Read Hard to Hold Online

Authors: Karen Foley

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

Hard to Hold (9 page)

BOOK: Hard to Hold
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“So what now?” she asked.

Colton didn’t miss how she kept the sofa between them. His frustration rose a notch, but he was prevented from responding by a knock on the door.

“That’ll be room service,” he said grimly. “Which means now we eat.”

He opened the door to the hotel waiter and paused long enough to sign the tab before pulling the rolling cart into the room and closing the door. Maddie sat down and watched as Colton uncovered the dishes and placed them on the table. Not knowing what she would like, he’d ordered them each a large steak with a baked potato and salad.

“Eat up,” he said, sitting across from her.

She dug into her meal with unconcealed energy, and for a moment Colton just watched her. She glanced up at him, and as if realizing her lack of manners, put her fork down with a self-conscious grimace.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I guess I was hungrier than I realized.”

“Don’t apologize.” Colton picked up his own fork and knife and sliced off a tender bite of steak. “I like to see a woman who isn’t afraid to enjoy a meal. Go on, eat.”

Maddie watched him for a moment, and then picked up her utensils. They ate in silence after that, although Colton knew she was aware of him. It was there in the way her gaze would flit across the table to him, but never reach his face. For his part, he was uncomfortably aware of her. Several times, she adjusted the front of her robe when it threatened to gape open, allowing him brief glimpses of the smooth skin beneath. Knowing that she was likely naked under the terry cloth made it almost impossible for him to concentrate on his meal, never mind enjoy it.

Finally, when she had finished, she pushed her plate away and sat back in contentment, oblivious to how the robe slid open over her legs, revealing the slender length of her thighs.

“Delicious,” she declared with a smile.

Colton pushed abruptly back from the table and gathered up their plates, depositing them unceremoniously onto the cart. When he turned back, Madeleine was eyeing him warily. Her hair had begun to dry, curling in soft, honeyed waves around her face. More than anything, Colton wanted to unfasten the sash that held the bathrobe closed, push aside the terry fabric and slide his hands over her satiny skin. He wanted to feel her beneath his palms, hear her breathing change as he aroused her, watch her eyes darken with desire. Disturbed by his own lustful thoughts and needing to do something—anything—to distract himself, he abruptly confronted her.

“Who’s extorting money from you?”

Her hazel eyes widened in alarm, before she quickly schooled her features and assumed an air of confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“It’s a simple question, Madeleine. Who is threatening to hurt your brother unless you bring them money?”

With a gasp, she sprang to her feet. Her eyes flicked to her backpack, still on the table near the door. “You went through my things.” Her voice shook with disbelief and anger. “How dare you.”

“Did your brother take money from a loan shark, Madeleine?”

Her eyes snapped back to his, flashing with anger and indignation. “You had no right to search my stuff.”

“I asked you a question. Who has your brother?”

“That’s none of your business. I can take care of it if you would just
let me.

Her stance was defensive, every muscle poised to either fight him or flee. Colton had never felt such frustration in his life. He wanted to help her, but there was a part of him that also wanted to hurt her, just a little, for the hell she’d put him through. For making him want her so much.

Her breathing was coming faster, and her breasts rose and fell in agitation beneath the terry cloth. The sash had loosened, and he could see the sweet fullness of one breast, almost completely exposed where the fabric had slipped to the side.

“Really?” he asked, his voice full of derision. “You can take care of it? How much do they want, Madeleine, and how are you going to pay them? We both know you have very little money.” Knowing he was a crude bastard for even insinuating it, he gestured toward her bare breast. “Or maybe you’re planning on providing some other means of payment?”

Eyes flashing, Maddie took a swing at him, intent on slapping his face, but Colton easily caught her wrist in one hand.

