Haunting Magic (Ink Book 6)

BOOK: Haunting Magic (Ink Book 6)
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Haunting Magic







Holly Hood

Haunting Magic
 by Holly Hood

© 2016 by Holly Hood. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without written permission of the publisher or author. The exception would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles or reviews and pages where permission is specifically granted by the publisher or author.

Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.

Books by Holly Hood

Perfectly Hopeless



Wicked Little Sins (Book 1)

Wingless (Book 1)


For more information about the author Holly Hood visit:


Twitter @winglessreapers

AuthorHollyHood on Facebook













To all the readers of Ink. This is for you!


I want to take the moment to say that I am super sorry I took so long to write the next book in the series! I will try not to let that happen again.  Ink was the story I never saw coming. I love Slade and Hope. And I hope everyone enjoys the story! Big thanks to Andrea Turner for all that you do!!


How could I be afraid when I am looking into the eyes of my best friend—I am free.

We are only two words away from me becoming his wife for the rest of our lives. I ‘m wearing a long form fitting white gown. My hair adorned with the most breathtaking veil anyone has ever seen.

Marrying Slade is my best day ever. Nobody knows that right behind me something is coming undone, something is about to tear everything into a million pieces and toss them all over the floor.

It’s out of any of our control. There’s nothing we can do.

I can only hope when it is over I have something left.

“You may now kiss your brides,” the pastor says to Slade and Kidd. It’s a double wedding just like we wanted.

I squeal when Slade pulls back my veil and plants his lips on mine jerking me backwards in a passionate lip lock.

Kidd and Karsen attack each other with just as much excitement as us the only difference she’s not as easy to handle these days.

And he looks amazing—stunning. Everything I imagined. And I run my fingers over the skull and crossbones pocket square he had to add for extra flair.

“I am Mrs. Slade Andrews, it’s official.” I tell him. It’s been a long time coming. Shit, I never saw this day happening after everything that has happened.

I lost my father, and Nona.

Karsen and Kidd found out they were having a baby. It was the most prolific year in any of our lives.

The Evil Kings of Ink landed a record deal and are about to be touring all across the country soon. Our lives are changing every day.

But I push the changes away and let my husband lead me to the dance floor. Everyone watches as he takes my hand and moves to the music.

He sings along to the lyrics of what is now our song. And I smile up at him.

“Why’d you pick this song?” This is not the first time I wondered why it wasn’t an original piece.

He mouths the words
you’re my life support
and I understand why Sam Smith spoke to him for defining our love. And I am okay it’s not original.

He spins me around the dance floor, singing against my ear word for word. I grip his hand soaking in the moment.

“And Kidd is going to be a dad, I can’t believe it,” he laughs, looking over at Karsen and Kidd talking with wedding guest. Karsen has one hand on her round tummy the other is locked into place with Kidd’s.

“He will be amazing at it,” I assure him. Kidd will take care of them both and that puts me at ease for Karsen. She deserves a happy life with the love of her life.

Slade kisses my knuckles. “One day that will be us.” He’s referring being pregnant. I search his eyes for any chance he is joking.


He nods. “We would make some fucking beautiful babies.”

I laugh.

“Not soon I still am enjoying making love to you whenever I want.” He bites down on his lip ring coaxing another smile from me thinking about our lovemaking.

“You let me know when,” I tell him.

Our photographer interrupts us. “I need the two love birds to smile for the camera. Say wedded bliss!”

The bulb flashes, and I blink several times trying to focus. I squint at the tall figure across the room. “You okay?” Slade follows my gaze.

“I don’t know… I saw something.” I shake my head, trying to push it back into the deep dark recesses of my mind. But when I try again to prove that I am only seeing things, he’s there.

I squeeze my eyes shut, heart racing, palms sweating. This isn’t happening right now. I open my eyes and scream a gut wrenching scream.

The crowd gathers around me trying to make sense of what is happening. I can’t breathe. I need air.

As everyone fawns all over me he watches me from off in the distance. I never wanted to see him again.

Not at my wedding.

I hate you.

He doesn’t leave, he’s not going away. He’s just looking at me.

Everything goes dark.


Instead of getting to eat a giant piece of my red velvet wedding cake I wake up in a hospital room surrounded by everyone.

Slade is by my side the moment I open my eyes.

“You scared me,” he says, stroking my hair. “How are you feeling?”

They’re looking at me, waiting for an answer. I touch my hospital gown and wonder how long I’ve been out. Whoever removed my dress better not have cut it off of me or I will go ape shit crazy on them.

“A little light headed,” I announce to the crowd of onlookers.

