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Authors: Groovy Lee

Invitation to Love (8 page)

BOOK: Invitation to Love
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all for that.”

Taryn,” Jerry came from down the hall and perched himself in the doorway, his
tattered jeans hung loose around his toned build, his white shirt dusty from
the busy morning. “I’ve taken all the sheets and towels from the closet and
packed them. I need another box for the books.”

some in the utility room. It was sweet of him to take off from work today and
help,” she said as he headed to the back. “Poor thing’s been working non-stop.”

worry about him,” Nora laughed. “He’s happiest when he’s busiest.”

all the packing and stacking were over and the movers hauled it away, Taryn and
Nora left to go shopping for outfits for the big day tomorrow. Afterwards, they
stopped by to give the house one last inspection. It stood so empty and bleak;
All that had given her life was gone. Now, she awaits a new family to revive
her, and fill her with memories. Taryn felt the corner of a wall one last time
before closing the front door for good.

held her keys up for Nora to take as they stood outside in the driveway. “I
don’t need these anymore. Here you go.”

you sure you want us to keep the money from the sale of your car?” she jingled
the metal around in her hand. “Fifteen-hundred is a lot of money. Plus, you’re
giving us half of what you get off this house.”

sure. The money’s yours; A gift for all your help and support.”

we’d better head home. You have a big day ahead of you.”

walked to the end of the driveway. Nora called for Remi, Rachel, and Bobby, who
were still playing in the backyard. They raced through the fence for Jerry’s
truck. Taryn and Nora braced while the stampede passed.

riding with Uncle Jerry,” one voice cried.

too,” yelled another.

sitting by the window,” came another cry.

no you’re not.”

I am. Daddy!”

took one last look at the house where she brought her twin babies home from the
hospital; To the backyard where she enjoyed gardening on summer evenings,
crimson sunsets, and heavenly wonders at night—All memories now. Her life is
taking on a journey of new twists and turns; Turns of uncertainties, for sure.
And yet, there’s that scant optimism that it’ll all be for the better.

good thing has already come out of it: Mac can’t take Remi and Rachel away from
her. For years, she’s patiently waited for the day when she could drop-kick his
arrogance to the next continent.  And, when she went to tell him of her news,
the impact K.O.’d him to the sofa. His overburdened housekeeper scurried around
that immense mansion, firing Spanish, struggling to find his aspirin, and
prepare his vodka in ten seconds flat. And for the first time ever, she saw a
tiny smile of admiration from Phyllis before she turned and left her husband
groaning in the siting room.

kids will write you,” Taryn said as he sat draped like a wet rag. “And maybe,
just maybe, they’ll spend a summer with you.” That look of gratitude on his
face as she spun around and waltzed away, more than made her day—shoot—her
entire year.


sat on the side of the bed, watching the orange glow of the sun begin a new
day. Thoughts of what awaited her, coupled with the phone call from Michael
last night, didn’t allow for much sleep. They’re scheduled to be married in a
few hours at the court house (Dear Heavens), eat a farewell brunch back here at
Nora’s, then head to the airport for their flight to Los Angeles.

hours of scurrying in and out, back and forth, finds her standing in front of
the oval mirror hanging from Nora’s living room wall, critiquing herself from
head to toe. She smoothed at the neat hair knot Nora styled to the side of her
head, then stood back and straightened at the beige A-lined dress with tiny,
yellow flowers etched into the fabric. She glanced down the hall for any
sightings of her sister to come and zip her up.

better hurry,” Nora quick-stepped from one of the bedrooms, wearing a pretty,
pale-yellow chiffon dress. “Michael will be here soon.”

remind me,” Taryn exhaled.

let me zip you up. There.”

stood still as Nora circled and studied her carefully to make sure everything
was in place and matching perfectly. “Taryn, where’s your bouquet?”

marriage. Those words triggered a nervous excitement every time. Her insides
were shaking even more, now. “I…I…in the refrigerator, maybe?”

right,” Nora snapped her fingers just as she remembered. She was about to rush
off for it, but suddenly stopped. A tearful smile forged across her face; An
air of sadness, mixed with joy interlocked their eyes. “Taryn,” she sobbed, and
the two fell into a snug embrace.

Remi came in, stretching irritably at the collar of the ivory laced dress she
had to wear. “Do I have to put these ribbons in my hair?”

dabbed her tears away with a tissue before turning to her niece. “Remi,
sweetheart, this is a big day for your mother—for all of us. Let’s make it easy
for her by cooperating. Okay?”

she stuck her bottom lip out just a little.

turn around so I can tie it in your hair. Oh, don’t you look like an angel.”

just shrugged and blew.

go and see if the others are ready for me, will you?”

Jerry came from down the hall. “Will you put these clips on for me?”

smiled at the picture of him all dressed up in his dark-blue suit. The sound of
the doorbell had her hand flying to her heart.

Michael,” Nora broadcast for the entire house to hear. “Shall I get it, Taryn?
Or will you?”

get it,” she replied, silently dictating her feet to move. Timid fingers
gripped the doorknob and opened it to the imposing figure dressed in a very
handsome Morning Suit; His hair in style for the occasion, and wearing
most arousing, expensive cologne. The repressed excitement at seeing him
standing there had her stomach tightening. Has it only been three days since
they last saw one another? Seems more like years. “Hi,” she widened the door to
let him enter.

soaked in every angle of her face, then made an intimate inspection of the rest
of her. “Hi. You look beautiful.”