For an instant, they stood staring at each other. The air between them crackled with energy. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes stormy as she glared at him. Her robe still gaped open, her breasts rising and falling swiftly with her agitation. Colton was barely holding his frustration in check, but when her gaze shifted to his mouth, something inside him finally snapped. He recalled again the feel of her on top of him, kissing him, and with a low growl of defeat, he hauled her against his chest and crushed his mouth over hers.

She stiffened for a fraction of a second, and then was kissing him back with an urgency that shocked him, even as it released the pent-up lust and frustration he’d been feeling since the incident in the cabin. Maddie’s hands were everywhere, smoothing over his shoulders and his back, cupping the nape of his neck as she angled her face for a better fit. The sensation of her tongue against his only ratcheted up his need for her. With the last vestiges of his control, he pulled back long enough to bracket her face in his hands and search her eyes.


“Please.” She placed her fingers over his mouth. “Don’t talk. Just kiss me. I know you want this.”

He did. More than he’d wanted anything in a long time. Even knowing he was taking advantage of the situation—of her—he couldn’t prevent himself from lowering his head and claiming her mouth again. But he was unprepared when she made a soft sound of approval and her fingers moved to the buttons of his shirt, tearing at them in her urgency.

“Maddie, sweetheart,” he said against her lips, “we don’t need to rush this.”

“I do,” she said, her breath coming in warm pants as she pressed moist kisses against his face and neck. “You’re so hot. I don’t want to wait.”

She’d unbuttoned his shirt and dragged the tails from his waistband, pushing the fabric aside to slide her hands over his heated skin.

Colton groaned and thrust his fingers into her damp hair, deepening the kiss. Her fingers moved to the fastening of his pants, and the brush of her knuckles against his bare stomach made him catch his breath.


“Please,” she whispered against his lips, her voice urgent. “I want you now.”

Colton was a goner. “You can have me,” he promised between kisses. “I just want you to trust me.”

“I do, I do,” she assured him breathlessly, drawing down his zipper and skimming her hand over the waistband of his boxers.

Colton dragged his mouth along the side of her neck, lingering on the soft spot at the base of her throat where her pulse beat frantically. “You don’t ever need to run from me,” he said in a low, fierce voice. “I’ll never hurt you.”

Maddie made an inarticulate sound of agreement and slid her hand inside his pants. She cupped him through the thin fabric of his briefs, and Colton groaned at the sensation. He pushed her robe off one shoulder and pressed fevered kisses against her smooth skin, inhaling her scent. She smelled fragrant and sweet.

“You’re so beautiful,” he muttered between kisses. “Let me help you.”

“It’s okay.” She angled her head to give him better access, even as she curled her fingers around his length. Her voice sounded husky in his ear. “I’ll pay my pound of flesh, to you or the blackmailers, if it means getting my brother back.”

Colton recoiled.

Her words were like a dousing of frigid water on his rising lust. Slowly, he reached down and wrapped his fingers around her wrist, pulling her hand away from where he was still hard for her. Grasping her by both forearms, he leaned back and searched her eyes. Maddie tossed her hair and glared back at him, defiant. She made no move to cover herself where the bathrobe had slid from her shoulder, fully exposing one perfect breast. Her lips were slightly parted, and her breathing came unevenly as she watched him.

Colton stared at her in disbelief. He couldn’t believe she thought he was using her; couldn’t believe that she’d try to use
in such a crude way.

“Jesus,” he finally said, and thrust her away from him. “You think I’m using you? If that’s what you believe, then you don’t know the first thing about me.”

“Well, you don’t know the first thing about
” she retorted, “and I want to keep it that way!”

Colton grabbed her by one arm and dragged the terry cloth robe over her exposed body. “Lady,” he growled, “with just one phone call, I can find out every detail of your life, from the grades you got in middle school to when you first got laid.”

