Read His Name Is Sir (The Power to Please #3) Online

Authors: Deena Ward

Tags: #The Power to Please 3

His Name Is Sir (The Power to Please #3) (5 page)

BOOK: His Name Is Sir (The Power to Please #3)
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With his other hand, he did the same to one of my breasts. I sighed happily, too, And it wasn’t an act. It felt pretty damned good, actually.

Then ... smack! He slapped Elaine’s breast. And ... smack! He slapped mine.

We both cried out louder than the pain warranted. It did sting, though, I had to admit.

He reached for our other breasts. Smack, smack! He delivered the second blow.

Then back where he started. Smack! Smack!

Elaine and I cried out in unison.

Smack! Smack! The fourth and final blows for each of us.

Dr. Ron turned his glare full on me, shook a castigating finger in my face then pointed to my post by the easel.

I hung my head and shuffled away, but made sure my expression conveyed that I was secretly thrilled by his sexy abuse.

Dr. Ron was still shaking his finger at Elaine, who wasn’t even trying to look like she was sorry, when I grabbed up and displayed the next poster card.

It read, “Let that be a lesson to you, naughty nurses!”

I heard a loud round of laughter from the other side of the plate glass windows. I smiled inside.

Everything seemed to fly by after that, as the scene moved into a natural flow. Patsy indicated with her expression that she probably needed punishing, too, and Dr. Ron refused to give her what she wanted. Eventually, Patsy became so pushy that Dr. Ron had no choice but to discipline her. Patsy cried lustily as he slapped her breasts.

Just when Dr. Ron thought he was finished, Patsy whispered in Elaine’s ear, who then whispered in Dr. Ron’s ear. Dr. Ron’s shoulders slumped.

I turned over another card. It read, “Female Troubles. Damn!”

Patsy hopped off the table and Dr. Ron had her lean over the end, her bare ass facing the audience once he ripped away the remaining shreds of her paper gown.

He took a hands-on approach to discovering the nature of her “female troubles,” amply fondling her ass, and rubbing her bare pussy, fingering her labia, reaching under her to get at her clit.

Meanwhile, Elaine and I started up our “hey, we want some of that” routine again. By the time Ron was twisting his fingers inside the groaning Patient Patsy, Nurse Elaine and I had insinuated ourselves into the action.

We worked our bodies against his huge frame like he was a white-coated stripper pole. I rubbed myself up and down his back, while Elaine took her position at his side again. By now, I was comfortable enough with the whole thing, and feeling some arousal in spite of the comedic nature of the play, that I began to sneak looks at the individuals in our audience.

I thought I recognized some of them from my time at the kink ball, in particular some friends of the Hoytes. Most of the people, though, I hadn’t seen before.

It was fun to watch their reactions to what we were doing. Some were kicked back in their chairs, smiles on their faces, enjoying the silliness on display before them. Others looked the way that I felt, a mixture of amusement and arousal. A few others had stopped watching for the most part, and were paying more attention to what they were doing to each other. I saw at least one female head bobbing between a pair of thick, masculine thighs.

One room had the lighting set particularly low, and it took me several glances to see what was happening in there. There were maybe five people inside, all of them in their own chairs, all of them watching the scene with pleased expressions.

One man sat near a wall of the room, not far back from the glass, a tumbler held in one hand. He looked relaxed, like he was enjoying himself. His black hair was pushed back from a strong forehead. His eyes were dark and focused on me.

I met his gaze. A jolt of recognition shot through my body before my brain had the chance to identify the man.

It was Gibson Reeves.







Chapter 3




I continued my slow grind up and down Dr. Ron’s back as Gibson noted my recognition. A partial grin tugged up one side of his mouth.

I broke eye contact with him and tried to get my head back into the scene. Had it suddenly grown warmer in the room? I mentally shook myself. I was only reacting this way because I knew Gibson. There was a difference between being watched by strangers and being watched by people you knew.

I hadn’t seen or heard of Gibson since the night of the ball, when he won my auction and gave me some advice about Michael which I ignored, a mistake on my part, I discovered later. I still didn’t much like the man, mostly because of what he had done to Michael and his family, not helping them the way he should have. However, he had been perfectly correct in his critique of Michael as a dominant.

Dr. Ron soon grew fed up with our begging and turned on Elaine and me. He shook his head at our annoying ways, then took hold of my ear and marched me toward his office next door.

He gestured that Elaine was to stay behind. She and Patsy pouted at his departure.

Once he had me in his office, Dr. Ron shoved the papers off his desk and pushed me down onto it, bending me at the waist so my ass stuck out.

He yanked up my dress to show off my demure, white cotton panties. He rubbed my ass for a few moments, warming me up for what was to come.

And then it came. He spanked me. I cried out, for real. Ten hard swats he gave me, five on each cheek. I still wasn’t all that great at accepting pain, but I put on a good face when he was done, looking appropriately pleased and chastened by the punishment when I tottered back to my post at the easel.

I comically rubbed my butt along the way. Damn. The man could deliver a hard spanking. I hated to think of what a real spanking from him might be like.

While Ron dragged Elaine into his office for her spanking, I snuck a glance over at Gibson. I shouldn’t have done it, but I couldn’t help myself.

He was still watching me, and he was still wearing that half grin. When our eyes met, he raised his glass to me and nodded.

I immediately looked away. My butt still burned from Ron’s spanking and I credited the residual fire as the reason for the heat that built inside me.

The scene played on behind me. I turned half an eye to the play, watching Elaine returning from her spanking looking less than remorseful, seeing Patient Patsy convince Dr. Ron that she needed a spanking, too. I turned poster boards as required.

One of my favorites was when Elaine “convinced” Dr. Ron to let her give him a blow job while he sat on his stool, fingering Patsy. My poster read, “Well, maybe the Doctor could spare a little time for this.”

