Read Indulgence Online

Authors: Liz Crowe

Indulgence (196 page)

BOOK: Indulgence
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It was just past midnight. I had sent Lena home almost an
hour ago when Cal congratulated me and inquired about James.

“It’s a long story for another night. Jane?”

He just waggled his eyebrows at me and I smacked his
shoulder. He gave me a quick hug, kissed the top of my head and took his leave.
I noticed Jane waiting for him in the hall and smiled to myself as they walked
away hand in hand.

Besides a few hotel staff, I was the only one left in the
ballroom. It no longer resembled the glorious space from several hours ago. The
months of hard work had paid off. We raised more money than ever before—thanks
to James and Mrs. Whitford—though I was still upset that he hadn’t told me. I
decided to make my way to the terrace to get that breath of fresh air I so desperately

As I turned, I ran into the brunette who was bidding on
Oh crap.
“Sorry about that. Excuse me.” I tried to walk around
her and she blocked my path. “Can I help you?”

She was glaring at me and I noticed she was a little shorter
than me, thinner—maybe too thin—long dark hair, blue eyes, and fabulous tits.

“Cassidy is it?” I nodded. “Stay away from him. He’s spoken
for.” She was standing there all erect and prissy.

“Excuse me; I don’t think we’ve met?”

“Melissa, Melissa Westin.”

“Stay away from whom?”

“You know who. James. We have a long history. You’re just a
phase like all the others. In the end he always comes back to me.” She was
quite proud of herself.

Recognition hit me that she was the brunette I’d seen him
photographed with during my internet stalking of him; the only girl I
remembered seeing more than once.

I didn’t have time for the petty bullshit. “If I’m just a
phase, like all the others, why do
keep taking him back? Kind of
pathetic isn’t it?” That should’ve shut her up but she looked ready to strike.

“Ladies, everything ok here?” James came up to stand next me
and I noticed him glaring at Melissa.

“Everything is fine.” I wasn’t going to get him involved in
her ridiculous power play.

The bitch started crying.

“Cassidy, please excuse us.” He put his hand on Melissa’s
back and they walked off.

Were you fucking kidding me?
I was speechless.
Clearly he knew her, and not just casually. Now I felt like a fool. How did I
not see that coming? She was bidding on him and he hadn’t even told me he’d be
a part of the auction. I decided I had to get out of there and headed to the
elevator. All my belongings were in his room. I would just grab my stuff and
leave before he returned.




“Melissa, this has to stop.” I was trying to be stern yet
gentle as she went on and on about us and what we had and how I was throwing it
away. She was an easy comfortable fuck at one time, but I couldn’t tell her
that was all it ever was. I was an asshole and I used her. I knew that.

“What has to stop? Who is she?” She was sniffing and wiping
her tears away.

“This was never going to work between you and me. It was a
mistake.” She flinched at my words. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“A mistake that you made over and over again? That doesn’t
sound like a mistake to me.” Now she was pissing me off. “I’ll let you tie me
up, I’ll try again.”

“ENOUGH!” I was escorting her to the front of the hotel, “We
haven’t been together in over a year Melissa.” We made our way outside and I
flagged down a cab.

“You’ll be back. You always come back.” I handed the driver
a wad of twenties and pushed her into the cab before I walked back inside and
the cab pulled away. Melissa hadn’t shared my bed in over a year, granted it
was on and off for several years, but I could care less about her feelings. I
had to make things right with Cassidy; I saw the look in her eyes. I walked to
the elevator and took in a deep breath and let out a bigger exhale as the doors

I was practically trampled as soon as the doors opened.
“Shit.” Her voice and scent registered with me immediately.

“Cassidy, where are you going?” She looked utterly defeated
the minute she saw me.

“I’m going home.” She pushed out her jaw while repositioning
her bags on her shoulders.

Looking ridiculous and irresistible all at once, she was
still wearing the blue dress and hauling half a dozen bags. I grabbed her arm
and pulled her back into the elevator. “You’ll do no such thing.”

