Read His Marriage Trap Online

Authors: Sheena Morrish

His Marriage Trap (5 page)

BOOK: His Marriage Trap
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They were just being seated at a new Italian restaurant when her phone rang again and from the curious looks Peter and Susan sent her way Gabby knew she didn't have a choice but to answer or let it be known that her marriage was in trouble. She had been acting the devoted wife for so long that she knew she really didn't have a choice and with a sigh she reluctantly activated the call.

"Where the hell are you?" Nik demanded and if his tone was anything to go by then he was absolutely furious.

"Nik, what a surprise. I thought you had a business meeting," Gabby said with a fake smile as she glanced from below her lashes at her curious friends.

"I don't know what you think you're playing at Gabriella but I suggest you get your cute butt back here right now," he ordered and Gabby gave a tinkling laugh that seemed to appease her friends who gave her a warm smile.

"I'm in the middle of something right now. But if you want something to do you could always call up Callie. I hear she's always free for you," Gabby said bitterly as she thought of the glamorous red head, who it was well known was having an affair with Nik.

"My assistant? What the hell are you going on about? I am not playing games here," he ground out and Gabby forced another smile even while she felt like dropping her phone off a very tall building.

"But games are your speciality, darling," she said making Nik curse furiously.

"Gabriella, you have one more chance to..."

"Sorry, got to go. But I'll see you later," Gabby said and hung up before he could get another word in and to be certain he wouldn't arouse any more suspicions she discreetly turned her phone to silent.

They ordered drinks and then spent a while chatting and perusing the menu without any desire to rush things along. They were on the verge of ordering when Susan glanced past her and a brilliant smile appeared on her face at the same time a shiver worked its way down Gabby's spine.

"Sorry I couldn't make it earlier, darling," Nik said as he bent and placed a kiss on her cheek before taking a seat next to her and offering a welcome to Susan and Peter.

"I didn't think you'd make it at all," Gabby replied with a warning glare but Nik merely smiled as he caught her hand in his own and raised it to his lips without taking his eyes from hers.

"My apologies," he offered to Peter and Susan while Gabby huffed in response as he lowered their hands and her eyes became positively glacial when he refused to relinquish his hold. Short of an undignified tussle there was little she could do but suffer through it. And suffer she did as Nik pulled out all the stops to be the charming husband who clearly loved his wife and he made sure to back up the image with constant touching and endearments that made Gabby grit her teeth. The meal that she had been enjoying was now a nightmare that she had to suffer through and the ordeal seemed to last forever. Certainly nobody seemed to be in a hurry to leave and after the meal they all shared coffees and as the hours slowly passed by Gabby could feel exhaustion seeping in to her bones. It cost her to keep up appearances and Nik's overwhelming presence wasn't making things any easier. 

It seemed an age before Susan and Peter finally announced their intention to leave and Gabby breathed a sigh of relief as they retrieved her shopping from their car then drove away with a wave and friendly smiles. Finally, the pretence was over and Gabby could relax. Except the brooding man at her side was not conducive to relaxation. With a groan of frustration she gathered her wits together and ignoring her husband she collected her phone from her bag before calling for a taxi. Only to give a squeak of surprise as Nik smoothly took the phone from her and ended the call while ignoring her indignant glare as he gave instructions for his car to be bought round.

"Give me my phone back," Gabby snapped as her patience came to an end. Nik merely lifted a brow.

"No," he refused and she glared at him. 

"Does it make you feel better to play the heavy handed husband?" she queried sweetly while anger flashed in her eyes making Nik's mouth tighten.

"If you stopped acting like a child I wouldn't have to," he answered just as sweetly and Gabby's glare intensified.

"Give me back the phone," she snapped again and his eyes narrowed even as the valet bought their car to a halt before them.

"Get in the car, Gabriella," he countered and she blew out a frustrated breath.

"Fine. Keep the damn phone," Gabby said as she made to storm away only to come to a halt as his fingers closed around her upper arm dragging her back round to face him.

"I said get in the car," he warned and only the threat of his blistering anger and tight grip had her doing as he said.

The entire ride home was conducted in silence and Gabby risked only a few glances his way. Just enough to know that he was still furious and that he seemed to be working overtime to keep his temper in check which was fine with her as she maintained her angry silence while trying to ignore each blistering glance he sent her way and each brush of his fingers against her thigh as he changed gears.

The second the car came to a stop Gabby flung open her door and stormed in to the house, uncaring of whether he followed or not. She didn't so much as glance in his direction as she headed straight for the stairs.


She ignored his call and instead continued up the stairs and down the hall until she reached the relative sanctuary of her room where she deposited her days shopping on the bed with a weary sigh. Deciding that it was better to be keeping busy rather than dwelling on her anger Gabby removed a new dress from its bag and turned to place it in her wardrobe only to freeze at the realisation that it was empty.

"What the hell?" she muttered as she hung the dress up before examining the rest of her room only to discover that everything was gone. Anger returned as did the knowledge that her clothes were most likely wherever Nik had taken them. Beyond furious she exited her room and crossed quickly to his thankful to find it empty of his presence. Crossing to the walk in closet she discovered that beside his clothes lay her own and her anger flared brighter. How dared he move her things without her consent? Well she wasn't about to let him get away with that, she decided. And decision made she selected and armful of clothes and returned them to her room. It began a long process of transferring her things back and she was on the last load when Nik stepped in to his room and stood there with a frown on his handsome face.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked in a dangerously soft voice and Gabby felt shivers work their way down her spine.

"Moving my things back to my room," she informed him refusing to be cowed.

"Why? When I will simply move them back again," Nik said and Gabby glared at him.

"What gives you the right?" she demanded furiously and Nik gave a slow smile.

