HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance (2 page)

BOOK: HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance
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You know
my brother Jason?”

“No.” We both shake our heads.

“You talking about me?” a voice says from behind.

And then another clone appears.
By this point, my mouth is hanging open.

“This is Jason,” the first guy says.
“I’m Austin.”

“Wow,” Abi gasps.

“Two for the price of one,” I say in a dazed voice,
then snap my mouth shut as I realize how that sounds.
Austin and Jason are identical twins who bear
a striking resemblance to Bryan.

They both laugh and smile, sporting gorgeous dimples
and twinkly green eyes that are brighter than the sparkliest jade you ever

Abi seems to have maintained at least one brain cell
and introduces us.

“Hey, Katelin,”
Jason says, leaning forward as though he wants to kiss me on the cheek.
I’m totally not expecting it so we do this
awkward fumble in the middle where neither of us knows which cheek to go for.
We almost brush lips and when he finally does
the air-kiss thing by my right ear I know my face is the color of a beetroot.

“Smooth, bro.” Austin laughs, reaching for my hand
instead and pressing his lips to my skin in a kind of gallant way that doesn’t really
fit with this century.
His lips feel
really soft on my skin and he dwells a little longer than I’m expecting, as
though he’s inhaling the scent of me.

Abi gets an air kiss and a hand kiss too, and then we
all stand around awkwardly.
I’m usually
cool with meeting strangers.
I don’t
really have a shy bone in my body, but something about facing Bryan’s
carbon-copies has stolen my usual confidence.
I can’t bear the silence, though.
I have to fill it with some kind of conversation, however banal.

“So, where you from?
Your accents aren’t from around here.”

“New York,” they say in unison.
It reminds me of Carrie’s boyfriends Ethan
and Nathan who always manage to either speak in synch or finish each other’s
sentences. Another of those traits that Carrie refers to as a ‘twin thing’.

“Wow…this must be a bit of a culture shock.” I laugh,
looking around at our small-town bar.

“Beer, music and dancing.
We have those things in New York too.”
Austin grins and I can’t help but smile
He’s kind of cute with his mock-chivalry
and sarcasm.
I can dig that.

“And there was me thinking we were trend setting.”

“Sorry, guys. I’ve just seen someone I need to speak
to.” Abi waves apologetically and heads into the crowd.
I watch as she grabs the arm of a guy she
knows from the coffee shop she works at. She’s had a thing for him for a while
so I know not to expect her back too soon. I’m left hanging between two of the
tallest men in the club.
They’re like a couple
of blond-topped pillars.

“And then there were three,” Austin says.

“Three is the magic number,” I blurt out.
I definitely lost my brain cells at the bar
or somewhere between their dimples and eyes.
God, that sounded so flirty.

I catch the twins looking at each other.
It’s a glance that I would have missed had I
not been used to seeing Ethan and Nathan communicating silently so much.
It’s a glance that sends shivers up my

magic number,” Austin says in his oh so sexy city accent.
He runs his fingers through his messy blond
hair and I almost swoon.

“Three’s a charm,” Jason says in a low voice.

“Three’s a crowd,” I mumble, self-conscious that I
seem to have set ideas running in the minds of these two strangers.
Ideas that have ignited my lady parts.

“Now whoever said that was an idiot,” Austin
“You wanna dance, Katelin?”

For a moment, I don’t know what to do.
Have you ever had a fantasy that you thought
was only ever going to be that?
Sometimes the things we dream are too extreme for our small, real lives.
Our fantasies are too large and too life
changing to go for.
At least, that’s
what I used to think.
Then Auntie Marie
told me something that rushes through my mind, right at that moment;
‘Don’t miss the chances that life throws at
You get one chance to catch
One moment to live out your

That was just before she got too sick to speak.
Maybe that’s why now, her words seem so loud
and important.

There are moments in life where you just know that
something big is about to happen, and this is one of those moments.
So I say the only thing that would be right
to say to an offer like that.

“I think I do.”

The boys smile and usher me forward, so I lead the way
to the dancefloor, not looking back to check if they are following.
There is something electric in the air, like
stars aligning.
I feel as though
something in the universe is colluding to make my fantasies come true.
I almost don’t want to turn around in case
Austin and Jason have disappeared and I discover they were really just a
figment of my extremely overactive imagination.
When I’ve maneuvered myself into the center, I
turn and to my absolute relief find both blond sex gods standing before me.

Time seems to slow and I almost hear classical music
and see light streaming from the sky.


Gorgeous twins, here in my small town bar.

Gorgeous twins who are looking at me with hungry eyes
and wicked smiles.

I look to the sky (well, the nightclub ceiling that is
covered with exposed pipes and lighting rigging) and say a silent ‘thank
I don’t know what I’ve done to
deserve this blessing, but I wish I did because I’d be doing it over and over
and over again for the rest of my damn life!

