Read Heaven's Hell [Brac Pack 13] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

Heaven's Hell [Brac Pack 13] (9 page)

BOOK: Heaven's Hell [Brac Pack 13]
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“No!” The man with the bandana on his head shot off his bike, the motorcycle hitting the ground as the man jumped into the fray and wrestled with Murdock to get him off of the first man.

Murdock could feel punches to his side and neck, but nothing was going to stop him from tearing the throat out of the man under him.

“We saved him, you damn idiot,” the man under him yelled. “If it’s the pup you’re trying to protect, then we saved him.”

“We’re shifters too,” the bandana wearer growled as he pulled Murdock back by his ears. Fuck, if that didn’t hurt.


Lynn Hagen

“Stop!” Heaven screamed. Murdock stilled, watching his mate leave the other man’s protective arms as he approached the fight.

“Why do I feel like I know you?”

A steel knife sliced through Murdock’s heart at those words. He stumbled sideways as his lungs threatened to stop receiving oxygen.

His mate stared at him like he was a total stranger.

Murdock shifted. “Heaven.” He swallowed past the thickness that wanted to suffocate him. “Don’t you know who I am?” Heaven wrapped his arms over his chest and shook his head, apology in his eyes.

Murdock spotted stitches on his mate’s abdomen. His knees buckled as he collapsed to his knees. “What happened to you?” He pointed to his mate’s stomach.

Heaven’s hands covered the incision in a protective manner. “I don’t know.”

“How do you know him?” the bandana man asked.

“He’s my mate,” Murdock snapped over his shoulder then turned back to his Heaven. “Come here, please.” He had to hold him.

Murdock stood and held out his arms. The sight of the incision took his sanity and left him standing there numb.

Heaven didn’t hesitate. He walked over to Murdock and whimpered. Even if his baby couldn’t remember him, the pull of mates was strong. Heaven had to feel it. Murdock pulled Heaven in his arms as the emotions he held back for weeks broke free. He inhaled his mate’s scent. “It’s M&M, baby,” Murdock said. He was desperate for Heaven to remember him. Murdock was desperate for recognition to dawn in his mate’s eyes.

Murdock’s heart had died the day Heaven was taken from him, but now it began to beat once again at the feel of his mate safely returned to his arms.

“Can you have a touching moment later? Dexter’s laboratory won’t take long to figure out Heaven’s gone, and I’m not in favor of a cage or needles.”

Heaven’s Hell


“Who are you?” Murdock asked. This guy was irritating as hell, but if they truly saved Heaven, then he owed them a debt for life.

“I’m Tryck Santiago.” The guy didn’t extend his hand. He said it as though Murdock should have known.

“Why didn’t you shift when I attacked?” Tryck snorted. “And ruin my leather? Not on your life.”

“Are you sure they didn’t experiment on you?” Murdock asked as he walked over to the bikes with his mate at his side.

“No, and you’re not riding with me naked. Ride with my brother Law. He won’t care. The guy likes dick up his ass.” Tryck pointed over to the man that had held Heaven.

Murdock growled. He may owe this shifter, but maybe part of that repayment could be a lobotomy. Law smirked and handed him a pair of sweats.

“If we run into one more damn person, I’m gonna be out of clothes,” the brother who had yet to be introduced grumbled.

“Let’s ride.” Tryck cursed as he picked his bike up and looked it over. “You owe me for repairs,” he told Murdock.

“Just get me and Heaven home. We’ll work the rest out later.” Murdock stared off into the woods, committing to memory the location. He would be back, and whoever was inside would pay.

“You can ride with Law. Let Heaven ride with Dagon. He’s harmless.”

“Are you always this controlling?” Murdock asked as pulled the sweats on then climbed behind Law. As much as he wanted to protest his mate on the back of a bike holding onto someone else, they had no choice if they wanted to make it home. Besides, Heaven wasn’t looking too good right now.


* * * *


Lynn Hagen

Heaven lay on his side curled up as the wolf doctor stared at the sonogram pictures he had taken. The gorgeous man who claimed to be his mate sat on the bed rubbing his hand up and down Heaven’s arm.

“I can’t—” The doctor cleared his throat. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing. It’s medically impossible.”

“Will you just tell us, damn it?” Murdock snapped.

The doctor shook his head. “I’m dumbfounded. It seems your mate was given a womb.”

