Read Irresistible Forces (McKingley) Online

Authors: McKenna Jeffries,Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Irresistible Forces (McKingley) (6 page)

BOOK: Irresistible Forces (McKingley)
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A faint beeping brought him back to consciousness. He blinked a few times before it registered. His pager was going off. With a grunt, he disentangled himself from Deyon’s body and climbed out of bed, reaching for his pants, which still lay in a heap on the floor.

Just as he got there, his cell went off. He grabbed it and put it to his ear.


“Sorry to bother you, Sheriff, but we’ve got a situation.”

Terri’s no nonsense voice wiped away the remaining visages of sleep. The dispatcher was extremely effective. She and her sister Trina were two of his favourite ones to work with. Nothing ever rattled them. They didn’t panic and they didn’t mess up calls. Hell, sometimes he wondered if they weren’t robots for all the emotion they put into it. He didn’t care—all that mattered was they were good. Damn good.

He was shoving into his clothes even as he listened to her give the details. Some kind of explosion at the university. “Thanks. On my way.” He hung up and sat, grabbing for his footwear.

Buckling his belt, he made his way back to the bed and the goddess sleeping there. He turned on one of her bedside lights and the soft glow filled the room. Lust rocketed into him as he stared at her.

“Deyon,” he called out softly.

She rolled towards him, sheet dropping enough to show him one nipple and he bit back a groan. Forcing his eyes to remain on her face, he crouched down beside her.

“What are you doing up?” she croaked, her voice heavy with sleep.

“I have to go.”

Her lids flew open and she watched him with a mix of disbelief and uncertainty. “What?”

“I got called to work. I have to go and I woke you so you didn’t think I just ran off. I’ll see you later.” He didn’t say anything else—he had nothing else to tell her—so he kissed her quickly, shut off the light then left. It may have been a bit harsh, but he didn’t have time to wait until she completely woke up.

He drove to his destination fast, the scanner on giving him bits and pieces of what he could expect to find. Lights flashing and siren wailing, he whipped into the parking lot and stared up at the smouldering remains of part of a building. He hopped out then strode up to the police tape barricade.

The officer who was there immediately lifted it and he ducked to pass under. He could see the news trucks gathering and pressed on. Those would be dealt with later.

“What do we have?”

“Part of the science lab blew. A few injuries but thankfully zero casualties.”

He took a deep breath and shook his head. “Thanks.” He glanced at the officer by him and gave her a smile. “Evening, Deputy Conner.”

Her return smile was fleeting and he didn’t begrudge her that. She was all about her job. Part of which made her so damn good at it.

“Sheriff.” She cleared her throat and touched the side of her cheek. “You…umm…lipstick.”

Damn. He rubbed it with the back of his hand until she nodded it was no longer there. Anyone else would have pressed him for who he’d been with. Not Conner. She didn’t pry.

He opened his mouth to say something else when another explosion rocked the area. Flames shot out of the hole and a few more windows shattered with the force of the heat and projectiles that hit them.

“Get down, get down!” he hollered, shielding his eyes from the flare. “Get those people back, goddamnit!”

He ran towards the building to a man whose leg was on fire and helped put it out. Sirens pierced the night as more trucks rolled in to help combat the flames.

“Come on, Thom!” a feminine voice came from the building and he turned in time to see his sister, his
sister, hauling a stretcher down the ramp. Smoke billowed out after her and he pointed the man with him in the direction of medical and headed for his sister.

Her face had streaks of soot on it and drywall dust seemed to fly off her with every step she took. Firefighters raced up past her, but he paid them no mind. Shoving through people, he made his way to her.


She lifted her head and looked around. A ghost of a smile lifted her lips when she spied him.

“Hey, Leo,” she said. They never slowed and he pivoted to keep pace with her. “Quite a mess wouldn’t you say?”

“What are you doing in there?” He nodded at Thom who was rattling off stats into his radio.

“My job.” They veered around a large chunk of concrete, which had blown out earlier.

“We don’t even know what kind of chemicals are burning in there.”