Elaine stripped off her uniform before she went down on Dr. Ron, clad only in her bustier corset and white cotton panties.

It was time for me to reenter the scene, so I gripped my stubborn zipper and yanked it down hard. I pushed off my uniform, letting it pool on the floor. I stepped out of it, savored my first deep breaths in a long while and headed back into the fray.

Losing the uniform wasn’t actually revealing much more of my body than what was already revealed, but its loss made me feel more naked than before. Goosebumps rose on my arms as I walked up to Ron.

When I was beside him, I turned away from him and began brushing my ass up against his free arm. I say free, but really, nothing on him was free. One hand was pumping away inside Patsy and the other hand was wrapped in Elaine’s hair. It was the latter hand that I was supposed to attract away from its current activity.

I played the sultry sex kitten as well as I knew how, wishing I had the courage to sneak another look at Gibson, or anyone in the crowd, really, to see how I was doing.

Ron didn’t make me keep it up for long. He pushed me in the small of my back, my cue to bend over and grab my knees. He gave a quick tug and pulled my panties down, stopping where my hands met my knees. I spread my legs as far as they would go with the restriction of the fabric.

Ron ran a big finger up and down my slit. I was wet and I was ready. He slipped a finger inside my pussy and I groaned. No act, that groan, not in the least.

He stroked me for a while, then he pushed a second finger inside. Ahh, his fingers were big, the two of them together stretching me. I shut my eyes and let myself feel him, let myself imagine what everyone was seeing, listening to the sounds of Elaine sucking Ron’s big cock, and Patsy’s moans.

I pushed back against Ron’s hand, urging him to do more. He delivered, but not in the way I expected. His fingers were slowly fucking me when he a landed a cracking swat on my ass. Smack!

I jerked. Hey, that wasn’t in the script. He was supposed to keep fingering me and Patsy while Elaine sucked his dick. He wasn’t supposed to desert Patsy and spank me, dammit.

Smack! He landed another blow. I cried out at the sharp pain, but my cry was cut short when the sting shot straight from my butt to my clit. What the hell was that?

Two more times he smacked my ass, and two more times my clitoris responded. I thought, well now, this could make spanking a more worthwhile pastime.

Then his fingers were gone. I looked behind me. He was focused on Patsy, his fingers inside her, and the hand that should have been toying with me, was slapping Patsy’s ass.

Well, hell.

I moaned, made a few little motions with my hips. Ron turned to look at me, a distinct evil gleam in his eye. He glanced at my pussy, then back at my face and raised an eyebrow.

It didn’t take a genius to know what he wanted. I smiled sweetly, and mouthed the word, “Please.”

In an instant, his fingers pumped away inside me again. I moaned and pushed against him. Oh God.

It wasn’t to last, though. Elaine was to be the judge of the doctor’s state of arousal, and she must have decided that he was at a point where a change of activities was necessary.

Damn, I thought, when she stood up and took the next steps in the script. Basically, it meant I lost the use of Ron’s fingers. I tried to accept it with good grace.

Ron was ready for the next round, and rose up off his stool and kicked it away behind him. He stepped up to Patsy, who was still bent over on the table, and drove his hard cock straight in her pussy.

She let out a loud yelp and then a groan of pleasure.

I pulled up my panties, then Elaine and I went to work trying to get Ron’s pants off the rest of the way. This was actually supposed to be done before Ron started fucking Patsy, but hey, who could blame the guy for not wanting to wait around?

It took some work, but we eventually got the job done, tossing his pants and shoes aside, then stripping off his doctor’s coat and undershirt, until he was completely naked.

He was quite the sight, his muscles working as he pumped in and out of Patsy. He wasn’t hairy at all, or at least, not the way I expected. He had plenty of hair on his barrel chest, and a good manly cover on his legs, but his back and tight ass were hair-free. He looked damned good.

I imagined the ladies in the crowd were enjoying this new view, and possibly some of the men, too. We aimed to please. A little something for everyone. Or a big something, in the case of a burly, buck-naked Dr. Ron.

The next part was a little tricky and was a challenge during rehearsal. Elaine followed to help me as I went to the other end of the table, ditched my heels and climbed onto the padded surface in front of Patsy’s head.

Elaine kept hold of my arm while I awkwardly crawled over Patsy. The table was wide enough for me to clear her on both sides, but just barely so. I almost fell off during rehearsal, which was why Elaine was helping me now.

I made it into position without mishap, and settled myself into a straddle over Patsy’s lower back. I clasped my hands behind my head, arched my back and thrust out my breasts toward an avidly waiting, puffing Dr. Ron.

His hands were on me in an instant, squeezing me hard. He leaned forward to suck on my hard nipples.

During rehearsal, when Ron was shown this particular pairing that Elaine had dreamed up, he looked ready to get down to business right then and there. He’d been waiting for this moment, I knew.

I stifled my flinches when he squeezed too hard, and groaned when he scraped his teeth over my sensitive nipples.

Then once again, I looked out into the viewing rooms.

The tone of the rooms had changed along with the tone of our scene. People were watching us with hooded eyes now, and more of them were touching themselves and each other.

I snuck a glance at Gibson. Our eyes met instantly. I shuddered at the intensity in his dark eyes. That man wanted me. There could be no doubt.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Besides, there were other men in the crowd who wanted me. It was clear on their faces. And it was undeniably exciting, the way they looked at me.

With Gibson, however, it was somehow different.

Ron was really giving it to Patsy now, driving into her faster and faster. I could barely see the top of Elaine’s head behind one of Ron’s shoulders. I knew from rehearsal that she was running her long fingernails up and down Ron’s back, one of his special turn-ons, I was told.

BOOK: His Name Is Sir (The Power to Please #3)
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