Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set (8 page)

BOOK: Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set
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I awoke to the feel of hands on me. Opening my eyes I could
see nothing at first, the room was too dark. My nostrils wrinkled as a stench
hit me at the same time as the hands wrapped a gag around my mouth before I could
speak. I let out a muffled scream as I realised who it was before me. Spires.
“We never finished getting acquainted,” he hissed, binding my wrists in rope
before dragging me over to the window which lay open ready. Outside a ladder
had been placed and I caught sight of another man at the bottom of it as I was
thrust headfirst across the sill, my legs dangling inside as a rope was tied
around my ankles. The man at the bottom of the ladder climbed and balanced
under me as between the two villains, I was lowered to the ground.

I screamed as loudly as I could but the gag was bound so
tightly little sound escaped, the cloth digging into the edges of my jaw with
each attempt to call for help. The pair of them ignored my protests, carrying
me between them across the grass to a low stone wall that surrounded the
estate. I was hoisted over that wall in no time, and then thrown into a
carriage which waited at the other side. Two skinny horses scraped at the
ground, ready to be off, pulling at their ropes as I vanished into the
carriage. Spires climbed in beside me and the other villain climbed up onto the
driver’s seat, tugging at the reins and getting the carriage moving a moment

Spires manhandled me upright until I was sat on the seat opposite
him, my eyes wild with fear. He merely smiled back at me with those awful teeth
of his, reaching out to brush my hair from my eyes as I flinched away. “You’ll
do in lieu of payment,” he said, his hand moving down to squeeze my breast
roughly. “You’ll do most handsomely I believe.” He tugged my nipple through my
clothing and I let out a scream, raising my feet and kicking him as hard as I
could. He sat back and smiled at me. “Feisty too. Makes it more interesting.”

“You are the devil himself!” I cried but the sound that came
out was merely muffled squeaks.

He laughed at my discomfort, grinning at me until I twisted
away from him to face the far wall of the carriage. The horses came to a sudden
stop a few minutes later and I was jolted forwards, landing in Spires lap. He
leered at me as I wriggled away from him. “Why do we stop?” he called out but
there was no answer. With a curse, he threw open the door and stepped outside.
“I said, why do we…” There was a slight rocking motion on the side of the carriage
and then the door closed with a click. I glanced through the window but could
see nothing. The horses began to move again, turning to the left so far I could
have sworn we were turning back the way we’d come. All I could do was fight to
free my hands. I had no idea how Darlington had escaped his bonds so easily, I
achieved nothing more than chafing the skin of my wrists as the carriage rocked
along for some minutes before coming to a stop.

Whoever was driving stepped down and walked around to the
door. It was pulled open and instead of Spires appearing, Lord Darlington stood
there, his hand reaching out for mine. “Welcome back,” he said, grabbing the
bonds that held my wrists and tugging me forwards. As I began to fall from the
carriage steps, he caught me and hefted me over his shoulder, carrying me
across the grass to the ladder which still stood leaning on the wall beneath my
window. He climbed up it without pause, pushing me back through and clambering
in after me. He pulled the window closed before lifting me to my feet and
carrying me over to the bed.

“You are safe now,” he said, lying down beside me and taking
my hand in his. “It is done at last.”

He pulled the gag from my mouth and I coughed and gasped for
some time before feeling able to speak. “What happened?” I asked at last in a
hoarse croak.

“I searched the grounds and found the ladder. I climbed in
but the room was empty. Following footsteps clear as day in the wet grass, I
spied where the carriage had been and the way it went. I used my fastest horse
to take the woodland path to get in front of them. I tossed my knife to the
driver but he was not a good catch, taking it in the throat instead of the
palm. As for Spires, he is going to enjoy a very long rest in the woods. And
that is all I wish to speak of those brigands. Now are you injured in any way?”

He looked concerned as he stared at me. The room was lit
only by the moon through the window, fading and gleaming in turn as the clouds
floated past. In the silver light his features were softened and I found my
previous animosity towards him had lessened. I felt no anger, only a growing
gratitude for the way he had saved me from danger not once but twice. He was
clearly a dangerous man but now I had seen true evil, I knew that was not a
part of Darlington’s nature. “I am uninjured,” I replied at last. “Could you
perchance untie me?”

