Read Hell's Revenge Online

Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romance

Hell's Revenge (2 page)

BOOK: Hell's Revenge
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Not much shook my dad, but this tiny woman sure did. I disliked her even more because of it.

“You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve coming back,” I spat even as David’s arms tightened instead of loosening. A chair scraped as someone dragged it across the floor. A moment later, I found myself handed from one Neanderthal to another as David passed me over to Auric who sat me on his lap. An admittedly more comfortable position without the manacling arms, but one I already knew I wouldn’t escape until I either calmed down or my mother left. I didn’t like either option so I settled on sneaky and waited for an opening.

“There’s no need to be so hostile.” My mother’s condescending tone did little to ease my irritation.

“Actually, Muriel has every right to be upset.” Auric came to my rescue and earned himself a blowjob for later, my newfound specialty. “You abandoned her as a small child without an explanation or further contact and now come waltzing back into her life as if nothing’s wrong, only to drop a bomb. I think she’s entitled to her anger.” My mother made a moue of annoyance and her dark eyes flashed with ire. “So why not let her kill me if you think I’m so evil?”

“I’m tempted to, but Lucifer’s right. We need answers, but don’t worry—” Auric’s voice dropped and when he next spoke I shivered, in delight, at his deadly tone. “If I don’t like the answers or you try to hurt Muriel again, I will kill you myself.”
Ooh, a blowjob and more.
I did so love Auric. I should have known he’d take my side. And damn, did I find it hot when he got all protective and dangerous.

“And you, kitty, are you also going to kill me?” My mother turned eyes meant to look innocent on my other lover—David, my giant, blond, shapeshifting panther—and I almost snorted again. Was I the only one who could read the deceit behind her calculated gaze?

“Muriel’s well-being is my main concern. Hurt her and I’ll have to hurt you.” David spoke nonchalantly as his hand came to rest on my shoulder. I tilted my head sideways and rubbed my cheek against it.
Make that two BJs for later.

My mother’s lips pursed and her eyes narrowed. “I don’t have time for these childish games. There are grave matters afoot.”

“When aren’t there?” I muttered. It seemed lately, along with the usual assassination attempts that came with my position as a princess of Hell, life hadn’t stopped throwing curve balls at me. I already knew shit was coming and I’d invested in a new wardrobe of black to handle the stains—really hot and slutty outfits with easy access for the celebratory sex that usually occurred after I’d prevailed.

Given that my life consistently insisted on being complicated, I no longer bothered to worry about it. I’d handle it if, and when, it arrived. I didn’t lack confidence and I’d earned my right to boast. Heck, I’d almost single handedly saved Hades from a rebellion not long after I met Auric. Then, when a massive spell turned the pit I’d grown up in into a winter wonderland, I killed Gabriel, the freaky, spell casting angel gone mad. And to top it all off, with the help of my super fun nympho magic and two energetic lovers, I relit the flames of Hell. Whatever load of crap fate had in store for me, I figured I could handle it. In my world, it was all about attitude.

“The babe you carry—”

I cut her off. “Listen, lady. I don’t know what makes you think I’m pregnant, but I assure you, I’m not. I mean, don’t you think I would have noticed?” I waited for Auric to second my statement, but instead silence reigned. An icy finger tickled its way down my spine. “Um, Auric, tell her I can’t be pregnant.”

“I wish I could, but there’s something different about you lately.” Auric spoke quietly and I shifted in his lap to peer into his face. I didn’t like what I saw in his eyes.

In a panic, I looked at my father who shrugged helplessly and then up at David who wouldn’t meet my eyes. “No. Un-uh. I’d know if I had a bun in the oven.” I tried to count in my head the date of my last period and came up blank. Not a good sign because even I knew my math wasn’t that bad. Cold dread gripped me as the truth tried to batter through my denial. Sure, I’d thought of motherhood—way, way in the future, once my life settled down. But pregnant now, and as impossible as it seemed, by two men as my mother claimed? I refused to take just her word for it. However, until I could talk to someone I trusted to give me the unvarnished truth, I needed some more answers. Starting with, what the fuck was my mother?

“Who and what are you?”

I swear we could have heard a cockroach fart the room got so quiet. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one suffering from that particular curiosity.

“I am Gaia.”

“I didn’t ask for your sexual orientation. I asked for your name.” My mother’s brow creased and Auric’s chest shook as he rumbled with laughter.

