Read Hey There, Delilah... Online

Authors: M.D. Saperstein,Andria Large

Hey There, Delilah... (21 page)

BOOK: Hey There, Delilah...
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I lean against the doorframe to my office, arms crossed over my chest. I left for a quick snack break, and when I come back, I am treated to a spectacular view of Delilah’s luscious ass as she bends over the front of my desk. One hip is cocked up as she rests her chin in her palm, while she writes some notes on a legal pad. Her outfit today is so freaking sexy that I’ve been having the hardest time keeping my hands off her. She is wearing a high-waisted black pencil skirt that has a naughty slit up the back. Her short-sleeved blouse that is tucked into her skirt is a shiny satin material and is a dark purple. Her dark hair is piled on top of her head in a loose bun, black pumps accentuate her lovely legs, and she has new stylish glasses. The whole ensemble makes her look like a sexy teacher, every grade school boy’s wet dream.

Now, if she would have agreed to date me, I would go over there right now, grab her hips
, and press my ever growing erection right up against that ass. But, she didn’t, so I can only admire her from afar. I might go insane with lust and my balls will probably turn blue.

“Hey there, Delilah,” I rumble.

Delilah glances over her shoulder, chin still on her palm. “Quit ogling my ass and get back to work,” she says, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Ogle your ass? Me? Never,” I say, shaking my head.

She gives me a bored look before turning back around. I make my way around my desk and sit in my chair. I am now face to…well…breasts. I can see right down Delilah’s blouse and - Holy Mother of God - she’s wearing a red lace bra. I groan out loud. She glances up with just her eyes, making them peek over the top of her glasses.

“Problem?” s
he asks innocently. Is she really clueless or is she fucking with me?

I rub my hand over my jaw roughly. “Nope,” I reply.

Her lips purse slightly as she looks at me thoughtfully before going back to writing her notes. I think she’s making a list of all of the reasons she shouldn’t go out with me. She is very displeased with me with how bad I let my office get and how screwed up all of the files are. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what she was actually doing. My eyes are once again drawn to her cleavage and the peek of red lace.

“Do I need to file a sexual harassment report against you?” Delilah asks, glancing over the top of her glasses again at me, catching me staring at her tits.

“I…wha…how…” I stutter, blinking at her.

“Men are so stupid sometimes,” she murmurs almost to herself as she straightens up. “Do you really think I can’t feel you leering at my chest?”

I gasp. “I wasn’t leering!”

The corner of Delilah’s mouth kicks up. She puts her hands on her hips. “What would you call it then?”

I grin rakishly. “Admiration.”

Delilah snorts and shakes her head at me. “You’re incorrigible.”

I shrug unrepentantly.

We work on getting my office straightened up for the next two days. By Wednesday, I am becoming desperate to get
Delilah back into my arms again, but she is still refusing to go on a date with me. We’ve been working so closely together, and with her scent constantly assaulting my nose, I am in a perpetual state of arousal. I’ve jerked off more times in the past two days than I have in the past two months all together.

By Friday, I’m cranky and irritable.
Her new sexy business style is driving me up a wall and has even reduced me to rubbing one out in the personal bathroom in my office. Delilah went out to get us something for lunch, and I am sitting here brooding and stewing, trying to think of how I can get her to agree to go out with me.

She return
s with a bag of food and walks right into my office, setting it on my desk. I sit there staring at her instead of going for the food. Delilah looks at me; her eyes turn wary as she takes notice of my mood.

“Are you okay?” s
he asks cautiously.

“Yeah, fine, I’m
just planning out our date tomorrow. I am thinking we should go to the zoo, then maybe the Bronx Burger House on the way home,” I say as uneventful as possible. Forget getting her to agree, I’m just going to demand it.

Delilah gives me a bewildered look. “What are you talking about? I never agreed to go out with you.”

“My favorite part of the zoo is the tigers; I love the tigers, so we will definitely have to stop by them…” I ramble ignoring her denial. I don’t even bother looking at her; I just start straightening up the papers on my desk, making room for my lunch.

“I’m not going out with you,” Delilah huffs and crosses her arms over her chest.

“…We need to get there early; I’m thinking 11:00 am…”


“…So, I’ll pick you up at 10:00 am,” I say, finally lifting my eyes to look at her

She is standing there, hands on her hips, a defiant look on her pretty face. She looks gorgeous all befuddled and irritated. “I am not going to the zoo with you,” she repeats firmly.

“Yes you are,” I reply flippantly, although I challenge her with my eyes.

Her eyes flash, but I can’t tell if it
is with anger or excitement. She stares at me for a moment before turning and walking out of my office, slamming the door shut behind her. I grin. I so have her. She will be mine once again and I won’t take no for an answer.

