In His World (For His Pleasure, Book 28) (5 page)

BOOK: In His World (For His Pleasure, Book 28)
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Now her legs were wide open on the mattress and she was wearing only a bra.

Her entire body was slick with sweat, excitement and fear comingling. Her mind was not functioning normally. She felt drunk, high, and somehow more sober than ever.

She could see every crease, every small wrinkle on Brody’s shirt, and even the piece of lint hanging from the bottom button.

She could see the flecks in his eyes, the stubble of beard around his jawline.

Chloe could smell his scent, too, mingling with her own needy sex that hung in the air like a fine mist.

This was animal, dark and dirty and unseemly.

She felt hot, aroused and confused and infused with lust that was beyond anything that had ever occurred to her in her wildest dreams…or even her nightmares.

Brody climbed onto the bed, his body hovering above hers, supported his weight on his hand braced against the mattress as if doing a one-armed pushup. It was something that most people couldn’t have done without gasping for breath and turning red-faced.

Brody Hawk held the position like it was nothing to him.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” Chloe told him. Her voice shook as she spoke.

“You’re going to be in a different world when I’m finished with you,” he said, licking his lips. “I’m going to take you places you never imagined possible.”

“I’m scared,” she admitted.

“Good,” he said, and then he leaned down and began kissing her mouth again, his lips firm and insistent, and then his tongue slid into her mouth.

She tasted peppermint, lime, a hint of something salty and decadent.

Her body arched upwards, wanting to connect with his firm and finely muscled torso. Wanting to feel the bulge in his pants come into contact with her sopping wet mound, the slit gaping, dripping, opening for him as he turned her on and turned her out.

This is dirty
, she told herself.

Shortly after she thought:
I like it dirty.

I want him to do nasty things to me.

Her mind cataloged everything that might entail, and anytime she pictured Brody Hawk doing it to her, she got more turned on.

Anything and everything seemed possible now.

All bets were off.

Brody’s tongue was sliding in and out of her mouth, as he carefully slid her bra straps and then slid the bra cups off her breasts until her pert nipples were exposed.

Soon he was kissing down her neck, taking time at the collarbone, creating chills up and down her spine.

Chloe’s hands clenched into fists as she fought the tie that was constraining her to the headboard. She pulled against it, but got nowhere.

She was immobilized.

Brody’s hands roamed down her hips now, and he allowed himself to push his body down and against hers, the full weight of him pressing onto her naked flesh.

He was rock hard everywhere.

She lifted her hips, feeling wet, slick, sticky with her own juices.

His cock was pushing into her through his pants.

“Oh God,” she moaned, already near climaxing. Her eyes rolled back and she found her legs reflexively kicking as the restraints tightened against her ankles.

“You are the wettest thing I’ve ever seen,” Brody whispered in her ear as she climaxed intensely, gritting her teeth as her hips bucked, her mound trying to fuck his cock through his dress pants.

She’d never come that fast in her entire life.

This was just wrong.

What he was doing—torturing her, taking her—making her be his. And yet the more he tormented her, the wetter she got, the hotter she was for him.

Brody stroked his bulge against her mound, and she struggled to free herself, but she couldn’t get loose from the bonds. Her body was completely naked, soaked in sweat, vulnerable to his every whim.

He kissed down to her nipples, sucking the aching nubs until they were sore from the intense rush of pleasure that made her entire body shake.

His hands rubbed her breasts, his mouth sucked. He licked and flicked her nipples, and then he released them, staring at her. “Look at those fucking tits, those hard nipples. You taste so fucking good,” he told her. “And you like it, don’t you Chloe? You like having your titties sucked while you’re all tied up?”

She nodded. “Please…please just…”

“Just what?” he prodded, using his fingers to pinch and stroke her nipples until she moaned.

“Just…do it. Do it already.”

“Do what?” he pushed, as he continued stroking her swollen nubs.

“Fuck me. Oh god, Brody—just fuck me already.”

