His Mafia Princess (Family First #1) (7 page)

BOOK: His Mafia Princess (Family First #1)
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He looked over at her once before they started down the hill. He paused by a couple of his men sitting on the hood of a Hummer. “Take her car home.” Looking to Alessandra, he held his hands out for the keys and then tossed them to one of the men. “Thanks.” He bowed his head in respect for the two men and then drove off.


Chapter Thirteen


Alessandra was as nervous as she had ever been in her life. The kiss Greg had laid on her still had her lips tingling. She was more than slightly stunned by the fact that he had kissed her with such passion, but it was more than that. It was the possessive way he looked at her. It was the intensity of the gaze he had turned on her.

She shifted slightly in her seat and adjusted the seatbelt so she could see and talk to him. “Why now? Was it because I was taken?” That was the question burning inside of her right now. Why?

He frowned and looked at her. “No, baby, it's not because you were taken. I was going to claim you soon regardless. I was just waiting for you to turn twenty-one so your father couldn’t have a fit. Trust me, Alessandra, I’ve wanted you for a very long time.”

“Oh.” She felt her cheeks heating with a blush and chewed her lower lip again. God she could still taste him on her lips. “Then I’m glad,” she said confidently. “That you were tired of waiting for me.”

He snorted. “Alessandra, I could never tire of waiting for you. You are a weakness, but I refuse to let you go. You are mine. I don’t share what’s mine, and I refuse to allow what belongs to me to be harmed. Just remember this feeling of being happy that I’m claiming you, because I’m sure more than once you are going to want my head on a silver platter because I’m being too protective.” Not a thing possible in his mind, but he didn’t know about her.

“I think as long as you are with me I won’t mind the whole overprotective sort of thing.”

“Oh, babe, I know you will. I know you will have issues with just how overprotective I will be, but I will do all I can in order to keep you safe.”

“You keep saying that. I want more than a protector though, Gregorio. I want a lover, a friend. I want to have someone that will walk at my side for the rest of our time. I want someone that will value my input and not put me on a shelf only to be pulled down to look pretty for everyone. Yes, I know I am completely unprepared for everything this life will entail, but I want a partnership like Mom and Dad had. If you can’t give that to me, then you should walk away now and find someone that can give you what you want.” She realized how completely unrealistic she was being, but something inside of her changed when he kissed her. It was as if he had opened a door inside of her. She knew in that moment everything she had wanted previously flew out the door and in its place was her deep desire for this man and for the life that they could have, if they were a team. “Being in a relationship is more than sexual. You do understand that, right?”

She saw him gripping the steering wheel tightly and saw a look of almost confusion flit across his face. “I’m starting to understand that.” He let out a hard breath, one that had her once more reaching out to touch him. Her fingers closed over his wrist, stroked his fingers, and then she pulled one of his hands from the wheel. She closed her hand in his and gave it a light and gentle squeeze. “This is all new territory for us both.”

“You have no idea,” he said and she felt his fingers closing over hers as well. She leaned her head to the headrest and simply watched him for a while. “I’ve never been at your home.” She didn't even know where he lived, it was so odd. There was so much she knew about this man and so much she didn’t know.

“I don’t live far from your father’s home,” he said as they drove. “Our home isn’t as massive as your father’s is, but it's been built from the ground up with you and your safety in mind. I’ve done all I could think of in order to put in features that will keep you safe, always. I have several panic rooms in our home.”

She frowned and asked, “Why? I don’t understand. Why would you have several panic rooms?”

“Because you don’t get where I am or where your father is without gaining a number of enemies. I have lived the last several years in a bit of panic, because I was worried for you. When I found out your father hadn’t installed panic rooms or some sort of safety feature in your home, I was livid. He relied too much on the men guarding the grounds, and that’s not something I will do. You are precious to me, Alessandra. You have to understand that. I’ve fought for everything I have in my life, and you are one of those gifts from God I will never put in danger.”

“I’m more than a thing, you realize that, right?”

“I know you are more than a thing. I know that you are the most amazing, kind, and beautiful woman I’ve ever known. I also know your father had to work hard to keep you safe for the last many years. When your mother was killed, he tightened security a bit because he understood then what he could lose.”

“Wait. What do you mean?” Alessandra pulled back and looked up at him. She was shocked and didn’t like it. The statement he made had her thinking her mother died by more than just an accident.