The word was barely a whisper as she shyly looked away.

these yours?” he pointed to the luggage standing by the door.


take them to the car,” he bent down to retrieve them.

on there,” Jerry came hurrying out of nowhere, causing Michael to straighten.
“Can’t have you working on your wedding day, can we? The chauffeur and I can handle
this part.”

this is my brother-in-law Jerry.”

two seemed to take an instant liking to one another as they shook hands. Jerry
then picked up some of the cases and left out.


question was like a door opening to that new journey in her life. Now, all she
had to do was just step through it. A rush of fear swept through her at that
instant, making it difficult to even breathe. This is it, and there’s no
turning back. Or can she?

But, one look at that comforting smile; The gleam in those alluring eyes; The
way her heart was beating from just the nearness of him turned those fears into
a dissipating mist. “Yes. I’m ready.”



stared aimlessly from the airplane window at the patchwork scenery below. The
crop circles carved into a farmer’s field eluded her; Mysteries of the universe
are nothing compared to the world she’s about to enter—and soon. She gazed
across the aisle to where Michael and the girls were enjoying the scenery
outside their window.

ceremony was swift and formal. Quite surprisingly, her vows took on a bond of
importance as she stood reciting them. Then he claimed his new bride with a
very short kiss. She appreciated the fact that he kept it conservative for the
sake of the girls who stood watching and giggling softly. And, she had to admit
she was more than thankful for her own sake. Unlike ninety-nine, point
ninety-nine one-hundredth of the men in the world, he moves her. Just a kiss
from him crumbles her self-control. And, she must try to remember—no—it’s
incumbent she remembers that this union has to remain on as much a civil and
strait-laced plane as possible. They married for two reasons and two reasons
only: So, she could keep her daughters, and he could dispel those rumors. He may
be confident about it lasting, but that scant hope she had, died somewhere
between the courthouse and the airport.

there’s the expectation of them sleeping together. She moaned and turned away
to her window. It’s part of the deal. She did agree to it—somewhat. She can’t
deny her attraction for him is taking on a life of its own; A phase she thought
would pass eventually. But, when the time comes—way in the future, mind
you—she’ll have to keep reminding herself that it’s all part of the deal; No
real feelings are involved. She has to, if there’s any hope of surviving with her
heart and emotions still functioning sensibly once this is over.

was close to 6 p.m. when the limousine maneuvered them from the airport, leaving
the hustle of L.A. behind for the coastal road that led to Michael’s home in
the wealthy suburb of Buckingham Way. Conversation existed mainly between him
and the girls; Taryn chose to sit in silence. The path that lied ahead was
taking the shape of reality more and more the closer they were getting to the
house. Now and then, their eyes would meet, and they’d exchange brief smiles.
She lowered her window just a crack so the air could cool her forehead. (Oh,

finally rolled into a long driveway that curved to the front of a two-story
gray brick. Palm and eucalyptus trees stood solid among the blue-green
landscape. Taryn’s nerves were now a unsettled mass in the deepest depths of
her stomach, bubbling viciously. Her reality has now come full force, and it’s
time to face it, deal with it, and live it.

Remi’s face glued to the passenger window. “Is this your house, Michael?”

our house now.”

we really going to live here?” Rachel couldn’t believe her eyes.

sure are.”

chauffeur opened their door, and the girls jumped out followed by Michael.

home, Taryn,” he held his hand out for her to take as she emerged from the

new dwelling stood big and proud, all ready for inspection. She knew he lived
comfortably, but never expected anything as remarkable as the ultra-modern
structure encompassed by spherical hedges, and flowers vaunting every color of
the rainbow. “It’s beautiful, Michael.”

we go inside, Michael?” Remi called from atop the brick porch.

for us,” he replied, then held Taryn by the elbow and guided her toward the

front door, made of scrolled iron and glass, opened to a circular foyer with a
dark-blue, marbled floor glazed to a high shine; A classic flight of stairs
arched to the next landing.

now it was Rachel’s turn, her hands held to her face in disbelief. “This looks
just like a princess’ castle.”

me give you a tour,” he ushered them along.  “You can all see the dining room
here,” he indicated to the left.

got an impressive view of the black and speckled red color theme before he
called their attention to the living room to the other side of the foyer.
Spacious walls of pale-blue with tiny dots complimented the checkered-blue sofa
with matching pillows. Two over-stuffed chairs flanked by palm plants sat
across from it. And
biggest flat screen TV Taryn has ever seen
practically engulfed an entire corner. She hadn’t realized he was holding her
hand until she was led down a wide hallway, their shoes clicking against the
polished floor, to the back of the house.

pointed to the library to their left, mentioning that’s where he works at
times. Walls of books surrounded an enormous oak desk cluttered with paperwork.
He released her hand and pointed to the room of stainless steel appliances
complimented by soft yellow and gray granite countertops, and a Spanish tiled
floor to the other side.

is where we’ll be eating some of our meals,” he said as he led the way in.

look at this big yard,” Rachel’s forehead was mashed against the patio doors
leading outside. “And, there’s a giant pool.”

see it, honey.”

you ready to see upstairs? I’m eager for you to see your rooms.”

fell in line and followed him back to the front of the house and up the stairs.
Michael paused when they came to the first door on the right.

BOOK: Invitation to Love
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