HEALING FOODS: Practical Guide to the Health Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Food (4 page)

BOOK: HEALING FOODS: Practical Guide to the Health Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Food
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Weight Loss

Blueberries contain catechin, which is a natural phenol and antioxidant known to
activate fat-burning in abdominal fat cells.
Studies have shown that eating blueberries regularly increases abdominal fat loss and total weight loss.




Studies suggest that coconut contains properties that can be helpful in a wide range of ailments from heart disease to Alzheimer's. Unfortunately, the coconut is one of those foods whose health benefits are often hotly argued over. Although some argue that the high levels of saturated fats in coconut make it a less than ideal food, there is a lot of evidence supporting the many health benefits of this mighty fruit. Extra virgin coconut oil is composed predominately of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are distinctly different from the long-chain fatty acids more commonly found in unhealthy high-fat diets. It is these MCTs that give coconut many of its healing properties.

Heart Diseases:

Many people can’t imagine how a food high in saturated fat like coconut can be beneficial for the heart. Extra virgin coconut oil is beneficial for the heart because it contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in preventing various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. In addition, the saturated fats present in coconut oil are Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s) which do not lead to increase in LDL levels. The coconut actually protects against heart disease by increasing good cholesterol and lowering the ratio of bad and good cholesterol.


Extra virgin coconut oil has been shown to help improve the digestive system and thus prevents various stomach and digestion related problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The saturated fats present in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties which can help control the bacteria, fungi and parasites that cause indigestion.


Weight Loss

Extra virgin coconut oil can be a helpful tool in your weight loss efforts. It contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight. Coconut is easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the thyroid and enzymes systems. It also helps to increase body metabolism and energy because it is more likely to be burned as fuel than stored body fat.





Grapefruits are a great source of vitamin C which has been shown to relieve the severity of cold symptoms and to protect our bodies against oxidative stress. But there’s a lot more to grapefruits than vitamin C.


Warning: If you are taking any kind of prescription medication, please check with your doctor before adding grapefruit to your diet. There have been known interactions between grapefruit and prescription medications.



Pink and red grapefruits are excellent sources of lycopene. Lycopene has a high capacity to help fight oxygen free radicals and is a powerful agent against tumors and cancers. Grapefruit also contains liminoids and naringenin. Liminoids may help prevent
cancerous cells from proliferating and
also inhibit tumor formation by promoting the formation of glutathione-S-transferase, a detoxifying enzyme. Naringenin is an antioxidant compound which has been shown to repair damaged DNA in prostate cancer cells.  


Grapefruits can help reduce cholesterol levels.
Grapefruits are high in antioxidants and contain pectin, a soluble fiber that has been shown to slow down the progression of atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that grapefruits can reduce blood levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Both red and blond grapefruits can positively influence cholesterol levels, but red grapefruit is more effective, especially in lowering triglycerides.

Weight Loss

Research suggests that the chemical properties of grapefruit reduce insulin levels and encourage weight
loss. Grapefruits have high amounts of fat burning enzymes, high water content, fiber and low glycemic load. A combination of these characteristics makes grapefruit a perfect food for losing weight.




The kiwi offers an array of health-promoting nutrients. Kiwis are rich in vitamin C, and also contain vitamin E, folate, potassium, fiber, carotenoids, polyphenols, chlorophyll, glutathione, and pectin.

Heart Disease

Kiwi can be considered a superfood for your heart. The Cleveland Clinic has recommended kiwis as one of the most powerful foods for the heart. Kiwis help to lower triglyceride levels and reduce
platelet hyperactivity which plays a role in the development and stability of atherosclerotic vascular plaques
and limits
the tendency of blood to form clots.
The vitamin C and E in kiwi combined with the polyphenols and magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, and copper, all act to protect the cardiovascular system.




Lemons pack a strong phytochemical punch; they are one of those super foods with a myriad health benefits. Lemons have been used by cultures around the world since ancient times to improve and maintain health. Lemon juice contains bioflavonoids, which are antioxidant chemicals believed to be responsible for the beneficial health effects of lemon.


Lemon decreases redness and irritation from acne and restores skin to health. Lemons are rich in vitamin C which has anti-inflammatory properties and alpha-hydroxy acid which works as a skin exfoliator.

Canker Sores

Lemons have antibacterial and antiviral properties which can accelerate the healing process of canker sores. Mix the juice of freshly squeezed lemon into a glass of lukewarm water and rinse your mouth with this solution several times a day.


Chewing on fresh lemons or rinsing with lemon juice can help freshen breath after consuming certain foods, spices, alcohol, or cigarettes.

Kidney Stones

If you've ever passed a kidney stone, you won't forget the sudden, intense pain. Kidney stones form when urine in the kidney becomes supersaturated with stone-forming salts.
emon juice increases the amount of citrate in the urine which helps to inhibit kidney stones.
If you are prone to kidney stones, you may want to consider drinking low sugar or sugar free lemonade on a regular basis. Scientific evidence suggests that drinking 1 to 2 liters of lemon juice as lemonade per day can help you lower the risk of developing kidney stones.

Meniere's disease

Meniere’s disease is an idiopathic disease involving the inner ear that is characterized by vertigo, hearing loss and pain, nausea and tinnitus. Meniere's disease does not have a cure; however lemons may bring some relief to those who suffer from this disease. Research has shown that Meniere’s disease patients treated with lemon bioflavonoid complex saw improvements in their vertigo and hearing symptoms. Although the exact physiologic mechanism by which this effect is produced is unknown, it is hypothesized that the bioflavonoids in lemon may act as a blocking agent on histidine decarboxylase.

Sore Throat

Lemon and honey mixture makes an excellent sore throat relieving alternative. Lemons help reduce inflammation, cool down irritated sore throat and thin mucous congestion.




Mangoes taste so delicious that people often forget how healthy they really are. Mangoes are high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, and B2, niacin, potassium, iron, and fiber. They are good for the kidneys, digestive system of the body and the skin.

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux occurs when digestive fluid backs up past the lower esophageal sphincter into your esophagus. When this happens, you feel a burning pain in your chest or abdomen. The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in mangoes help to
neutralize acid. The juice of the mango also coats the lining of the esophagus, relieving any pain caused by the acid moving upwards.


Mangoes are rich in phenols, such as quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, and enzymes which have cancer preventing capacities. Mangoes are also high in a soluble fiber which has been linked to a lower risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. Mangoes also provide vitamin C which helps protect cells from free radical damage and reduces the risk of cancer.

High Cholesterol

Mangoes have high levels of soluble fiber, Pectin and Vitamin C, all of which help to lower serum cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol)
Research suggests that compounds in mangoes could ease the effects of high cholesterol.

Low Sex Drive

Mangoes are rich in vitamin E which has been shown to help to regulate sex hormones and boosts sex drive.

Skin Problems

BOOK: HEALING FOODS: Practical Guide to the Health Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Food
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