Read Indulgent Pleasures Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Indulgent Pleasures (4 page)

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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Embarrassment flew out the window when she heard the satisfaction in his voice. “God, you’re soaked for me.”

She was. Completely and totally soaked. His finger stroked through her folds, quickly dabbing at her clit and she ground against his hand. She wanted more, so much more.

“I want to be inside you.” He kissed her, a slow, drugging kiss that melted her from the inside out. She slumped against him, her mouth seeking his and her body wrapped around him tight. She felt his cock against her aching wet center, remembering how bold she’d been just moments earlier. How she’d unzipped his pants, reached in and cupped his thick, hard length.

He was big, bigger than any man she’d been with and she couldn’t wait to have him inside her more than willing body.

“Yes,” she whispered against his mouth and he groaned.

“Say that again when I enter you.” He let go of her and she shifted out of his way, sitting next to him. Reaching behind to pull his wallet from his back pocket, he found a single wrapped condom nestled inside the sleek black leather. He plucked the condom out, tearing into the wrapper with eager fingers.

“Say what?” She watched in fascination as he pushed his trousers and underwear down to mid-thigh, revealing his long, glorious cock.

Her mouth watered, literally watered at the sight of it. She was overwhelmed with the urge to bend down and draw him between her lips, suck him while he pumped deep within her mouth.

But not right now. Hmm, most likely never, since this was only a one-night-stand. Sex with a stranger was one of the ultimate female fantasies right?

And here she was, living it. Wouldn’t Zoe want to roll over and die if she knew?

Justin sheathed himself and when he looked up at her with a smoldering, sexy expression, she was afraid she might come on the spot.

“Say yes when I enter you. Whisper it in my ear. Tell me how good I feel inside you.” He grabbed her, hauling her back into position with ease and her skirt spread out over them once more, hiding what they were about to do.

It felt illicit, naughty. Still half dressed and they were about to have sex. Fuck.
She smiled. She’d never once in her life referred to the sexual act as fucking. She’d always been too much of a good girl.
Tonight there was nothing good girl about what she was going to do.
“Hold onto my shoulders,” he urged and she did, rising up onto her knees in preparation for his entry.
He grabbed the front of her panties with his free hand and pulled hard, tearing them off in one firm grip. “Sorry.”
A gush of wetness flooded her pussy and she shook her head, inhaling deep. Talk about arousing. “Don’t apologize. That was hot.”
He grinned and brushed his mouth against hers once, twice. “You’re hot.”

His other hand guided his cock toward her awaiting pussy. Dragging the head of his cock against her, he teased her folds, her clit and she whimpered.

“I love how wet you are.” He circled her clit with his cock, back and forth, up and down and she clutched those wide shoulders as tight as she could, needing more.

Needing all of him inside of her. Now.







Chapter Four


Justin shifted up, filling Stephanie with one sure thrust and she cried out, surprised. He was fully embedded within her, thick and hot and his cock pulsed deep.

She waited, getting used to his size, loving how he filled her. Bending close to his ear, she hissed a quiet, “yes” and he turned his head. She felt his smile against her cheek.

“You do just what I ask, don’t you?”
“I want to please you,” she admitted, settling herself more firmly on his lap, sending him even deeper.
He groaned, his hands resting on her waist and gripping her tight. “I want to please you, too.”

It didn’t take much for that. Slowly she started to move, guided by his grip on her waist. Up and down, so slow she could feel every ridge and vein on his thick length and she shuddered when the base of him nudged against her sensitive clit.

She was going to come fast, she already knew it. She’d been on the edge of climax since he first touched her.

“I’m not going to last.” Sweat dotted his forehead, his sensual mouth clamped into a tight line and his thrusts became more urgent. “You feel too damn good.”

“Harder,” she murmured, her clit tingling with his every bump and thrust. Her entire body tingled, her belly clenching in anticipation and she hung onto the delicious edge, so close, so devastatingly close.