I smile at these manifestations of all my sexual
imaginings and start to dance.
The music
is happy sounding with a pulsing beat, and the flashing lights make everything
feel magical.
I’m grateful for the
liquid courage that Abi and I drank a few minutes ago.
The alcohol sits like a warm balm in my
stomach, so that when Austin starts to dance behind me, I don’t freeze up, but
meld into him.
Jason takes up position
in front of me, grinning down as he starts to move.

All I can think is wow.
I love a man who knows how to move his
Men who know how to dance know how
to fuck.
At least that’s my experience.

“So, have you lived around here for long?” Austin
asks, bending to speak directly into my ear.

“All my life.”

I turn so I’m dancing face to face with Austin,
wanting to see his face as he talks.

“Do you come here a lot?”

“What do you think?
It’s the only bar in town that isn’t filled with middle-aged men or

“You’re really selling this town.”

“I don’t need to sell it,” I say, shrugging my
“You’re here already.
It’s a bit late to be having second

“Oh, I never
have second thoughts.”
He runs his eyes
over my body suggestively and I swear my nipples harden under his gaze.
It’s something my dirty little books always
say happens, but it’s a first for me.

Austin rests a hand on my hips.
His palm is so big and heavy.
This close I can see golden flecks around his
irises, and the long lashes that make his eyes look so pretty.

“You’re very flirty.”

“You’re very pretty.”

“She sure is,” Jason whispers in my ear from behind.
He rests his palm on my other hip and presses in closer.

I get a flash of another evening from a few years ago,
when I watched my friend Carrie dance just like this, sandwiched between two
gorgeous men.
I was so jealous of her
Of their attention and of the
dazed look she had on her face as she became their focus.
I didn’t know that she was interested in them
then, but I totally understand how she felt now that I’m in the same situation.
There’s something so unbelievably
overwhelming about so much man.
Two tall
and strong bodies.
Broad shoulders,
narrow waists.
Thighs that look about to
burst through their fitted jeans.

I smirk as I realize they could be great casting for
Star Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy.

“What are you smiling at?” Austin asks.

“You into comics?” I ask, expecting him to totally
roll his eyes.

“You’re thinking we look like Peter Quill,” he says.

“Oh my god,” I gasp.
“How did you know that?”

“We get it all the time,” Jason says.

“You like comics,” I say in wonder.
No decent looking guy ever likes comics.
I guess they might be thinking the same
I might look like a cheerleader,
but I’m a bit of a nerd at heart.

“I bet you’re pissed at the Spiderwoman butt picture,
aren’t you?” Austin says grinning.
did I know they were going to bring up this very conversation?

“They had this perfect opportunity to make her a
strong and empowering female character, and instead they made her look like
some vampish porn star,” I whine.

“They made her sexy, you mean,” Jason says.

“The guy who drew that image based it on erotica.”

“Comics are erotic in their own way,” Austin
“You don’t find the supersized
muscles on the male characters arousing?”

When he says the word arousing, my pussy
Talking to them about comics
is arousing.
Watching their stunning
eyes light up about one of my passions is arousing.
The fact they look a little like Chris Pratt
is also turning me on like nobody’s business.

“Muscles don’t maketh the man,” I scoff.

“Maketh,” Jason laughs and I scowl at him.
Inside though I’m reeling at how perfect they
Before I came out tonight, if you’d
asked me to describe my ideal man, it’d be scarily close to Austin and Jason.

“It’s a phrase,” I snap, putting my hands on my hips.

“You haven’t answered my question,” Austin says,
mimicking my tone.

“There isn’t a woman here that wouldn’t swoon a little
for a muscly guy, but most would run a mile if that was all he had going for

“So you’re looking for the full package?” Jason asks
with a cheeky grin.

I shake my head with mock exasperation.
Really I love their banter.
Brains as well as brawn.”

“I wasn’t talking about brains.”

“I know exactly what you meant.”

I start dancing again, making sure that my movements
are seductive but not too sexual.
I live
in this town after all.
Creating some
speculation is one thing.
Causing a
scene is a whole other thing.

“So how long are you in town for?” I ask, loudly
enough that they can both hear.

“The whole summer,” Austin says.

“That long enough?” Jason adds.

“For what?”

“For whatever you want.”
Austin grins at his own suggestiveness and I
want to laugh.

“And what do I want?”

“I wish I knew every little thing that’s going on in
that beautiful little mind of yours,” Jason says.
This time, his mouth is so close to my ear I
feel the press of his soft lips. My ass bumps against his thighs and everything
in me goes tight with anticipation.

“I’m not sure you really wanna know.”

“Oh yes we do,” Austin says.
He reaches up and pushes a curl behind my ear
and grazes my cheek with this thumb.

BOOK: HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance
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