“And I can’t sit around and let injured people suffer because of that.” She touched his arm before opening the door to the ambulance. “I don’t need you to bandage my knees anymore, Leo. I’ll be okay.” She and Thom shared a look and lifted on their silent count. They’d worked together for so long they didn’t need verbal communication. Thom climbed in the back with the burns victim and she shut the doors. “Stay safe, okay?” She squeezed his arm then ran around to the front. Seconds later the ambulance had driven off.

She was right—he couldn’t protect her. Didn’t mean he would stop trying, but he’d been hovering more than usual ever since their cousin, Justin, had been shot on her lawn. They all looked after Lis, though—she’d been so sick as a baby, they hadn’t known if she would make it. She’d done more than just make it. She’d surpassed anything they could have hoped for.


Snapping his head around, he spied Deputy Conner waving at him. He jogged over to her side and the man she was talking to. Rolling his shoulders, he sighed in disappointment. This was going to take a long while. So much for getting back to the warm, willing woman he’d left in bed.

* * * *

Deyon couldn’t go back to sleep after Leo had left. She’d thought about it but fell short of reaching the actual goal of slumber. She stretched and yawned before rolling out of bed and snapping on a light. Almost three in the morning. He’d been gone for all of fifteen minutes.

“What the hell happened to get him out of bed so early?”

She slipped on some silk pyjamas and padded barefoot to her living room. As she reached for another light switch, she noticed lights coming on over by Arissa and Jackson’s outside doors. Sure enough, soon they both exited. Arissa stopped to kiss Deiter before hastening after Jackson.

Deyon hurried to the door and opened it. “What’s going on, Arissa?” she called out.

“Explosion at the university. What are you doing up?”

Shit. “Leonardo just left a few minutes ago, so I was up.”

“Ohhh, I see how it is,” she said in a teasing voice. “We’ll see you later, Deyon.” And just like that, the doctors left, both climbing in their vehicles and racing off to the hospital.

Uncertainty filled her and she wanted to call him and find out what was going on. Shaking her head at the emotion streaming through her, she scoffed at herself.
What the hell is wrong with me? I sleep with him once and all of a sudden, I need to know he’s okay every second of the day? That’s pathetic.

Despite the mental derision, she continued to worry. Turning on the news, she curled up on the corner of her couch. She didn’t have to look far for information—the local news had put up a special report on the incident.

“…and we still don’t know the cause of the explosion. All we know right now is that it occurred in the science wing of the building. The police are keeping a perimeter around the area as hazmat sweeps the area to ensure there are no toxic fumes floating around. In addition, since the fire has yet to be extinguished, there is still the potential for another explosion. We’ve seen two already. The ambulances have been coming and going constantly. We’ll keep you updated with more information as we get it. I just want to reiterate, at this moment we have been told zero casualties. Lots of injuries but so far there has been no loss of life in this horrific incident.”

It switched back to the news anchors in the studio and she captured her lower lip in her teeth and gnawed on it. Two explosions already. She wasn’t a science geek by any means, but even she knew that there were plenty of things that could go boom in that vicinity.

Her heart pounded harder and she shifted on the couch, unable to tear her eyes away from the screen. She got flashes as they showed more live shots. She even recognised some people, but still no sign of Leo.

The reporter on the scene was giving another update when a large explosion rocked the location. A blaze of light and a plume of dust rolled from the left. The woman ducked and turned panicked eyes in that direction.

The camera operator zoomed in and Deyon whimpered as she saw more of the destruction. It looked horrible. Where was he? The camera continued to roll and she saw him step through the dust, tall and strong, as he continued to deliver orders and direct people. She couldn’t explain the relief she felt at that image. He was dirty and covered in dust but alive.

She lingered in front of the TV even after the section had been deemed secure and the news crews had begun to leave. When all that remained were smouldering embers and firefighters, her gaze continued to be transfixed upon the television screen. She reached for the phone numerous times only to draw her hand back. Now was not the time to call him.

