Highlander's Passion (The Matheson Brothers Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Passion (The Matheson Brothers Book 2)
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“My bear’s in a desperate mood to Change, so you’re about to get your wish.” He gripped the hem of his tunic under the water and held still. “The shirt has to go though. I detest shredding my clothing. Close your eyes if you need to.”

She should, but for the life of her she couldn’t.

“Last chance.” Challenge glimmered in his eyes, a dare she couldn’t help but meet.

“Go right ahead.”

“As you wish.” He hauled his wet tunic over his head and tossed it onto the hard rock beside her. The waters swirled about his waist as he edged closer. “This is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It’s so private and secluded. Just us within this little slice of paradise.”

“Are you always like this with the lasses? Ready to unclothe at a moment’s notice?”

“I’ve never made the Change in front of a woman before. You will be the first. Are you ready?”

She was transfixed, couldn’t move her gaze from his heavily muscled chest where a smattering of hair, as dark as his head, trailed down between his contoured abs and disappeared under the water’s murky surface. “I’m ready. Shift for me, Finlay. I truly do wish to see your bear.”

He took another step closer, his golden eyes heating to a toe-curling hue. “Shifting causes quite a lightning bright display.”

“I wield fire. There is naught as bright as that. Shift.” The raw intimacy of the moment rolled through her and sparks flared from her fingertips. She sent her fire arcing high into the air then clenched her fists.

“You have such a powerful skill.” He eyed the remnants still flickering on her fingertips then he made the Change and bright lights burst in a myriad of sparks. A very large bear with black fur glimmering in the moonlight rose up before her. On his hind legs, he roared.

“Come closer, Finlay.” She held out one hand, desperate to touch his beast. “I willnae hurt you.”

He slapped his paws down on the boulder either side of her then he nudged her hand with his muzzle.

“Thank you.” She took a long breath in, sought the control she needed and sank her fingers into his silky pelt. She scratched between his ears then smiled as a purr rumbled from deep within his chest. The sound caused a strange heat to surge through her, not one of fire, but of something else. A form of heat she’d never experienced before. It pooled between her thighs and made Finlay sniff and prod her belly.

* * * *

Finlay’s heartbeat thumped as Arabel petted him, as her fingers slid through his sleek coat and soothed the beast deep within him. Her stunning blue eyes, as warm as a summer sky, held glittering sparks of gold around the edges, and her scent, it swirled so temptingly around him, like honey and something very, very nice. He pushed back a little on his paws and halted. Her shift was wet from the water he’d sprayed as he’d shifted and up this close to her he couldn’t help but note the thin ivory cloth pressed against her chest showing the roundness of her full breasts and a tease of pink nipple.

Slowly the fabric dried, likely from her heat and he whimpered. What was she doing to him? She’d invoked so many new emotions from him since he’d entered this secluded area and walked toward her. He should be at the castle as she’d said and searching for his mate, but the deep pull to remain with her had been unbreakable. For five years he’d been searching for his mate in the future, and never had he found her, not even during his search at the village these past few days.

She stroked him, her fingers moving in a delicious massage around his ears and under his chin. He stretched and rubbed against her for more. “Your bear is stunning, Finlay,” she murmured in his ear.

He needed more of her touch, of hearing her sweet voice as she spoke so softly and sensuously to him. He prodded her belly again for more.

“I see you like being petted.”

A throaty rumble. Her gentle petting soothed him, the first time another’s touch had ever done so. He lifted his body higher and she rocked back then wound her arms around his neck to keep from toppling off. He licked her ear and she giggled.

“I cannae believe how soft your pelt is. It feels like furry silk, all smooth and warm. You also feel incredibly big and strong.” She touched the tip of her nose to his and smiled, so beautifully his heart missed a beat. “There is something so very intriguing about you.”

She more than intrigued him, her long golden locks tumbling to her waist in charming disarray and the moon’s glow highlighting her high cheeks and luscious berry-red lips.

“Can you hear me at all, Finlay?”

Her question made him itch to return to her and he forced the Change, so swiftly she gasped. As a man once again, he looked deep into her eyes and said, “I heard every word you uttered, my sweet.”