“We will talk when we get inside.” He pulled into a driveway, stopped at a gate, and entered a code. Once they drove through, she noticed he watched the gate carefully as it closed behind them. When he was satisfied, he drove on and into a massive garage.

Alessandra looked at all of the cars in the garage as well as the motorcycle. She noticed there was another motorcycle that looked as if it were in the process of being put back together. She didn’t question however. She would wait. She was too focused on his words right now. The uncertainty was there and it was killing her.

“Don’t move, baby,” he said when she went to release her seatbelt. He walked around the vehicle and opened her door. She’d noticed in the last couple of days that he liked putting her in the vehicle and getting her out. Undoing her seatbelt, she wasn’t surprised when he held his hand out for her. “Come on. We will talk inside.”

She put her hand into his as if it was the most natural thing in the whole world. She felt the calluses on his hands and knew he’d worked with his hands to gain those. She liked that about him. He wasn’t soft like her father. She noticed several things about him. He was hard. There was nothing soft about him except when he looked at her. She saw it now. She didn't know why she had been so blind before, but she had been. He was fierce, protective, and so sexy it made her crazy.

She walked along at his side, viewing the home for the first time as he walked her through it. She had to keep from grinning when he showed her each and every one of the panic rooms before he showed her the other amenities such as a full sauna, hot tub, and pool in the basement. The pool she noticed went under a wall and when she looked outside she saw it went from an indoor to outdoor pool.
Very freaking cool
, she thought to herself.

“I designed this house from the bottom to the top. I needed it to be perfect for you. I had to know you would be happy here. Did I hit the mark?”

“I would say you did. It’s perfect.” Alessandra stopped him to look up at him. “I was twelve,” she said to him, “when I first saw you. You looked exceptionally angry to have been called to the house. That’s the first time I ever
a man. Since then, everyone has been compared to you, and no one came close to being you.”

She heard him growl. Deep in the center of his chest, he let out a rumbling growl that honestly made her panties wet and had her wanting to arch into him even more. “You had better not notice any other men besides me.”

That had her grinning. Awe, her big bad man was jealous. “You are the only one I’ve noticed for thirteen years, Gregorio. Don’t you think that’s telling?”

“Just something about hearing you talk about another man has me seeing red. I’ve never been jealous or possessive of any woman, but I am with you. Do not test me, ever. I am not a nice man, Alessandra.”

“You would never hurt me,” she said confidently. “I know that. You will always protect me, even at the risk of your own health.”

“You are in my soul, Alessandra. I don’t know what else to tell you aside from that one singular fact. I know that for far too many years, I’ve watched you growing and thought things no man should ever think about someone as young as you were at that time.”

“It’s because we were always destined to be together. I know it. I have full and complete confidence in that fact.”

“I’m glad at least one of us has confidence. Don’t let me change you.” He stroked a finger over her cheek. “Never lose that confidence in me.”

“You won’t change me. At least I don’t think you will.” She moved in a bit closer to him. “So tell me, how long until you show me where our bedroom is?” Yes, she was so going there, but it was time. It was time for her to finally live, and she knew that with him she could. She knew it was time for her to stop being a child and finally, thank goodness, be a woman.

He lifted a hand and cupped her cheek. When he leaned into her, she lifted to her tiptoes. “One more kiss and then we will go to our bedroom. First, I have to have another kiss.”

She couldn’t seem to close her eyes when he approached her. She watched him as he leaned into her and smiled. She felt his lips as he pressed them to hers and shivered.

When he kissed her, she felt as if her very universe was exploding. She loved kissing him and wanted to do it as much as she possibly could. She wrapped her arms around his neck and then smiled into the kiss when he wrapped his hands around her ass and pulled her up against his body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned into his mouth when he moved toward the stairs. When they parted, she looked down ever so slightly at him and smiled. “Am I too heavy?” She wasn’t a huge girl, but she wasn’t a little girl either. She had wide hips, a big ass, and more than handful of boobs. She wasn’t the size zero so many of her bulimic friends were. She was more of a size sixteen, but she loved her size. Especially when Gregorio touched her the way he was touching her now, his hands on her ass and his body so hard against hers.

“I love the way you feel against me.” His teeth nibbled at the side of her neck.