Maddie flushed, but tipped her chin up. Her voice trembled just the tiniest bit. “Maybe that’s true, but you still won’t know

With sudden clarity, Colton realized he wanted to know her. He wanted to know how she had gotten herself into such a desperate situation. He wanted to know everything about her, from her greatest fear to her wildest fantasy. But most of all, he wanted her to trust him. There was something about her that drew him; something that went beyond her curvy figure and smoking-hot kisses. He liked her courage and her determination to help her brother. This was a woman who would do anything to protect her loved ones. Her loyalty and resourcefulness was something he admired, especially considering her upbringing. She’d overcome so much adversity and had so much promise. He didn’t want anyone to destroy that.

He blew out a breath, feeling suddenly weary, and swiped a hand across his eyes. “Look, it’s getting late and we should both get some sleep.”

“Fine.” She bit the word out before she spun on her heel and stomped toward the bedroom. She was through the door before Colton realized her intent, but as she furiously tried to slam the door in his face, his booted foot was already there.

“Oh, no, sweetheart,” he said, smiling into her outraged eyes. “There is no freaking way I’m letting you out of my sight. In fact, just to be sure you don’t pull another disappearing act...” He held up his hand, where a pair of handcuffs dangled from the end of one finger—the same handcuffs she’d used on him the previous night.

Maddie gasped. “You wouldn’t.”

“Oh, I most definitely would,” he said in a silken voice.

With his foot still wedged in the door, he peeled the black shirt from his body and dropped it onto the floor. When he pushed the door open and kicked his shoes off, she tried to retreat, but Colton caught her again by the arm. Only when he’d snapped one end of the handcuffs around her wrist and the other end around his own did she understand.

“Oh, no!” she protested, trying unsuccessfully to jerk her arm away. “What if I need to use the bathroom during the night?”

“I’m a light sleeper, and I don’t mind keeping you company,” he said smoothly. “I’ll even promise not to watch.”

“This is outrageous,” she hissed.

“Is it? You didn’t think it was outrageous last night, when you shackled me to the couch.” With his free hand, Colton removed his wallet and placed the handcuff key inside. “C’mon, let’s get some sleep. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t slept in two days.”

To her credit, she looked guilty. “Look, I’m sorry I drugged you, and I’m sorry I took your truck, but now you understand how desperate I was, maybe you can forgive me.” She gave him a trembling smile. “You really can trust me. I won’t try anything, I promise.”

Colton snorted in disbelief and walked her over to the bed. “Sorry, darlin’, but I’m not buying it. I don’t trust you one bit.”

He pulled back the blankets on the bed, and still wearing his unzipped jeans and socks, eased himself down onto the mattress. With their hands bound together, Maddie had no choice but to do the same. She yanked the sash of the bathrobe tight around her waist and giving him a disgruntled look, gingerly lay down, putting as much space as possible between them.

Leaning over, Colton dropped his wallet onto the floor beside the bed where Maddie would have no chance of reaching it without crawling over him and waking him up. Without another word, he dragged the blankets over both of them and then snapped off the bedside light. They lay side by side in the darkness, but Colton was acutely aware of their linked wrists.

“Just don’t forget I’m tethered to you. Don’t roll away from me in the night,” she said darkly. “I have no desire to wake up draped across your body.”

Colton didn’t answer, but the images her words evoked ensured that he lay awake for several long hours. He listened to her breathing and knew the precise instant when she finally drifted into sleep and her body relaxed beside him. Her fingers brushed against his where they were shackled together, and as if subconsciously seeking more contact, she rolled toward him until he could feel her warm breath against his bare shoulder, feel the heat that rolled off her beneath the covers. With a groan, he flung his free arm over his eyes, knowing it was going to be a long night.


eyes to utter blackness, momentarily disoriented. She was surrounded by warmth, and something thumped steadily beneath her ear. Slowly, she became aware that she lay with her head on Colton’s bare chest, with her free arm flung across his torso and their manacled hands entwined between their bodies. His breathing was deep and even, and Maddie lay completely still for a moment, listening to his heartbeat and savoring the sensation of being pressed against him. If he woke up, he’d probably shove her away, and as much as she hated to admit it, she liked their current position.

