How to Make Her LET GO & GIVE IN: The No-Bullshit Guide to Great Sex (2 page)

BOOK: How to Make Her LET GO & GIVE IN: The No-Bullshit Guide to Great Sex
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The second part handles the physical aspects of her 4 zones that lead to orgasm and different ways to stimulate them; licking her pussy, fingering, fucking and making her squirt are all going to be addressed.

Once you’re able to apply these physical and emotional concepts, you can move on to the last part of this chapter. This will teach you how to give her the opportunity to reach a continuous orgasmic state.

When both you and her are completely fulfilled, the sexual tension lowers and it is time to ease her mind back to reality. In –
Step 5, Emotional Bonding
– you will learn how to bond with her through cuddling. This might seem funny, yet it is a very vital part of her experience. To conclude the book, we will discuss different ways and strategies on how you can and cannot bond when being in a sexual relationship.




The female desires of lust and trust are very important and this chapter will help you understand them. So, how do you get her roller coaster started and trigger her both mentally and physically?

All of these are vital because if she doesn’t get triggered, then she knows she's in for a dull and unmemorable ride. She might not even want to get it on in the first place and that's the last thing you want. You want results; you want to make a
and this chapter will show you how.


1.1 Emotional Selection

The theory of sexual selection helps to explain the origins of her primal desires of lust and trust. Only the 'right guy' for her can trigger these desires. Does that mean you have to become Mr. Right? In a sense, yes. In that moment in time, in the space of then and there, she needs the
right guy
, and the right guy is a
guy because he stays true to himself. Only he can activate her sexual roller coaster in the proper way, ensuring that
the one who gets selected.

1.2 Who is Mr. Right?

Dominance and Commitment – key elements that the right guy can give her. Dominance triggers her desires of
. Commitment triggers her desires of
. To give her the ultimate sexual encounter, she needs to feel the urge to follow you. Well, you can do this through triggering her lustful desires in the first place. Once she feels these, trust comes into play, because only through trusting you, will she follow you all the way.

1.3 Becoming Mr. Right

It’s up to
to create mind-blowing, sexual moments. To start you along the path, there are 2 ways on how you can turn her into the sexual goddess of your dreams:

The first one is aimed at enhancing your
sexual confidence
. The second one revolves around being
. When mastering these key factors, your sex-life will improve radically.


Emotional Selection

A woman selects a male based on her emotions. Every woman has her personal preference that influences how these emotions are touched. Two main preferences have already been mentioned, and these revolve around your
and level of

This provokes feelings of lust. Your levels of dominance over her are critical in enabling you to lead her through the whole sexual experience (and has nothing to do with being abusive or overly controlling).

Your willingness to commit or your lack of commitment, will undoubtedly stem from how you feel about her. Either way, you either build up her trust or lose it completely.

The two factors listed above are based entirely upon your mentality. And this is what this step aims to tackle. It's set up to give you the mind-set of a great lover, because only the right state of mind can create a lot of sexual tension.


When viewing the sexual roller coaster model, you will notice that in the first step, the line of the sexual tension goes very high. This is needed to give her 'roller coaster' a lot of speed and power before the actual experience begins. Without it, the experience will be similar to this:

As you can see, there isn't much sexual tension to begin with. This means she’s just in for a slow and boring ride that does not satisfy her needs in any way. So, learn what she needs and how to become it, and you will never have to experience these slow, boring rides again.


1. Emotions vs. Reason

You will discover that every woman has two sides. You need to be able to bring out the emotional side to give her an exciting physical ride.

2. Sexual Selection, the Struggle to Reproduce

Her emotions lie at the base on how she selects a man to satisfy her needs. Through the use of inter-sexual selection, she makes this emotional decision.

3. The Right Guy Is the Real Guy

Only a guy who isn’t shy of being authentic can be the one to satisfy all of her sexual needs.
Is he for real?
Because of this he could well be Mr. Right. You will learn who this man is and how to become him.


Emotion vs. Reason

Every woman has a duality about her. There is a never-ending struggle between her rational mind and her emotions. These two parts of her brain are in a constant conflict. Her rational mind might say that she’s a
good girl,
while her emotions tell her to be a
bad girl.

This rational mind gives her the ability to reason. It gives her reasons that some things are good and other things are bad. But the majority of time, these reasons interfere with bringing her in touch with her primal desires.

Whilst her emotions might tell her she wants to feel your dick inside her, loves her ass to be spanked or wants to taste your sperm, she will come up with many reasons or rationalize as to why she
engage in these kind of acts. Such as;
I know he doesn’t love me
I don’t want him to think I’m a slut
this is not what a respectable girl does
, etc.