“I love when you do that, especially right there,” she said when he nipped at the side of her neck. “It’s like that’s a line straight to my pussy.”

“Oh, baby, you have no idea just exactly how much I love when you say something like that to me. You are only allowed to say that when we are alone though, because if any of my men hear you talking like that I will have to rip their heads off so they don’t hear anything ever again.”

Good lord, the way he said that had her swallowing hard with desperation and need. “You have no idea just what that does to me.”

“Yes I do. I felt your legs tighten around me, baby,” he said with a bit of a grin. He carried her out of the living room and up the stairs. He pressed her to the wall outside of a double door and kissed her again.

She felt the long, hard steel of his erection pressing against her pussy. “So glad I waited.” She pressed kisses along his jaw and nipped his ear. “For you.” She rubbed her cheek to his and then whispered against his ear. “I need you. I’ve never had this desperation before, this desire to have someone as a part of me. Only you.” It had always been only him though she had to admit.

He opened the door and walked into the bedroom with her still in his arms. She was able to look around and smiled. Holy crap, the bedroom was every woman’s desires and dreams. It was large but inviting. It had a huge bed and a fireplace, as well as a sitting area made up of oversized furniture. “Wow.” When he tossed her onto the bed she laughed.

Chapter Fourteen


He finally had her where he wanted her. He couldn’t believe she was there and she wanted to be there. He looked at her as she lay against his bed, their bed. Her hair was fanned out around her head in a deep, silky black halo that made her look like an angel. He had to take it slow. He needed to so she could enjoy her first time. It was something he owed to her, and he was damn well going to ensure she did just that. He had fucked for more years than he cared to count, but one thing he had never done was take a woman’s virginity, and he knew she was just that, a virgin. “I’m going to do all I can to make sure you enjoy yourself, baby, but you need to know there might be pain with our first time together.”

“I know. I will survive though.” She grinned. “Because you will ensure I have every single moment of pleasure possible in the meantime.”

God damn he couldn’t believe she was so fucking perfect. How the hell did he get so lucky? He smiled as he watched her. “I have waited for this for so long.” He knew she understood it. “I need you to understand several things about me, baby.” He stroked a finger over her jaw. “First…” He let his hand move up under her shirt. His fingers lightly traced over her stomach as he spoke to her. “I’m dominant in my life. I have to be. I have to be able to control my every emotion and thought. I have to be able to or I could either be caught or killed by the cops. Not something I want to do.” He leaned in. He couldn’t help it. He brushed his lips to her collarbone and then her lips once more. “So when I tell you to do something, you will do it. Do you understand?”

He saw the confusion on her face so he pulled back slightly so he could tell her everything. “When we are in our bedroom, I will tell you what to do. You will do it. If you don’t understand, then you will ask me to clarify. When we are in our bedroom, you will call me Sir.” He watched her nod and he smiled. “Good girl.” He kissed the side of her mouth. “I will make sure you know happiness, Alessandra.”

“I know you will.” The fact that she had that much faith in him had his dick practically exploding in his fucking pants. “You said first, are there more things I need to know?”

“I’ve never, not once, been inside of a woman without a condom. You are going to be the only one. I will fuck you bareback, nothing between the two of us. Do you understand this?” When she nodded, he smiled. “Good, baby, very good.” His hand caressed her hair as he spoke. “We will have a life together, the partnership you are asking for, but do not ask me to tell you when I have had to do things to people to get my point across.”

She nodded at that. He could see the understanding dawning in her eyes. “You are my weakness,” he whispered and once more kissed her. “But I’m going to protect you, forever. I will not let you be hurt.” When she nodded again, he grinned. “Now, get naked, baby, because I’m going to consummate our relationship right now with you.”

He pulled back to give her room to wiggle out of her clothes. He just grinned as he watched her squirming and then stood to the side. “One day I will introduce you to more than you just doing as I say, baby. That’s later though. For now, I’m just going to get your body used to accepting mine. I’m not a small man. I’ve hurt women who are far more experienced than you are, so if I do hurt you I need for you to tell me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” She blushed. God damn, that fucking blush spreading over her cheeks had him stopping and licking his lips. “You have no fucking idea how sexy that is. You blushing, you nibbling your lower lip, all of it. I find that sexy as hell.”