She felt safe.

She recalled again how turned on she’d been when he’d kissed her in the living room. Maybe she’d deliberately set out to seduce him in order to gain the upper hand, but she’d quickly found herself overwhelmed by his sheer potency. The guy knew how to kiss, and when she’d curled her fingers around his straining erection, she’d forgotten everything else. The only thing she’d been able to think about was how much she wanted him.

She’d tried to get him to stop talking, but honorable to the end, he’d kept insisting that she needed to trust him. Maddie didn’t want him involved in the blackmailing scheme, didn’t want to drag him into the mess that was her life. She just wanted to lose herself in him, however briefly, and forget about everything else but the pleasure they could give each other. Had she planned to use him? Oh, yeah, but not in the way that he’d believed.

He slept deeply, and as Maddie’s eyes adjusted to the dark, she could just make out his features. He’d turned his face toward her, and his chin rested against her hair. At some point, they’d pushed the blankets down, and Maddie could see her own hand, pale where it rested against his ribs. Except for the trail of dark hair that extended from his navel to beneath the waistband of his pants, his skin was smooth and tawny, his nipples dark, flat disks on his tautly muscled chest. Cautiously, she smoothed her fingertips over one small nub, watching in fascination as it puckered beneath her touch.

Colton’s breathing didn’t change, and emboldened, she let her fingers drift over his skin, enjoying the warmth and texture. He stirred and muttered something, but didn’t wake up.

Maddie wanted him awake. She wanted to feel the energy and strength that he radiated, and wanted it focused on her. She had never met a man like Colton Black before.



Sexy as hell.

And once this nightmare was over, she’d be unlikely to ever meet anyone remotely like him again in her life. Sure, he was gorgeous, but that wasn’t the only thing about him that she found attractive. She recalled again how kind he had been to her at the cabin, and how safe he’d made her feel when he’d held her. And how had she repaid him? By drugging him and shackling him to a sofa with his own handcuffs, and then stealing his truck. The guy probably hadn’t had a decent vacation in years, and she’d gone and completely ruined his time off.

But she could make it up to him now. She told herself she was doing it for him, but there was a part of her that acknowledged she
to have sex with Colton Black. She needed to know how it would feel to be surrounded by his warmth and passion; to have him inside her and watch his face as he lost control. She couldn’t deny that she was doing it for herself, too. It had been so long since she’d been with anyone who had made her feel the way Colton did—alive.

Slowly, she pressed her mouth against his chest and slid her free hand along his torso, feeling the ridges of muscle beneath her fingertips. He sighed in his sleep and then stretched languorously, like a big cat. Maddie shifted closer, smoothing her palm over his skin as she planted soft, moist kisses against his chest. His breathing changed, became sharper. Lifting her head, she saw him watching her through glittering eyes.

Their wrists were still linked, their arms pressed close where they rested between their bodies. Raising herself on one elbow, Maddie slowly bent her head and covered his mouth with her own, softly pressing her tongue past his lips until she encountered the hot slide of his. For a moment he lay perfectly still as she worked her mouth sensuously against his. Then he groaned loudly and raised his free hand, only to bury it in her hair and hold her head in place as he returned her kiss with heated intensity.

Maddie was unprepared when he rolled over her, turning her onto her back beneath him. He linked his fingers with hers where they were joined by the handcuffs, and then pushed her hand over her head. He loomed over her in the darkness, and Maddie was aware of a sharp excitement, anticipating what would come next.

“Darlin’,” he rasped, his voice husky with sleep, “what are you doing?”

She cupped his jaw, rubbing her fingertips over his whisker-rough skin. “What do you think I’m doing? Please, Colton...” She emphasized her words by shifting restlessly beneath him, pushing her hips against his in a way that he couldn’t mistake.

“This is crazy,” he muttered, just before he dipped his head and claimed her mouth in a kiss so carnal that Maddie felt her insides turn to liquid.

