Read (Indigo Lounge #3) Spiral Online

Authors: Zara Cox

Tags: #sexy billionaire; wounded heroine; damaged hero; indigo lounge; erotic sex, #indigo lounge series

(Indigo Lounge #3) Spiral (5 page)

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One perfectly curved eyebrow lifted at the question. “Won’t your mother be even more ashamed to hear you asking a woman her age?”

His jaw tightened. “My mother’s not here. Answer the question.”

She glared at him, her luscious lips pursing. “I’m twenty-three.”

Noah closed his eyes and breathed deep.

She was more an old enough to do whatever the hell she wanted with and to whomever she chose. And at her age, he was indulging in ways that would’ve shocked most people. Ways that he’d had to abandon when he’d met Ashley.

But the fact that she was blushing at what was happening a few feet away spelled out her innocence loud and clear. And it wasn’t just the blushes that made him pause.

Granted, this place was unique enough to induce a few blushes. But her reaction to touching him earlier and the panic he’d seen in her eyes tweaked a few more alarm bells.

“Why are you here, Leia?”

“Excuse me? Isn’t it obvious?”

“I thought it was but now I’m not so sure.”

Her face tightened. “What makes you say that?”

“You blush at the drop of a hat or at the sound of a simple moan. Your eyes widen every time I say
. There it is again.”

“Maybe I’m not used to hearing men swear as frequently as you do.”

“No, baby. That’s not it. It’s not the word. It’s the image it provokes for you. Am I right?”

Her nostrils flared. “I thought we were going to kiss, not dissect my reactions.”

“Oh we are. Very thoroughly. But not just yet.”

Her eyes dropped to his mouth and Noah nearly lost it. “Why...why not?”

“Because I want you to tell me what you’re doing here first.”

Stormy grey eyes that held a mixture of anger and arousal met his. “What does it matter? I’m here for the same reason you are.”

“Oh, I sincerely doubt that.”

“Why are you here, then? If not to...fuck, then why?” Another fierce blush swept over her face.

The couple grew even louder. Gagging sounds filled the hallway as the guy pushed himself all the way into his partner’s mouth. Leia’s lashes fluttered, a sign he’d noticed showed she was nervous. And turned on.

The plane jerked again and Noah’s grip tightened. She sucked in a sharp breath and he froze.

. Deliberately, he dug his fingers deeper, watching her face. Waiting for the reaction that would force him to back off.

Her mouth dropped open, her breath fractured and her pupils dilated.

Jesus. No.

Surely she wasn’t the one? This half-innocent with the tight body that screamed at his senses to make her his in every possible way?

The thought that he could break her, force her beyond her comfort zone surged to the front of his mind, starting an uncomfortable tingling in his hands that made him loosen his grasp.

He could take it slow, start with a kiss and see where it took them. But at what cost?

He had too many demons of his own to deal with without taking on someone else’s. He looked into her eyes, felt himself begin to drown again and shook himself.

“I’m here to fuck, yes. But I won’t be fucking you.” He smashed down the regret biting hard inside him and started to rise to his feet.

Long nails dug into his arms. “Wait.”

Noah barely stopped himself from growling at the poker hot sensation that rolled from his brain to his groin. “You’re playing with fire, baby.”

“You don’t know me. I’m not a child, so don’t treat me like one.” Her voice was much stronger than it’d been moments ago. He detected anger and steel blended in the husky depths. But he also heard confusion.

He wanted to tell her it wasn’t her. That it was him. He was the one who was fucked up. He was the one who couldn’t take another vanilla sex session without wanting to roar his frustration to the heavens. He was the one who needed darker, edgier sex to curb the hunger riding him. The one who had to have it before he felt he could breathe again.


“We connected. I know we did. I didn’t imagine it.” Her thumbs searched and found his wrists and the hot pulse beating there and a small, very womanly smile curved her lips. “Your pulse is racing almost as fast as mine. You want me.” Her gaze dropped to the hard cock straining behind his zipper. The hard cock demanding attention Noah had no choice but to deny it.

Her bold stare stayed fixed on it for so long, he imagined he could feel its caress along his rigid length.

