Read Island Idyll Online

Authors: Jess Dee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Island Idyll (8 page)

BOOK: Island Idyll
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She’d hate him too if he hit Josh, and she didn’t want to hate him. She really didn't. When it came to Ben, she just wanted to…kiss him.

God help her, all she wanted right then was to kiss Ben.

Without thinking twice, Sienna stepped forward.

Josh loosened his embrace, letting her go.

“Here’s your reason.” She pressed her mouth to his, molding her lips against his, dipping her tongue in his mouth to help herself to a serving of chocolate.

Ben kissed her back almost immediately, but he didn’t lower his fist. He still held his arm up like a warning to Josh.

And since Josh was at that very moment rubbing his hands suggestively over her hips, Sienna knew she had to act, fast.

Suppressing a sigh, she pulled her mouth away from his. “Ben C,” she threatened, “if you stop kissing me, for any reason whatsoever, I swear to God, I will never talk to you again.” She looked him dead in the eye. “Got it?”

It took him a long, tense moment to reply. But then he gave a sharp nod. “Got it.”

She gave a sharp nod back. “Good.” And this time when she pressed her mouth to his, she didn’t pull away.

Neither did Ben. The hand that he’d used to threaten Josh now clasped her neck, pulling her closer, holding her face to his, keeping her there as his lips stole her breath and his tongue plundered her mouth.

Ben did not stop kissing her. Not when Josh’s hands found her outer thighs, and not when, using deft strokes, Josh caressed her legs, pushing her dress up over her hips as he did so.

Goose bumps covered her entire body. His hands felt so damn incredible.

Then she remembered Josh’s promise:
When you come, know who gave you this orgasm.


Dear God, he’s gonna make me come.

While I kiss Ben.

The thought made her shiver.

The shiver made Ben try to pull away to snarl at Josh.

Damn it, she should have known Ben wouldn’t yield to Josh’s presence easily.

Too freaking bad. He’d held the strings to their relationship for the last year. Now they sat in her hand. She had control. She tugged his head back down to hers and kissed him.

Josh rolled her thong over her hips and pushed it down her legs.

He didn’t.

God, yes, he did!

The warm breeze fluttering over her nude pussy proved it. She kicked off the thong, groaning into Ben’s mouth, pressing her breasts into his chest, her nipples tight, aching beads that longed for a man’s touch, a man’s wet mouth …

Ben kissed her harder, more passionately, and she groaned again as Josh launched his attack. He spread the cheeks of her ass and pressed his dick in close.

Damn his shorts.
She didn’t want all that material between them. She wanted his bare, pulsing shaft buried in her ass.

“Next time I make love to you,” Josh whispered, “I’m taking you right…here.” He thrust once, so his erection rubbed very lightly over her hole.

Sienna nearly fainted from lust.

Josh in her ass? Dear God. She wanted that.

Ben growled into her mouth and broke the kiss again.

“No,” Sienna objected vehemently. “Kiss me. Don’t stop kissing me. Ever.”

Blessedly, Ben obliged.

She needed Ben’s kisses like she needed air. Didn’t he know that? Hadn’t he always known that?

Josh drew his fingers over her pussy. Possessively. Knowingly. He ran his fingers from her clit downwards over her pussy lips, pausing only to dip inside for a second.

“I’m taking you here too,” Josh promised as he scooped up the cream that spilled from her channel.

Ben swore viciously as Sienna groaned into his mouth.

“Shh,” she soothed, kissing him, stroking her tongue over his until once again Ben took control of the kiss. Ah, she loved it when Ben took control.

And a good thing he did, because Josh used her cream to moisten the cleft between her ass cheeks, providing just the slightest lubrication so he could slide his finger against her anus. When he did it once, Sienna forgot she was kissing Ben. When he did it again, she attacked Ben’s mouth with frenzied greed.

Holy heck, it felt good. Freakishly good. So good she could come just like this.

It was Ben who eased her into a less desperate kiss, a more arousing one.

Sienna doubted she’d ever been this turned on in her entire life. Even with her mouth plastered to Ben’s, she could smell the scent of her own arousal.

She widened her stance, moaned Josh’s name in Ben’s mouth.

,” her ex-fiancé growled. “
name, not his.” And he kissed her again.

