Read His by Right Online

Authors: Linda Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #space ships, #Science Fiction, #aliens, #Romance, #sensuous, #erotic, #controversial, #outer space, #kidnapped

His by Right (6 page)

BOOK: His by Right
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            "Does anyone really know how big this ship is?"

            "What does it matter?" a creature she didn't know questioned.

            "I mean, is there a front door to this place? How does the clientele come on board?"

            Pudrith, a species with wings and large potato-sized protuberances sprouting all over its body, waved one of her four tiny arms. "There is a landing platform beneath us. Big, big platform. The clientele land their ships there and are teleported up to the waiting room."

            "Have you seen the landing platform?"

            "None of us have," Krarrrasta said.

            "Then how do you know—"

            The floor gave a little jump, nearly throwing Meredith head-first into the pillows. At the same time, a loud, irritating noise blared through the room. She barely had the chance to ask what was happening when her cuffed wrist was adhered to the metal plates. A quick glance around showed all the other products similarly glued to the ship.

            "What the fuck!"

            "Don't worry!" Pudrith yelled back. "It is a safety measure!"

            "A safety measure? Against what?"

            She was interrupted when sections of the floor flipped over to reveal straps. Seeing how the others handled this new development, Meredith imitated them and slipped her other hand through the loop in the closest one just as the room began to tilt on its axis, turning slowly like an immense drum. Pillows and empty bowls pelted them, without causing any injuries, but the entire scene made her think of the inside of a clothes dryer.

            The ship eventually righted itself, and the weird blat died. After another couple of seconds, her cuff was released. Meredith hurried to disengage her other wrist from the strap and scurried across the litter.

            "That did not last too long," Pudrith casually comment.

            "What was that?"

            "A drill."

            Meredith looked at the others, who seemed equally unconcerned by what had just happened. "A drill? What kind of drill? And what the hell was that

            Krarrrasta tossed a pillow against the wall and resumed lounging. "You mean the alarm?"

            "That wasn't an alarm. That was more like someone put a finger between their lips and made baby

            Pudrith scratched a protuberance. "Well, it got your attention. We have those drills on occasion, but no one has been told why. There is a second drill with a different alarm. That is when we go to our rooms, and they lock us in until they open the door for us."

            "And you have these drills how often?"

            "We do not know. We guess whenever they feel we need one," Krarrrasta said.

            "What about lifeboats? Does this thing have lifeboats?"

            Pudrith gave her a puzzled look. "What is a lifeboat?"

            "An escape pod. A way off this ship in case it blows up or something."

            "If there is, no one has told us about it," the alien admitted.

            The lounge grew quiet as they retreated to their own thoughts. Some ate. A few napped. Meredith got to her feet and walked over to the wall, placing her hand on the warm metal.

            "I wish I could see outside."

            "You can," Pudrith answered.

            "I can?" For the first time in days, Meredith felt a bit of excitement. To see outer space from within it! It was a feat only astronauts were lucky enough to experience. The thought of viewing it for herself almost made her giddy. "How? Where?"

            "Ask Gleeth. She can show you the way."

            Pudrith started to say more, but Meredith was already on her way out the door to find the alien. Once in the hallway, she glanced in both directions. She knew that to her right led back to her room, but she had never gone any further than the lounge.

            She looked at the neon pink band glowing on her left wrist. She knew they could track her through the band. She also knew there was no way to remove it. At least, she wouldn't by herself. On several occasions, she had studied it, and had tried to pry a tiny sliver of metal underneath it, without luck. The damn thing appeared to be adhered to her skin.

            "Okay, Gleeth. I've never come looking for you. Let's see how long it takes you to find me. In the meantime, I think I'm owed a little sightseeing tour."

            Feeling adventurous, Meredith went to the left. She had barely turned the corner to the first junction of corridors when she nearly bumped into the alien coming from the opposite direction. Despite the fact that she felt somewhat comfortable now around the creature, almost diving head-first into a squirming mass of little yellow tentacles nearly grossed her out. She jumped back in surprise.

            "How did you—" She gasped, unable to finish her question.

            "There is nothing on this ship we do not hear or know about," the alien responded, sounding peeved. "I came to tell you a client is waiting for your services."

            "A client? But I just finished with a client not too long ago! I haven't had a chance to rest yet!"

            This time, Gleeth's irritation showed as orange-ish mottling on its purple skin. "If you have energy to go exploring through the ship, you have energy for the clientele. Go perform your duty, Merry."

            She stopped just short of rolling her eyes, then silently reprimanded herself for the childish response.
If you're wanting these things' respect, then you need to act like the adult you are. The last thing you need is for them to no longer trust you.

Nodding, she turned around to head for the pleasuring rooms. She also noticed that Gleeth followed her all the way there.


Chapter Nine




            She was glad she made it a habit to always clean up and get a fresh shift after every client, although some of the products admitted to remaining as they were when they left the pleasuring rooms. Meredith figured they were either too lazy, or it had something to do with their culture.

            By now she was able to hop up on the table and adjust herself within seconds. As the panel opened and she was moved into the adjacent room, she glanced again through the narrow slit at the other side. The bright lights revealed its walls were the same whiskey brown hue as those on her side. It was also devoid of any other furniture save the pallet, which was centered. She knew the clientele would not be allowed to enter into the room until the partition hiding her face and hands was down, and she was firmly secured.

            The lights dimmed, and she wondered if they dimmed on the other side, too. Adjusting her shoulders, she waited.