“Oh God, that’s it, suck me like that. Suck it hard, darling. Oh! Fuck, yes!”

The hoarse shout from two seats away held them still as the guy lost it completely. Leia’s nails dug deeper and flamed burned through his groin.

“I could do that for you. I can do that
you,” she whispered, her voice quivering a little.


“That’s not the problem, sweetheart.”

She froze. “Then what the hell is?”

“The problem is once I get a taste of you, I seriously doubt I’ll let you walk away very quickly.”

“Okay, I can see how that could be a problem for you.”

His mouth twitched. She had sass. He liked that. But not enough for him to overlook a whole load of other warnings.

“But isn’t that the point of this trip? Indulge and walk away after seven days?”

He shook his head. “I have specific needs, baby. And I don’t have time to train you to cater to them.”

“You think I don’t like the word
? What about asshole?” she suggested mildly.

The hands he’d never quite managed to pry themselves off her legs tightened. “Watch it.”

She shrugged. “Make me understand. Three minutes ago you were dying to kiss me. Now you’re walking away? Is there a male equivalent of a cock-tease? Because you’re the definition.”

The label rubbed him the wrong way. He’d met a few cock-teasers in his time, women who thought they’d string him along to keep him interested for longer. They’d joined his CFR list long before he’d coined the actual term.

The seat belt light pinged off.

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve made it through the small weather disturbance and we hope the turbulence wasn’t too rough for you. Please feel free to return to your previous activities

She glanced down at her belt but made no move to free herself from it. Her eyes returned to his, waiting for his answer.

Noah swallowed and tried to arrange his thoughts. “The things I want to do to you, do with you—”

“Tell me,” she demanded.

“No. You think you can handle it but you can’t.”

“Wow, you are pretty full of yourself, aren’t you?”

Her hands dropped from his arms, her thumbs releasing their pressure against his pulse. He missed them badly.

She pressed the button on her belt and it fell free. She started to get up but he stopped her.


“No. I told you I don’t like cruel mind games. Besides, I think you’ve made your feelings pretty clear.”

His throat squeezed, the idea of letting her go was suddenly unthinkable. “Look, I didn’t mean to string you along. I’m not that kinda guy.”

She cleared her throat and her mouth lifted and fell in a quick smile. “It’s fine. I’m not what you want. No hard feelings. Let me go, please.”

Words clashed in his head, emotions crashed through him he couldn’t name.

She started to lean forward, to rise. Her breath washed over his chin, her scent engulfing him. That drowning sensation plunged him deep again.


Cupping her face in his hands, he slanted his mouth over hers before she could get up and walk away. One taste, he told himself. One taste and he’d let her go.

She tasted like the fucking heaven. Warm, firm and luscious, her mouth melted beneath his, welcomed him with a sigh that snagged on his senses. Jesus, she tasted like honey, like all his favorite things condensed into one delectable package. Soft, intoxicating—

She bit him. Hard.

His jerked back, his pulse tripping over itself in shock. The faint, distinctly acid taste of blood coated his tongue. Reeling, he touched a finger to his mouth. It came away with a spot of bright red.

He stared at her and she returned his look, grey eyes bold and unwavering.

Certainty crashed through like a clap of thunder.

“Fuck, baby, you just sealed your fate.”

Wide eyes dropped to the cut on his lip and flew back to his. She swallowed. “I didn’t mean—”

“Yes, you did. Which is why I’m keeping you, baby. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Chapter Six


’m keeping you...

Leia wasn’t sure whether to be shocked or pleased at the outcome of acting out on that crazy instinct. The shock of finally having Noah’s mouth on hers had been beyond explosive.

So she’d bitten him.

She’d bitten him!

She stared that the red spot on his finger and watched, mesmerized as he brought it to his mouth and licked it off.

“God, I’m so sorry. I’m not sure what came over—”

He stopped her words with a forefinger on her mouth. “This time, I’ll take care of it. Next time you lick it off.”

She gasped at the vivid imagery and his finger moved to the side of her mouth. “I...There won’t be a next time.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that?” he drawled. His tongue snuck out and soothed the tiny cut on his lower lip.