“Let go of me.” Though she knew it was pointless, she tried
fighting me off. After the doors closed and the elevator began moving, she
stopped resisting. I gathered up her bags, which she handed over willingly,
though she wouldn’t look at me.

We made it back to my suite and I placed her bags by the
stairs as she made her way out to the balcony. I figured she could use a few
minutes alone and turned on the sound system before I headed to the kitchen to
grab some water. She left the door to the balcony open and I leaned against the
frame and just watched her for what must have been several minutes; a couple
more songs played as I watched her. She was just staring up into the sky.

I laughed inwardly as
Wicked Game
Chris Isaak
came over the speakers. I walked to her side and remained
quiet. She knew I was there, but didn’t acknowledge it.

“You’re going to break my heart, James Benedict the third.”
It was a statement, not a question.

Turning to look at her, she was still staring into space. “I
think I’m the one who should be worried about a broken heart.” She turned and
glared at me.

“Who is she?” Her tone was foreboding.


“I know her name. Who is she?”

“You have nothing to worry about.”

“So I
be worried. Perfect.” She was being
obtuse now.

“Dammit, woman…” I reached for her.

She pulled away, “I’m not your woman.” Her voice was

“Cassidy, I promise, she’s in my past. She’s having a hard
time letting go. I reinforced it to her tonight.”

“What did you mean when you said that you’ve tried staying
away from me?” She was staring back to the stars, “You said it in the elevator
the night of the masquerade.”

“I know when I said it.” I ran my hand through my hair and
turned my back to lean against the balcony wall. “Cassidy. Given the
circumstances and everything that happened that night, I didn’t think it
appropriate to pursue you. I struggled staying away from you once I knew who
you were. With the investigation and, well, everything else.”

“You mean Dan?” She was looking to me again and scoffed in
disgust. “Dan was a mistake. I was lonely, he was there. End of story.” Her
words were cold and distant. “Wait. Once you knew? What do you mean?”

“It’s not important.”

IMPORTANT.” As she stared at me I could see
her mentally putting the pieces together. “Oh God, I’m going to be sick.” She
started pacing. “Did you have something to do with me getting the promotion and
the auction? Cecily said…”

“God no, you did that on your own. I swear I haven’t
interfered with your job in any way.” I took a step toward her. “Cassidy.”

She was mumbling to herself, recounting the events over the
summer. “I don’t understand, unless...It was you, wasn’t it?
for the funerals.”

She had found me out. “Yes.” There wasn’t much else to say.
After I found out Sam and Holly were both orphans with no family I did what
anyone would do given the circumstances.

“Why did you keep that from me? What’s the big deal?”

I was wringing my hands, knowing there was more to it all.
“Cassidy, it’s late. It’s nothing to note.”

“Nothing to note? You were innocent of any wrongdoing. Why
did you stay away? You paid for the funerals of two strangers. Cal and I did
everything we could to find out who did that so we could thank them.” She
closed the distance between us and placed her hand on my cheek. “Thank you. How
can I ever repay you?”

“That’s not necessary. You should get some rest. You’ve had
a long day.”

“No more secrets, James. They destroy everything they
touch.” She placed her hand in mine as she pulled me back inside and up the


Chapter Seventeen






I had been there before. Holly and I were dancing and
laughing. The lights were low and the room was spinning around us. Before I
knew it I was dancing alone. I found myself wandering down a dark hallway to a

“Holly. Where are you?”

I hadn’t seen her in so long; we had so much to catch up
on. I walked out the back door and was blinded by the bright lights. As my eyes
started to focus I found her. She was with Sam as she waved me over. I headed
toward her as a hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back.

I looked back to see who was holding my wrist, but I
couldn’t make out his face. While I was trying to identify him, I heard the
familiar POP, POP, POP. I viciously pulled away from the one holding my hand
just in time for Holly to fall into my arms.

“Holly!” She was coughing up blood and choking as I wiped
her hair out of her eyes. “Holly no, please stay with me. Help will be here
soon. Don’t go. I need you.”




