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Authors: Sapphire James

His Work Wife (4 page)

BOOK: His Work Wife
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Chapter Six: Presley


I wasted no time scheduling our counseling session with Pastor Jenkins. We needed to be in his office yesterday, but Friday at eleven o’clock would have to do.

In the meantime, I was horny as hell. Last Monday, I didn’t want him anywhere near me, but the heat between my legs was quickly changing my mind. I wanted my husband. I needed my husband. I needed to feel him knock the bottom out. Besides, we never got a chance to finish what we started the day he dropped that bomb on me.  To be honest, I shouldn’t have wanted to be intimate with him, but my carnal instincts were overtaking my will power. I needed to fuck. Nothing else needed to be explained.

Ty must’ve felt the same way because moments later, he walked into the bedroom and crawled between my legs. “I love you,” he whispered as he placed soft kisses all over my neck.               He knew just what to do to get me going. I could feel my wetness pooling underneath my ass. My mind was saying,
You know damn well you don’t need to cloud your judgment like this!
But, my pussy was saying,

The room became hotter and hotter as he left small passion marks trailing from my neck to my navel. My body and soul writhed with passion as he placed two fingers in my welcoming hole. In and out. In and out. He maneuvered his fingers like a dick. It felt so damn good. I arched my back in ecstasy as I felt my love splash all over his hand. But, that wasn’t all I wanted. I stopped him before he could sample my juices. I wanted to serve him. I had a point to prove.

Raindrops began to play a melodic tune as I turned him on his back offering him the most electrifying kiss I could give. Usually, Ty and I never kissed, but today, I needed him to know what I was feeling. I slowly sucked his tongue and lips as if they were jolly rancher candies. I gently teased his nipples as I massaged his manhood. Ty began to moan as his flaccid member came to life in my hand. All ten inches of him were anxiously waiting for me to take him in my mouth. And, I did just that. I parted the slit of his tip with my tongue. The seeping pre-cum never tasted so sweet. I tilted my head, making sure to pay extra attention to the rim of his mushroom cap before swallowing him whole.  I had to admit that giving Tyrone head had a different connotation this time. I felt like I was auditioning for a spot in his world. My spot. It bothered me, but I had to follow through. As he began to gyrate his hips, I instantly began to massage his balls. He loved it. I had him where I wanted him. At that moment, he was mine… just mine!

“Mmm shit,” he breathed. “Presley, you bout to make me nut! Shit!”

I knew he was on the brink of climaxing.  That was exactly what I wanted.

“Mmm hmm,” I mumbled with a mouthful of dick.

Within moments, hot lava erupted like a volcano and I loved it. I felt a sense of euphoria as each drop gently tickled the back of my throat. Damn right, I drank every drop of his love! He was my husband I could do that.

With no time to waste, I mounted him. Finally allowing his girth to fill me up and take me hostage. As I fucked to the rhythm of his heartbeat, my emotions got the best of me. Instead of me closing my eyes and basking in the moment, I lowered my gaze to meet his. It wasn’t until then I noticed fresh tears on Ty’s chest. I was making love to my husband and crying at the same damn time.

My tears didn’t stop me from doing what I had to do. I had one foot on the bed and the other on the floor for leverage. I gave him the ride of his life. I bounced my ass and pounded this pussy against his pubis so good I impressed myself! I couldn’t help but wonder if she did it like me. The answer was no!
Can’t NO bitch freak it like me! I’ma a freaky ass Scorpio! Uninhibited and able to give a nigga what he came for!
Shiiit! I had to toot my own horn. My pussy did tricks that couldn’t be taught even if you gave a bitch a “Fuck” version of hooked on phonics. Hell, the shit I did came with warnings: Don’t try this shit if you ain’t bout that life!

My confidence began to elevate as I broke the silence between us.

“You like how I’m riding this dick, don’t you?” I taunted. “You love this super-soaker, dontchu? Tell me you love it!”

“Yeah, baby, I love it! Oooh, shit! I love this pussy and I love all of this ass!” he replied as he slapped each ass cheek.