“Thank god, I thought you would wake up with amnesia and not remember any of us the way you fell and hit your head,” Karsen says clutching her stomach. She moves in, big blue eyes full of concern for her best friend.

I don’t want to scare any of them but I know what I saw.

“I hit my head?”

Slade threads his fingers through my hair. “Doctor says you’re fine.”

“Thank god.” I wish this was the reason for the goddamn hallucination or whatever it was before everything went black. I would welcome a tumor if that meant what I saw were just a figment of my imagination.

“I’m relieved you are okay,” my mom says stepping forward. She forces herself to smile but I see right through her. She kisses my forehead and breathes easier.

I touch her hand, squeezing it to reassure her I am just fine.

“What about my wedding dress?”

Slade and Kidd both laugh at me. I don’t know what is so funny about a dress that cost more than my soul.

“I told you that was what she would ask about,” Kidd grins.

Slade shakes his head, kissing me on the cheek. “She’s fine too.”

“He almost killed the guy for slamming your dress in the door. I was sure we would be picking Slade up downtown for assault and battery.” Kidd slaps Slade on the back.

I roll my eyes. “I’m glad you guys were placing bets while I was in a coma.”

“You weren’t in a coma.” Slade shakes his head, finding my antics ridiculous. “The doctor said it was anxiety.”

“You did just sign your life away to this guy,” Kidd jokes. “The thought of marrying Slade would make anyone anxious.”

I kiss Slade’s hand, reassuring him that is not the case. “I need to pee.”

“So do I,” Karsen whines. “This kid is doing backflips on my bladder and I am pretty sure I should be wearing depends under this wedding dress.”

Slade helps me out of bed and holds on to my arm making sure I can stand on my own before he lets me go. I take the first step anxious that I will forget how to do it but my feet don’t fail me.

I make it to the bathroom and shut myself inside breathing a sigh of relief I am alone. It’s very hard to fake happiness when you are freaking out.

I hike my hospital gown and take a seat on the toilet. I close my eyes and tell myself I am just fine.

But what if I’m not?

Would Slade want me if I was crazy?

Hutch is the last person I need invading my mind.

Home sweet home

A whole week has passed since the incident at the wedding. It wasn’t the wedding I imagined by the end of the night. And the hospital food made a poor substitute for the food we picked out for our wedding.

Having Slade by my side. And Karsen around between her trips to pee made it better.

“What are you thinking about?” Slade ask.

“You’re leaving me for an entire week.” The band has a show and I am not in the right mind to come with them. Nor is Karsen, so I get to hang back and help keep her alive while they men are gone.

I won’t be any use if what happens at the wedding happens again. But I tell no one because telling them will have them throw me into the mental ward at this point.

It’s not to say they would believe I am crazy—I have lost my dad and Nona. And they want what’s best for me.

“I will call you after the show.” He kisses me on the cheek and drops onto the bed. “Every hour if you want.”

I smile when he digs his fingers into my sides trying to make me laugh. “Every hour sounds much better. And besides, Karsen will be complaining the entire time. I might yell at her.”

She’s even more emotional and wacky since Kidd knocked her up.

“And Kidd will be having panic attacks and losing his fucking mind the entire time. We both have it in for us.” He plays with my fingers and I sigh looking into his blue eyes. “Are you sure everything is okay?”

I nod. “Always is.” I press my lips into his, stroking his hair. I press my forehead against his. “Sometimes I think too much.”

“About what?”


He pulls me into his arms. “Well stop worrying and just enjoy it. We’re married. We have a lot to do.”

“Like what?”

He kisses me on my neck, shooting pangs of lust through my body, reminding me why I married him.

“Lots and lots of sex.”

I squeal, and he pulls my t-shirt off of me. He lifts me and I wrap my legs around him, he playfully slams me down on the bed tearing the black t-shirt with the bands logo over his head that he is wearing.

“Good sex,” I murmur against his lips. His rustic scent hits my nose. I run my fingers through his hair and down to his lip ring. “Really really good sex.”

He grinds against me, every word—every freaking letter makes him press even harder. His teeth slice down my skin and I bite down on my lip trying to keep quiet.

He holds my hands prisoner pressing my wrist into the soft mattress, applying just enough pressure. He’s good at everything he does, he knows me. Too much sometimes.

But it only makes me want to love him more, love him harder.

Marrying Slade was the best decision I ever made.

His hands moves to my sides, and he tugs my underwear down plunging his fingers deep inside of me. That teasing grin on his face as his fingers flex and tease me. “I don’t know if I can leave this here for an entire week. You might have to come with me.”

He bites my side, making me sound like a wounded animal—I don’t sound like a sexy porn star, I don’t even know how they perfect such a noise. I sound like a wounded sea lion on the sands of a beach somewhere.