Josh swept his fingers across her pussy again and again as he caressed her ass with his erection.

Dear God, she wanted that cock inside her. Wanted Josh inside her.

And Ben too.

Then she moaned Ben’s name as Ben’s thumbs brushed over her nipples. He’d slipped them in under her sleeveless dress, and because she was braless—deliberately braless, as Josh had requested—there was nothing between her flesh and Ben’s touch.

Holy fuck.

She was moaning both of their names. Ben’s and Josh’s. Kissing Ben while Josh fucked her with his fingers.

Okay, not fucked. Caressed. Aroused. Seduced. Delighted.

Just as Ben’s thumbs delighted her nipples.

And meters away, in the exclusive Club Evoke, music began to flow, seeping through the walls and doors as a song she’d never heard before played. She knew the voice that sang, though. Recognized the tones instantly, muted though they were. Aussie rock star, Nick Blackthorne.

How was it possible she recognized the voice of a rock star with no problem whatsoever, yet had trouble identifying the voice of the man she’d lived with for eight years?

It didn’t make sense.

Nothing made sense to her. Not anymore. How could it, when she stood between two men who fed her desire, her needs, her basic, primal lusts? Kissed and caressed her in public.

Not one man.


She couldn’t think straight. Stopped trying. She simply felt. Josh’s hands. Ben’s kisses. Josh’s erection. Ben’s fingers.

“Remember who gave you this orgasm,” Josh whispered, so softly it might have been the whistle of the breeze. When he penetrated her with two fingers, time stood still.

One second she was aroused and aware, the next she was nothing more than a euphoric body, swept away on an exquisite tide of rhapsody. A tide that sent wave upon wave of rapture through her. Over her. Consumed her.

And she let it. Let it carry her away. Far, far away from choices she didn’t want to make.

If she was just a floating, rapturous being, then she needn’t choose. She could have them both.

Ben and Josh.

Josh and Ben.

Couldn’t she?

Chapter Eight

Josh adjusted his shorts as subtly as possible, hoping the other man wouldn’t notice the dire situation in which he found himself. Horny as fucking hell and no way to get his release.

No such luck. The soft sneer told Josh that Ben knew exactly what he was going through.

Christ, what had he done? Stripped Sienna in public? Finger-fucked her? And all while she kissed her dickhead fiancé?

Josh hated to admit it, but it was the damn kiss that had prompted him to finger Sienna in the first place. The damn kiss she’d shared with her ex that had given him the erection from hell. Watching Sienna kiss Ben had been a huge, freaking turn-on.

It shouldn’t have been. It should have made his cock shrivel up and die. It should have made him want her less. It hadn’t.

He needed to come, needed relief. Or he needed to pick a fight with the dickhead fiancé so he had something to concentrate other than the frustration.

No, he couldn’t do that. Not to Sienna. Sienna had stopped the fight Ben had tried to initiate. Pity. He’d have liked nothing more than to slam his fist into the dickhead’s face.

Sienna still shook with the force of her climax. Ben held her in his arms, supporting her, keeping her upright.

Josh stood behind her, uselessly.

Why was he standing there? Why didn’t he get the hell away from the couple? Leave them to sort out their differences and get on with their life together, like Ben wanted?

It would be the right thing to do. The gentlemanly thing to do.

Fuck that. Josh didn’t want to be a gentleman. For five years he’d stayed on the sidelines, never feeling worthy of Sienna. Now that he finally did, he couldn’t just give her up. He’d fought too hard to become the man he was today. Fighting was in his nature. And damn it, he was going to fight for the woman.

Something incredible had happened between him and Sienna today. Their years of wanting each other as kids had mysteriously translated into a recipe of instant compatibility as adults.

Compatibility? Hell. Never mind big fancy words. Josh was falling for her like a ton of bricks.

Josh couldn’t back down. He owed himself this opportunity. And she was worth fighting for.

He just couldn’t throw that first punch. He’d have to fight in other ways. More…genteel ways.

He bent down and patted the ground around Sienna’s feet, locating her thong. Kneeling behind her, he coaxed first her one ankle up and then the other, helping her to slip her underwear back on. He tugged the panties up the endless length of her legs and over her hips.

He shouldn’t do it—he knew he shouldn’t—but he couldn’t stop himself from swiping a finger over her naked pussy one more time, feeling her swollen, puffy lips.