I scowled. “What? You know I hate it when I don’t get the joke.”

“I am Gaia,” my mother repeated enunciating each letter clearly. “Also known as Mother Earth.”

Heat rose in my cheeks at my mistake, but I wouldn’t let my embarrassing error over her name stop me from speaking my mind. “Anyone ever tell you that you suck at the mother part?”

For a moment, I thought I’d gone too far as Gaia—I refused to call her mother now that I had a name for her—puffed up. Even unschooled as I was in magic, I recognized the fact she drew power around herself. I’d never know what she meant to do with it though—maybe wash my mouth out with some esoteric soap—because my dad finally yanked his balls out of hiding and used them.

“Enough.” Dad said the word quietly, but the threat in his tone rang clear. And to everyone’s surprise, I’m sure, Gaia backed down. I almost stuck my tongue out in a childish gesture of triumph, but restrained myself.
Look at me, growing up and acting like
an adult. Not!

Before I could I cause more trouble, Auric spoke. “Why have you returned?”

“I need the child she carries.”

Gaia’s statement, boldly spoken, shocked everyone into stillness and my chance arrived. I sprang lightning quick from Auric’s lap and slammed into the bitch’s smaller form. We both hit the floor, hard, and I managed to wrap my hands around her neck and bang her head on the floor a few times before someone yanked me off her. It didn’t stop my mouth from running though.

“You sick bitch! You keep your hands off the baby I’m
pregnant with. You’ll get nothing from me. I wouldn’t even piss in your mouth if it was on fire, you … you…” I would have said a lot more, some of it pretty inventive and involving household items she could shove in her various orifices, but I found my mouth plastered by Auric’s, and as usual when he kissed me, I forgot what was going on around me.

My magic stirred as his lips slanted over mine. An easily roused beast, my nympho powers never missed a chance to draw in sexual energy. At the back of my mind, I recognized Auric’s attempt at distraction, but I allowed it. I was done talking with Gaia for the moment, and the sooner she left, the quicker my boys would give me some breathing room—and a good fuck. Then I’d go hunting for answers of my own.

First though, I’d take the opportunity presented to recharge my batteries and have fun whilst doing so. I vaguely heard the sounds of people leaving and when familiar hands, four of them to be exact, began divesting me of my clothing, I knew my dad and the woman who’d incubated me had left.

I’m sure some people would have some choice names for me given I openly flaunted the fact I had not one, but two lovers.
Call me a slut or a whore all you want, you jealous
I loved my unusual threesome lifestyle, for while Auric was my soulmate and consort, I also deeply loved David. The two of them in my bed and heart made me ecstatically happy and I enjoyed some truly kick ass magic as an added benefit.

Not to mention the orgasms were out of this world.

Of course, pleasure sometimes came with pain. Naked, wet and horny, I couldn’t wait to get sucked or fucked. Instead, I ended up splayed on my stomach over David’s naked lap.

“Aw, come on,” I complained—not too hard, though. I did enjoy some firm
from time to time. But like or not, I still played the part of unwilling submissive. “She totally deserved that for interrupting our nice family dinner.” I tried to rear up, a foolhardy attempt what with David’s large hand holding me firmly down.

The first crack on my ass stung, but I didn’t cry out. Tough was one of my middle names.

“That’s for acting like a spoiled brat,” Auric announced. Another sharp smack followed, a much harder one and I bit my lip. My consort had learned I could handle a lot and no longer held back as much when he punished me. “That was for acting before thinking.” A flurry of slaps peppered my bottom, alternating between my cheeks. The pinching pain made me gasp but the more he heated the skin of my buttocks with his hands, the more my desire coiled, ready to spring.

“And that,” he said, his voice husky, “is for tempting the bitch to hurt you and not listening to me.” The force behind his blows lightened and I smiled unseen as I knew what would happen next.

I usually misbehaved for a reason and when Auric’s hand slipped between my thighs to stroke my slick flesh, I moaned. Pleasure and pain, say what you would, they went hand in hand—or should I say prick in pussy.

His calloused fingers gripped my burning cheeks and I hissed, crying out as he used my spread position to rub the swollen head of his rod against my clit. The direct stimulation made me squirm and gasp. He teased me with his shaft, slapping it against my cleft and then sliding it back and forth against me.

“Give it to me,” I begged.

“Tell me you’re going to be a good girl,” he replied.

