Read Hues Of Lust: BBW Erotic Holiday Story Collection includes Lustful Holiday Romance & BBW Erotic Romance (4 Valentine Romance Short Stories: BBW Romance & BBW Erotica) Online

Authors: K. W. Middleton

Tags: #holiday erotic romance, #bbw romance book, #bbw romance, #valentine romance, #bbw erotic romance, #BBW Erotica, #erotic bbw romance, #Erotic Holiday Story, #holiday romance

Hues Of Lust: BBW Erotic Holiday Story Collection includes Lustful Holiday Romance & BBW Erotic Romance (4 Valentine Romance Short Stories: BBW Romance & BBW Erotica) (6 page)

BOOK: Hues Of Lust: BBW Erotic Holiday Story Collection includes Lustful Holiday Romance & BBW Erotic Romance (4 Valentine Romance Short Stories: BBW Romance & BBW Erotica)
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I do look gorgeous! She thought, smiling.


She was dressed by 7PM when her doorbell rang. This time when she looked through the peephole, she saw a man wearing a uniform of some sort. Keeping the chain on, she opened the door a crack.


“Yes?” she said.


“Good evening, ma’am,” the man said in an almost courtly manner. “Are you Miss Catherine?”


“I am,” she replied.


“I’m instructed to ask you to accompany me,” he said.


“Accompany you to where?” she asked.


“If you look out your window, you’ll see the limousine waiting. That is for you.”


Slowly she pushed the door shut and walked over to her living room window. Looking down, she gasped as there was definitely a limousine waiting.

Deciding that even though it might not be the smartest thing she had ever done, nevertheless she grabbed her coat and purse and went with uniformed man. When they reached the limousine, he opened the back door for her and invited her to get inside. Stepping in carefully, she was greeted by one of the most handsome men she had ever seen.


He was smiling and handed her a glass of champagne. His hair was black, and his eyes were an ocean blue. A sexy lopsided smile showed her perfect white teeth and a slight dimple on one side of his mouth. She accepted the champagne and simply sat staring at him.

“Hello, Catherine,” he said in a low sexy voice. “I’m so happy that you agreed to join me. Shall we drink to new friends and future possibilities?”

“Ok,” she managed to whisper.


Once they had sipped the champagne, Catherine found her voice.


“Who are you,” she asked. “And how do you know me?”


“My name is Marcus,” he said. “As for the rest, I’ll be happy to share that with you later but, for now, can it just be an exciting sort of mystery?”

Smiling a bit, Catherine nodded and off they went into the night.


What a night it was! Marcus took her to a five star restaurant that he had rented out for the evening where they enjoyed one of the most delicious gourmet mills she had ever had. Following that, they were entertained by a private band where they danced until well after midnight.


Finally, they were back in the limousine and on their way to Catherine’s apartment. Marcus was holding her hand. She really didn’t want this night to ever end and she kept trying to think of a way to keep it going. She needn’t have worried about that.


When they reached her building, Marcus got of the car with her and walked her up to her apartment. Outside of her door, he turned her face up to him and placed his mouth on hers, gently at first. However, it quickly caught fire and they were both caught up in a very heated kiss.


“Do you want to come in?” Catherine managed to gasp as she broke away from him.


“I was so hoping that you would ask,” Marcus whispered.


Once they were inside of her apartment, Marcus was kissing her with abandon now and moving his hands all over her body, whispering how beautiful she was. His mouth blazed a trail from her mouth down her neck and just to the top of her cleavage. When she didn’t protest, he slowly removed her dress and she was standing before him wearing the red teddy, sheer silk stockings and a matching red garter.


He stood back and stared at her with a smile on his face.


“You did wear it!” he exclaimed. “I’m so happy! And you look just as amazing in it as I knew you would!”


“You sent this to me?” she asked breathlessly.


“I did,” Marcus replied. “Do you like it?”


“I love it!” Catherine said as she smiled back at him.


“It truly is a shame that it will be on the floor in just a few minutes,” Marcus teased.


Catherine couldn’t find the words to say anything and then he was kissing her and touching her again. Finally, she took his hand and led him to her bedroom. When they got there, she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him with fire in her eyes.


“Take off your clothes,” she said. “I want to see you.”


Marcus didn’t argue with her.  He stripped slowly and seductively for her until he stood naked. His cock was erect and beautiful. She reached for it and wrapped her hand around it, stroking it slowly. Marcus threw back his head, eyes closed and breathed deeply before pushing her back onto the bed and kissing her from her mouth to her breasts. This is where the teddy was removed and tossed to the floor.


He took Catherine’s full breasts in his hands and caressed them as he moved his mouth from one nipple to the other and back again. Catherine cried out in pleasure. Then he moved his hand down to separate her thighs and deftly stimulated her aching and stiff little clit. He felt her wetness and knew that she was ready for him.


Poised above Catherine, Marcus placed the head of his cock right at her most intimate of openings and plunged deeply into her. Catherine once more cried out as she lifted her legs to wrap around his lower back and moved up against him. Together, they moved in a hard and fast rhythm until they both felt their moment of no return approaching.


Their orgasms hit almost simultaneously and they cried out together as they held each other, riding out the storm.


Afterward, they lay together fighting to breathe normally once more.


“Marcus,” Catherine finally said. “Just who are you?”


Her question was met by silence as Marcus smiled into the darkness.


“How about we discuss this in the morning?” he asked. “By the way, Happy Valentine’s Day.” 