“In good time,” he assured her, and then he was sucking her nipples more, and she was bucking and thrashing.

Panting, out of breath, completely out of her mind.

Brody got off the bed and finally began to undress. He did it slowly, like a strip tease. His shirt came off first, and he tossed it to the side of the bed. Now his torso was bare, and everything that he showed off in the magazine spread was on display for Chloe. Just her, and her alone.

She gawked at him in the flesh.

Brody Hawk is in bed with me and he’s got his shirt off.

I’m naked, tied up in bed with Brody Hawk.

The sheer insanity of it was enough to send her into another panic attack. This was a man she’d drooled over in the glossy pages of a magazine and then he’d materialized in her life as if by magic.

Now he was doing things to her that nobody had ever done, saying things no one had ever said.

Was she going insane? Could this possibly be real?

Brody’s tie squeezed against her wrists, and it hurt, it was uncomfortable, her arms outstretched—yet she somehow liked being completely at Brody’s disposal. To be so powerless as the most powerful man she’d ever known controlled everything…it was more seductive than she could ever have imagined.

Her legs were spread and if she looked down she could see the wetness glimmering on her mound. Her belly pulsed up and down rhythmically.

Sweat beaded on her slick skin.

Brody was taking off his pants now. And then he took off his boxer shorts. He was standing naked in front of her, everything hard, cut like granite, a body that even Leonardo da Vinci couldn’t have dreamed up.

The muscles in his thighs were thick and protruding, as if someone had added an extra muscle on top of what normal people had. His cock was erect, full and arching proudly upward towards his flat, cut belly.

Her eyes were pulled to it like a magnet.

When she dragged her gaze away from his intimidatingly large but gorgeous dick, she was greeted by Brody’s arrogant grin.

That grin said,
I know you like what you see. It goes without saying

Her body gave another shudder and she felt her pussy contract, throbbing at the thought of him, the nearness of his perfectly chiseled body.

“When are you going to untie me?” she said, not sure she even wanted him to untie her, despite the ache in her wrists from where the cloth was biting into her skin.

“When I’m done with you,” he informed her. And then he was slowly lowering himself onto the bed, creeping towards her, his body low, grazing hers as he covered her with his hot flesh.

The moment his naked body made full contact with hers, she came again.

It was humiliating and she tried to hide it, but Brody was watching her too closely. She groaned and her face screwed up from the intensity of it, as his stiff cock just barely touched the highest part of her delta.

“Baby, you are sensitive,” he whispered, but his pupils were dilated and she could see that he liked it.

He liked knowing the effect he was having on her.

“Oh, shit,” she muttered, as the climax finally passed through her.

It was a relief, almost, to be done with it. Everything in her was so tuned up, so sensitive to his each and every movement that it was exhausting.

Just put me out of my misery and fuck me already
, she thought.

Brody seemed determined to continue the torture.

He began kissing her mouth again, and his tongue slowly entered, slick and hot and thick as it overtook her orifice.

His face was burning hot, and so was the rest of him.

His body was flattening on top of hers now, pressing down, the hardness of his cock pushing between her slit, and she gulped his shaft into her moist opening, but he was not fully going in.

Rather, he was tormenting her by simply laying his flesh pipe directly atop her mound, teasing her entrance, but not yet pushing the tip inside.

His stomach was pushed on hers, his chest forcing her breasts apart as his steel frame blanketed her entire body.

Brody’s strong hands manhandled her hips, rocking them back and forth as he began stroking his long, hard cock up and down over her mound.

“Oh, I can’t. I can’t take it. Please,” she gasped, her eyes wide now. “Please, Brody.”

“That’s right,” he told her, his sliding hips moving faster and more aggressively now. “Beg me.”

“Please,” she cried out, and she wasn’t doing it for his benefit. She truly had lost the ability to fight what he was doing.

It had become so exciting, so pleasurable that it had crossed over to a kind of pain—a kind of need that transcended anything she’d ever felt.

“Please what, Chloe?”

“Please fuck me, please fuck me. I’ll do anything. Anything.”