And to think he can’t live without my vagina makes my inside gush with this ridiculous giddy feeling I can only attribute to a school girl crush.

And it’s worse when I know I drive him as crazy as he does me.

“Fuck…” I shudder, trying to press my legs together but Slade refuses to let me give up. He removes his fingers and works himself out of his pants, kicking his jeans to the floor.

I yank his boxer briefs down. We kiss, a strong, loving, mind blowing make out session that feels just as amazing as the first time we met.

His kisses never get old.

never get old.

“I liked the days when you went commando,” I inform him, but he only runs his lips down my neck inhaling my washed skin and shampooed hair.

“I must remember that,” he insists. “Tell me you want me.”

“I want you,” I give in, bending to him, begging him to give me what I need.

“Tell me again,” he presses against me. He rocks back and teases me, studying me. “How bad do you want me?”

I roll my eyes. “What are we role playing Fifty Shades of Grey right now?”

“We could be. I’ve tied up a girl or two in my day.” He yanks me by the hair. A big grin on his face.

“Karsen swears that’s why she got pregnant. She read that book and got super horny and the next thing you know she’s having a baby with your best friend.”

Slade kisses my shoulder, rubbing against me. “I don’t want to talk about Karsen and Kidd right now.”

I laugh, grabbing his face and press my lips into his. “I. Want. You. So. Bad.”

He thrust into me in a hurry to give me what I want. “That’s all you had to say.”



He’s standing at the end of the bed getting dressed, the way his muscle flex with every move is so beautiful. My sculpted, strong handsome, tattooed husband. What more could I want?

I roll over, bare, exposed and not a care in the world. I’m content, bathed in the dirty sex we had, watching him prepare to leave me for an entire week.

“You get even more beautiful every time I look at you,” he says, his eyes taking in my entire body—every inch of me.

I can only smile at him because such a compliment though nice seems ridiculous because messy brown hair and no makeup doesn’t feel beautiful.

“Are you ever going to stop complimenting me?”


“Are you nervous?” I change the subject. “About the show?”

“My nerves left a long time ago,” he says, buttoning his black shirt. He rarely wears anything but a t-shirt. But the manager of the band convinced them to hire a stylist.

The band is becoming more famous and things matter that didn’t before they were famous.

Slade doesn’t care about wearing the most expensive clothes, but he goes along with it as long as he likes what they offer.

“Maybe you should go over to that pet shop and pick out a dog.” He suggests, weaving his belt through his black slacks. “I bet that would keep you busy.”

I shake my head. After Blue died a few months ago the thought of a third dog made me sad. I don’t want a replacement. I don’t need something to occupy my time.

Just as I am about to tell him that someone knocks on the bedroom door.

Slade makes a face. “Who is it?”

“Elliot. Where’s Hope?”

“In here naked.” Slade grins tossing me my robe. “Give her a second.”

I sigh, and sit up in bed. “I wish he liked my mom’s house better than ours.”

“I wish he liked your mother.” Slade shrugs. “He’s at that age. Maybe you can talk him into going home while I’m gone.”

I tie my robe and smooth down my bed head in the mirror before I open the door to my brother who now towers over me. The two of them have facial hair and deep voices. They are not the fresh faced pipsqueaks I used to pick on.

“We’re out of milk,” he tells me as soon as I greet him. “And the pool guy never came.”

“That’s because I told him not to. I don’t need a pool guy I only use him because Slade is afraid to let me clean the pool myself.”

Slade busies himself with his boots while I clean up around the bedroom.

“Were you two just…having sex.”

I hold back the urge to puke. “Never ask me that again, Elliot. And if you want milk take the car and get milk. I am not your mother.”

He acts wounded. “Someone is on their period.”

“Better hope it’s your girlfriend,” Slade says, and they both laugh.

I glare at the both of them. Elliot leaves me alone, heading back downstairs or wherever he hangs out in my house.

“What?” Slade pulls me in and wraps his arms around me. “It was funny. Don’t be so hard on him. He has been through a lot.”

“We’ve all been through a lot. That doesn’t mean I will let them get away with murder.” I bend down and pick up the basket of unfolded laundry. “That’s not what my dad wanted.”

I turn away, wiping the stupid tears that always fall thinking about my brothers growing up without their father in their lives.

They’re turning into men and they have no guidance.

“I told you I will always be there for Elliot, Easton and Griffin.” He squeezes my arm. “I’m not their dad but I can guide them down a better path than the one I followed.”

I nod, wiping my eyes. “I know.”

BOOK: Haunting Magic (Ink Book 6)
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