She clung to him, wrapping her free arm around his neck and pushing her fingers through his hair, even as she pulled her knees back to cradle him more completely between her thighs. Beneath the terry robe, she was almost nude, and with an impatient sweep of his hand, Colton parted the fabric and cupped one breast in his big palm. Maddie gasped into his mouth at the intimate contact. His hand was warm and callused, and when he rubbed his thumb over her nipple, she felt an answering throb of sensation between her legs.

Colton dragged his mouth from hers and skated his lips along the side of her neck, causing her to shiver beneath his sensual attention. She clutched him tighter.

“Please,” she whispered against his hair.

“Soon, darlin’.” His voice was a husky rasp. He dipped his head to draw one nipple into his mouth. The slick heat of his tongue was almost more than Maddie could take, and she heard herself whimper even as she held his head in place, rubbing her fingers against his scalp. He used his free hand to cup that breast as he flicked his tongue over the tight bud of her other nipple, before drawing it into his mouth in turn and sucking sharply.

Maddie shifted restlessly beneath him. The hard ridge of his erection pressed against her, and she pushed back experimentally. The movement caused him to rub directly against her, and she grunted softly at the contact. Her heartbeat throbbed in every limb, but most strongly where his aroused flesh met hers.

She tightened her knees against his ribs and subtly urged him closer with her heels at the back of his thighs. To her dismay, he eased his way down her body, dragging the blankets with him, and pressed his mouth against her bare skin as he went. Maddie’s breath came in fitful pants, her breasts and stomach quivering beneath his touch. But when he moved his hands to her knees and firmly pushed them outward, she stopped breathing altogether.


“Shh.” His warm breath fanned against the fragile barrier of her panties. “Let me.”

Raising her head, Maddie looked down the length of her body at him. He was a large, dark shape between her pale thighs. His hands still cupped her knees. Maddie curled her fingers around his wrist where they were manacled together, but whether to stop him or urge him on, she couldn’t say. As she watched, he slid his palms down the inside of her legs, dragging her hand with his, and gently eased her thighs farther apart. Tugging the silk panties to one side, he used his thumbs to stroke her. Flames ignited beneath his touch, and Maddie knew she was slick with arousal. As she watched, he dipped his head and licked her once. Her head fell back against the pillows, and she groaned loudly.

“Do you like that?”

Locked in a paralysis of pleasure, Maddie could only manage to squeeze her fingers around his. But when he pressed his tongue against her clitoris, she nearly came off the bed. He swirled his tongue softly over her, causing her to writhe helplessly beneath him. He knew her body better than she did, using his mouth to torment her, even as he slid one finger deep inside her. Maddie’s muscles contracted around him, and her hips moved as he began to thrust rhythmically into her. But when he flicked his tongue hard against the swollen rise of her flesh, Maddie began to come undone.

“I’m not going to last,” she managed to say, her voice sounding strangled. She clutched his wrist in warning, but when he eased a second finger inside her, she cried out as powerful contractions racked her and pleasure crashed over her, more intense than anything she had ever experienced before. She didn’t think she could stand much more and survive, but Colton didn’t stop until he’d wrung every last tremor from her quivering body.

Maddie pushed weakly at his head with her free hand, and he released her. But instead of settling himself between her legs to finish what he had started, he pulled himself up alongside her and lay down on his back, their linked arms between them. She sensed rather than saw him fling his free arm over his face. In the darkness, the only sound was their uneven breathing. She knew he was still aroused; had felt the hard thrust of his erection as he’d climbed away from her. When he didn’t turn toward her, or give any indication that he wanted to continue, Maddie rose on her elbow.

Despite the amazing orgasm he’d given her, she still wanted him. Wanted to feel him inside her, and to give him the same incredible release that he’d just given her.

Tentatively, she touched his shoulder. “Colton—”

“Go to sleep, Madeleine.” His voice was rough and he sounded weary.