The intensely sensual action spiked heat straight between her legs. Her panties grew damper, her clit throbbing incessantly against the seam of her leather pants. She moved in her seat, desperate to alleviate the discomfort.

His gaze dropped between her legs and darted back to her face.

“I’m not a biter,” she said in a rush.

“You’ve just proved otherwise. Don’t worry, baby. I’m not complaining.”

Another blush threatened but she forced it away through sheer strength of will. She was done blushing in front of this man. Her stupid blushes had nearly made him walk away. The recollection hollowed out her stomach, the way it had ten minutes ago when she feared he would.

His finger traced her lower lip and brought her attention back to him. He watched her with such intensity, his gaze compelling her as his finger slipped into her mouth. The soft pad caressed her lower front teeth as if testing their sharpness. He reached her left incisor and pressed down.

Leia squirmed. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing you’re not enjoying.”

She shook her head but the feeling of his finger lazily exploring her mouth was like nothing she’d felt before.

“You want me to stop?”

She moaned.

“Words, baby. Use words.” He pressed again and she saw his pupils dilate. “Tell me what you’re thinking. Do you like what I’m doing?”

Such a simple thing, nowhere near indecent or decadent. And yet it felt so erotic, her sex clenched and unclenched with sharp, hungry need.


He smiled and removed his finger but not before he circled her lips with his wet pad. “The first rule is vocalization. Whatever you’re feeling, you say it. I don’t want to have to guess what’s going on in your head. Agreed?”

She nodded jerkily. “Agreed.”

He rose and held out his hand. About to put let him help her up, she stopped as a movement caught her eye.

The couple had finished and were decently dressed again. They came toward them and Leia caught the look of complete satiation on the guy’s face. The woman’s smile held a smug satisfaction at having pleased her man. Her eyes met Leia’s and her smile widened.

Leia looked away, unsure how to respond to the blatant sexual satisfaction she witnessed.

Her fingers were grasped hard and she was pulled to her feet. The movement threw her against Noah’s hard body. “Rule number two. Don’t get hung up with what other people are doing.”

“I was just...”

His fingers caressed her cheek. “It’s very easy to get distracted in place like this. I’ll try hard not to be a complete asshole when I catch you staring at another guy or another couple having a good time but I want your undivided attention most of the time. I’ll give you mine in return. Completely. Does that work for you?”

“I...Yes.” Her heart banged against her ribs, reminding her forcefully that she’d strayed a galaxy out of her comfort zone.

He stared down at her, a slightly concerned look on his face. “It this getting overwhelming for you?”

“A little.”

He lowered his head and kissed the side of her mouth. Then his lips drifted along her cheek to her jaw, then trailed down to her neck. “It’s your fault. You bit me, baby. Now I belong to you.”

Her laughter emerged like a husky croak. She allowed her hand to drift over his shoulder, reacquaint herself with the hard muscle beneath his shirt. The thought that this breathtakingly gorgeous man belonged to her for the next seven days sent a shiver of delight and danger through her. “I think you need to brush up on your vampire movies. That’s not quite how it works.”

“I make my own rules.”

She didn’t doubt it. He carried an aura of power and control that anyone would be a fool to dismiss. His alpha-ness blasted from him in huge waves that threatened to drown her.

She breathed him in, his potent scent almost an aphrodisiac all its own. When she found himself leaning even closer, rising up to brush her lips against his throat, his head tilted to one side. The invitation was too tempting to resist.

The first brush of her lips against his throat brought a moan of pleasure from him. His arm clamped around her waist, bringing her flush against him one more time.

This time his hand didn’t stop on her waistband. It drifted to her ass, molding her flesh in one hand before using the firm hold to tug her hard against him.

Leia ground her hips into him, desperate to feel his thick powerful length nudging her belly.

“You’re dying to be fucked. Aren’t you?” he crooned in her ear.


“Soon, baby. I promise. But even our time constraints need to allow a little time for us to get to know each other.” With one last thrust against her, he pulled away. They both groaned.

He meshed his fingers through hers and started back down the corridor.

BOOK: (Indigo Lounge #3) Spiral
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