Heaven gasped. His hands fluttered down to his belly, feeling the incision that had already healed. He had shifted at the Alpha’s advice and allowed his body to heal once they arrived here. His memory was still blank, but fragmented bits and pieces had started flashing in his mind.

“What the hell does that mean?” Heaven demanded as he sat up.
He had been turned into a female?

“It means that you now have a womb inside of you. Although I don’t see how they accomplished this or how you can become fertile without a vaginal opening to accept any sperm.” The doctor started shaking his head back and forth again as he stared at the picture in front of him. “You’re still male though.” The doctor talked to the picture instead of them. “How intriguing.”

“So I can’t become pregnant?” Heaven’s head was spinning out of control. Just what had those freaks done to him? His heart was beating out of control at the thought of having something implanted in him.

No, he couldn’t do this. “Get it out!” he screamed hysterically as he pulled at his stomach, clawing to reopen it and tear away the abomination surgically implanted in him.

“Heaven.” Murdock grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands away from the bleeding flesh.

“Get it out, please.” He sobbed to Murdock. The man pulled Heaven into his arms, but at this point nothing was going to sooth him.

Heaven’s Hell


“I’m afraid to even attempt to,” the doctor said sadly. “I don’t know what they did or even what harm could come from any effort to remove it.”

“Don’t sound so damn awed.” Murdock growled.

“From a medical standpoint, I am. The ingenious way they constructed this…it’s nothing short of a miracle.”

“But can he get pregnant?” Murdock repeated Heaven’s question.

“I can’t be one hundred percent be sure, but I doubt it. He must have been rescued before they finished what they were striving to achieve. What their goal was is beyond me, but I doubt Heaven can conceive.”

Heaven was relieved to hear this. The thought of carrying a child scared the hell out of him.

“Be careful, you two. Whoever did this is going to want Heaven back. This procedure is a medical miracle, and I’m sure they’re not going to just walk away because Heaven is gone.” The doctor warned.

“Let them try.” Murdock growled.

“I’m going to go work on Heaven’s blood samples. Let him rest.” Heaven watched as Murdock closed the door behind the doctor. It felt like he was looking through someone else’s eyes. None of this was real. Why had they done this to him? Why would they do it? It made absolutely no sense to him.

“Do you need anything?”

Heaven shook his head at Murdock, but his mind was screaming that he needed his own body back the way it was before. Murdock lay down next to him, and Heaven scooted into his arms. What he needed right now was an anchor to reality, and Murdock gave him that sense of security. “I’m scared.”

“I know, baby. We’ll get through this.” Murdock ran his hand through Heaven’s hair. “You still owe me a haircut.”

“I do?”

Murdock chuckled. “Yes, you do.”


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Heaven snuggled closer, racking his brain to try and remember this caring man. It was frustrating to reach into the fog and come up blank.

Heaven sighed as he nestled his face in the crook of Murdock’s neck. He may not remember the man, but he was grateful to have him.

Murdock began to hum as Heaven’s eyes grew heavy. His mate rocked him gently as sleep tugged at him to succumb to it. Murdock stopped humming.

“I would have sacrificed my beating heart to have you back in my arms,” he confessed in to Heaven’s hair. Murdock began to hum again.

* * * *

“I agree he’s an arrogant asshole, but would it hurt to have the added protection with everything happening lately?” Murdock argued his point to Maverick.

“While I agree with you that having extra Timber wolves around would help, if he opens his mouth one more time, my size sixteen boot is going straight up his ass,” Maverick warned.

Murdock knew exactly how Maverick felt. Tryck was one cocky, egotistical, unfeeling bastard. “I owe him Heaven’s life.” Maverick sighed. “I am all for paying a debt you owe, but can’t you pay it to his brothers while I kill him?” Murdock chuckled. “That bad?”

“The guy tracked mud all through the kitchen, purposely sneezed near Nero, sat a box of kitty litter outside of Keata’s bedroom door,
the icing on the cake is that the bastard ate my last damn Fudgsicle!” Maverick yelled.

Murdock bit the inside of his mouth to stop the laughter. He had to turn around and run his hand over his mouth as the smile threatened to emerge.

Heaven’s Hell


“I swear to God, Murdock. If you laugh, you’ll be the one getting the size sixteen boot.” Maverick stormed around his desk and dropped into his chair. “Fine, they can stay, but if he doesn’t tone it down, I’m going to take that bandana off of his head and wrap it around his throat. Debt or no debt.”

