Read Intimate Equations Online

Authors: Emily Caro

Intimate Equations (6 page)

BOOK: Intimate Equations
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Jules?” said a man's voice on her left. She
turned to see Sam's face in front of her.

Sam! Hello, how are you? I uh... didn't see
you in class yesterday.” Jules didn't know how to proceed after that. Her heart
lurched in her chest and she was hoping that he wouldn't notice the color drain
from her face.

Sam seemed unaffected by her discomfort and their
chance encounter.

He smiled: “I had to go out of town for a few days to
help my sister. I hope I didn't miss anything too critical?”

Jules was grateful to Sam for his calm demeanor and she
in turn relaxed a little.

“No, just the usual calculations of the Quantum
variety” she gave him a wry smile when he shook his head smiling back.

“I can give you some notes tomorrow if you think you
will be there” Jules said.

Oh, wow – thank you. That would be
fantastic. Yes, I will be there, for sure.” Sam seemed grateful and this thawed
out Jules.

There was an uncomfortable silence punctuated by the
two of them locking eyes again. Jules held his eyes steady with her own,
fighting the gut reaction to jump on her bike and ride like hell. But she
didn't. She waited, holding his eyes with her own, trying to convey volumes to
him which defied using words. She waited for a miraculous uploading of
meaningful vocabulary to her brain. What should she say; how could she explain
herself? Those perfect words were delayed somewhere and were not going to
magically appear it would seem.

She broke her gaze, glancing down to the ground and
kicking a stone with her shoe.

“Sam, I um... we should talk.” So much for that
spontaneous upload of brilliance.

She risked stealing a glance at his face. He was
watching her with a hint of concern in his expression. Sam nodded his head in

I...” Jules trailed off. Shaking her head
she began again, kicking at the dirt on the trail with renewed force.

Sam, what I really mean is that I need my
lawn cut!”

The surprise on his face was comical. She started
laughing at his reaction and then stopped herself. His face turned into a wide
grin and he started laughing as well.

“You what? I'm sorry, did I miss something?”

The humor helped Jules out when she needed it most. She
smiled back

“It's true; my lawn is slowly turning into a jungle. My
neighbor gave me your number. He's getting a bit impatient with me. He's
like...” she paused trying to explain herself, “Mr. Connor is a lawn fanatic.”

You live next door to Mr. Connor?” Sam said
with surprise. “Oh man, that guy is wacko about his yard. He drives me crazy. Whatever
it is I do for him he is out there getting in the way, throwing me suggestions
up the wazoo. He makes me nuts; but he pays on time and always gives me a
little extra.”

Yeah, well that's my neighbor alright and he isn't too
happy with me right now because I haven't been able to get my yard mowed this
spring. It's um, pretty wild, I should warn you.”

No problem.” Sam said with a chuckle. “No
job is too big for mighty lawn care guy” he said pointing a thumb at his chest,
speaking in a TV voice. “How about Thursday around six, or is that too late? I
can't really get there before then; I have a big job at the golf course I have
to do first.”

No, no six is fine. That would be
fantastic. Now I can tell Mr. Connor that we have a plan. Thank you.” Jules

Oh, sure. I'll be there” he paused,
uncertain if he should go on.

Jules broke in before he could continue.

“Yes, and maybe we could ah... you know; talk a
little.” She blushed, grateful for the cool breeze coming in off the river. The
light wind tussled Sam's hair. It was almost black and his white teeth were a
marvelous contrast when he smiled.

He seems like such a considerate person. He
has a wonderful, welcoming smile. One that I could definitely get used to
seeing on a regular basis.


In her dream that night, she stood at the window in the
house by the lake again, but this time the window was open and a warm breeze
blew in sending her hair dancing in gentle wisps around her face. Instead of
her regular clothes she wore a longer gown open at the neck and held a flower
in her hand. She could hear the calls of strange birds singing and the water on
the lake lapped at the shore just beyond her window. The water was musical.
Someone outside was calling her but she couldn't tell who it was. She turned
her head in her sleep.

“Jules!” called the voice in an urgent tone. ”Jules,
come here; you have to see this!”

Jules awoke with a start. The voice was so near to her
that it might have come from here beside the bed but she didn't recognize whose
voice it was. She sat up alert and looked around. The room was dark but no one
was there.

Thursday rolled around. Jules went over and over in her
mind how she wanted to handle her meeting with Sam when he came to cut her
lawn. She was nervous, but she could not deny to herself that she was impatient
for him to arrive. The tension of waiting was getting to her. She tried to get
home early from the Tech in order to throw together a pot of soup just in case
Sam was hungry after he finished mowing. Maybe they could talk over a light,
casual meal; a glass of wine. Sam knocked at her door before she was ready. It
frustrated her that she was nervous. In a normal situation she handled stress
like a pro; nothing much phased her. Except this handsome Latino man named Sam.

Sam stood on the porch waiting for her to open the big
front door. He faced the street in order to survey the job he had to do. The
grass was nearly up to his calf. When Jules opened the door and greeted him he
laughed, not cutting her any slack:

“This might require some heavy equipment… maybe a swather!”
he grinned.

Jules blushed. “Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if I see
you hoisting bales out here this afternoon. It's not even haying season!” She
grinned back at him and shrugged. He ambled off to start the mower. Sam mowed
the front and back lawns making wide, graceful turns, missing nothing.

Jules watched him from her bedroom window, her heart in
her throat. Too many scenarios crowded her mind to make sense. She couldn't
seem to stop her heart from racing. The mower's engine ran for what seemed
hours but then the motor stopped and there was silence. Jules heard Sam's
footsteps at the back door and he tapped on the screen.

