Read Hungry Heart: Part Two Online

Authors: Violet Haze

Tags: #polyamorous romance, #erotic romance

Hungry Heart: Part Two (6 page)

BOOK: Hungry Heart: Part Two
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“I wasn’t trying to disrupt you. Just wanted to bring you something to drink and give you a kiss.”

“I know.” With one arm supporting my back, he moves the other to rest on the bare skin between my knee and the edge of skirt, caressing it as he shuts his eyes while tipping his head to rest on the back of his chair. “I just couldn’t resist touching you.”

“You don’t ever have to refrain from putting your hands on me.”

“Glad to hear it. But, in that case, what must I refrain from if not touching you?”

“Mmm. Nothing.”

“Carte blanche is dangerous, Caroline.”

Him and using my name! Giggling, I tease him in return. “Is it, Benedict? And why’s that?”

“Because it means I can do anything and you’d be up for it. You wouldn’t stop me. What if I did something you don’t like?”

With a shake of my head, I finally move so my arms are around his neck, and my tongue darts out to give him a quick lick on the lips. As his lips twitch in reaction, my head falls back as I bust into laughter, and say, “Not possible. Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself.”

“I don’t,” he admits, shifting underneath me so his increasingly hardening cock rubs against my ass through my skirt and panties. “I just know myself and am certain we are alike in many ways. Possibly more than you even realize.”


His mouth inches closer to mine. “Almost certain.”

“Within an inch of potentially and for sure.”

“Smartass.” His hold is firm on my hips and he grinds into me. “Caroline?”


“I’m cashing in my raincheck.” He shifts me with those words, until I’m bending over his desk and he’s behind me pulling down my panties, making me step out of them.

“But somebody could walk in!”

“Guess next time you’ll make sure to lock the door just in case.” His statement is followed up with a slap to my ass and thrusting into me so hard and sudden the desk moves a little, enough to make us both laugh. “Ah, fuck.”

That’s the last of the talking for a good bit.

Oh and nobody walks in on us.



Three days have passed since Nathan called me the other morning, and he hasn’t called me even once. He’s texted back in response to my texting him, only to tell me he’s busy and he’s sorry. Oh, and he loves me.

Yeah, I love him too, but he’s starting to piss me off.

I realize I’m probably having a complete overreaction to him being gone because it’s never happened before, and yeah, it’s not healthy. Blah, blah, blah. I don’t care. I miss him and it doesn’t seem like he misses me at all.

Maybe if classes were still in session, I would be too busy to notice or care so much, but they aren’t. I’m not busy. I’m spending most of my time with Benedict which is great because I love being able to learn about him and spend so much time together, I truly do.

But I want the man I’ve been with for almost four years now to hold me, and kiss me, and make love to me the way we both enjoy it. I want him to call me so I can hear his voice because not talking to him is making me so fucking sad.

I’ve never had to miss him like this, but it hurts. I didn’t know it could hurt this much, and part of me wonders if this is how Benedict felt when Miranda started spending more and more time with Len. I’m understanding his desire to drink, even if I won’t do the same thing because it’s just not the type of person I am, even if it’s not the same kind of circumstances.

If it were? God, I’m not sure I’d handle it all that well. Losing Nathan would be…it would devastate me, make me feel a way I’ve never felt and don’t want to ever feel; I know that much.

What makes it worse is the fact I’m starting to feel the same about Benedict, and that’s even scarier. We haven’t been together for what anyone would consider a good amount of time, yet I’m falling for him hard. He’s just such a sweet, kind, and wonderful man all around; everybody loves him.

Well, okay, maybe not Len and Miranda as much anymore, but all his employees think he’s the best. And I can see why. I’ve spent pretty much all my time with either him or Ethan and Destiny, who are usually hanging around here now since it’s the holidays, and gotten to talk to all the staff in one form or another as well as see him in action.

He talks to all of his employees with complete respect, never has to reprimand anyone, pays them well above minimum wage, and gives them all the schedules they prefer. It’s clear why this place is the place to hang
the place to work in town, especially if you’re a college student.

