Read His Magick Touch Online

Authors: Samantha Gentry

Tags: #Erotic Romance

His Magick Touch (6 page)

BOOK: His Magick Touch
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A soft feminine touch grazed his thigh, caressed his balls, then stroked his shaft. His body immediately responded to the unexpected stimulation. He kept his eyes closed but was unable to suppress the grin that turned the corners of his mouth.

“Good morning, Raina.” He opened his eyes to a sight that both pleased and excited him. Yet at the same time, it also troubled him. The passion sparkling in the depths of her eyes. The glow of excitement covering her face. It totally melted the resolve he attempted to pull together to keep from being sidetracked from his ultimate goal of unmasking Miranda and holding her accountable in front of the covens for her multiple transgressions.

He covered her hand with his, stopping her early morning foray into pleasure. “Unless you’re very serious with your intentions, we should probably hold off on any more of this for a while…at least until after breakfast.” Yes, indeed, Raina was a
special woman.

She gently removed her hand from beneath his. “Of the many things I learned from you last night, not being afraid to express my desires is at the top of that list. To set aside my inhibitions and fears so I can be open to new things. To lose my insecurities—let my partner know what I want, what I need, and what would please me.” She fondled his balls again. “And right now, what would please me is to continue with my indoctrination into the world of total fulfillment.” She sensually licked his cockhead as if to demonstrate exactly what she meant.

His hand shook slightly as he placed his coffee cup on the nightstand. The excitement coursed through his body. His heart beat increased and a tightness pulled across his chest. First thing in the morning sex always exhilarated him. It started the day on a very positive note. To have her initiate it was an added pleasure…and a welcome surprise.

He allowed her oral attentions to continue for a couple of minutes as she slowly sucked his cockhead into her mouth…an extraordinarily talented mouth. Elation filled him, swelling his chest and attacking his breathing. Each ragged breath brought him one step closer to that moment of euphoria.

Devon collected his focus and gently extracted his pulsing shaft from her mouth. He would incorporate her desire for early morning sex with another learning experience. Quickly scooting down in the bed, he repositioned her on her stomach and indicated she should pull her legs up under her then spread them. She did as he requested, but he caught the quick flicker of anxiety that crossed her face as she raised her ass upward…vulnerable and unprotected. He felt the tension in her body, but the mere fact that she did as he asked demonstrated the level of trust she placed in him. That moment of knowledge sent a soft warmth through his reality.

He leaned forward, his chest coming in contact with her back, and whispered in her ear. “Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to do anything you aren’t ready for, and should you become fearful, all you need to do is tell me to stop and I’ll immediately honor your wishes.” Her muscles relaxed and an expression of gratitude crossed her countenance. Her aura took on a shift of color, showing larger amounts of iridescent pink indicating sexual desire and Prussian blue showing an inner harmony, an acceptance of his control of the situation.

He took a calming breath and kneaded the firm flesh of her ass—the perfectly formed cheeks and smooth skin. He had already determined that she wasn’t quite ready for anal sex even though she had shown her trust in him and his actions. It seemed to be her biggest apprehension. It would happen soon, but not yet.

He positioned his cockhead at her pussy mouth and slowly entered her from behind. As with each previous penetration, her pussy walls closed around his shaft, forming a tight cocoon. And also as before, the sensation coursed through his veins with an intensity that took his breath away. He started a slow, measured rhythm while reaching around her hips to manipulate her clit. He wanted to make sure she had the maximum enjoyment.

She wiggled her ass against his groin, accompanied by soft moans of delight as his pubic hair rubbed against her skin. Everything about her spurred his passions to the point where he wanted to take all she was willing to give in a heated rush. Only his more than a century of control and experience as a practitioner and teacher of sex magick kept those desires in check. This was neither the place nor time for that type of unbridled aggressiveness. His thoughts momentarily went to the hot, unbridled fuck they had shared in the shower.