A good lover knows how to surmount these 'reasons' and make her give in to her primal desires of lust

These desires have an important function. They were passed down from one generation to the next because they help women in their search for a suitable sexual partner. They instinctively feel which men trigger their desires of lust and trust, and which men don’t. Only the ones that trigger these desires are selected.

This intuitive process that guides her towards a desirable sexual partner is called sexual selection and is based upon her personal preferences. Two important preferences are dominance and commitment.

This process is not only important when you want to be selected as a sexual partner, it's also important when being in a sexual relationship. If you meet her needs of lust and trust over time, you will have a great and fulfilling sexual relationship.


Sexual Selection, the Struggle to Reproduce

To get rid of some misconceptions, sexual selection is
about survival of the fittest. Everyone knows about the genetic struggle to survive and the process of natural selection, that if you live long enough, you will get the opportunity to have sex and reproduce.

But when you look around, you’ll see that there's a lot more going on in our lives than mere survival. Sure, we could visit a beautiful museum, make a painting, enjoy an ice-cold beer, buy a new t-shirt we like, watch our favourite TV show, etc. Doing these things doesn’t really indicate species that merely seeks to survive and reproduce.

Therefore, if you aren't living in a country or neighbourhood that looks like a war-zone, have no life-threatening illness, and have enough food to eat, then this survival theory does not apply to you.

The real answers are to be found in the struggle to reproduce. Once we reach the point of sexual maturity, the struggle to reproduce begins. We all suddenly feel the urge to persuade one or more desirable sexual partners.

This makes us no different from our primal ancestors. The ones that survive and reach adulthood, all tried to gain the best possible partners they could get.

The ones who managed to pull this off are part of your genetic heritage. The ones who weren't so successful died without offspring, as they didn't have that chance to pass on their genetic coding.

This means that the process of selection based on desires has a competitive aspect. If you meet up to her standards, she will select you. If you don’t, she will reject you.

This selection is based upon two principles: intra-sexual and inter-sexual selection.

Intra-Sexual Selection

Women prefer men who have a high social status amongst other men. To determine which men have a high social status and which have a low social status, we use intra-sexual selection. This means men compete with each other in order to get a more dominant position over other males. This position gives them the edge of having access to their partner of choice.

Intimidating, humiliating and defeating are all examples in how we compete. Just think of the big antlers of a male deer. The only reason they have it is to fight or scare off other competitors. That’s why some guys try to develop bigger muscles, get involved in bar fights or act tough.

But there are also more subtle, and in most cases, more productive ways of competing. By forming alliances or working together and creating friendships within the same sex, you build social dominance, which is far more important than mere physical dominance in today's world.

Women know quite well that men compete in this manner. For them, it's a good way to separate the ‘men from the boys'. They notice which men gain more influence than others. They instinctively sense if a man can take charge, gets listened to and is respected. These are called 'alpha' men and are the ones that trigger her primal desires of lust.

Inter-Sexual Selection

Inter-sexual selection means selection between both sexes. Women select men based upon certain criteria. Every woman has her own tastes and personal preference. Your traits might be sexy to some females, but not to others. Some women find guys with curly hair sexy, while others prefer bald guys. It’s possible that she likes 'tough' guys, while her friend is more attracted to the sweet and funny type of guy.

The two most important of these preferences, again, revolve around dominance and commitment. The first and most important is dominance, as you can conclude from the section of intra-sexual selection, women react positively towards a dominant man.

But just
dominant she wants a man to be depends on her own preference. Some women like to be very submissive which means that they want to please a very dominant man. On the other hand, more independent women have no need for a man that dominates every aspect of her life. These women need a lighter, more subtle kind of dominance.

Another aspect she screens for is your level of commitment. In most cases, she wants you to stay around after having sex because her primal emotions tell her she might be pregnant and needs a man around to take care of her and her future baby.

So, she will screen you on your long term potential because she needs to affirm if you have what it takes to take care of her and the child. She does this by trying to find out if you
to commit or not and by looking at your fathering abilities, such as patience, compassion, having a decent income, emotional stability, etc. If you can show her these traits, she will develop a sense of trust toward you.

When her emotions tell her she might end up pregnant, she will develop feelings of love towards you. She does this because a strong bond between her and her man is far more productive to raise a child than raising one alone.

But she is not
looking for commitment. Sometimes she prefers you to walk away after having sex or to keep things casual. In these cases, trust is not important. From an evolutionary point of view, this might not seem a good idea because there are some risks involved. She might end up raising her child alone, without the support and protection from a man.

If she does engage in casual sex, she has legitimate reasons that revolve around her primal emotions. If she feels her emotions are not fulfilled, she might start selecting in a way in which she looks for partial fulfilment.

BOOK: How to Make Her LET GO & GIVE IN: The No-Bullshit Guide to Great Sex
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