A place I’m in right now, sitting at the bar nursing a drink, as Benedict’s in a late meeting with a vendor. Frank’s been casting me worried side glances, and I’m sure it’s due to the frown I’ve had since showing up earlier this evening. When he finally gets a break, he heads toward me, and leans in so I’m the only person who can hear him.

“You all right? You look upset. Whose ass do I need to kick?”

“No. I am. And nobody’s right now. Just missing Nathan.”

“He’s still not back?”

I shake my head, a tear slipping down my cheek as my emotions slip through, which I wipe away with an angry swipe as I say, “It’s New Year’s Eve the day after tomorrow. We’ve never been apart during Christmas, let alone New Years. We barely speak too and it hurts. I wouldn’t care if he talked to me more.”

“Sorry, that sucks. I’m sure he’s just busy. Maybe you gotta just keep busy too. Spend time with Ethan or Benedict or hell, even me. I’m glad to have you around. You want something to do maybe to take your mind off of it?”

“Like what?”

With a glance over his shoulder, he follows it up with an amused grin. “Wash those dishes for me?”

Pursing my lips in consideration, I ask, “Anything else I can do?”

“Well, I need the whole place swept and mopped once it calms down, if you’d like to do that instead.”

Shaking my head, I laugh and stand up. “Dishes it is.”

About twenty minutes pass and when I’m almost done with washing, I see Benedict approaching from the side and turn off the water right as he throws his arms around my shoulder with a naughty grin.

“Ready to get out of here?”

“Pretty sure you’ve got a few hours left ’till close, don’t you?”

“Yes, but Frank’s closing up tonight so we can spend some time together while I’m
also at work.” He turns me and tugs me against him, lowering his head to nip at the lobe of my ear before whispering into my ear, “See? I do learn from my mistakes, which means making time for my woman no matter how busy I am.”

“Yeah?” Tossing Frank a smile of thanks, I slide my arms up Benedict’s chest until they are wrapped around his neck and my smile widens with happiness. “Well then, let’s dance.”

As he scowls, I tilt my head toward the dance floor and give a soft laugh.

“Come on, just one.” Stepping up on tiptoe, I brush a kiss across his lips and follow it up with another laugh. “And then we’ll go back to your place for some naked horizontal dancing.”

“Sounds like a terrific idea, although I wish we could skip out on the dancing.”

“Even if it means you’ll get all hot and bothered before then by me rubbing up against you?”

His eyes grow hotter at what I’ve said as we head to the dance floor. Just as we arrive, the song changes from a fast-paced dance to a slow love song. Benedict doesn’t waste time pulling me close, our bodies swaying in tune like we’ve done this a million times, and kisses the top of my head as it rests against his chest. Neither of us speak, just simply enjoying how close we are to one another, and even though the club is packed, it doesn’t feel like we’re surrounded by others. All I see and feel is him, and in this moment, he’s my whole world.

Lost in my thoughts, it takes me a moment to register the fact one of his hands slipped from my waist to ass, while the other found its way between our bodies and I smile as he starts fondling the charm on the necklace he bought me.

“I love the fact you haven’t taken this off since I gave it to you.”

“It makes me feel close to you even when you aren’t around.”

“Good.” He removes his hand and puts it back around my waist. “Means when school starts up again, you won’t forget about me when you’re busy.”

“Ha.” A lift of my head has us gazing at each other, our happiness reflected in the other’s eyes. “As if I would.”

“I know I’m hard to forget about. I think about myself all the time too.”

My lips quirk. “Shut up, Benedict.”

“Make me, Caroline.”


Wrapping my arms around his neck tighter, I jump into his arms and he catches me with a chuckle, which gets lost when our mouths meet. There are a few cat calls from those around us while we stand there, my legs wrapped around his hips while he holds me steady with his hands on my ass, but I barely notice. In this moment, I’m free, happy, and not caring I’m in a public place. And when our lips separate for a breather, he lets me slip to the floor as he says, “Home, now.”

A suggestion I’m all up for because all I wish right now is that we were naked and in bed together. But just as we turn to walk toward the door, Benedict stops, his eyes narrowing at whatever he sees over my shoulder.

“Fuck.” Lifting his hand in a signal I’ve recently discovered is meant to get the attention of the security team, he gives me a quick kiss and says, “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”

He walks away once I nod and with a sigh, I head over to sit at the bar to wait. Not even two minutes pass though before the security team is hauling two men into Benedict’s office and he’s returning to me with a scowl.

