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Authors: Will Blue

In the Life (27 page)

BOOK: In the Life
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Jackson wrapped his red terrycloth towel around his waist and ran to the door. He hoped that Tracy would not get the wrong message from him answering the door half naked. To his surprise, it was Sherrod who had been knocking. He had grocery bags in each hand. Jackson eyed the bags as Sherrod took in the sight of Jackson's body. He couldn't take in too much though because Alonzo was coming up the steps with even more groceries.


"Damn, this shit is heavy as fuck," Alonzo said as he pushed past Sherrod to put things down in the kitchen. Alonzo immediately noticed all of Jackson's hard work. "Oh shit. Look at this place. You cleaned."


"Yep," Jackson replied simply. He was still annoyed that he had to clean up Alonzo's mess. Alonzo picked up on Jackson's tone and tried to apologize.


"I was going to clean all that up tonight. How come you did it?"


"I got a date coming over." Jackson adjusted the robe to make sure that it stayed on his body. He let Sherrod come all the way in before closing the door.


"A date?" Alonzo and Sherrod questioned in unison. A smirk came to Alonzo's face.

"Oh, did we interrupt you from getting ready?"


"Yeah, he should be here any minute. Let me go back and get ready." Jackson turned to go back into his room. Sherrod watched him wishing that the towel would fall. He was not happy about this date but yet he had no reason to be upset. He and Alonzo were basically official now. They were together. Sherrod knew that he had no business in worrying about who Jackson saw romantically. With that being said, he went to help Alonzo, his boyfriend, in the kitchen. However, when that front doorbell rang, he was going to be sure to be the
one who answered it.


Clothes were being thrown recklessly as Jackson decided what he should wear. As soon as he would settle on one look and start ironing it, something would look all wrong and he would discard it. Before he knew it, there were four shirts and two pairs of pants lying on the floor. Finally, Jackson pulled together an outfit he had just bought the mall not too long ago. He had not worn it yet and figured this was as a good of a time as any to try it out. Realizing that he had just cleaned his room, Jackson hurriedly tucked away the reject clothes into his closet and closed the door. He didn't have time to neatly put things back in their place. Tracy should have been there like ten minutes ago. Thankfully, he was late enough for Jackson to finish getting prepped and ready.


Jackson did a once over in the bathroom. He looked over the little details of his appearance as he swished some Mint Listerine around in his mouth. His brown skin was smooth and without flaw. His mustache and goatee could use a quick trim, but that would take twenty seconds to fix. After spitting out the mouthwash, his focus went to his lips. They looked supple and kissable. Altogether, Jackson was happy about his appearance. He brushed his hair once more and edged up his facial hair really quick. His timing proved to be impeccable when he heard a knock coming from the front door. He quickly exited the bathroom only to find Sherrod already at the door fiddling with the lock.


Sherrod was not exactly being the best door attendant. He opened the door and immediately started to stare Tracy down before even saying ‘what's up' to the new guest.


Tracy did not seem the least bit intimidated. He started to make steps towards the door as if to say to Sherrod that he was going to enter the apartment if Sherrod liked it or not. In the battle of the stare down, Sherrod was the victor. Jackson emerging from the bathroom broke Tracy's hostile glare.


"Hey what's going on, Tracy? I am glad that you could make it." Jackson felt the storm brewing and wanted to diffuse it as quickly as possible. Alonzo also made an entrance into the room although he was ignorant to the goings on in the doorway.


"Hey, wassup." Tracy nodded subtly towards Sherrod as if to ask what's going on with your doorman.


"I see you have met my roommate, Alonzo's, boyfriend…"


"And Jackson's good friend…" Sherrod interjected.


"Yes, and my friend, Sherrod. Don't mind him. He is just overprotective." Jackson gave Sherrod a nudge. This was not the time to show out, especially with Alonzo present. True, there was nothing between them, but they both knew that there were some feelings that bubbled underneath.


"Oh okay." Tracy seemed to accept the excuse that Jackson had given. He reached out his hand towards Sherrod. With Alonzo a few feet behind him, Sherrod knew that he had to take this man in friendship. He tried to force a smile onto his face as he apologized for the greeting.


"Wait a sec. I know you. You bartend, right?" Alonzo passed by Jackson and Sherrod to properly introduce himself to Tracy. "Hi, I am Alonzo."


"Yeah, I have seen you up in the club as well. You like to get wild on that floor." Sherrod shot Alonzo a look while Jackson tried to hold in his laughter.


"A dude got to have some fun, right?" Alonzo casually responded as he ushered Tracy into the apartment as if he was his guest instead of Jackson's. "So what fun do you two have planned for tonight?"