“Not yet,” he said, leaning towards me and staring deeply
into my eyes. “Not just yet.”

“Why ever not?” I asked but he did not answer. Instead he
turned me onto my front, my bound hands crushed under my chest as he placed his
hands on my ankles and pulled off my shoes.

“You told me you would not obey me,” he said softly. “If I
set you free, you may try to escape.”

I thought about telling him that nothing was further from my
mind but I didn’t want to break the spell that seemed to have formed between
the two of us. “I might,” I whispered instead as his hands slid up my ankles,
raising my skirt slowly until he was able to pull my stockings down, leaving
them draped over the bonds holding my feet in place.

That would be a wicked thing to attempt to do,” he said,
cupping my buttocks in his thick fingers, squeezing and groping my bottom
through my knickers before yanking them down to my knees. “You must learn to do
as you are told,” he growled, lifting his hand into the air. There was a
moment’s pause and then I heard a loud smack a second before I felt it. His
hand had landed on my left buttock, the sound echoing round the room as a heat
began to spread through my bottom, nerve endings on fire in an instant.

“I will,” I gasped. “I will learn.”

“That’s good to hear,” he said. “But I think you’re lying.”
He spanked me again, harder this time. I winced at the pain, shifting my legs
in place. I frowned as I felt a wetness on my thighs. My cheeks flushed as I
wondered if he had noticed my arousal. It was dark enough in here though,
surely he would not be able to tell.

“I’m not lying,” I said as he spanked me a third and then a
fourth time. My bottom felt like it was on fire but I found my hips pushing
upwards of their own accord towards him. He slid his hand down the valley
between the globes of flesh of my posterior, moving away just as it reached the
spot where my wetness was forming.

“Will you obey me?” he asked, spanking me harder than ever.
“Will you learn to be good?”

“I will!” I yelled as his hand hit my bottom again before
squeezing the flesh between his fingers. “I will do anything you ask!”

“Good,” he said quietly, untying my ankles and pushing my
legs apart. He tossed my stockings away, whipping off my knickers in a second
as if they angered him. “You will never wear underwear again,” he said,
kneeling behind me, his hands sliding up my calves. “Is that understood?”

“Yes my lord,” I replied, my hips still pushing upwards
towards him, a deep yearning building up inside me.

“Good,” he said again, his hands reaching my inner thighs.
He leaned towards me, his hot breath on my bottom. “Very good.” His fingers
flicked over the core of my being, gathering up wetness as he slid over the
slick folds of flesh that lay there. I moaned into the bed and pushed back
harder, wanting more. The most sensitive part of me throbbed for attention but
he seemed to delight in tormenting me, moving down my legs to my feet,
massaging each of my toes in turn before making his way slowly back up once
more. All the while my breathing grew heavier and when his hand brushed over my
soaking wet hole, I groaned loudly, gasping all the louder when he slid up to
my nub and began circling it with two fingers.

“I’m going to fuck you,” he said and my ears seemed to burn
at the sound of that obscene word. “Have you ever been fucked before?”

“No my lord.”

“Say it to me. Say ‘I’ve never been fucked.’” His hands
continued to play with me as he spoke, tormenting and pleasing me in equal

“I’ve never been…fucked,” I said quietly, hardly able to
believe I’d actually said the word.

“Would you like me to fuck you?”

“Yes please my lord.”

“Beg me then,” he said, easing a finger to my entrance and
nudging it just into me. He lay down on my back, pressing his lips to me ear.
“Beg me to fuck you.”

“Please fuck me my lord. Please fuck me. I need you to fuck

“Good girl,” he whispered as I heard the rustle of clothing.
A moment later he brought my hips upwards, moving me onto my knees, my bottom
jutting obscenely back towards him. “Beg me again.”

“Please fuck me,” I moaned, his fingers circling my clit
again. “Please fuck me my lord.”

His fingers stopped touching me and I felt an aching sense
of loss. Something bigger brushed over my clit a moment later, something firmer
and hotter than his finger. I realised what it was as he moved it down to the
entrance to me, coating himself in my wetness as I rocked my hips backwards,
trying to draw him into me. “Fuck me,” I moaned, pushing back towards him.
“Please fuck me.”