His firm, solid strokes increased as did her enthusiastic response. The blood raced through his veins. Layer upon layer of passion built toward the ultimate orgasmic release. But first, he needed to satisfy Raina. He grabbed her ass cheeks, his thrusts fast and hard. Her erratic actions and cries of pleasure told him she teetered on the edge. He gave one deep plunge of his cock at the same time as he dipped his finger into the vessel on the nightstand and coated it with ceremonial oil. He penetrated her anus with the full length of his finger.

Her pussy muscles contracted sharply, grabbing his cock in convulsive waves of orgasmic release. He quickly gave up all attempts at control and allowed the spasms to shudder through his body as spurts of cum shot into her pussy.

Devon remained slumped across Raina’s back, his spent cock still inside her pussy and his finger embedded in her ass. They each slowly regained their composure, their breathing finally returning to normal.

He reluctantly withdrew both his dick and his finger and rolled onto his back, taking her with him. The kiss started gentle and tender, becoming more intense as it filled with emotion—an emotion he felt far more deeply than he intended. A depth of emotion he hadn’t been prepared for, one he had to admit frightened him in its enormity.

Raina broke off the kiss and melted into his embrace, reveling in the special warmth of simply being held in his arms. He cradled her head against his shoulder as he tenderly caressed her body.

She had never met anyone like Devon. His power as a High Priest went without saying. His strength of character, personal integrity, and magnetism were equally impressive. The silver aura consistently surrounding him attested to that. How could Miranda have made all those disparaging remarks about him? It didn’t make any sense. But a lot of what her sister did and said didn’t make any sense. On numerous occasions, she wished they had been closer. She had tried to reach out to her sister, but it seemed that Miranda purposely rejected all her efforts.

That realization left her sad and emotionally wounded, something she had tried to come to terms with over the years. It also left her as confused as her scattered memories of her past. But somehow being nestled in Devon’s embrace went a long way toward easing the pain of her sister’s rejection. She had never felt closer to anyone than she did to him at that moment. Was she reading something into the situation that wasn’t there? She had asked him to tutor her in sex magick. Was she trying to project her own growing emotional attachment for him onto the intimacy of their physical interactions? She needed to keep the reality of the situation firmly in mind.

His lips brushed softly against her forehead, pulling her from her thoughts. “We need to talk about today.”

She jerked to attention, his words striking at the heart of her concerns. “Oh…of course, I understand. You have plans for today…obligations.” She attempted to extricate herself from his arms. “Someone of your position must also have business to deal with as well as coven responsibilities to address prior to the Samhain gathering.”

To her surprise, he refused to let go of her. “Slow down. You’re
me too quickly. Let me tell you what I have in mind.” He placed a tender kiss on her lips. “The only clothes you have here consist of one long slinky black evening gown and a pair of bikini panties. So, first on the list is clothes. We’ll teleport to your house so you can get whatever clothes and personal items you’ll need for the next few days.”

Had she heard him correctly? For the
next few days
? Was that an invitation to spend all their time together prior to the gathering? Something personal existing beyond her asking him to tutor her? “I’m…uh…I don’t know what to say. Are you asking…
that we—”

He placed his fingertips against her lips, stopping her words. “I’m simply stating that I want to spend this time with you and hope that’s something you would also enjoy.”

A tender warmth spread through her body followed by a quick rush of excitement. “Yes…I’d like that very much.” She needed to be careful and not make wild assumptions. Keep her growing emotions under control. But even while her conscious thoughts tempered her exuberance with caution, the elation continued to soar inside her.

“We still have more work to do, but you’re so adept and possess all the necessary skills so we should have quite a bit of spare time. Since you live here, perhaps I could entice you to show me around your city before the Samhain gathering.”

You can entice me to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and wherever you want.
“I would be honored.”

Then his lips were on hers and all her thoughts vanished in a heated burst of desire. The kiss continued—physical passion and feelings of deep emotion twining together until it had become difficult for her to separate the two realities.


Devon held out his hand toward her. “Come on, let’s go to your house and pack your suitcase.”