I'm finished now.” Sam called into the kitchen as he
waited at the back door for Jules to respond. She had been watching him from
the front bedroom so appeared around the corner of the doorway in an instant.

Sam stood in the doorway, the smell of fresh grass
wafting in through the door behind him. He gazed at her with dark, liquid eyes.
She forgot to breathe for several moments.

“Come in and have a drink of water.”

Jules was trying to be as casual as she could. Her hand
trembled as she filled the water glass. The cold water felt good on her skin.
She handed the large glass to him and placed her wet hand on the back of her
neck to cool the fire she felt all over her body.

Thank you.” Sam drank the entire glass in
one gulp and set it down on the counter. He looked straight at her moving a
step forward as if considering. He did not wait for her to object before he
took her in his arms. Jules submitted to the embrace, his very touch which had
flickered through her thoughts unwanted during daylight hours and set her
dreams in motion at night.

I can't wait any longer.” he whispered,
burying his face in her hair. I don't know what it is about you; I feel like
I've known you for a long time and I have to be with you. I can't sleep or eat;
I can't work. Please...”

Sam stared into her face. His eyes were smoldering
coals. His lips met the line of her neck and kisses fell on her skin. He sank
to his knees, holding her around the hips and thrust his mouth into her skirt,

She clutched his head with her fist. His mouth searched
between her legs. “Sam, please we need to talk.”

He ignored her and sought out her tenderness with his
mouth. She held onto his head and pushed him toward her, encouraging this.

Sam, oh don't stop.”

His hands floated over her hips down along the inside
of her smooth legs and back up around her bottom brushing against her crotch. He
tilted back to pull off her panties and found her center. His tongue touched
off sensations of pleasure and she grabbed his hair. The tip of his tongue was
on her lips - so sweet it was nearly painful. An electrical shock went through

“Oh god, Sam.” She gave in to him while he moved his
tongue up and down inside her folds, feverishly searching for her desire. She
sank to the floor beside him panting. They both lay down on the blue tile floor
next to each other. The sunshine came streaming in the kitchen windows and the
finches outside sang their intricate calls from the tree tops. The kitchen
floor was cold and hard.

She searched with her fingers and opened the top of his
fly, inserting her hand into his jeans. The moment she touched him he groaned and
turned over on his back. She pulled at the zipper and tugged at his fly. He
helped her with the snap; finally it was open.

His cock was hard as stone, standing up large and
engorged like no man she had ever seen. It was as if he would come at any moment.
His balls were tight and full. She stroked the length of him; starting from the
head sliding her hand down his thick shaft. She pulled hard as she went. Her
hand was unyielding on him. She stroked his cock up and then down again. She
bent over and put him in her mouth, wrapping her tongue the tight skin of his
head, coiling around him up and then down.

His breath was heavy and rapid. Sam rose up so he could
watch her. She kept him in her mouth, tasting salt, holding him there. Jules
could see the vivid line of the veins in his neck while she did this. His heart
was beating fast. They both panted with the strain. He pulsed in her mouth
strong and even while he watched her suck him; his large brown hands on her
head, touching her hair gently as she pulled on him with her lips. She kissed
the head of his cock over again and glanced at his face.

He sighed and spoke her name. “Jules. Oh my, God. That
is so wonderful. You set me on fire. You have no idea.”

Jules opened her mouth wider to accommodate him. The tip
of her tongue played with the engorged head. She could feel the effect this had
on him. Sam rolled to the side and groaned. He could stand it no more, but he
didn't want to come yet.

He pulled away from her with an effort. “Please, he
said. Let me be with you. Let me make you happy. I want you like I have never
wanted any woman. I swear to you this is true.”

She smiled and touched his face, pulling him towards
It doesn't matter if it is true or not.
Jules thought.
He is so
beautiful. He could lie to me right now and still he could have me, over and

Sam rolled up his T-shirt and pulled it off over his
head, then rose to his feet helping her up off the floor with his hand
out-stretched. His chest was magnificently brown and firm. His wet cock glistened
in the late afternoon light pouring through the windows. The curled hairs
around it were dark. His body was taut with desire; the muscles defined and
flexing as he bent down to lift her from the kitchen floor.

She led him into her bedroom with her arms around his
waist. She stopped at the doorway and their mouths met in a frantic kiss with
tongues entwined. Taking the other in with their mouths they slid tongues over
teeth and lips; gasping, holding each other up in desperation.

As he had done in the lecture hall Sam pressed his
solid frame onto her and his erection was large and insistent against her, but
this time there was nothing which kept him confined. As he stood there naked with
no space between them Jules couldn't have felt more alive.

“I want you too. Please take me before I change my

Sam lifted her up in his arms and took her to the bed. He
began to undress her. “You are so, very beautiful, Jules.” he whispered. “You
have no idea how lovely you are.” he whispered in her ear and nuzzled her neck.
The stubble from his beard prickling her skin mounted her excitement. He
straddled her frame, reaching down to touch her. Her desire was rising at his
touch and she shook a little with nervous excitement. He wrapped his arms
around her, holding her tight.

Don't be scared. Don't worry; Jules. I only
want make you happy.” Sam's eyes were tender with passion and emotion. She
clasped his head in her two hands staring intently into his eyes; trying to
grasp and make sense of what he had just said to her. ”Do we need to get some
protection?” His hands lifted her tight T-shirt up over her head; then he
fumbled with her bra at the back.

She smiled: “Here, let me. Bras are complicated - worse
than my math classes. Um, I've already taken care of the contraceptive. Thanks
for asking, though. I have a Mirena IUD. Long story.” He nodded at her and
waited, watching her with his dark eyes. She slipped off the bra at which her
nipples immediately turned hard. He reached out to finger them with his
delicate touch.

BOOK: Intimate Equations
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