“I didn’t know that.” She had moved off of the bed as well. He watched as she tugged her shirt off, and he nearly quit breathing when she pulled her bra off.

“Fucking hell, you are beautiful,” he said with breathless satisfaction. “You take my god damn breath away.” He reached for her and pulled her close. She was stunning. She was like a classical painting of femininity. She was soft where a woman should be soft. She was toned where a woman should be toned. To him she was absolute perfection. “Pants, baby.” He practically growled at her and tugged his shirt up and over his head. He watched her as her eyes locked onto his chest and the tattoos covering his body.

“When did you get those done? What do they mean?” He saw her hand wavering at the button of her pants.

“Naked or I’m cutting the fucking pants off of you, Alessandra. I’m at my end when it comes to patience.”

He watched her now as she pushed her pants off and he nodded. “The tattoos have meanings.” He wouldn’t tell her what because he didn’t want her to look at him differently. He needed her to continue to look at him as if he were real, as if he were not the killer he was. “This one…” He pointed to the stylized heart that seemed to bleed down into an ankh. The image was colored in with black, but there were white shades added to the ink. It was simple and told her everything. Her name was written along the left side of the bottom part of the ankh in white. “You own my heart, Alessandra. You’ve owned it for a very long fucking time. It’s more than physical. Tell me you understand?”

“I do.” He saw the surprise on her face and smiled. It was good that he could surprise her.

When he saw her completely naked however, he felt like he was about to have a heart attack. “Fuck me, baby, you are perfect.” He could not believe just how perfect she was. Her body had curves. Her ass was flawless. And her pussy? Holy shit, her fucking pussy was bare. “When?” he asked and moved toward her. “God dammit, baby.” He couldn’t hold back anymore.

He moved around the edge of the bed and grabbed her. He pulled her tightly to his body and put his hands on her ass to give it a squeeze.

“Why are you leaving your pants on? I thought you said naked?” she asked him.

He felt her lift her leg and pull him closer.

“Because I need to have some control right now. Seeing your beautiful little cunt completely bare for me is not something I expected. I’m keeping my pants on because if I don’t, I’m going to fuck you right now and not go slow.”

“Oh.” There she was with the single breathy word that turned his world upside fucking down.

He put her onto the bed and watched her as she shifted up into the middle. “There you go, baby.” He prowled up her body. He pressed a kiss to her knee and then moved to her hip where he kissed her again. “You taste so damn good.” He was between her legs now. He looked up her body and saw the passion there. “Put the pillows under your head, baby. I want you to see what I’m going to do to you.”  When she complied, he nodded. “Good girl.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

There was nothing sexier than her saying those three words. She was a natural submissive. He had always thought it, but now it was confirmed in the demure way she whispered those words, in the way she so quickly did as he commanded her to do. “Perfect, baby. You are absolutely perfect.” He praised her and pressed a kiss to her upper thigh. “Don’t ever change. You are exactly the way a woman should be.” He shifted slightly. “Whatever you do, I need you to stay with me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Hell, the woman was everything he could have ever hoped for. He bent his head to her bare mound and licked her experimentally. He then shifted slightly to part her labia. He looked up at her and grinned. He blew his breath over her clit and watched when she shivered. “There you are, baby,” he whispered to her before putting his mouth back on her pussy.

The taste of her was divine. She tasted of pure sweet honey. Her pussy was weeping with his touches. He licked her from clit to asshole and back up again. He wanted everything with this woman. It was something he was not accustomed to, wanting something or someone so badly he would willingly sell his very fucking soul to have it. However, that was exactly how he felt with Alessandra. He wanted her so badly nothing else mattered.

He feasted upon her pussy, teasing her clit as he did so. She was twisting and moaning under him. Her hands kept going to his hair and tugging it, but he was relentless. He wasn’t going to let her go. He was damned determined to make her come before he even took off his pants or he wouldn’t be able to control himself.

“Gregorio.” She shuddered under him, his name coming from her lips in a moan of pure need. “Please.” Oh hell, he could hear it in her voice that she was begging him now. He couldn’t deny her.

“Please what, baby?” He lifted his head slightly so he could look up her body at her. He knew his chin and lips were covered in her pussy juice, and he fucking loved it.

“I need you inside of me.”