Cassidy was sound asleep, and I was downstairs in the office,
when I thought I heard her voice. I stopped to listen for a moment and heard
nothing. It must’ve been my imagination as I scanned through the messages on my
phone while downing the contents of my glass.


Shit. What the hell was going on?
I dropped my phone
on the desk, along with my glass, and bolted up the stairs. I could still hear
her talking and sobbing and when I reached the bedroom she was thrashing on the

“Don’t go. I need you.”

As I approached her, I could see the tears streaming down
her cheeks. I climbed on the bed and gathered her in my arms. “Cassidy.
Cassidy, you’re safe. I’m here.” I wasn’t sure if she was awake or still
dreaming, but the sobs were racking through her. “Shhh.” I continued rocking
her in my arms for several minutes when she bolted upright.

She started punching and pushing at me. “Cassidy, it’s me.
You’re ok. It’s ok.”

As her eyes finally focused on mine, I knew she was awake.
She dropped her head into her hands and started shaking. I pulled her back to
me and set her in my lap before grabbing the sheet to wrap around her naked
back. After a few minutes the shaking had ceased and she was quiet.

“I’m sorry I woke you.” Her voice was raspy and broken.

“Don’t be sorry. I was awake. What were you dreaming about?”
I continued rubbing circles up and down her back.

“I, uh, it was Holly. I was with Holly. I haven’t dreamed
about that night in over a month, if not two.”

“I’m sorry.” Had I somehow brought it upon her by talking
about the funerals? Maybe I should’ve stayed away.

“Don’t be.” Pulling her head up far enough to look up at me,
I could see her eyes were swollen and red and there were still tears gathered
under her eyes. I wiped them away with my thumb then licked her salty sadness
away. A faint smile gathered on her lips. “I miss her so much.”

“I know you do.” I held her for several more minutes with
her head resting in the crook of my neck. “Cassidy?” She barely responded and I
recognized the rhythm of her steady breathing. She was asleep, or close to it,
as I scooted us down to lie on the bed.

I started to pull away from her, “Please don’t go,” she

“I’m not going anywhere, Blackbird, ever.” I grabbed the
rest of the blankets and pulled them over us before I tucked her backside into
my chest. She sought out my hand and entwined our fingers before tucking our
joined hands to her chest. Dan had fucked up too many lives. I should’ve
intervened sooner.




I was beginning to wake and became aware of his absence as I
sprawled on my back and felt the coolness of the room skittering across my
naked chest. As I went to stretch, I realized that I couldn’t move my arms and
frantically yanked my arms.

“You’re safe.” His deep whisper immediately calmed me and
filled me with want.

Something cool clasped around one ankle and then the other.
The bed dipped beneath his weight and soon he was straddling my hips, careful
to keep his weight off me. My eyes focused on his and I saw his hair was tied
back and he was naked. His semi hard shaft was resting on my belly and I
groaned as I attempted to lift my hips.

“Enjoying the view, Miss Charles?”

I smiled at him, “You know I am.” I felt my nipples harden
as his eyes swallowed me whole and his fingertips grazed over my skin, sending
shivers through my core. Just a look, touch, or a kiss and I melted for that

“You trust me.”

“Implicitly.” I wasn’t sure why, but I did, and I knew he
would never intentionally hurt me. “And it scares me to death. I think I’d rob
a bank if you asked.”

He chuckled. “I won’t ask you to do that.” He circled each
nipple with a finger. “But I
test your limits and build your trust
even more.”

I inhaled sharply, more out of anticipation rather than

“I think you like that idea.”

How did he read me like that?
I didn’t have long to
contemplate it before his lips smothered mine. All worries of morning breath
brushed aside as he nestled between my thighs. Dying to be closer to him, I
hated that I couldn’t touch him and swiftly he jumped off me.

“You’re a sneaky minx.” We were both panting. “I’ve had a
change of plans. I’m going to unhook you and I want you to roll to your front.”

BOOK: Indulgence
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