“Reach for it, babe. That’s it.” He rammed himself inside her, his hips lifting, his cock so deep within her she was breathless, overwhelmed.

And then her brain shut down and all she could do was feel, glory in his touch, his kiss as her orgasm came crashing down upon her. She whispered his name against his lips, her hands clutching him, her pussy rhythmically fluttering around his cock and he stilled, his climax taking him hard as well.

Stephanie sagged against him and rested her head against his shoulder, her face buried in the crook of his neck. His spicy scent tickled her nostrils and she breathed deep, her tongue dabbing out to lick.

He tasted salty, musky and masculine.

“Are you all right?” His big hands smoothed up and down her back, lulling her, making her feel safe.

She sat up quickly, embarrassment making her feel stupid. Safe. Hah. This was a one night stand. Sex with a man she’d walk away from in mere moments.

Well, if she could. She had no idea where they were.

“I’m fine.” She pushed the hair out of her face, smoothing it back as best as she could. She must look a mess.

The glimmer in Justin’s eyes told her otherwise. Her position thrust her bare breasts in front of his mouth and she swore she felt his cock twitch and harden.

God, she needed to get off him and quick. “Do you know where my bra is?”

“Uh, yeah. Let me grab it for you.” Reluctantly he looked away from her, reaching over to grab the discarded garment. He handed it to her, his expression solemn. “I’m afraid your panties are ruined.”

“That’s okay.” She waved a hand and couldn’t help the little clench her inner walls gave at the remembered moment of him tearing those panties off.

God, the way he’d done that had been so sexy. Everything about him was sexy.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t going to see him ever again.

“Um, okay I need to...” She gestured to him and he caught on quick, helping her disengage herself from him. He got rid of the condom, how she had no clue since she was too busy trying to get dressed. Once he was put back together he rolled the window down and the cool breeze washed over her heated, flushed skin.

“We’re close to Emeryville. Want to give me your exact address so I can tell the driver?”

She rattled it out automatically, tugging her dress back on as quickly as she could. Her skin still tingled, her limbs were weak and she wondered if she’d be able to walk up the stairs which led to her apartment.

That had been undoubtedly the best sex she’d ever had. She didn’t regret doing it or behaving the way she did at all.

What she did regret was that she wouldn’t see him ever again. How unfortunate.

Reaching around her back, she tried to zip the dress up but she couldn’t get a good grip on the zipper. Suddenly sure hands were batting hers away and Justin zipped her in with ease.

“Thank you,” she murmured, barely able to look at him.

Did he think she was a slut? Did he wonder why she gave in so easily to him? Of course, he was incredibly beautiful. Women most likely threw themselves at his feet all the time. He was probably used to it.

That thought didn’t make her feel any better.
“Hey.” He touched her shoulder and she met his gaze. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”
She shook her head. “Not at all.”
“You want to get together sometime? Maybe go out for dinner?” The unsure expression on his face said all that she needed to know.

He was asking her purely out of politeness, most likely thinking it was the right thing to do. The last thing he wanted was for her to answer yes, she was sure.

“No, it’s okay. Let’s just leave it at this.” She smiled and unable to help herself, she pressed a quick kiss to his luscious mouth.

A mouth she would probably dream about, it was so sexy.

He traced his finger along the edge of her lower lip, his eyes glowing. “You are an amazing woman, Stephanie.”

“Thank you.” Her voice came out the barest whisper and for some unknown reason she felt tears prick behind her eyes. She wanted to cry. She wanted to wrap herself around this man and never let go.

No, no, no. No wonder she didn’t do one night stands. She wasn’t any good at them. At all.

“No.” He smiled, his finger nudging against her chin. “Thank you.”

The car stopped and she leaned over, rolled down the window to find they were in the parking lot of her apartment complex. Reluctantly she grabbed her purse, set it in her lap and smiled primly at him.

“Well, um, it was nice meeting you.” God this was awkward. She didn’t know what else to say.