“Not yet, baby. Soon.” He pressed his covered cock against the bed and put his mouth back on her pussy. He then added a finger into her tight passage. “God, baby, you are tight.” He growled and eased another finger into her pussy while he devoured her. When she moaned again, he twisted his fingers and then pulled the two out so he could add a third. He fucked her now with three of his fingers while licking her clit.

He did undo his pants and push them off. He was so hard now that he was hurting, literally. He pumped his dick against the bed while he finger fucked and sucked Alessandra. He felt her tightening around his fingers and had to smile when she moaned even louder. Both of her hands clenched at his hair, and he knew she was about to come. That was what he was working toward. He added one more finger into her pussy and heard her scream. He tasted her orgasm and fucking loved it.

He crawled up her body then. He couldn’t wait another second. His eyes were locked onto hers and he licked his fingers. “You taste fucking delicious.” He leaned in close to her. His chest was to hers, her nipples hard as diamonds against him. It made him smile. “After this, there is no going back. I’m keeping you and I will not let you go, ever.” He rubbed his cock against her dripping cunt and watched her nod.

“Lift one of your legs and wrap it around my waist.” When she did, he nodded. “Good girl.” He then leaned down to kiss her.

“I want to see you,” she said as she wiggled under him. “Will you let me see you?”

“No, not yet, because I’m barely holding on to my control. I want this to be good for you and not over in a moment. Right now, I am so close to coming it isn’t even funny.”

“Okay, but you will let me see you another day?” There was that small hint of hope in her voice and god damn he loved it.

“Later, baby. Right now, you just lay back and enjoy yourself.” He just hoped he could make this first time for her worth waiting for.


Alessandra was lost in sensation. Gregorio was ensuring she felt nothing but pleasure. From the moment he started licking at her body, she knew there was nothing else in the world that would ever compare to the feelings she had for and with Gregorio.

Every single time he told her to do something, she found herself doing it. She found that she wanted to do as he told her to do. As he had explained, she was submitting to him completely. When he kissed her, she knew the truth of life. She was in love with him.

What he did with her pussy, the way he licked her and fingered her, she felt as if she saw stars, literally. The experience was so new to her, so surreal that it had her shuddering time and again. She felt as if she were drunk on the passion he brought out in her. She loved the sensations however. And then he kissed her, her juices on his lips and tongue. Normally she would think such a thing would gross her out, but it didn’t. If anything, it turned her on all the more.

She felt the stretching ache when he began to enter her, but her body relaxed under his care. He looked down at her and once more said, “Hold on, baby.” Those three words had her tightening on him and then she felt it. It was more than a stretching pain. It was a hard bite of pain. She cried out. She couldn’t help it. He was just too big and the pleasure had turned to pain.

“I’m sorry, baby.” His body stilled as he spoke to her. He kissed her neck, nibbled at her throat, and rolled her nipple with one hand. “Just relax, little bird,” he whispered in her ear a second before biting it lightly.

When he moved just a small bit, Alessandra noticed there was no pain. There was instead a hint of pleasure. “Please, try that again?” she asked with wide eyes. “It didn’t hurt, felt kind of good actually.”

She saw the indecision on his face so she tugged him closer with her legs around his hips.

“Fuck, baby, you are killing me.” He groaned against her ear as he pulled out of her tight sheath and then pushed back in. She felt his hand clenching at her waist, and his forehead pressed tightly to the curve of her neck. “I’ve never felt anything so good, baby.”

She could only smile. She knew they should have waited for something more, but she couldn’t have waited if she wanted to. She had to have him making love with her, because she had waited for him for far too long. She had known she was in love with him for years and for him to now voice that he was in love with her as well had her all the needier. “It feels so good.” She moaned. “The pain is gone and now there is just good feelings.” She bit her lower lip as she spoke to him, loving the way he moved inside of her over and over again.

He pulled back and looked down at her face. She smiled when she looked up at him, her hand reaching up to touch his cheek. “I’m glad you didn’t make me wait.”

He lowered his head and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I couldn’t have waited if I tried. I needed you far too much.” He growled as he pushed harder into her body. She clenched around him again and cried out with the pleasure, which had him moaning along with her. “Hang on, baby.” He shifted slightly. Grabbing her around the backs of her knees, he let them hang over his elbows and rode her.

BOOK: His Mafia Princess (Family First #1)
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