Damn it though, she wanted to hear his deep voice. Just to assure herself he was okay and seeing him hadn’t been a figment of her imagination. Only when she had to get moving so she wouldn’t be late for work did she move from that spot. She ate a light breakfast, watching for any more updates, which might come down the pipes.

Nervous, she drove to work and got ready for the day. Her employees and customers were talking about the incident and while she wanted to yell at them to stop, she kept it buried. They had the right to do so.

She was up front when the door opened and she looked up with a forced smile on her face. One which changed to a real one the moment her brain registered who had just walked through.

Leonardo. He was out of uniform, in jeans and a T-shirt, and appeared exhausted but she didn’t care—he was here. He was alive and well. She skirted out from around the counter and walked towards him.

He stared at her with those killer brown eyes of his and she swallowed at the wealth of emotions that assailed her. He meant so much to her it almost scared her.

“Hey,” he said softly, eyes remaining locked on hers.

“Hey yourself.” She swallowed and reached out almost hesitantly to touch him. “You okay?”

He didn’t answer, just pulled her close and kissed her. She melted into him immediately. This was what she’d needed. Physical confirmation. To be held and kissed by him. Shown he was truly all right. Entwining her arms around his neck, she pressed closer.

When the kiss ended, she fought back a whimper of disappointment. She wanted it to continue. Leo backed off a bit and cupped her face with his large hands. The calluses on his fingertips teased her skin.

“I’m sorry I had to run out like that on you. It’s not what I had envisioned for our first night together.” His voice was low and for her ears only. “Or rather, morning after.”

“I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“Can you leave?”

“Yes,” she said without hesitation. “Let me get my things and I’ll be ready.”

Another kiss and he walked out without a look back. It didn’t take long to tell her workers she was leaving before she was out of the door after him. She found him leaning against the passenger door of her vehicle.

Once they were on their way back to her place, she asked, “How did you get to the store?”

“Conner dropped me off.”

She didn’t know Conner but assumed it was someone he worked with. “Do you want to stop for anything?”

“Hell no. You have what I want.”

His directness made her smile. “Good to know.” She wanted to speed, get him home quickly, but she stuck to the speed limit, especially when she looked at him and found him asleep. His thick lashes rested upon his cheeks as he took deep breaths. When they reached her house, he woke as she waited for the gate to open.


“For what? You’re exhausted.”

They walked inside together and she shoved him towards the bedroom. “Go.”

He captured her wrist and drew her near. “What about you?”

“I’ll be right in.”

He took another breath-robbing kiss before walking off. Hell, even as tired as he appeared to be, there was just no stopping that inherent swagger he had about him. She licked her lips and watched until he vanished from view.

She took about fifteen minutes to pull out and fill up her slow cooker. Turning it on low, she allowed the chicken a la king to begin cooking. Then she followed in the direction Leo had gone.

He was sleeping when she got there. After stripping down she climbed in beside his naked body and pressed close. He didn’t wake, but he did wrap his arms around her, holding her tight.

She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, tired as well. She felt safe in his arms and let the gods of sleep and dreams dictate to her.

Waves of pleasure woke her as an orgasm crashed over her. Opening her eyes, she allowed them to close again at the sight of Leo with his head between her legs.
It’s not a dream.
He continued his assault on her slit. The flat of his tongue lapping and stroking against her clit sent tremors through her. He slid two fingers within her, adding more stimulation.

“Shit!” she cried as he wriggled his fingers inside her.

He turned his head and pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh. “Good evening,” he muttered.

Grabbing the back of his head, she redirected him where she wanted him. Mouth on her. Pleasuring her. His chuckle vibrated through her pussy and she thrust against him, wanting more. He didn’t disappoint. She came twice more before he left her wetness and moved up her body. He licked and laved his way, taking his time, ratcheting up her desire even more.

“Leo,” she panted.

“Deyon,” he replied, nipping the skin on one breast.

Her back bowed when he drew the nipple in his mouth. Christ, she couldn’t take much more of this. Her body was already aflame. Back and forth he moved between her breasts, loving them both. Tossing her head on the bed, she gripped his shoulders and urged him up even farther.

BOOK: Irresistible Forces (McKingley)
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