“Never.” I wouldn’t make a promise I couldn’t keep.

“What am I going to do with you?” Auric growled. He rewarded my defiant stance with more slaps to my pussy and clit with his cock. I moaned, the zinging pleasure of his punishment making me hot and wet for him.

“Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

Auric’s fingers dug into my cheeks and he sheathed his cock in my throbbing sex. I yelled, the instant filling of my channel by his wide shaft making my vaginal muscles clench around him. He moved inside of me, in and out. He started slow, his balls lightly tapping my clit. He did that just to tease me. He knew I liked it hard and fast, and as I continued to squeeze my pussy around him, tighter than OJ’s glove, he increased his pace until he slammed in and out of me so hard his balls slapped my nub making me keen.

Against my tummy, I could feel David’s excitement as he watched Auric take his turn pumping my sex. My big kitty had voyeuristic tendencies and I freely admitted, I found having him as an audience titillating.

I struggled to shift position with a moaned, “I want to suck you.” Those magic words saw David release me and, with a little shuffling, I repositioned myself. Instead of being draped over his lap, I faced David, on my knees, still bent over. My face ended up poised just above his groin and a cock that tempted me.

I slid my lips over his engorged head, inching him slowly in, teasing him. Auric resumed pumping me from behind and shoved a heavy hand in the middle of my back forcing me down onto David’s dick. I loved it when he got all dominant. I braced my hands on David’s thighs and then with the ease of recent practice, bobbed my head up and down David’s prick while slamming my ass back against Auric’s groin, driving his cock to the hilt in my channel.

Hot, fast and sweaty. That’s how I wanted my sex and they gave it to me. When Auric started lightly slapping my already sensitized bottom, my pussy clenched and then exploded. Lost in the throes of my orgasm, I vaguely noticed David had grabbed my hair to hold my head in the right position for him to mouth fuck me. And then, like a synchronized sex team, my lovers came in a rush of cream and sexual power that filled me up in more ways than one.

They released me and I stood up. I stretched with a smile to put the Cheshire cat to shame. My magical reservoir was filled to overflowing but that didn’t prevent me from crooking a finger at them from the bathroom door. Warmed up and still in the mood, I planned to make use of the large shower stall we’d had installed.

And might I say round two ended up just as much fun.

Chapter Two

I managed to tire my men out—marathon sex tended to have that effect—-before they could sit me down for a
. I knew I couldn’t avoid some of the revelations unearthed today forever but before everyone started telling me what they wanted me to do, I wanted to be forewarned and informed so I could make my own decisions.

Auric’s plan would involve sitting down with my mother and talking in a grown up manner. So not my style. People often thought and accused me of acting without thinking. How untrue. I thought about a lot of stuff and then ignored the right thing to do in favor of doing what my gut and impatient nature demanded.

First on the agenda—finding out what might be growing in my tummy. I found the idea of pregnancy by both my lovers, whom I’d only begun dual bedding over a week ago, a little unlikely.
Unless they’ve got like super sperm.
Memories of the swallowing blowjobs I gave them made me wince as I imagined their swimmers coasting through my digestive system in red capes. At times, having an imagination could be a real curse.

I liked even less Auric’s comment that he sensed something different about me. Like Rosemary, did I have some kind of monster growing in my tummy? Of course, in Rosemary’s case, it just turned out to be a false antichrist. Given my mixed parentage of Earth and Hell, along with the DNA of my fallen angel and kitty cat, my baby, even if I was pregnant, would put Heinz 57 to shame.

All of this hinged on the possibility of a bun in my oven. It occurred to me to run to the pharmacy and get one of those little sticks to pee on. But really, that seemed too simple and could I count on a human pregnancy test working on a supernatural baby? I had a better plan, one more my style.

I crept out of bed, which was not as easy as it sounded considering I slept between two large male bodies. Scooting out involved a lot of touching—okay I’ll admit to a little stroking. Who could resist all that yummy male flesh? When Auric opened a sleepy eye to peer at me as I slid off of him, I mouthed, “I gotta go pee.” It wasn’t a complete lie, I did have to pee, but I also had another goal in mind, one I intended to accomplish alone. I used the toilet and quickly brushed my teeth and hair. Not having time for a shower, I settled for a quick wipe down of my sticky body and a spray of perfume. Where I was going, I’d still probably end up the cleanest and prettiest smelling thing, shower or not.

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