"You gave me that right Gabriella. When you stood up in front of witnesses and agreed to become my wife," he reminded her and anger surged within Gabby until all she could see was red dancing before her eyes.

"A piece of worthless paper declaring me your wife does not give you the right to dictate my life," Gabby informed him blurting it out uncaring of his reaction. Which was definitely a mistake she realised when he stepped closer with his gaze darkening.

"A piece of worthless paper?" he repeated and Gabby refused to heed the warning in his tone as she affected a light shrug.

"What else would you call a convenient marriage that hasn't even been consummated?" she mocked and Nik's nostrils flared warning that his temper was being controlled by the barest thread and that she would be wise to tread carefully.

"I would advise you to stop right there," Nik warned and Gabby gave a harsh laugh as she forced herself to meet his gaze.

"Or what? You know now I think about it maybe I don't even need that divorce. I could probably still get an annulment," she mused and that was the moment when Nik's temper finally cracked and his anger washed over her in a river of hot blistering fury.

"You could try," he agreed. "But you would not succeed," 

"And why is that?" she asked foolishly not prepared for Nik's sudden smile.

"Because after tonight, Gabriella, our marriage will most definitely be consummated," he revealed and before she had chance to do more than gasp he had strode forward and pulled her in to his arms for a punishing kiss.

Gabby couldn’t help herself from falling in to his kiss and was unprepared for the way her body reacted to him. She had always been aware of the sparks between them but she’d had no idea that it could turn in to this burning need for him that made her feel as though she would explode if he ever stopped kissing her.

She was barely even aware of his fingers making light work of her zipper until her dress pooled around her feet leaving her almost naked except for the small scrap of silk that served as her underwear. Jerking abruptly out of his grip she was amazed to see the heat in Nik’s gaze as it roved over her trembling body with obvious interest. She had never seen that look of desire before and it made her feel beautiful and sexy for the first time in her life.

“Come here,” Nik murmured and Gabby was helpless to refuse his command. Stepping back in to the circle of his arms she almost jumped at the feel of his hands touching her bare skin. She had never been this naked with a man before and felt confused and uncertain though surprisingly she did not feel awkward around Nik.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured as his hands trailed up her trembling arms to cup the generous slopes of her breasts his fingers brushing the pink swollen nipples as his fingers weaved magic wherever they touched. Gabby couldn’t help herself from letting out the short gasps of pleasure and suddenly had the need to touch him as he was touching her.

“You’re wearing too many clothes,” she complained and he let out a husky chuckle as he pulled back to remove his jacket followed by his shirt and tie. Gabby couldn’t tear her eyes away from his chest as she drank him in hungrily. As his hand went to his belt she felt her eyes widen in anticipation and couldn’t help her faint gasp as he removed his remaining clothes until he stood before her completely naked and erect. Gabby couldn’t tear her eyes away from the obvious sight of his desire for her.

“Now you are the one wearing too many clothes, my beautiful wife,” he murmured as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her gently to the bed. Releasing her he kissed her briefly on the lips before trailing his mouth to her ear and nipping gently at the lobe. Moving lower he trailed kisses down the slender curve of her neck, down past her creamy breasts where he paused to exact a sensual torture to her nipples before continuing even lower, over the taut muscles of her flat stomach before pausing at the scrap of silk that was her only covering. She could feel his warm breath against her most intimate part and couldn’t help the shiver that stole through her as he raised her hips and gently removed her final barrier between them.

“Beautiful,” he murmured before he placed a kiss on her most tender and private spot making her jerk in surprise and pleasure. Curious and wanting to return the favour Gabby trailed her fingers down the hard planes of his chest and lower until she gently cupped him in her hand. Curiosity won out and she couldn’t help herself from exploring this most powerful part of him with her fingers. She had never been this close to a naked man before and she was both amazed and aroused by their sweet exploration of their bodies.

“Enough,” Nik said on a growl as he sucked in a deep breath and Gabby stared up at him wondering if she had done something wrong only to note the desire that was clear upon her face.

“Nik?” she questioned uncertainly and he placed a kiss against her swollen lips to soothe away her tension. She knew that he wouldn’t ever love her but she also didn’t want to leave without experiencing this with him just once.

Trembling with desire she sucked in a breath as Nik stroked himself gently against her opening. Then in one swift move he thrust in to her and then froze at her startled cry of pain at the same time as she squeezed her eyes firmly shut.

“Gabriella, open your eyes,” he ordered and Gabby reluctantly opened them to collide with his concerned gaze. As her muscles expanded to allow him easier access he slowly began to withdraw and in a sudden panic that he was going to leave her unsatisfied Gabby raised her hips unprepared for the sensations that assailed her as he thrust against her making her gasp with pleasure.

“Nik,” she breathed on a sigh as his thrusts became quicker, fiercer and more demanding.

“I’ve waited so long for this,” he murmured and she turned her wide green gaze upon him in surprise even as the first wave of ecstasy claimed her making her throw her head back as a cry of pleasure escaped her. Then she lost control and completely blew apart in a cloud of sensations with his name on her lips and she felt him do the same moments later as he cried out her name while filling her completely even as the world splintered around them.

When she came to Gabby was curled up in the crook of his arm with his other arm loosely laid across her slim waist. She was exhausted and ached in places she had never ached before. If she’d had the energy she would have sent blistering anger his way for using her but she was comfy and content to just lay there with her mind emptied of all thoughts.

Apparently Nik didn’t have that same feeling though as he removed his arm and sat up abruptly. With a sigh Gabby turned to face him and offered a soft smile but she was unprepared for the fury on his face. She didn’t understand. What had she done wrong? He was the one who initiated this so how could he possibly be angry with her?

BOOK: His Marriage Trap
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