"Well, things are still up in the air. We are thinking a movie and then grabbing something to eat somewhere," Jackson replied.


"That doesn't sound like fun. How about you stay here and kind of double date with me and Alonzo," Sherrod offered up. "We are about to start cooking up us a meal and Alonzo says that you can cook. I would love to see what you could do. Come on. It could be fun."


Jackson looked over to Alonzo. From his facial expression, Jackson could tell that Alonzo thought it was a great idea.


"You are right, boo. Plus, that would get me out the kitchen cause you know I can only do so much. And it’s not like we didn't buy enough food. Sherrod insisted that we buy enough food for at least three people just in case you wanted some."


Jackson's gaze switched from person to person. He saw the approval in Alonzo's eyes and then he focused on Sherrod. Sherrod was smiling from ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat. Finally, he looked to Tracy. The decision really was his since he had come out to see Jackson. Tracy shrugged his shoulders.


"It's cool with me. I wouldn't mind to see if you can burn in the kitchen either."


"Okay then. It's settled." Sherrod clapped his hands together loudly. His mission had been accomplished.


"So what is in there to cook?" Sherrod answered Jackson's question by escorting him into the kitchen. Most of the food had been placed in the refrigerator already. Sherrod opened it up to give Jackson a clear view. He wrapped his arm around Jackson's neck and shoulder as they both leaned down to take a look.


"We got chicken wings and some hamburger meat in here and there is some salmon, steaks, and pork chops in the freezer."


"Damn, how much yall buy?" Jackson stood straight up to look into the freezer. He also eyed the frozen mixed vegetables that were in there.


"You think that you can work with what I got for you?" Sherrod asked seductively. Jackson ignored the sexual undertones and looked back in the lower part of the refrigerator. They had no onions, bell peppers, or other key ingredients that Jackson would love to have had.


"Alonzo!" Jackson called out. Tracy came right along with Alonzo into the kitchen. "What you think about some baked chicken, cabbage, mashed potatoes, and corn bread."


"Shit, that sounds good as hell to me. You?" Alonzo addressed Tracy who also nodded with his approval.


"Well, in that case I need either Sherrod or Tracy to go to the store and pick up a few things and in the meantime, you can be in here with me helping me to prepare stuff."

Alonzo looked at Jackson strangely. He did not want to get his hands dirty.


"I will go pick the stuff up. Just let me know where the nearest store is," Tracy offered.


"Yeah, I will go with you," Alonzo said still with that look on his face. "Sherrod, you help him. Washing cold, dead chicken in a sink ain’t my idea of fun."


"Cool. So just make out your list, dude. At least I get to pay for something and help out." Tracy, who had not yet taken off his coat, felt through his pockets for his car keys. With everything settled, Jackson grabbed a pen and paper. It looked like that he and Alonzo was doing a date swap for a second. Was cooking with Sherrod gearing him toward a recipe for trouble?


Chapter 8


Jackson was happy to see that everyone was enjoying the meal that he had prepared. They all sat around the rectangular mahogany dining room table and ate with little to no
conversation. Jackson looked over to his date who was seated to the right at the end of the table closest to the kitchen. Tracy was shoveling another forkful of cabbage into his mouth. Jackson hoped that Tracy was at least having a decent time. The date wasn't going as he had thought it might have. After getting back from the store, Alonzo and Tracy had been chilling in the living room while Sherrod helped Jackson cut onions, season the chicken, and keep him company. Jackson hated that he was not able to spend more time with Tracy, but hopefully that would not interfere with them getting to know each other better.


Everyone had excused themselves at least once to get seconds from the kitchen except for Jackson. The only time that he had gotten up was to refresh his drink of Seagram's 7 and 7 Up. Jackson was long finished with his food by the time that Tracy had volunteered to take everyone's empty plate and utensils to the kitchen. Jackson was eager to see what the night would have in store for them next. Maybe they would have some alone time.


"You did your thing with that meal," Sherrod said as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.


"Thanks for the help," Jackson said with a smile. He saw Tracy come back into the room out of the corner of his eye. The white t-shirt he wore clung to his muscles deliciously. Jackson knew what he wanted for dessert.


"So, I have an idea," Alonzo announced. "We are done eating and there are four of us here. I am thinking that we should get a game of spades going."


"Sounds good to me," Sherrod agreed. He looked across the table to Jackson for his response. Jackson once again looked over at Tracy. Tracy coolly sat back down at the table. He had a nonchalant attitude which let Jackson know that spades was cool with him.