At the end of the day, I head out of my office to walk with Delilah out of the office. She doesn’t say a word. She really hasn’t said much to me since lunch, which I find very amusing. We get in
to the elevator together and wait for the doors to close. I turn toward her, leaning my shoulder against the wall. I reach over and brush her silky hair over her shoulder.

“Delilah, I miss you, you know,” I murmur softly and lean in toward her. God, I want to feel her body against mine so bad

Delilah stiffens and glances at me out
of the corner of her eye. “We see each other every day. You can’t miss me,” she says quietly.

I sigh. “You know what I mean. I miss being with you, talking to y
ou about things other than work. I miss the way you would smile at me when you first caught sight of me in the club every Saturday.”

Delilah turns her head to look at me, her eyebrows drawn down, mou
th in a frown. Her eyes search mine for a moment. “If I agree to date you, I have conditions,” she says seriously.

My heart flutters madly in my chest. She still wants me! Yes! “Anything, Doll,” I reply evenly, trying not to let too much of my excitement show.

“Number one, this will be an exclusive relationship, no other women,” she says.

“I don’t want an
yone else, only you, so I agree.” I nod.

“No more Club M.
Nico is officially dead,” she says, watching me carefully.

“I’ll call Calvin and tell him to give my VIP room to someone else,” I agree.

“We have to go out on a date at least once a week.”




“Okay, then I will go with you to the zoo tomorrow,” Delilah says lightly.

“As long as we’re making rules, I have one that I’d like to add,” I say.

Delilah raises an eyebrow in question and waits

I lean in close to her face and whisper, “
All of your orgasms are mine. I am the only one who is allowed to make you come; no touching yourself while I’m not around.”

Delilah blushes but
her eyes never leave mine. “Okay, fine,” she says breathily just as the elevator doors open.

I give her a quick, hard kiss on the lips and exit the elevator. “See yo
u in the morning, Doll!” I call and start for my car before she can change her mind.





What was I thinking agreeing to go out with Nick? I must be out of my mind. If he ends up hurting me, it’ll be my own damn fault.
I pull on a pair of tight jeans and a gray baby-doll t-shirt. I put on my sneakers since we’re going to be doing a lot of walking today at the zoo. I wonder what made Nick choose the zoo? It’s different for a first date, that’s for sure. Ryan and I never even went to the zoo while we were together. I asked him a few times to go, but Ryan said that he didn’t want to smell animal shit all day.

o’clock sharp, there is a knock on my apartment door. I take a look at myself in the full length mirror. Contacts-check, hair-check, makeup-check, boobs look perky-check, ass looks tight-check, nothing in teeth-check, and lastly, the breath check. I cup my hand in front of my mouth and nose and blow, and then take a whiff - smells minty from my toothpaste - perfect. Another knock sounds as I’m walking through my living room toward the door.

“Coming!” I call.

I unlock and open the door to reveal the most stunningly handsome man I’ve ever laid eyes on. Nick Santino is standing in my doorway with a Starbucks holder with two cups in it in one hand and a bag in the other. He smiles brightly.

“Hey there, Delilah,” he says as usual.

“Good morning,” I say with a soft smile and step aside to let him in.

Nick walks in and I take the opportunity to look him over. He’s in worn jeans a
nd a plain white fitted v-neck t-shirt, and damn does he look good. Those jeans hug his ass to perfection. And his t-shirt shows off his broad shoulders, wide muscled chest, and chiseled abs. It’s not fair, no man should ever look this good clothed.

“I brought you a coffee and a slice of banana nut bread. I didn’t know if you had eaten yet,” he said sweetly, handing me the bag.

I smiled. “Thank you, Nick.”

He gives me a wink then sets the coffee holder down on the counter in the kitchen so that he can safely extract one of the cups. I walk over to join him and he hands me my coffee. I give him a grateful smile and take a sip.

“How did you know that I like banana nut bread?” I ask curiously. I don’t recall ever telling him that.

“I’ve seen you eating it at your desk a time or two,” he answers with a shrug.

“I didn’t think you paid attention to such minor things,” I say softly.

Nick just watches me, his face neutral. I have no idea what he’s thinking.

“I pay attention to more than you realize,” he says, his voice low.

After I eat my banana nut bread, we head out the door. In the parking garage, Nick leads me to an open air Jeep. Sweet! It’s black and the top and doors are off. I can’t help but smile. I’ve always wanted to drive in one. We hop in and buckle up. Nick slides on a pair of aviator sunglasses, w
hich make him look even sexier, if that’s possible. I put my own sunglasses on, but I in no way look as cool as he does. It’s a beautiful day - not too hot with just the right amount of breeze – and the drive to the Bronx Zoo is just as beautiful.

Nick pays the admission,
and as we walk in through the gate, he pulls out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. I watch him unfold it and can’t help but laugh when I realize what it is. It’s a map of the zoo with a tour of all of the exhibits outlined in red.

