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Authors: Chris Bradford

Hostage (46 page)

BOOK: Hostage
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The first four Puffin Picture Books were hatched in 1940 and the first Puffin
story book featured a man with broomstick arms called Worzel Gummidge. In 1967 Kaye
Webb, Puffin Editor, started the Puffin Club, promising to
children into readers’
. She kept that promise and over 200,000
children became devoted Puffineers through their quarterly instalments of
, which is now back for a new generation.
Many years from now, we hope you’ll look back and remember Puffin with a
No matter what your age or what you’re into, there’s a
Puffin for everyone.
The possibilities are endless, but one thing is
for sure: whether it’s a picture book or a paperback, a sticker book or a
if it’s got that little Puffin on it – it’s bound to
be good.
BOOK: Hostage
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