He laughed and she smiled. He had a nice laugh, deep and rich and real. “It was great meeting you too, Stephanie. You take care.”

“Thanks. You, too.” The driver must have zipped out of the car at lightning speed because he was suddenly at her door, holding it open for her and she started to depart the car.

Justin’s fingers circled her wrist and he jerked her back inside, pulling her so hard she landed on top of him. Her hands braced against his chest and his mouth swooped down, capturing hers. Giving her the most thorough kiss of her life, his tongue did a slow, lush sweep inside her mouth, making her moan, making her clutch at his shirt as if she never wanted to let go.

“Bye, Stephanie.” He was smiling when he withdrew from her, the smile of a supremely satisfied man and she knew she would never forget the look on his face, the gleam in his gorgeous eyes.

“Goodbye.” She pushed off of him and climbed out of the car, the door slamming shut behind her with a finality that was palpable.

The driver tipped his head in her direction. “Have a nice night, miss.” And then he was gone, climbing back into the car and roaring away into the night.

Stephanie slapped her palms against her heated cheeks as she watched the car drive away.

She knew she’d never be the same.

She also knew she had the perfect information for the article she needed to write for
City Magazine.

Zoe Rush. She was about to hit the big time.


* * *


“Back to your house, boss?” The glass partition was down and the driver glanced at Justin in the rearview mirror.

“Yeah, thanks Ollie.” Justin stared out the window, watching the passing streets flash by, the city lights brightening the back of the car in quick flickers.

Spotting something red and lacy on the floorboard, he reached for it and discovered it was Stephanie’s discarded and trashed panties.

Like a fucking pervert, he brought them to his face and breathed deep. Her heavenly scent filled his head and he sighed, wishing he would’ve asked her back to his place, a hotel, something.

But he never brought them back to his place. Hell, he rarely fucked them more than once. It wasn’t like him to get it on in the back of a car though. So hurried, so frantic to be inside her he’d lacked finesse and lost all control.

lost control. He was known for his calm and steady demeanor on the ball field and it had served him well throughout his entire career.

A career that was now in complete ashes. Dust in the wind. He had no fucking clue what to do next. Picking up random beautiful women and screwing them in the backseat of a car was no way to fill the void inside him.

No, in fact it only seemed to make it worse.







Chapter Five


“I’m impressed.” Zoe threw the hard copy of Stephanie’s article onto her desk, a reluctant smile tilting her over Botoxed lips. “You need some hardcore editing but nothing that can’t be fixed. It’s going into the next issue.”

“You’re kidding.” Stephanie grabbed the article she’d turned in two days ago, her mouth hanging open in shock.

She’d thought Zoe would turn her down. Tell her to go take a flying leap after Stephanie had poured her very heart and soul into that article. Of course, she always thought her editor was going to turn her down. Writers were always full of self-doubt.

In the article she’d described how liberating it had been, having sex with a total stranger. How he’d made her feel desired and wanted. How handsome, charming and sexy the man was. How he’d known just how to touch her and just how to please her.

She’d used no names, of course. Zoe had agreed they post the article under another identity which was fine with Stephanie. Not as if she wanted her family and friends to know what she’d been up to lately.

“I’m not kidding. I like it, Steph.” Zoe was the only person who called her Steph. “This is no guarantee that you’ll get your column but I’m willing to give you another shot for a feature article if you keep the theme up.”

“Keep what theme up?” Stephanie stared at the red circles and slashes all over the paper, withholding the sigh that wanted to escape. There was no pleasing the managing editor at
City Mag.

“The sexual fantasy theme. Whoever this guy was, he knew how to light your fire. That certainly comes across in your article. I think you need to go look him up again and indulge in some more fantasy fun.”

“But I—can’t. It was a one night stand, you know? It’s all a part of the sex with a stranger fantasy.” She wished she could look him up again. He’d haunted her dreams every night since they’d had sex in the Towncar.

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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