Part II

Catherine woke the next morning to the tantalizing aroma coffee brewing. She stretched like a chubby, sexy cat with the smile of a very satisfied woman. Reaching over to the other side of her bed, she found it disheveled but empty. Her eyes flew open and she sat up part of the way looking around her bedroom a bit wildly.


Now she was wondering if the previous night had been a dream; a lovely dream, yes; but a dream nonetheless. As she moved, though, her body had that slightly sore sensation of being well-loved. That
’s when she was fully certain that Marcus had, indeed, been real. Then there was the coffee. She knew that someone had to have made it and it had not been her. Therefore, it had to have been Marcus.


Feeling rather lazy, Catherine really didn’t want to move from her bed but she wanted to find Marcus. Maybe they could have one more tryst before he had to leave. That was when it occurred to her that the limousine surely wouldn’t have been made to stay outside all night. The poor driver would have had to doze in the vehicle.


That and the thought of Marcus standing in her kitchen finally motivated her to get out of the bed. She located her robe and put it on, belting it at her waist. Pausing to step into the bathroom, she washed her face, and brushed her teeth and hair. Once she was sure that she was presentable, she headed down the hall following the aroma of the coffee.


Smiling broadly, she stepped into the kitchen ready to greet Marcus and hoping to find him in some stage of undress. But the kitchen was empty. That propelled her to the window from her living room where she looked down at the street. The limousine was no longer there.


Where had he gone? Wouldn’t he have at least wakened her to say goodbye?


Sighing, she went back into the kitchen for a cup of that delicious smelling coffee. When she went over to the coffee maker, she spotted something that she had previously missed. There was a note propped up beside it. Picking it up, Catherine smiled as she read the message written there.


You were so beautiful and sleeping so peacefully that I didn’t have the heart to wake you. Last night was one of the most incredible that I’ve ever experienced. I apologize for having to slip out so early but I had a meeting this morning that I could not miss. Thank you, lovely Catherine, for such a perfect Valentine’s Day. I will be in touch.




Well, at least now she knew why he had gone without saying goodbye. She poured a cup of coffee and carried it into the living room. Sitting on the couch, she thought back to last night and remembered everything that had happened. She just couldn’t seem to stop smiling! It’s a good thing that it was Saturday. She would have had a difficult time going into work today. Everyone would have known that she got laid just by the look on her face.


Catherine spent the rest of the morning and the better part of the afternoon simply being lazy. She enjoyed a nice full breakfast and then took a long hot shower. Afterwards, she curled up on the couch and watched one of her favorite romance movies as she sipped hot cocoa and nibbled on a sandwich. Part of her kept waiting for Marcus to call and she was more than a little disappointed when he didn’t.


Oh well, she thought. He hadn’t said specifically when he would call; just that he would be in touch. Still, it was disappointing.


While she was thinking on disappointing topics, she allowed her mind to go back to Daniel. It was funny how she could simply have pushed him away from her memory after only one night with Marcus. Thinking of how strange it was that Daniel had suddenly broken up with her for no reason, she was consumed with curiosity as to why.


She sat up and reached for her laptop. Going online, she did a few searches by entering in Daniel’s name to the search engine. She was astounded when she got a few hundred hits. What did all of this mean?


As she read through some of the information that she had found, it all quickly made sense! Daniel seemed to be known at some high end casinos as a high roller. That was really odd considering that the two of them had never gone near a casino during the time they were together. She spent time perusing some of the larger articles on him and spotted a picture that showed Daniel at the blackjack table with a man standing just behind him.


That man was Marcus.


What did this mean? Do Marcus and Daniel know each other?


Catherine searched for any information on Marcus but couldn’t seem to find anything. Could Marcus have targeted her because of Daniel? She had been curious as to how he had even known her and now, she was seeing just how irresponsible she had been with her actions the previous night. That only partly took away some of the fun but it would never erase the full beauty of that night. Marcus was gorgeous, romantic and a very skilled lover. He had treated her with respect and care. Nothing was going to ruin that in her mind.


Now, though, she knew that she must be more careful in the future. She had simply been too upset and depressed to be on guard. Well, she was fine. Marcus had done nothing to harm her. In fact, just the opposite was true. No man had ever made her feel so cherished. She would always remember that about him no matter what happened from this point.


As she sat mulling all of this over, her cell phone rang. Quickly and excitedly she snatched it up from the coffee table, hoping that it was Marcus.


“Hello?” she asked breathlessly.


“Hey Cat, it’s me.”


“Daniel?” she said incredulously. “What on earth do you want?”


“I just wanted to talk to you,” Daniel replied. “How are you doing?”


“I’m just perfect,” she replied tartly. “In spite of how you treated me, I managed to have an absolutely perfect Valentine’s Day.”


“I’m glad to hear that,” he said. “I never meant to hurt you, Cat.”


“Yes, you’ve made that quite evident by lying to me all that time and then breaking up with me mere days before Valentine’s Day. No, you never meant to hurt me at all.


The sarcasm was evident in her voice and was not lost on Daniel.


“Seriously, Cat,” he said almost begging. “I did care about you and I still do. I was an idiot to let you go. Can we please talk?”


“I have nothing to say to you, Daniel. However, I am a little curious as to why you never told me that you were such a celebrity at the casinos. Why would you hide that from me?”

BOOK: Hues Of Lust: BBW Erotic Holiday Story Collection includes Lustful Holiday Romance & BBW Erotic Romance (4 Valentine Romance Short Stories: BBW Romance & BBW Erotica)
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