Read Innocent in New York Online

Authors: Victoria Sterling

Innocent in New York (6 page)

BOOK: Innocent in New York
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He smoothed his palm over her backside, rubbing warmth into her skin with a mixture of firm and gentle strokes. The slow approach made her relax a little, letting her breathing slow down and her muscles loosen up. With a sharp
, his palm hit her again. She sucked in a quick breath, and then the sting faded, and she released a breathy little whimper when he touched her gently again. His palm massaged her skin, dipping lower toward her heat. She didn't try to avoid him this time, melting onto his lap. She winced, but the sharp pain ebbed, replaced by pleasurable warmth. A moan even pushed past her lips.

"I wonder how wet you are," he said, before removing his hand again, to her disappointment. She bit her lip from crying out in frustration, and next her skin burned when he spanked her. It shouldn't feel so good, but her skin tingled in the most delicious way in the aftermath of the assault. Wetness coated her and she gasped in mortification, shocked at how she reacted to his disciplining her. Eventually, she let out a sigh and melted against him anew, surrendering. He stroked her skin, heating her further and releasing the ache.

"Please," she whimpered at last, eyes shut.

His hand stilled and he asked with a steely coolness in his voice, "Please, what?"

"Touch me. Please, sir, please touch me." She couldn't believe she said that!

"I am touching you, Sophia. I'm touching your pretty ass." He smoothed her skin. She felt utterly degraded, but

"That's not what I meant."

"Where would you like me to touch you?"

"What?" Her head swiveled to find him smirking at her. She couldn't look at him, redirecting her gaze to the floor again. "Between my legs," she mumbled, her face scorching hot.

"Here?" he asked, his hand dipping between her thighs, making her eyes close. He touched the inside of her left thigh, stroking the sensitive skin there, so close but not close enough.


"Tell me where, Sophia," his voice lowered, the command evident. "Where do you need to be touched?"

Isn't it obvious
? She nearly spoke the words crossing her mind. "About two inches north."

"I forgot my compass at home."

, please stop torturing me. Uh, sir."

"Your pussy," he said. "Tell me to touch your pussy."

"Oh, God," she spoke in a tiny voice. She bit her lip hard, shaking her head. "I can't."

There was a pause accompanied with the heavy feel of his stare, and then he shifted and next his hand cupped her from behind. The intense feeling made her buckle. He touched her back softly, coaxing her to calm down while his other hand touched the most sensitive part of her. "You're soaked," he said, a finger rubbing between her folds already slick with her juices. A finger slid inside of her with ease, followed by a steady rhythm in and out. There was a hint of discomfort when he worked a second finger inside the tight space, but Sophia accepted it.

"You're so tight," he murmured. "You're going to be incredible once my cock is buried in you."

Her breath hitched, his words only fueling her pending orgasm. She gasped when he delved deeper, harder, faster, those wicked fingers pushing her pleasure higher. Her lips parted, releasing a scream when the world shattered around her, leaving her spun in raw pleasure. He kept up until the last wisps of bliss disappeared and she grew limp across his lap. Sophia dragged in mouthfuls of air to starving lungs, her body quivering in the aftermath each time he gently touched her clit. Tears blurred her eyes, a shocking reaction to her. Bewildered, she grasped at his pants in effort to try hauling her up but it was futile. Her bones and muscles felt like liquid.

He stood up, taking care to steady her and helped her up on nonfunctional legs. An arm secured around her waist.

"Bambi," he chuckled, and planted a warm kiss on her lips. "Have you ever come like that before?"

Dazed, she shook her head. Not even close.

He smiled, satisfied, and lifted her onto his desk before his mouth was on hers again. She distanced her legs to let him closer before she unbuttoned his shirt with shivering fingers and pushed the material off his shoulders. She broke the kiss for a moment to gaze at his hard, toned torso, letting her fingertips trace across his chest to the prominent muscles of his stomach and abdomen to the trail of hair dipping into his pants. Sophia paid attention to every movement when he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. She helped push them off along with his boxers and his erection sprung free. Big, she gulped, definitely big. His hand sunk into her hair, making her move her gaze back up again to find him watching her.

"Lie down," he ordered, "and spread your pretty legs."

Sophia's breath was heavy as she followed his command, her heart in her throat.

"Grab your thighs," he instructed.

The movement caused her legs to open further, showing him every inch of her. His gaze fused straight at her most intimate part, and she could still feel the dampness from his previous work there. The way he looked at her, as if she was something to devour, made her even wetter. She whimpered, and he jerked his hot gaze to hers.

"Just a moment," he rumbled, withdrawing a condom from his pocket.

She didn't even blink, watching him roll on the condom and grab his erection before he ran the tip up and down her slit. She sucked in a breath, praying she'd follow through. She was certain she'd follow his commands, but when it all came down to the actual act, nervousness caught up with her as well as the fact she was about to get fucked on top of a desk. He paused by her entrance. Sophia felt her pulse drum faster, her breath clogging in her throat when she felt him press the broader tip inside. "Wait!" she blurted, sensing he was about to push further, and he dragged his gaze to her face. He frowned but made no indication to move. "I'm sort of…" she shook her head, still fuzzy from the bliss he caused earlier, "well, I'm sort of," she gulped, squeezing her eyes shut. This couldn't end well.

"You're sort of
?" he asked, his words slow, slow and addictive, making her skin heat.

He would laugh at her. She felt beyond silly. "I'm —
oh, God
— I'm a virgin." The last word came out barely perceptible, but the slight tenseness marring his features made her realize he heard her loud and clear. Had she spooked him? "I promise it's not contagious." She blinked her eyes shut for a moment. "I get it if you've lost interest," she spoke in an incoherent string of words.
Hello, mood killer, nice to meet you.