“Tell me you’ll take everything I want to give you. I’m going to fuck you and then I’m going to give you everything I have. No protection. Nothing stopping me from filling you completely.”

She hesitated.

He wasn’t going to wear any protection, she realized. He was telling her his terms, and it was something she’d never even considered.

Brody Hawk is going to fuck you and come inside you.

That is the definition of wrong. It’s bad. It’s a risk.

But her mind wasn’t thinking clearly at all, and in point of fact, she knew that the way her body was responding told her everything she needed to know.

Chloe wasn’t going to resist him now.

He’d broken her will in the same way he broke down his overmatched opponents in the ring.

“Okay,” she gasped. “I want it.”

“You want what?” he said. “I need you to say it,” he continued, stroking all along her pussy lips with his wet cock that pulsated against her mound.

“I want your dick inside me,” she gasped. “And then I want to take everything you have, all of your cum…all of it. Put it in me,” she told him.

As she said the last word, the head of his penis slid into her entrance, penetrating the first layer of her folds, pushing inside deliciously, creating a cascade of pleasure that made her cry out at the top of her lungs.

“I’m going to make it slow,” Brody told her, whispering in her ear as his huge cock started to fuck her willing, dripping wet pussy.

She gasped and moaned, unable to even speak coherently anymore. He was owning her completely, just as he’d promised to do beforehand.

As he fucked her, he kept talking, his voice deep and controlled in her ear, but his voice was also full of want—full of excitement.

His hips swiveled as he fought to enter her all the way.

“I’m going deeper now, deeper than anyone’s ever been—isn’t that right?” he said.

She nodded, her lips pressed tightly together as she tugged against the restraints. It helped to fight the bonds that held her—helped to relieve some of the pressure, the maddening building intensity that threatened to break her into a million pieces.

Brody’s cock was hot and huge, and it was splitting her open. She felt some amount of anxiety as he tried to fit all of himself inside her. Would she be able to truly take all of him, and what if she couldn’t do it?

What if she had to tell him to stop because it hurt?

But the pleasure as he slid ever so slowly into her, snug and tight, his hot dick slathered in her juices, felt better and better despite Brody’s enormous size.

“Now I’m balls deep in you,” he sighed in her ear.

She felt him as though he was a puzzle piece clicking into position. His groin pushed against hers. She lifted her head and looked, finding that she could no longer even see his shaft.

“You’re all the way in me,” she gasped.

“Damn right I am,” he said, and as he said that, he began withdrawing. She watched his long, thick cock sliding out, and now the entire length of him was visible. Even his head was out now.

Brody took hold of his cock by the root.

Chloe was panting now. He’d taken himself out, leaving an empty void where he’d once been. And she was afraid of what it would take for him to enter her once again.

Her breathing was fast. “Oh, God,” she said, half-nervous, half-excited with the anticipation of it all.

Now he used his hand around his cock to direct himself back towards her entrance. And this time, he was fast, sliding from the tip to the very base of his shaft within a split second.

He pumped all the way into her with one quick thrust.

She cried out, but not from pain. It felt amazing.

Beyond amazing. She was coming again, and she told him so.

For his part, Brody was intent on his work. He pulled all the way out. His dick was harder than ever, pointing towards the ceiling, engorged with blood. He pushed in again, slid all the way in, then all the way out. He continued this way, fucking her pussy with one hard push, then sliding out and letting her squirm as his cock head was situated in front of her entrance.


He was as unpredictable in bed as everywhere else.

The sweet torture made her come again and again, until her entire body was drenched and she was completely spent.

“Now, it’s my turn,” Brody said. His body was also bathed in sweat now. He pushed his dick back inside her and his temple throbbed with unflinching intensity as he moved on top of her and his hips locked onto hers.

He slid all the way in, and now he was starting to move his hips in time, fucking her with precision and a clear plan to come himself.

She could feel it building as his body generated more and more speed and force.

BOOK: In His World (For His Pleasure, Book 28)
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