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Authors: Becky Andrews

In Your Arms (22 page)

BOOK: In Your Arms
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“So what do you want to hear?” Sam asked, looking up at Phillip, tracing his beloved features with her gaze, so glad he was awake and talking to her. She didn’t know what she’d have done if she’d lost him.

“I think I want to know the rest of that ice skating story with Alex.”

“You know I can’t tell you that.”

“Alex is sleeping. She’ll never know you told me.”

“Believe me, she’ll know, but if you want to hear it, I’ll tell you.”

“I really want to know,” he said seriously.

“Okay, so when we were younger, I think we were in second or third grade, we went to the ice skating rink. There weren’t that many people, but then all of a sudden this large group of kids stepped onto the ice. They didn’t really know how to skate too well, but you know Alex, she couldn’t stand them being in her way. So we rounded the corner and she saw the group huddled together and she was going so fast she didn’t have time to swerve around them. She ran right into the group. Knocking, I would say, a good majority of them down. But there she was, skating through them like nothing was wrong. She didn’t even fall down. Needless to say, we weren’t allowed to come back for a while.” Sam laughed as she finished telling him the story.

Phillip laughed then moaned from pain.

“Stop laughing, you are going to hurt yourself,” she said, placing her hand on his chest.

Phillip stopped laughing. “I think those meds are kicking in. I’m getting pretty tired.”

“Okay, I’ll leave so you can get some rest,” Sam said, sitting up carefully.

“Sam, the best rest I could get would be with you right here,” he said, grabbing her arm before she got off the bed.

Sam looked back at him then lay back down, resting her hand on his chest.

“I love you, beautiful,” Phillip said, placing his own hand over hers.

“I love you too, handsome,” she whispered, knowing she was right where she was always meant to be.

Special Note from Becky


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Thank You!

~Becky Andrews

Also By Becky Andrews

Cassidy is in love with her best friend's brother, Andrew. Deep down, maybe she has always liked him.

Their families live close and every year she looks forward to seeing him at the annual family holiday parties. One drunken Christmas Eve will change their relationship forever. Cassidy is overjoyed, as it finally seems that Andrew feels the same way she does and maybe always did. She sneaks off in the night to let him sleep, overjoyed by the best night of her life and excited for the future.

Except the next day Andrew acts as though the night never happened. Does Andrew really not remember their connection or was this is a ploy just to get her into bed? They struggle to reclaim their relationship as danger threatens Cassidy from all sides.

Christy Walsh is struggling with life after her parents' deaths and her own attempted suicide. Devin Malone is her older brother’s best friend. Tall and handsome, his charisma and cheeky smile made him the first crush of many girls, including Christy. Now that they’re both in their twenties, she sees him as her sworn enemy but also the reason she is still alive. All things considered, she owes him everything no matter how much she has sworn to loathe his existence. With a house to herself and Devin as a house guest, things begin to go from bad to worse.

A story about love, betrayal, and deception.

BOOK: In Your Arms
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