It had all been so natural, so uncomplicated. He had never felt so much at one with any other woman. To go to her house so she could pack a suitcase and stay with him in his hotel suite…he had given a moment’s consideration to suggesting they stay at her house with the thought in mind that she would be more comfortable in her own surroundings but decided against it. He didn’t want her to feel as if he had invaded her private domain, a place where he would come into intimate contact with her personal inner sanctum.

She quickly dressed in the clothes she had worn to the Halloween party. Her freshly scrubbed face revealed a natural beauty, one unencumbered by makeup. He wrapped his arms around her, concentrated his energy, and whisked them to her house. It was an attractive house, nicely landscaped, in an upscale neighborhood. If it was any indication, it said she was very successful in her job. But as a member of the bloodline, she had many decades in which to develop her business acumen and become that success.

“Make yourself comfortable, I’ll just be a couple of minutes.”

“Take however much time you need.” He watched as she disappeared down the hall.

Devon wandered around the nicely furnished living room, checking out the titles of books in her bookcases, noting the quality of the artwork on her walls and other pieces on display. She was well-read, had exquisite taste and an appreciation for fine art. His pulse raced as his mind turned to the extent of his attraction to her. But would anything come of it when she discovered his plans for her sister? And at that moment, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hide that knowledge from her. They would never be able to have an honest relationship if he kept the truth of something this important from her.

Assuming she wanted a serious relationship as much as he did.

A quick thought darted through his mind about whether he really wanted such a serious relationship with a woman he just met yesterday, but he immediately shoved the disturbing notion aside. He couldn’t explain it and didn’t fully understand it, but he
she was the woman he had been seeking, his true soul mate…the one to make his life whole.

A dark cloud obscured the positive realization. He still had to deal with Miranda. Could he make Raina understand and accept what he had to do?

“I’m ready.” Her voice broke into the quiet, instantly pulling Devon from his thoughts.

“I see you decided to change clothes into something perhaps a bit more appropriate.” His breathing quickened slightly as he visually drank in every nuance of her appearance, noting her red capri pants, white pullover shirt, and canvas slip-on shoes. She had pulled her hair back at her nape and fastened it with a gold clasp.

Needing to break the spell her mere presence cast over him, Devon changed the subject by gesturing around the room. “I was just admiring your art collection. You have a good eye.”

“Thank you. I’ve been acquiring pieces for many years.” An amused grin tugged at the corners of her mouth. “One of the
of our bloodline, having all these years to pursue things that interest us.”

He took the suitcase from her hand, set it on the floor, and with a wave of his hand sent it to his hotel suite. He turned toward her. “Do you know a nice place at the ocean where we can have lunch? Someplace with a good view and outside dining so we can enjoy this unseasonably warm weather?”

“Yes…I know just the place. Spectacular ocean view, great food, terrific deck, and the owner belongs to the same coven I do.”

He teleported them to the restaurant, arriving a little before noon. As soon as they entered, a man who appeared to be in his late forties rushed over to them. “Raina, how nice to see you.”

“Thank you, John.” She peered around the interior of the busy restaurant. “We don’t have a reservation and you look busy. Do you think you can work us in somewhere…perhaps outside on the deck?”

He shot a quick glance toward Devon, offered him a pleasant smile, then returned his attention to her. “Of course, give me a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, allow me to buy you and your friend a drink in the bar while I have someone set up a table for you.”

“Thanks, John. That’ll be marvelous. This is Devon Bainbridge. He’s here for the Samhain gathering.”

Devon extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, John.”

John accepted his handshake, a hint of curiosity crossing his face followed by a realization. “Devon? The High Priest…”

He emitted a soft chuckle. “One and the same.”

“It’s an honor to meet you and have you in my restaurant.” John escorted them into the bar, told the bartender their drinks were on the house, then turned his attention to Raina. “This is an interesting coincidence. I was talking to Miranda just a couple of days ago. She said she hadn’t seen much of you lately.”

BOOK: His Magick Touch
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