“Sorry, but I’ve got some shit to deal with. Was hoping it wasn’t what I thought, but looks like someone’s been pushing drugs in here for a while now.” My mouth drops open at this disturbing turn of events while he grabs my hand and lifts it so the palm is up, then places two keys in the center of it and closes my fingers around them. “Take my car and go to my place. I’ll be there soon as I can. Make sure you turn on the alarm like I showed you. Frank’ll bring me home when we’re done for the evening.”

“What? No. I’ll wait for you—”

“Caroline, please.” With a kiss on the top of my head, he looks over at Frank and says, “Make sure she gets outside and into my car safely, man.”

“Yep. Go deal with those morons.”

While I hate that he won’t let me stay, I sigh as he looks at me once more, apologizing with his eyes. Before he turns away to deal with the situation, I squeeze his hand with mine to show him I understand. And I do because I get it.

I think that’s what’s necessary to a good relationship. You both have to get where each other are coming from, and understand sometimes it’s just not all about you and what you want. Miranda couldn’t give him that, but I can, and it’s clear he sees it in my eyes because he wraps his arms around me and lowers his lips to mine.

Giving me a hot, blazing kiss, he steals my breath before pulling away and saying against my mouth, “Just so you know, I think you’re absolutely wonderful, Caroline. I love you.”

I don’t even get the chance to respond before he lowers me back to the ground and tosses me a wink before walking away as I try to convince myself he didn’t just say what I think he did.

But I don’t get to think about it much at all before Frank is ushering me outside to Benedict’s car and sending me on my way.

However, it’s the only thing on my mind the whole way to his house.


I tried to stay up and wait for him, but the next time I see Benedict is when I wake up at seven a.m. to his arm thrown around my waist, and my body snuggled into his as he sleeps behind me. It’s so warm underneath the blankets with him I don’t want to get up, and part of me wishes he would wake up so we could have sex, but he isn’t. And since I’m pretty sure he hasn’t been asleep longer than four hours because of when the club closes, I slip out of bed as gently as I can without waking him, and head downstairs to make something to eat.

Three hours later, after I’ve eaten, showered, and watched a little t.v. my phone rings, and seeing Nathan’s name on the screen, I answer with a smile on my face which I know he can hear as well. “Hey!”

“Hey baby. So good to hear your voice.”

“Yeah, I missed yours too. How’s it going?”

“God, it’s a pain in my ass, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be home on New Year’s at some point. I can’t wait to see you, baby.”

He sounds so tired, but more like the man I love, and some of the anxiety that’s been squeezing my chest eases as I say softly, “Me too. I don’t ever want to experience being apart like this again.”

“It sucks, that’s for sure, but can’t promise I won’t have to do this more in the future.” He clears his throat. “I’m so glad you’re not angry at me, baby. I didn’t mean to ignore you, but this is truly my first moment to myself other than when I had to go to bed. I just wanted to make sure I got enough rest to deal with all this bullshit.”

“I was a little mad, but only because this is new for both of us, and I felt like you weren’t talking to me much. But this was new for both of us and I know you weren’t ignoring me on purpose.” And I did. Nathan just isn’t that type of person; he’s always been upfront and honest with me, and I feel silly for letting my imagination run wild. “I’m a little sad you won’t be here for New Year’s Eve either, but I’m a big girl. I’ll get over it.”

“Same, baby, but I’m sure you’ll have a great New Year’s all the same. How’re you doing? Anything exciting going on?”

“Not really with me. Just been spending time with Benedict and Ethan since school’s on break. Not much to do really.”

“Good, good. You sound much happier than last time, so Benedict must be treating you right. Well, he better be.”

With a laugh of happiness, I say, “Yeah, he is. He’s great; we’re great. I’m looking forward to seeing you though. I’m gonna need some quality alone time with you.”

“Looking forward to it, too.” He pauses and then sighs, our conversation over as he says, “Well, I’m out of time baby. Time to get back to work. I’ll make sure to let you know as soon as I can when I’ll be home. Love you.”

BOOK: Hungry Heart: Part Two
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