“There isnae a chance I’m
your sweet
.” She stroked one finger along his lower lip, her mouth lifting in a teasing smile. “’Tis a shame you’re back. I was rather enjoying my chat with your bear.”

“My bear adored your touch, as do I.”

“You are definitely flirting with me.” She picked up his wet shirt lying next to her and passed it to him. “’Tis best you change.”

He donned his shirt then planted his hands on the rock either side of her to keep her caged close. “I’ve never flirted, or shifted in front of a woman before. That is the truth.”

“What are you trying to say?” She fixed his collar then lowered her hands.

“Perhaps I should show you.” His touched her lower lip just as she’d touched his. “I wish to kiss you, to see if there is something more between us.”

“Kissing a fire-wielder isnae permitted. I’m sorry, but I’ve clearly misled you somehow. You search for your mate and she cannae be me.” She scrambled to her feet and jumped from boulder to boulder toward the bank.

“Why is kissing not permitted?” He bounded through the water, hoisted himself onto the boulder in front of her and blocked her way. “Take my hand. These rocks are slippery and I won’t have you fall and hurt yourself.”

“Kissing isnae permitted because I would lose control of my skill, and in the worst possible way.” She shooed him to move.

“I don’t think so.” He scooped her into his arms then dipped his head and rubbed his cheek against hers. He coated her in his scent, until it clung to her skin and hers clung to him. Aye, his bear demanded this nearness and that he not let her go. He jumped onto the next boulder. “Since my search for my mate began, I’ve been led in so many different directions, although whenever I’ve arrived at the place where my mate should be, there was never anyone about, except for the night of the last full moon. For the first time, I was actually driven toward this area.”

“Then you received a clear signal she was here.” She grasped his shirtfront.

“Aye, and now I have the good fortune of holding you in my arms, I’m aware my mate is close, very close, that she might very well be you.”

“That is impossible.” She wriggled out of his arms and jumped onto the mossy bank.

“One can’t argue with the mated bond, Arabel, not when it speaks to the very heart of the two who are soul bound.” He stepped down beside her. “Do you feel anything toward me?”

“Nay, no’ a thing.” She frowned something fierce as she eyed his wet shirt. “Allow me to dry you.” She smoothed her heated palms over his shoulders and along his chest then circling him, swished along his waist and legs. “That is better. I wouldnae want you to catch a chill.”

“All I feel right now is a deep desire to jump back into that loch so when I hop back out, you’ll dry me all over again.” That need roared to life within him. No woman had ever laid her hands on him the way she just had, the way he wished for her to do again. Her heated touch had been sheer perfection, soft and tender, not harming in the least.

“You fascinate me, Arabel.” Gently, he traced the delicate smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. “Do I fascinate you at all?”

“I—I—” Confusion crossed her face. “We need to leave.” She hurried around the pool toward their clothes, snatched her burgundy gown from the ground and wriggled the velvet over her head. He followed, dressed and fastened his sword and daggers as she fumbled to gather the burgundy ribbons at her back.

“Here, allow me.” He slid her long golden locks over one shoulder and exposed the long length of her neck then picked up her gown’s ribbons and laced her stays. Gently, he turned her by the shoulders to face him and stroked down her arms to her wrists where her gown’s lacy sleeves dangled over the backs of her hands.

“Oh, your hair is still wet. We cannae have that.” She ran her fingers through his shoulder-length hair, drying and tidying it, the delicious contact sending a wave of warmth across his scalp. “Is that better?”

“Infinitely. I love having your hands on me.”

“You must cease talking like that.” She swayed toward him and the golden sparks rimming her blue eyes glimmered before she jolted upright. “’Tis time to leave.”

“Not without me.” He collected his horse. “I’m your guard.”

“I’ve roamed these forest paths my entire life. I assure you I dinnae need a guard.” She walked toward the trail, the sensual sway of her hips making him want to drag her into his arms and hold her close, to smother her with even more of his scent. The desire roared through him, demanding and relentless, a need that wouldn’t be appeased. His bear had found his mate and so had he, only it appeared now he’d need to convince her of that fact.

