Read Hooked for Life Online

Authors: J L Taft

Tags: #Erotica

Hooked for Life (4 page)

BOOK: Hooked for Life
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“How did you know I like white roses?” she asked as he handed her a glass and joined her on the couch.

“I remembered it was what your parents gave you when you graduated.”

He was right and she had forgotten about that. He was full of surprises these days.

“So tell me, Darren, what do you do with yourself now?”

“I started a couple online marketing websites that have done well.”


“Don’t look so surprised. I’m not a dumb jock.”

“I never said you were.” Is that really what he worried she thought of him? It couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Your new book comes out next month?”

Brady took a sip of her wine and just looked at him. “Don’t tell me you read them?”

“I do and maybe before you go you would sign one for me?”

Brady didn’t understand why but it struck her as funny and she couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling out.

When she looked at his face and saw the confusion there it only made her laugh harder.

After she had wiped the tears from her eyes and had pulled herself together somewhat, she said, “I’m sorry, Darren, I just didn’t expect that.”

“You are gorgeous when you laugh.” He was staring at her very intently and she felt a shiver race up her back.

He leaned over, setting his glass down on the table. Very deliberately he took her glass from her fingers and set it next to his, never taking his eyes off her.

He leaned in close and the last of her laughter died. His hand came up to her face to brush against her cheek and Brady trembled at the touch.

His normally bright-blue eyes had gone dark and intense and she couldn’t look away.

Suddenly his hand snaked around to capture the back of her neck and pull her slowly forward. Her eyes drifted closed at the last second before she felt the first brush of his lips.

It immediately sent waves of heat flowing over her and her belly did a small roll before erupting in butterflies. Brady pulled back in surprise and her eyes popped open. She stared at Darren, who looked a little taken aback as well.

But it didn’t last long before he reached for her again, this time with both hands, and she went willingly when he pulled her across his lap. His mouth came up again, not a gentle touch this time but hard and heavy.

His hands tangled in her red curls and tightened, holding her hostage against him. His tongue came out to lick at the corner of her mouth, seeking entrance, and she didn’t deny him.

She had waited so long to be in Darren’s arms and now that she was, she wasn’t going to hold anything back.

His mouth and tongue were mesmerizing, weaving a haze around her, making her forget everything but this moment.

His fingers tightened even more in her hair, tilting her head for better access. His tongue plundered and she tasted the wine on him.

Her own hands moved from where they had been clutching his chest to his face, the stubble on his cheeks rubbing against her fingers. Her tongue tangled with his suddenly and he groaned low in his throat, shifting so she was held tight on his lap as he deepened the kiss, swirling once, twice and then pulling back.

Brady stared down at him as they both struggled to catch their breath. He packed a punch that left her head spinning and her body quivering.

Staring up at her, he said, “Wow, I knew kissing you would be great but you still surprise me.”

“Surprise you?” The fuzziness around her brain faded quickly and she shifted to move out of his lap. His hands went to her hips and gripped, holding her tightly in place.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, I just meant I didn’t think that you…”

“That I what, Darren?” she asked when he didn’t go on.

“I just figured you wouldn’t be like the women in your books.”

“What?” Brady figured she knew what he was getting at. He expected her to be the same geeky, boring girl, not like the strong, uninhibited women she wrote about.

“Never mind, forget I said anything,” he said as he slowly trailed his finger down the neckline of her dress.

“Are you saying you expected me to be boring?”

“No! God, Brady. Just forget I brought it up,” he said as he ran a hand through his hair.

Brady turned quiet as she sat in his lap. If she was going to do this—and if that kiss was any indication, she would—she didn’t want him to forget her. Because no matter how she looked at it he was probably right and she was inhibited when it came to sex. She preferred to write about it instead of acting on it. If there was ever a time to let it go it was now.

He was so sexy with his broad shoulders, tousled hair and deep eyes. The stuff of dreams, and she would be a fool to let it slip through her fingers. It was time to act.

“Why don’t we have dinner?”

“No, Darren. I don’t want dinner. I want you.”

His eyebrows went up in surprise just as she lifted herself up and laid her lips on his. Grabbing his shoulders, she ran her tongue over his bottom lip and then moved to his cheek with her mouth.

Kissing along there to his ear, she flicked the lobe and a deep growl came from low in his chest and it signaled a switch in both of them. There would be no more questions.

His arms came around her and he lifted her weight as if it was nothing as he stood. Hooking one arm under her legs to hold her up against him, he left the front room. Carrying her, he went up the stairs then down the hallway where he pushed open his bedroom door with his foot.

Brady continued to kiss and lick along his neck as he carried her to the bed. He smelled so good she couldn’t stop. He gave her a devilish grin before tossing her on the mattress. Kicking his shoes off and throwing his blazer over a chair, he was on her before she quit bouncing.

His weight and the heat of his body had her straining to get closer to him, her body arching to increase the amount of him she was touching.

Taking her wrists, he held them over her head with one hand. “I don’t want to rush this, Brady. We have all night.”

They did have all night but she didn’t say it was all they could have together. It would have to be enough. There was no way she could hold him forever.

Lifting her head, she kissed him passionately, her tongue dueling with his. His free hand started to roam across her, to her shoulder and then traveling down her side to her hip. The thin material of her dress still seemed like too much between them.

Brady pulled her hands free and he let her do it. But she had no confusion about who was in charge. He meant what he said and he wasn’t going to let her rush him.