“You really have this all planned out, don’t you?” I giggle.

“Have you ever been here? If you don’t plan out where you’re going, you’ll never make it to everything you want to see,” Nick said seriously.

I bit
e my bottom lip to stop my laughter. “Okay, lead the way.”

“First up, Bison Range!” Nick said excitedly as he grab
s my hand and starts speed walking toward our destination.

is too freaking funny and I have to laugh as I practically run to keep up with him. We hold hands and laugh our way through the exhibits. We are a little less than half way through “The Nick Tour” when I need to take a potty break. After that, we march on to the next exhibit, which is Tiger Mountain. We maneuver our way through the crowd to get up against the glass wall. Nick lets go of my hand and presses both of his hands against the glass as he leans in close, almost putting his face against the glass, too. I watch him as his eyes grow wide with wonder and awe. He looks like every other little boy around us. Apparently, he wasn’t joking when he said that the tigers were his favorite.

“God, look at them. They’re
incredible.”  He breathes.

I look into the exhibit to see tw
o large tigers playing together - rolling around wrapped up in each other, pouncing on each other, and chasing each other back and forth. They really are beautiful. I love seeing this side of him.  He’s so carefree and relaxed right now - it looks good on him.

I let Nick get his fill of the tigers and wait until he’s ready to move on. We eventually get to The World of Reptiles, not something I really want to see, but Nick wants to go in. We enter the house of the cold-blooded and I stifle
a shiver at the darkened space. Reptiles freak me out. I don’t like snakes and lizards; frogs are okay, though.  I guess that’s because technically they are amphibians, not reptiles.  Silly, maybe, but that’s how I justify it to myself. I spot a small alcove where only one or two people could fit at a time and am curious as to what is over there. There are not a lot of people in here to begin with, so I don’t have to wait for anyone to move out of the way.

I get up close to the glass t
o see what’s inside. Tree frogs. You know, the green ones with the big toes and big eyes, the cute ones.  That is what’s in there, thank God! I’m not there for more than a few seconds when Nick’s big body presses up against my back. His chin rests on my shoulder as his arms come around my waist.

“Aw, cute,” he mutters, completely uninterested before turning his face into my neck and laying light kisses there.

“What are you doing?” I whisper as his big hands splay across my stomach.

“Nothing,” he breathes, pressing his groin against my ass.

I roll my eyes when I feel his erection. “Really? We’re in public.”

“Doesn’t stop me from wanting you,” he whispers in my ear before nipping at my lobe.

I suck in a sharp breath at the shot of electricity that races through my body from that little nip. He chuckles knowingly and slips one hand down the front of my jeans. I start to protest but his finger finds my clit and I’m lost.

“Someone will see us,” I say halfheartedly.

“No, we’re blocked on both sides, and I’m big enough to block you from sight,” he whispers, using his other hand to squeeze my breast through my shirt.

Nick’s finger moves in lazy circles around my clit before he delves down farther to dip inside of me. I bite back a moan as he drags his now wet finger back up to my clit and continues to circle it.

“I love how you get so wet for me,” Nick breathes naughtily in my ear.

I elbow him in the side, making him “Oof” then snicker. Nick continues to torture me slowly while I fight not to moan out loud. His talented finger goes back and forth between slipping inside of
me and rubbing my clit. I drop my head back against his shoulder and bite my bottom lip.

“You gonna come for me LaLa?” He rasps in my ear.

“Yes,” I breathe.

Nick adds some more pressure to his rubbing, which brings me closer to losing myself. The hand that is cupping my breast moves up under my shirt.
He finds my nipple through my bra and pinches. I gasp. Nick plunges his finger back inside of me and pinches my nipple again at the same time, doing me in. I shudder against him as my core spasms around his finger. He kisses my neck as I slowly come down from my sexual high.

“Damn, I’ve missed seeing that,” Nick rumbles against my neck.

“You are so bad. I can’t believe you just did that to me in public,” I say, feeling my face turn hot and red.

We… we did that. And that’s what makes it exciting.” Nick chuckles.

I turn slightly so I can look back and up at him. His eyes are sparkling with amusement and dark with lust. The smile on his face is smug and makes me just want to slap him for good measure. He leans down and kisses me softly on the lips as he extracts one hand from my pants and the other from my shirt. As I turn around to face him, he pops his finger – yes, the one that was just inside
of me - into his mouth and sucks on it. My mouth drops open in utter shock.

“What?” He laughs after taking his finger out of his mouth.

“You did not just do that.” I gawk.

“What would you like
me to have done? Wipe it on my shirt so that when we walk through all of the black lighting it shows a streak down my chest? Besides…” he leans in close to me again, his lips brushing mine, “…you taste delicious.”

My face burns fifty shades of red as he laughs it up. Dickhead! I will so be getting him back for this!



BOOK: Hey There, Delilah...
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