Mmm hmm, for the first time in a long time, I was fucking him and not the other way around.  Maybe that was the problem. Maybe he wanted me to initiate sex more often. Most of the time, Ty was the one to get things going. Well… at least I let him think that. I never verbally said, “Let’s fuck,” but I would prance around in my g-string and a tank top. That worked like a charm. Sometimes, I would prop my foot up on the couch and give him that look that meant, “Yeah, nigga, eat this pussy and eat it like you missed it!” Oh trust, I had my ways of getting dick when I wanted it.

The more I rode him, the more infuriated I became, not noticing I had picked up the pace and had zoned out. Ty’s dick began to swell inside of me and my fountain started to saturate him once more. Before I knew it, we were cumming together.

“Oh fuuuuuck… I’m bout to cum,” he growled.

“Yeah? Me too, baby. Look me in my eyes and tell me you love me while we cum!” I demanded.

“I.... L… love you,” he grunted.

I slapped his ass. “Louder! I want to hear you say it louder!”

“Fuck! I love this puss-yyyyy!!!!” he yelled as he released his hot seed inside of my contracting walls.

I smirked as I got off his dick. Ty laid there with a look of disbelief on his face.

“Damn! You ain’t rode it like that for a minute! That pussy was superb,” he complimented. “You were made to fit me like a glove, girl.”

Tuh! He didn’t even realize what he’d said. I was MADE to fit him like a glove.

“Really?! I was made to fit you like a glove??? Well, how’s about you remember that next time you fucking your work wife?!!! That bitch pussy will
fit you like mine!”

I knew what I did would not keep him from Kadeema, but I wanted to remind him of what he has at home. You damn right I had a point to prove! He wanted sex every day? I could give him that! I didn’t care if I had to hop on it two, three times a day. I’d do it. As a matter of fact, my cat could be dragging to the floor, but if he wanted to fuck, that was just what we were going to do. I mean, it shouldn’t have been a problem since he said he was no longer going to be involved with Kadeema’s funky ass. He had one time to tell me he wasn’t in the mood and there was going to be some damn problems.

Chapter Seven: Tyrone


I had fucked up something terrible. I hated to see Presley cry, especially when it was because of me and my shit. My affair with Kadeema had taken a toll on my family and it wasn’t right. They didn’t do anything to deserve this. Shit, I was supposed to be the one to love and protect them. Instead, I had become the monster in Presley’s nightmares. All because I wanted to fuck a bitch from the job.

I loved Presley. She had my heart. When I met her, I didn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I had no job or money, but she loved me anyway. She made me a better man. The day a nigga’s eyes began to sweat at the thought of her beauty inside and out, was the day I decided she would become Mrs. Tyrone Chambers.

From the moment I saw her beautiful smile, bronze colored skin, and fat ass, I was in awe of her. I never believed in that soul mate shit until I was blessed with one.

Sure, things hadn’t been perfect between us, but nobody’s shit was without bumps. No matter what, I loved this damn woman.  I fell more in love with her the day she blessed me with Tyler. My own little mini-me. Presley already had Darren when I met her, and I loved him like he was my own. Darren was a delight. So when I met her, I knew we would have beautiful babies if it were to happen ever.

Why was I cheating on her? I guess I could come up with a million and one excuses, but the real answer was because I could. It was just that simple.  I had done little shit before and she would stay mad for a few days. Well, until I took her on a shopping spree and then all was forgotten. Well, maybe she didn’t forget, but for the moment, all was forgiven.

This time was different. Presley was different. She was fighting for me, for us. But my ungrateful ass didn’t care. I should be glad she still loved me enough to fight for me, but I was so far gone up Kadeema’s ass, it just didn’t matter.

From the first time I saw Kadeema, I wanted her. I knew she had a reputation for fucking everybody like Keisha. I knew if I treated her nice, she would eventually give me the ass, and I was right. She was a weak female and I used that to my advantage.  

With all the shit that was going on with me, Presley and Kadeema, I needed someone to talk to. I decided to call my brother.