"I haven't," he said at last, words tense. "Why did you wait until now to tell me?" His gaze lowered to where they were barely connected.

"I don't know." She had serious trouble paying attention to anything else but him between her legs.

"I've spanked you," he said, causing her cheeks to grow even redder.

"Yes," she breathed, remembering his palm against warm skin, her butt cheeks still sensitive but not in a painful way.

"I fucked you with my fingers until you nearly passed out."

"Yes." She couldn't shift her gaze from his, though a part of her jolted from his use of words. Her inner muscles tightened in response, and she heard a low rumble from his chest. He eased out of her with a small groan.

"You should have stopped me," he ground out. "I shouldn't have done all of that. Not the way I approached."

She shook her head, "I know what I said yes to. I thought I'd just avoid telling you but…" She bit her lip.

"You're nervous."

She nodded, humiliation catching up with her again. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize," he scolded. "I'm," he sighed, "I'm glad you told me."

No way.

"Change of plans. We're going to my apartment." He removed the condom before fetching her clothes and helped her into them.




Sophia paused once inside his home, looking around the grand entrance, at the slanted ceiling towering above them by at least twenty feet.

He walked a little closer after he deposited his jacket. Touching her waist, he moved so that he stood behind her. "Can I get you anything to drink?" he asked, slipping the coat off her. "Wine?" he kissed the nape of her neck, making her gasp for breath at the sudden rush of nerves responding. "Champagne?" He slanted to kiss a place below her ear that sent shivers through her body. His voice reminded her of the drink; smooth, buzzing, and making her relinquish more and more control. She wasn't going to fight it.

"Wine, perhaps? If you don't mind."

"Of course not," he said. "Go upstairs and make yourself comfortable while I bring the wine." She watched him move across the large expanse of his living room, past the panorama windows framing the twinkling city. She sighed, and once finding her legs useful again, she went upstairs and searched for the bathroom to try to make herself look presentable again. Walking inside James's bedroom, she found it softly lit by a couple of lamps on each side of the room giving it a relaxing vibe but still dark enough. She sat down on the edge of the bed, her hands on the mattress. Glancing at her rumpled dress she frowned; she quickly slipped it off and let it land in a heap on the floor. She shivered with the reality of her situation, her sitting in only lacy lingerie on James's bed. She watched the Roman numeral clock on the wall while she fidgeted the little heart on her bra, following the seconds pass by until the door opened and closed. Sophia took a deep breath before acknowledging him.

"You look stunning, if I forgot to tell you," he murmured, while his gaze danced over her body.

"Thank you." She slid him a timid glance.

He offered her a glass of wine and she took a sip, closing her eyes at the coolness of the wine, the fresh flavor spilling over her tongue. Snapping her eyes open, she found him watching her intently, his gaze on her lips. She darted her tongue out to pick up a small drop of wine on her bottom lip. She shivered beneath his stare, her grip on the dewy glass faltering. James saved it by grabbing her hand and stabilizing it. He smiled, took the glass from her, and slowly took a couple of sips himself before placing it onto the floor. He turned to her, parted her legs and stepped near. Sinking his hand into her hair, he angled her toward him and kissed her. The wine still coated their tongues. The effect was much greater than the wine alone, making every cell buzz through her. When he let go, she found herself following a few inches before she caught herself. He smiled and smoothed her cheek with his thumb.

"I never intended to disappoint you. I know I'm not what you're looking for." She clutched the edge of the bed.

"I thought you did pretty damn good." A mischievous grin tilted his lips. "The way you moaned when I spanked you. The way you grew mortified by how wet you became by my disciplining you."

Sophia's skin heated with the memory.

"And the way you begged me to touch you, remember that?"

She swallowed. "Yes." Her voice sounded thick with embarrassment and lust.

"That little plea, that mixture of confusion you expressed, made me want to have you right then, to show you how damn good we could be."

"I want that," Sophia said, kissed him swiftly, and then she moved further up the bed. With a slight smile pushing at the corners of his lips, he reached up to unbutton his shirt. Sophia tried to keep her eyes on his, but as his hands lowered and skin started showing, her gaze followed suit. The sleek flow of his muscles made her mouth go dry, and she couldn't get enough. She wondered what he would do if she were to taste his skin. If she were to place kisses down his abdomen where a solid
form dipped into his boxers. Would he wrap her long hair around his wrist, beg her to go on like she did in his office?

She'd never found herself thinking like that before with anyone else. The mattress dipped and Sophia pulled herself back to reality.

"Do I want to know what's going on in there?" he asked, touching the side of her face. She realized he'd remove everything except his boxers, and she cursed herself a little to drift off during the stripping.

"You." She blinked her gaze to his. His smile broadened and Sophia winced at her own lame response. "That didn't come out right," she said sheepishly.

"I want your honesty." He tipped her head up. "If you lie, I might just have to punish you again."

It surprised her that her body liked the sound of being punished a little too much. Warmth stretched through her, painting her cheeks a soft pink.

"Don't be alarmed," his expression grew softer, "I will follow your rules tonight." He moved on top of her, slipped his hand beneath her back to unclasp her bra and brushed it to the floor, all done in a trained movement. He kissed her lips softly, then moved to her jaw, and finally to her neck where he swiveled his tongue around a spot below her ear that made her shudder. Sophia whimpered, never having realized just how sensitive she was there until he showed her. Her heart pounded faster, then faster still when his fingers gently brushed the side of her breast. She arched, motivated to get him to touch her, but his caress disappeared.

BOOK: Innocent in New York
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