She convulsed again, a kind of aftershock, and a fresh drop of her juice moistened his finger.

With a groan, Josh put the finger in his mouth and sucked it clean.

Fuck, she tasted incredible. Like blue gum honey and double thick cream.

If Ben hadn’t been there, Josh would have placed his mouth on her pussy and eaten her out, right then and there.

But Ben was there, so Josh adjusted the thong until it fit correctly, then pushed the hemline of her dress down until Sienna was once again properly dressed.

He straightened his legs, still standing behind her, but he kept his distance. If he brushed his dick against her ass, even once, he’d lose control and come in his damned pants.

Ben sneered at him again, then spoke to Sienna, murmuring in her ear in golden tones.

Yeah, he might be whispering, but Josh was close enough to hear every word, and the asshole had to know it.

“I love you, Si,” Ben said and closed his eyes.

Shit. Even Josh could identify the sincerity in his dulcet voice. Could hear the longing and the affection.

“I love you too, Ben C,” Sienna told him, her voice hoarse and roughened from her orgasm. Or could it be from her confession? “You know I do.”

The words stabbed straight into Josh’s heart, blinding him with pain.

“I miss you. So much. Miss talking to you. Holding you when we sleep. Making love to you.
you.” Ben cleared his throat. “What I wouldn’t do to strip you, right now, feel your naked skin against mine, your juices wetting my finger.” He groaned, a soft erotic sound that made Sienna shiver. “And my cock. I wanna be inside you, baby. So damn much, it hurts.”

Sienna gave a sexy whimper.

Jesus, Josh should not find Ben’s words arousing. He should not be imagining Ben inside Sienna. But he was, and the image made his shaft throb even harder.

What the hell? The dickhead had had eight years to put his cock in Sienna. Josh resented every day of every one of those eight years. Resented every time Ben had been inside her.

Resented? Hell, he fucking hated it. And yet here he was getting aroused at the thought. Fuckwit.

“I love watching you come, baby,” Ben said. “Love when you get excited like you just did. I wanna make you come again. Wanna spend the rest of your life making you come.”

Josh felt an overwhelming need to do exactly the same thing. Keep Sienna in his life always. Keep her happy. Keep her satisfied. Keep her coming, over and over again.

Him, not Ben.

No matter how goddamn much the idea of Ben fucking her turned him on, Josh wanted to be the only man making love to her.

Fuck this. He couldn’t let Ben win. Couldn’t let Sienna walk away when they’d barely had a chance to be together. He wasn’t ready to lose her—they’d only just found each other again.

With no thought of hesitation, he stepped in close, slid his finger beneath Sienna’s skirt and slipped it straight into her panties.

Her body welcomed the invasion with a jolt and a shudder. Not for a second did she tense or pull away. If anything, she relaxed almost instantly into his touch, twisting her hips once, enveloping his finger with her pussy.

As Ben continued to seduce her with his husky voice and romantic promises, Josh fingered Sienna until cream soaked her thong and her breath came in short gasps.

He fingered her while Ben urged her to return home. He fingered her while Ben spoke about wedding bells and fucking white picket fences. And he fingered her as Ben told her how much he fucking loved her.

He fingered her until Sienna was convulsing all over, coming on his hand, trapping his finger inside her, holding it there, refusing to surrender it to him. And when her pussy relaxed once again in post-orgasmic lethargy, he fingered her ass, gently. So damn gently, but it was all Sienna needed. Her climax was harder than before, and longer, and Josh wished to God it was his cock and not his finger inside her.

So focused was Josh on her orgasms, he failed to notice that Ben had quit talking. It was only when Sienna finally gasped for him to please stop that the silence permeated his concentration.

Josh glared at Ben. Ben glared at Josh.

Josh leaned forward, his gaze on Ben, his mouth at Sienna’s ear. “You ready to walk away from me, princess?”

Her response was instantaneous. “God, no!” And then her knees must have given way because she simply crumpled.

Ben caught her, as he should have since he was holding her, and swung her up so her legs hung over one arm and her shoulders nestled into the other.

She sighed contentedly in his arms, and although jealousy struck deep in his gut, a smug satisfaction washed over Josh. He was the one who’d given her that contentedness.

BOOK: Island Idyll
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