“Aye, mane, what it do?” I greeted.

“Oh! Long time, no hear. Wassup witcha?”

“Say, dawg, I need to talk. I done got myself into some shit,” I admitted.

Typically, I didn’t tell people my business, especially Chase, but I was lost. Since my older brother had more experience with shit like this, I had to call The Playa Extraordinaire. Chase was known for fucking and leaving. This nigga was heartless. I was beginning to see just how easy it was to be that way.

“Whatchu done did, mane?” Chase taunted. “Mama already told me Presley called Tisha all hysterical and shit.”

See, that was why I didn’t tell them shit. Now everyone in the family would know how fucked up I REALLY was. I never should’ve had her call my sister. My mama and sister couldn’t hold water if I held it for them.

“Yeah, mane, I made a mistake by having her call Tish to calm her down, but it only made things worse.”

“Well, how long you been hitting old girl? The bigger question is, how in the hell did she find out?” he questioned.

“I told her,” I sighed.

“You WHAT?” Chase howled. “You
her?! Nig-ga! You don’t ever admit yo’ shit to these chicks. You gotta take that shit to the grave with you! I don’t give a damn if she sees you stick your dick in the pussy with her own two eyes! You tell her she didn’t see what she thought she saw! Have you learned nothing being my brother? Hmph, hmph, hmph! This nigga done told his wife he got some side pussy! What is this world coming to?”

“You done?!” I sneered.

I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. I should have just figured things out on my own.

              “NO, I ain’t done! I told yo’ ass when you first said you wanted to marry Presley to make sure you were ready for it. Now look at you; you thought I was trying to change your mind, but this is why I told you that. So now you want to be playa-playa like me, but you can’t handle yo’ shit!”

              “Man, fuck you, Chase! Ain’t nobody tryna be like you! You’re the last muthafucka that needs to be judging me! You are cold and heartless. You don’t give a damn about any chick you fuck with. You’re selfish and inconsiderate and I am nothing like you,” I retorted.

              “Oh really? I’m selfish and inconsiderate? Well, bruh, that might be true, but I ain’t the one who took vows and then pissed on them for a hot-in-the–ass co-worker. These hoes know what they getting from me when they meet me. But naaah, these sack chasers think they can change a nigga and that is when it all goes to hell in a hand basket! So they become all salty when shit don’t work out the way they planned. But it is always their choice. So don’t hate the playa, hate the game, but understand, I didn’t create it; I just mastered it.”

              I hated when Chase was right. I was destroying my family all on my own.

              “Chase, man, I’m trippin’. This shit just has me stressed the hell out. To be honest, I can’t tell which way is up.”

              “Ain’t no thang, man. Let me ask you this… Do you love her?”

              Shit, I may not have known anything else right then, but I knew that I loved me some Presley Chambers.

              “Chase, man, you know I love Presley with every breath I take. I have loved that girl from day one. That will never change,” I assured him.

              “Okay, that was very convincing. Believe it or not, part of me is glad you feel this way. But… I wasn’t talking about Presley,” he corrected. “I’m talking about the chick you fucking with.”

              Chase had caught me off guard with that one. Honestly, I wasn’t sure.

              “Man, I don’t know. Sometimes, I think I do. But then there are times when it is strictly about getting some free ass and leaving her right where the fuck she is. I dunno, I’m a little confused. One thing I can say is, with Presley I don’t have to think about it. She’s wifey and SHE has my heart.”

              “Humph. Well. I hate to tell you this, but you are more like me than you think,” Chase stated. “Did you hear what you just said? Nigga, you do whatever it takes to hit that ass. And yeah, you love Presley, but I think you love the new chick, too. You just have to figure out what you want and if she is really worth losing it all. And that, baby brother, is why I will never get married!”

Damn! There was some truth to what Chase was spitting at me. I loved my wife, but for some reason, I couldn’t stop dipping in Kadeema. The sad part was that I didn’t wanna stop. I was going to keep doing what I was doing until I was
to stop.

BOOK: His Work Wife
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