"You play spades," Jackson asked his date.


"Of course." Tracy began to smile at Jackson. His tongue slid across his bottom lip. "And I do it well."


"In that case, you need to be my partner. We can keep the seats that we are already in," Alonzo suggested.


"That would mean that you would be my partner, Jackson. Cool, huh?" Sherrod sheepishly said.


Alonzo went to go grab the playing cards. He took the lead and started to deal out the cards after allowing Sherrod the honor of cutting the deck. Jackson got dealt the first card. When he saw the ace of hearts followed by the queen of spades as his first two cards, Jackson wanted to smile. However, that would have given his hand away. He kept a poker face even when he was given the big joker, the highest card in the deck. He tried to read Sherrod's face for some kind of emotion, but couldn't. It didn't matter though. Jackson felt like he had the kind of hand that could carry him and Sherrod to a first-hand victory if played right.


“Is first hand bidding itself?" Tracy asked as he fanned out his cards. Jackson had the feeling that Tracy asked because he didn't have shit in his hand. Alonzo picked up on it too.


"Yeah," Alonzo responded. Jackson had the first turn. The ace of clubs lead with the five, king, and deuce following. Sherrod had been the one to throw out the king. In his mind, Jackson hoped that meant that the king was his only club and he would start throwing spades out soon. He had never played spades with Sherrod so he hoped he was not the kind of player who reneged. Thankfully, he was not and they had a sweet, easy hand. Alonzo, the scorekeeper, recorded it on paper.


"Oh, hell naw!" Tracy exclaimed when he saw that he and Alonzo had ended with only five books. "Whose deal is it?"


"Mine," Jackson replied already sorting out the cards. It always felt good to start the game as a winner. Jackson was a bit of a competitor. What Tracy and Sherrod would soon find out was that Jackson loved to be the victor. He prided himself on his ability to win and conquer, especially in games. Jackson did not participate in any game that he thought he had no chance in winning.


This second hand was the first in which they could bid. Jackson had dealt himself a great hand. He glanced at Sherrod who was smiling through his eyes. This was going to be a good hand. Jackson and Sherrod finished out the last two plays of the hand with the big and little joker. They had started out strongly.


"We make a good pair, don't we?" Sherrod gloated. Tracy looked up from shuffling to see Jackson and Sherrod giving each other a high five.


Tracy had been watching the interaction between the two of them. He had not fought over who would be partners with whom especially so he could further see how the two acted towards the other. However, this was becoming too much. There was an obvious chemistry between the two of them. From the first introduction to now, Tracy knew something was up with Sherrod. Didn't Alonzo see it, he wondered. Tracy began to deal out the cards while looking at Alonzo. He seemed oblivious to what was going on in front of his own eyes. Once the first card was dealt, the bidding started.


"I can do two and a possible." Sherrod studied his cards to make sure he made the right statement. "Make that three. Yeah, I can pull three."


"Alright then, let’s go six," Jackson said knowing what he could do.


"Is it getting hot in here?" Tracy put down his hand and took off his well-fitted shirt. Everyone was given a view of his beautifully crafted bodily. Fuck a six pack. The man had an eight pack. The sight was so much to take in that both Jackson and Alonzo had to take a drink. "Yall don't mind, do you?"


"You know you are right," Sherrod said as he began reaching for the bottom of his shirt. "It is hot in here and I am glad it wasn't just me." Sherrod pulled off his shirt and wife beater in one swift motion. Jackson was in awe of the sight that was in front of him. He could not end the game fast enough. Although the two ripped bodies were a bit of a distraction, Jackson managed to pull he and Sherrod to an overall win.


"Oh that was fun guys." Jackson got up from the table. "We got to do it again." Tracy got right up with Jackson. They had been shooting each other looks all throughout the game. They were headed to the bedroom.


"Don't you want to play again," Sherrod asked.


"Naw, but next time I am sure, playa." Tracy knew he had won this battle even if he had lost a stupid game of spades. He let Jackson lead him by the hand back to his room.


"Let those two have their fun," Alonzo said with a devilish look in his eyes. He had plans for Sherrod anyway. All that sexual energy in the room had affected Alonzo too. He had thrown a couple of hands so he could get to the good with Sherrod quicker.


"It was nice meeting yall." Tracy's last eye contact was with Sherrod. Tracy smiled while Sherrod mean mugged him. They both knew this wasn't over.


The moment that Jackson was waiting for was finally here. Ever since Tracy had taken his shirt off at the table, Jackson had been salivating and more than ready for some kinky naked tussling in the bed.