He took hold of my hips and eased the tip of his hardness
just into me, stretching the entrance of my pussy and making me wince. He froze
in place, waiting for me to widen enough to accommodate him. I began to rock
slowly back onto him, feeling his member moving gradually deeper into me. “You
feel so wet,” he gasped, suddenly thrusting all the way into me until he was
buried in my pussy. “You are not as innocent as I thought.” His cock felt hot
and hard, yet fleshy and spongy at the same time, so different to any sensation
I’d ever felt before. He just seemed to fit inside me perfectly.

He held my hips in place, remaining deep inside me and not
moving. “How does that feel?” he asked.

“It feels wonderful,” I replied. “Please fuck me with your
cock my lord. I want to feel you fucking me. I want your cum inside me. Please
fuck me.”

“You really are a whore aren’t you?” he replied. “I thought
you were such an innocent girl too.”

“I was,” I growled, pulling my hips away from him and
shoving them backwards, gasping at the feel of his shaft gliding to the
entrance to me and then shoving forward all the way inside. “Until I met you.”

He began to thrust faster than I had thought possible. My
pussy felt overwhelmed with pleasure, I could hardly breathe as a tension built
up inside me, my muscles turning rigid deep within me as I clenched the
blankets under my bound hands. “Oh my,” I growled. “What is happening to me?”

“You will soon see,” he replied in a panting breath, his
hand moving down under to me to stroke my nub once more. As he rammed home into
me, the tension built up to an impossible degree until my eyes closed tightly
and I could feel nothing at all and then it happened. A tidal wave of sheer
bliss washed over me, starting at my clit and spreading through my body, my
pussy muscles contracting around his cock as he fell still for a moment. Every
muscle that had been held tightly within me seemed to relax in an instant and I
giggled with joy, unable to stop a wide smile forming on my lips as the
sensations slowly faded away.

“Oh my goodness,” I gasped. “What was that?”

“The first of many orgasms,” he replied, pulling his cock
from me and leaving my pussy aching for his return. “Onto your front.” He
shoved me down until I was laid flat under him. His body crushed mine as he
thrust between my buttocks, using my wetness to lubricate his way as if my
bottom was another pussy for him to play with. The tip of him reached my lower
back before gliding down once more and this time he took hold of it and eased
it to the hole which was hidden there, the place I never imagined could be
involved in an encounter such as this.

I felt a wave of shame replacing the joy I had felt moments
before. “This is not right,” I gasped as he nudged at the tiny hole which I
felt certain would never widen to allow him inside. “It is not proper.”

“Are you so sure?” he replied as he thrust forwards and the
hard head of him stretched my bottom enough to fit inside.

“Oh my,” was all I could say as it stayed by the entrance to
my posterior, rocking back and forth slowly, easing his way a little deeper
with each motion. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I felt humiliated but
not because of what he was doing to me, instead it was shame that something so
sinful could feel so divine. I held my breath as he moved deeper into me until
he was laid on top of me, the full length of him buried in my bottom, his body
crushing mine under him.

He ground into me, the walls of my insides stretching and
tingling with a mixture of pleasure and pain as he fucked my behind. His hand
again moved to my clit, sliding between the bed and my hip until he found my
nub, stroking and teasing it whilst fucking me a little faster. I felt the
tension inside me building up once more, this time more intense than before. I
screamed when the wall of pressure broke, orgasmic bliss tearing through me,
making my pussy contract around emptiness and the muscles deep in my bottom
spasming around his tool.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned, “I’m going to come.”

“Do it in my bottom,” I said in a low moan. “I want to feel
it in there.”

“Beg me,” he growled, starting to thrust faster. “Beg me to
come in your arse.”

“Come in my…arse,” I said, blushing ever deeper. “I want you
to fill my arse with your cum.”

“Oh fuck,” he muttered as I felt his cock spasm deep inside
me. He ground down into me with a single final thrust and then he came. I felt
his cock spasming and moving inside my bottom, a hot wetness filling my hole as
he came whilst buried in me, his seed pouring into my bottom, no, pouring into
my arse as he called it. He’d fucked my arse and came inside it and it felt
fucking incredible.

BOOK: Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set
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