            In the past, the first thing the clientele always did was to remove her shift. Following that, they spread her legs. One, then the other, to where she wondered if the routine was written down somewhere, like a guide. In her mind's eye, she envisioned a set of directions written on the back side of the wall, above her body where she couldn't see it, but where the clientele could read and follow when he was standing between her thighs. She laughed to herself, when the familiar puff of air signaled the client's entry into the room. Clearing her throat, Meredith waited for that initial touch.

            Something tickled around her breast. The sheer panels that made up her shift were moved aside until her entire body was exposed. Then, to her surprise, a hand that was neither hot nor cold, laid atop her belly. It wasn't until the warm, wet mouth closed over her right nipple that she gasped and involuntarily jerked on her restraints. The clientele either didn't appear to notice, or didn't care about her reaction. The mouth continued to tug on her nipple, adding a heavy tongue to lick and tease until she arched her back for more.

            Meredith moaned. She loved having her breasts played with. Although she wasn't overly abundant in that area, neither was she small. "A good, healthy handful," was what she'd been told in the past, and she had been pleased.

            A hand grabbed her other breast and began to play with it. Toying with the nipple. Gently squeezing the flesh, then giving it a shake. A second later, the mouth went to the other side, and she felt a jolt of lust shoot straight into her womb. Her inner walls constricted in response.

Creaming may commence. Oh, God, that feels good!

The lips suddenly left her breasts, leaving them to pucker as their wetness reacted to the cold. The mouth continued down her belly, softly nuzzling and licking her flesh, as if tasting her, or deciding on which portion to devour first. Warm air puffed over her as the client breathed on her, and at one point, he paused to gather her breasts and give them a final nibble and tug before releasing them.

            She felt her legs being spread, and the client resumed his intimate examination, starting from where he'd left off. But now, from the feel of his mouth, she could tell he was standing between her thighs. He radiated heat to where she could sense him. And when he placed his hands around her pubes, framing her with his fingers, she silently begged for him to take her. To eat her. To bury his face and that incredible tongue inside her, and to taste her there.

            The fingers spread her lower lips, and Meredith felt him dive deep within her. He vibrated as he moaned against her clit, and the tongue danced into her channel, licking, licking, lapping.

            She bucked her hips at the sensation. Men had gone down on her before, but not like this. Maybe a nibble. Maybe a little tongue. But not full-throated, with a mouth muscle that stole her sanity as it move inside her, traveling up to include her turgid clit before exiting. Then back into her, plunging like stiff wood, taking her cream and lapping it up. Repeating it over and over, until she felt the first stirrings of an orgasm coming to life.

            She gasped, and the licking suddenly ceased. "No! No! Don't stop!" She wriggled her hips again when the fingers spread her once more. This time they dipped into her, two digits, then three. Plunging, rubbing against the inner walls of her channel with rhythmic strokes. Curving upward to where he could reach her G spot. Meredith tried to spread her thighs wider, but the table restricted the movement. If the clientele wanted them wider, he would have to do it.

            "Why don't you fuck me?" she begged aloud, although she knew the person on the other side wouldn't hear. He was torturing her sexually, and she was loving every moment. "Why don't you
fuck me!

            The hand withdrew, and for a second she thought he had heard her. Something hot and hard pressed against her opening. Before she could take another breath, it shoved inside her. At the same time, something caught her clit and began to manipulate it.

            The dick had knobs on it, or some kind of rough bumps. Every time he withdrew it, the knobs raked over the sensitive flesh, firing every nerve ending. The fingers buzzing her clit were moving furiously. By now she no longer had control of her body. He was screwing her to within an inch of her life, and she never wanted it to stop.

            Her orgasm hit her with uncontrollable fury. She screamed and arched her body, but the client held onto her, and the pounding continued. Her release rolled on, never ending, rising higher and higher as she gasped for breath. Her head felt like it would explode. She was on the verge of passing out, but the client never faltered, never lagged. In fact, he seemed to increase his tempo, bending over and grabbing her by the waist as he rammed himself into her.

            Vaguely, she grew aware of him slowing down. There was a moment when she felt his thick length moving on its own inside her, like a muscular contraction, after which he carefully removed it.

            She was exhausted and dotted with perspiration. More importantly, she was fulfilled. The last thing she remembered before she drifted off was a kiss being placed on her belly. Meredith napped with a satisfied smile on her face.


Chapter Ten




            When she awoke, she was back in her room. Someone had taken her from the pleasuring rooms and returned her.

            Sitting up, she glanced down at the dark smudges on her inner thighs. She'd been bruised.
What does it matter? That was the best fuck of my life!

Still, she knew she'd have to take care of those marks, which would only become darker with time. No way would future clientele want to see them on their product.

            Rising to her feet, she had to place a hand on the wall to steady herself. Although she knew it was her imagination, she continued to feel him inside her. Meredith cupped herself and shivered as she stuffed her shift into the disposal and slowly made her way to the cleansing chamber.

            Would he come back, she wondered. Was he satisfied with her? She remembered how he'd kissed her. A species that kissed. It was kind of romantic.

            But the way he'd fucked her. The way he held onto her and shoved himself inside her while playing with her clit at the same time.

            Her eyes widened.
At the same time? Good Lord, how many hands did he have?

Hurrying to finish, she dialed up another shift, then left her room to find Gleeth. Her first stop was the lounge, where several products greeted her with congratulations. Meredith gave them a smile.

            "Thanks. Has anyone seen Gleeth?"

            "Not recently," Veleetee told her.

            "Try exploring the ship again," F'Orlo suggested.

            It was an excellent idea. She knew how much Gleeth objected to the products wandering about. If she needed to talk to the alien, what better way to get its immediate attention?

BOOK: His by Right
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