Tracy knew what was on Jackson's mind. The same thing had been going through his head all day. As soon as the door was closed and locked, Tracy when into ultra-sexy mode. Jackson, however, was a bit timid. He did not know what he should be doing or how was things going to pop off. He wanted to just rip Tracy's pants off and start slobbing on his knob, but that would be very young of him. Maybe he should turn on some music.


Jackson went over to his computer and selected his favorite sexual playlist. It had songs such as Dru Hill's April Showers, Floetry's Getting Late, and Aaliyah's Rock the Boat. But the first song to play was Usher's Can U Handle It. And boy, oh boy, Jackson was ready to handle whatever Tracy had to give.


As soon as the music started, Tracy cut the lights off. He approached Jackson from behind and started to kiss on his neck. A shiver went down Jackson's spine. Tracy's tongue felt so good against his skin. When Tracy's mouth rounded Jackson's ear, his knees buckled. Jackson's hand reached around to Tracy's head. He stroked it as Tracy continued to orally tease him.


Jackson turned around and accepted Tracy's tongue into his mouth. The kiss was electric. Jackson was getting hot and the shirt had to be the first to go. Tracy peeled it off of Jackson's body with ease and then went down to show the same oral attention he had earlier to Jackson's nipples. Jackson could only take so much. His fire was burning hot. Tracy undid Jackson's belt buckle and his pants fell to the floor. The kissing continued as Jackson stepped out of the jeans he had been wearing. The underwear was not very far behind. Now Jackson was fully undressed. Not a stitch of clothing was left to cover his exposed body.


Jackson reached for Tracy's pants, but Tracy stopped him. Instead, Tracy laid him out on the bed and began to go down on him. Jackson had pegged Tracy as one of those total tops who don't give head, but he was wrong. Tracy was blessed with his warm mouth and juicy lips. Jackson tried not to moan loudly. Afterall, Sherrod and Alonzo were just a room over.


"Hell, they are probably over there doing the same thing," Jackson thought as he let go of his inhibitions. He moaned and begged for more. He no longer cared who could hear him. Janet's Anytime, Anyplace began to play. The lyrics echoed Jackson's thoughts. He didn't give a damn what they thought. He wanted Tracy now!


"Roll over, baby," Tracy said in a husky voice full of lust and anticipation. They had been the only words spoken thus far. Tracy's mouth had been too busy doing other things. Jackson heard the sound of pants being unzipped followed by a heavy belt buckle hit the floor as he did what Tracy had instructed him to do. Jackson took a deep breath as he waited for Tracy's next touch.


Tracy grabbed Jackson by the hips and brought him on his knees a bit. For a few more minutes, Tracy's tongue got Jackson ready for the main event. He only stopped to retrieve a condom from his pants. Jackson turned around to see what Tracy was doing but the room was dark. The moonlight provided little illumination.


Tracy slid the condom over his hard dick. He aligned himself with Jackson's ass and began to press in. Jackson was surprised that it didn't really hurt to feel Tracy slide all the way in. Actually, he was surprised to know that Tracy was all the way in. It then occurred to him that he had not felt nor seen what Tracy was working with.


Bucking and often slipping out, Tracy banged away at Jackson's booty. Jackson was no longer moaning. He was too put off that this nigga behind him had a baby dick. Was this how Robin felt in the movie Waiting to Exhale? At least with Wendell Pierce, you could expect him to be a little dick man. Tracy had caught him totally off guard. His dick kept falling out of his ass and Tracy kept ramming back in. It was becoming annoying to say the least. Jackson poked his ass out a little bit more hoping that it would give Tracy a little more access to go in deeper. It didn't help though. Tracy's movements became a little more crazed. The little stroke he had was gone. He pumped one more time and then fall on top of the bed.


"You came?" Jackson looked over at Tracy panting and sweating.


"Woooo," Tracy responded nodding his head. "That shit was tight."


Jackson turned around and sat down on the bed still puzzled on what had just happened. Had he been Punk'd? Was Ashton Kutcher going to pop out of nowhere with a camera crew and declare it was all a joke? This fine ass nigga to his right, although blessed with a head game out of this world, had a three inch dick that could only last him five minutes, if that!


The sound of snoring knocked Jackson out of his thoughts. The nigga had fallen asleep.


"What the hell?" Jackson exclaimed. He was hoping for at least some more head or something so he could come too. Jackson searched the room for his drawers, slid them back on, and returned to the bed. He was too pissed to even jack off. He didn't know how he could go to sleep either though. Jackson laid there until he finally fell asleep.

BOOK: In the Life
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