Within minutes they emerged from the woods and the thick stone walls of the House of Clan Matheson rose like an impenetrable fortress in the dark. A two-story gatehouse took pride of place in front while beyond the gate’s arch, the four-story north tower house overlooked all. He stopped at the stables and handed his steed to the stable hand who hurried over to him then slung his traveling bag over one shoulder and guided Arabel through the gates and across the inner courtyard. So few of her clansmen would likely be awake at this late hour of the night, other than the guards, but since he didn’t wish to wander through the great hall and disturb those warriors who had already sought their rest, he led her toward the side stairs. “Where is your chamber?”

“On the third floor.” She climbed the stairs and walked along the gloomy corridor lit only by the odd candle in an iron wall sconce. The passageway remained bare of any other, each of the doors leading from it firmly shut, except for the last one. She walked inside the chamber that remained perfectly dark with not even the fire lit.

“Is this your room alone?” He followed her inside.

“It is. Which of the guest chambers have you been given?”

“On the night I arrived, I bedded down on a pallet in the great hall alongside the other warriors. I needed to remain close to the door in case my bear wished to roam, which he did in no time at all. He’s been antsy this past week.” But not anymore. His bear had settled with one gentle petting from her. The only woman who would be able to do that would be his mate. He set his bag down near the side table and faced her. “We were provided with all we’d need and since I’ve arrived, I’ve traveled light, as have my brothers and Isla.”

“If you wish, I can ask one of the maids to prepare a chamber for you.” She brought fire forth to one fingertip and lit a candle in the corner stand. Its glow flickered over her queen-sized bed with its red velvet canopy sweeping down onto the polished wooden floors.

“There’s no need.” He intended to stay right here where he could be close to her. “Would you like your fire lit and your chamber warmed?”

“I can manage to light my own fire. Fire-wielder, remember?” Grinning, she crossed to the window where a chilly breeze fluttered through and closed it. “I truly am fine now, my skill back under control. You can leave and be assured I’m well.”

“I can’t leave you, not right now.” He stepped up to her, rested his hands on her shoulders and breathed in her delectable warm scent. A gentle peace invaded his soul. Holding her soothed him. He wouldn’t forget this moment, the one in which he’d most certainly found his mate. Over her head out the window, the white-capped waves rolled into shore and across the bay, a sail shimmered in the moonlight then disappeared into the dark farther along the inland channel toward MacKenzie land. He’d also found her before the coming battle. Relief rolled through him. “This feels so good, standing here with you.”

“I’m glad you and your brothers are here to aid us in saving the village.” She slid one hand over his, her touch so soft, so gentle. His bear purred deep inside him and demanded a closer touch.

“Aye, and we won’t leave until we have.”

“The village is so exposed on the tip and we’ll have so very little warning when the MacKenzie attacks. It does no’ help that this is a busy waterway and intersects with Loch Carron and Loch Hourn.”

“We can still guard these waterways well from this prominent location.” He slipped one arm around her waist and drew her closer still, a hold she didn’t pull away from. His bear settled even further.

“A location the MacKenzie too desires, one he intends to take, although I too will never allow him to harm the villagers. He took my parents’ lives but he won’t take another of my kin. I swear it, on my life.”

“The MacKenzie killed your parents?” He frowned and searched her gaze. Such deep loss swirled within her beautiful eyes and that emotion bubbled up and rose within him as well. “Tell me how it happened.”

“No’ long after Julia and I came of age, Father entered into negotiations for Julia’s marriage to the Chief of MacKenzie’s third son. At the time we were allies, no’ yet at war as we currently are. The MacKenzie requested a meeting, but ’twas just a ruse. As soon as my parents arrived at his castle, he had them tossed into the dungeon and then sent a demand to Gilleoin. My uncle was told to hand over his lands on the tip of Loch Alsh and in return the MacKenzie would release our parents. For several months demands volleyed back and forth until Gilleoin realized the MacKenzie would never listen to reason. That’s when he set out for their stronghold with an elite contingency of his warriors. His intention was to sneak in under the cover of darkness, rescue my parents and then return with them. Instead Gilleoin discovered my parents had been slain at the MacKenzie’s own hand, several months prior, afore the first demand had even been sent. He is a snake.”

BOOK: Highlander's Passion (The Matheson Brothers Book 2)
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