He lifted his body slightly off her, bracing on his elbows, and she took advantage by unbuttoning his shirt and then sliding it off his shoulders. His white t-shirt came next. She tugged it out of the waistband of his pants and he went up on his knees to pull it over his head. It landed behind him on the floor, forgotten.

Brady sucked in a breath when she got her first look at his chiseled chest and stomach. He had changed a lot since high school. She had only seen him without his shirt once but the image had stayed with her.

But that had been a boy and this was a man in front of her now. Her eyes stayed glued to him, wanting to remember the sexy sight of him over her forever. He remained motionless while she took in the dark dusting of hair covering his pecs and the trail leading down along his stomach. Reaching out, she ran her nails lightly down over his tight stomach and smiled when the muscles contracted at her touch.

Her fingers made short work of his belt and zipper but he stopped her when she went to reach inside his pants.

“You are still wearing too many clothes, Brady. Let me help you with that.”

He lifted one of her legs and unhooked her shoe, dropping it to the floor before going to the other and removing that as well. But he didn’t drop her leg like she expected. He instead massaged the ball of her foot in his big, warm hands. She watched him through heavy-lidded eyes as he rubbed the arch with his thumbs.

Moaning, she closed her eyes the rest of the way, the sensation traveling up her leg and straight to the place that was already damp with need. His hands traveled to her ankle and then to her calf, rubbing in slow circles that made her limp with pleasure.

Gradually he moved to the other foot and gave it all the same treatment before putting one hand on each of her bent knees. His deep-blue gaze caught hers as he slowly opened her legs as far as her dress would allow.

Deliberately and slowly, he slid his hands up along her hose-covered thighs until he reached the hem of her dress and then, hooking his thumbs in it without pause, pushed it up to her waist.

It revealed the lacy black thong Lissa had talked her into and the tops of the elastic-banded thigh-highs. He did pause then, breaking eye contact to stare at the few inches of pale skin that were now exposed between her spread legs.

Her only thought was for him to hurry but he still seemed determined to take his time.

“Sit up,” he said and his voice was strangled.

Brady obliged and scooted down a little before sitting up. The position had him kneeling between her spread legs and his chest and nipples right at her eye level. She leaned forward and licked a hard, brown nipple before resting her head on him. His arms came around her and his fingers went to the zipper on the back of her dress, sliding it down inch by inch until she wanted to push his hands away and do it herself.

Finally he reached the bottom and he slid the dress off her shoulders and down her arms, helping her get it over her hips and down the rest of the way until it was off.

Flopping back to the mattress, she watched him as his gaze traveled down her shoulders to her black-lace-covered breasts, to her stomach and then to where his hands lay on her thighs.

His look was almost like a caress and she wondered if she could come just by him looking at her. It certainly felt that way. She was already so close to the brink, her pink folds throbbing desperately for his touch.

Leaning over her, his mouth came down hot and hard on hers, sweeping her along into the moment, and she met his kiss with equal hunger. Her hands came up to grip his smooth shoulders and pull him closer but his strong arms held him away from her.


Pulling back suddenly and leaving her wanting, he gave her one of his devilish grins, the kind that had turned her to mush even back then, before kissing his way along her collarbone and down to the valley between her breasts.

She prayed he would give her hard and puckered nipples some attention but he moved right past them to her belly. He changed to wide, openmouthed kisses across her abdomen and then dipped his tongue down in her bellybutton.

Knee-jerk reaction had her trying to squirm away from him but he quickly gripped her sides to hold her in place while he moved lower with his kisses.

Her insides got quivery and her legs started to tremble, heat rolling in waves over her body, leaving her hot and flushed.

Darren pressed gently on her thighs until they were flat on the bed and he moved so he could straddle her knees. Hooking his thumbs in her panties, he drew them down her legs and off.

Then he did something that shocked her, pressing her damp thong to his face and taking a deep breath. His eyes closed and she heard, “Mmmmm,” before he tossed them over his shoulder.

Just in her bra and thigh-highs now, she squirmed on the bed, trying not to feel awkward with him staring so intently at her. She knew he missed nothing.

Suddenly he lifted her hips and slid her up on the bed, then, positioning himself between her legs again, he braced himself on his elbows and Brady hoped she knew what was coming.

He didn’t disappoint her and gave her trembling inner thighs long licks, one side and then the other, gradually getting closer to her quivering mound.

At the first touch of his tongue on her needy clit, Brady’s hips bucked against his face. His hands came up to hold her steady as he continued to lavish long licks across the outside of her folds.

When he once again licked along her clit she could hold on no longer and came deep and hard. Her hands clutched the blankets next to her and a long moan spilled from her throat as her hips continued to grind against his mouth.

Slowly the tremors subsided and her tense body relaxed back into the mattress but Darren hadn’t had his fill yet and continued uninterrupted with his hungry mouth.

Between his licking and stops to suck her clit into his mouth, it didn’t take long before she was close to tumbling over the edge yet again. Her body was straining, tense, and arched toward him when he slid one finger inside her and she exploded.

He moaned along with her as waves of pleasure spiraled out through her whole body. This time when her body lowered back to the mattress she was limp with pleasure and her mind was a blank.

Darren chuckled at her state and slowly kissed his way back up her body, stopping when he got to the front clasp of her bra. He flicked it open with his fingers and began a leisurely exploration of her left breast with his warm lips.

Her nipple puckered almost painfully when he rolled the wet tip between his fingers before moving to the other side to give that one the same treatment.

BOOK: Hooked for Life
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