’s office. He wasn’t around, so I left it on his desk and retuned to mine. I wished Monica hadn’t pointed the two of them out to me.

“I am not jealous,” I mumbled when he left Sam.

Needing to get the hell away from the place, I did a token straightening up on my desk and left in a hurry. It was a long week and I was ready to forget about everything that went down.

As I headed to the door, I nearly collided with Drew as we got there at the same time.
Shit. Just my luck.

“We’re going to have to stop meeting this way,” he said, laughing as though the washed up cliché was hip again.

I hung back and rolled my eyes.

“Shoulder pads... knee pads... helmets...” he continued, still cracking himself up. “Or, we could take our chances and dance. Or you could let me make you dinner. I make a mean spinach and ricotta cannelloni.”

“I don’t know about you, but I’ve had it this week. And I’m not up for making a threesome with you and toga girl.”

BOOK: Hard Luck (The Vegas Obsession Series, #1)
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