“Thanks.” Murdock got the hell out of there before Maverick made good on his promise because the laughter was coming whether he wanted it to or not.


Lynn Hagen

Chapter Eight

Murdock moaned as he woke to the feeling of sweet lips on his chest. His hands glided through soft hair as the lips suckled a nipple.

His arm he had lying under Heaven pulled until their groins touched, electricity shot through him.

Reality came crashing into the moment. “Heaven, what are you doing?”

“Trying to get laid.”

“That feels good, but you have to stop.” Why he was trying to talk his mate
of sex was beyond him. His brain was at half operation with the lust coursing through him, but he knew there was a reason they should stop.

“The doctor said I can’t, you know.” Now his brain was fully functional with the remembrance of the night before. What if he got his mate pregnant? No one knew what would happen. The wolf doctor did say he was pretty sure it couldn’t happen, but was Murdock willing to risk his mate on a guess? “We shouldn’t risk it.”

“Tell that to Mr. Happy.”

Murdock sat up quickly. “What did you say?”

“I said to tell that to Mr. Happy. Why?” Murdock laughed. “Because that’s how you referred to your cock before. I think your memory is starting to come back.”

“Then fuck me so the floodgates will open.” Heaven humped Murdock’s hip with enthusiasm.


Heaven’s Hell


“No. I don’t want to hear any protests. I’m so damn horny right now that I’m willing to hump your leg.”

“Still so graphic,” Murdock whispered into Heaven’s mouth as he kissed him. He groaned as his mate’s hand wrapped around his neck, his thumb caressing behind Heaven’s ear.

“My love,” Murdock moaned as he kissed Heaven’s chin, his neck, and then his collarbone.

Murdock rolled, placing Heaven under him. His left hand kneaded Heaven’s hip as he ground into him. “I want you.”

“Then you can have me.” Heaven arched his back, and Murdock’s groin was on fire from his mate’s touch. Murdock slid his right hand under Heaven’s head, lifting it slightly and kissing him tenderly.

“I missed you.” Murdock ran his tongue over Heaven’s lips then pulled at the bottom one with his teeth. Murdock shifted, his cock now rubbing up and down Heaven’s crease. He sawed up and down while burying his face in Heaven’s neck, nipping at his skin. Murdock lifted Heaven’s leg, placing it on his back.

His hand pushed behind Heaven’s ass, his fingers running over his hole. It flexed at the touch. “Please,” Heaven begged.

* * * *

Heaven’s head rolled as Murdock kissed and nipped his way around to the other side of his neck. Murdock’s hips swiveled around.

Heaven could feel pre-cum sliding up his crease.

“You’re the beat to my heart, the oxygen in my lungs, and the whisper to my soul,” Murdock recited as he stared Heaven in his eyes.

Heaven held back the tears. He wasn’t going to cry. Murdock was everything a man could want, even if he couldn’t remember him.

“I love you, Heaven,” Murdock declared then kissed him, never giving Heaven a chance to reply. What would he have said anyway?

His thoughts scattered when a finger breached him. Heaven’s head

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rolled back, his lips parted, and breathing became nearly impossible as Murdock showed him how much he really did love him.

His hand stayed on Heaven’s neck as he kissed a trial down Heaven’s chest. A second finger joined the first. Murdock licked and nipped over his skin until he reached Heaven’s incision.

Murdock looked up into Heaven’s eyes, pain filling his as he lowered his head and kissed the long line running from navel to pelvis. This time Heaven allowed the tears to run over quietly. Why couldn’t he remember this beautiful man?

“Hush, baby,” Murdock murmured before taking the head of Heaven’s cock into his mouth.

Heaven cried out, his chest constricting. His skin caught fire as Murdock unleashed the most powerful feelings inside of him. He reached above his head and wrapped his fingers around the headboard. His hips gyrated as Murdock slid his mouth up and down Heaven’s shaft.

A third finger pushed inside of him and Heaven pulled his legs back to his chest, pushing down on the fullness stretching him.

“Please,” Heaven begged again.

Murdock swirled his tongue around Heaven’s cock, pushing his fingers deeper. The hand on his neck flexed, the fingers digging into Heaven’s skin.

BOOK: Heaven's Hell [Brac Pack 13]
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