For a moment he lay still, and then she felt him reach over the edge of the bed with his free hand and retrieve his wallet from where he had left it on the floor. In the next instant, he freed himself from the handcuff, only to snap the loose end around the narrow slat of the headboard. Maddie didn’t even have time to protest before Colton rose to his feet and crossed to the bathroom. He was silhouetted briefly in the doorway when he snapped on the light, and then he shut the door firmly behind him, leaving her alone in the dark.

Tentatively, she tugged at the restraint, but there was no way she was getting herself free. The knowledge that he didn’t trust her stung, although she acknowledged that she hadn’t given him any reason to. Already, he knew her pretty well, because given the chance, she definitely would have ditched him again. Even at this time of night, she would have slipped away in order to find her brother.

The shower turned on, and she could imagine Colton stripping down and standing beneath the steaming spray of water, still aroused, and no doubt angry because of it. Her body still thrummed where he had touched her, and she recalled again the feel of his hands and lips on her skin. He’d wanted her; she was positive about that. So why had he stopped? Did he think he was abusing his authority as a U.S. marshal, or was there a part of him that found her repugnant?

The sound of running water stopped, and several moments later the bathroom door opened. In the brief seconds before he snapped off the light, Maddie saw him clearly, and let out a deep breath. He wore nothing but a towel wrapped around his lean hips, and steam wreathed his impressive body. Then he shut the light off and walked toward the bed. Leaning over, he captured her wrist in one hand, and Maddie felt him fitting the key into the handcuffs. Droplets of water fell from his hair and plopped onto her bare skin. He smelled clean and fragrant, and his warm breath fanned her cheek as he released her.

Straightening, he stood by the side of the bed for a moment, and Maddie wondered how much of her he could see. She dragged the edges of her bathrobe together, self-conscious in spite of the darkness.

“I’ll be in the other room,” he said, his voice low. “Don’t even think about trying to sneak out, because I won’t be asleep.”

Without waiting for a response, he left the bedroom, closing the door firmly behind him. Maddie rubbed her wrist where the handcuff had been, and then dragged the blankets over her. Curling onto her side, she listened as he moved around in the adjoining room. She felt small and miserable And even knowing that she shouldn’t get involved with Colton Black for a hundred different reasons, she felt shunned.


She bunched the pillow beneath her cheek. Colton might make her feel safe, but now she wondered if it was only an illusion. He said that she could trust him, but she knew better. She couldn’t trust anyone. She’d learned from bitter experience that she could rely only on herself. But for the first time she could recall, the knowledge made her feel desolate.

* * *

room, Colton dug through his duffel bag and dragged out a clean set of clothes, dropping his towel to pull on the boxers and jeans. Despite the shower, he was still aroused and aching.

Barefoot and shirtless, he sat down on the sofa and scrubbed his hands over his face, knowing he was out of his league. It had taken all his willpower to leave Madeleine alone in the bed and not make love to her fully. More than anything, he’d wanted to bury himself in her sweet body, but he’d be damned if he’d let her accuse him of using her. When he finally made love to Madeleine—and he would—it’d happen when there were no more secrets between them. He needed her to trust him unconditionally.

Blowing out a hard breath, he rose to his feet and retrieved his smartphone from where he had left it on the table. Scrolling through the messages, he saw that Jason Cooper had sent him the background report on Madeleine. Opening the document, he quickly scanned the contents.

Her mother had died of cancer when Maddie was just ten years old, leaving her and her two-year-old brother in the custody of their father, a compulsive gambler. James Howe had had a police record, mostly public disturbances related to his losses at the casinos. He’d been banned from most of the major gaming establishments in both Reno and Las Vegas, and his death seventeen years ago had been ruled a suicide. Madeleine would have been twelve years old at the time. Following his death, Madeleine’s grandfather had gained custody of the children, raising them in the cabin in the hills.

BOOK: Hard to Hold
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