Read Jacie and the Alien Bodyguard (Intergalactic Brides 6) Online

Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

Tags: #BIN 07651-02467

Jacie and the Alien Bodyguard (Intergalactic Brides 6) (8 page)

BOOK: Jacie and the Alien Bodyguard (Intergalactic Brides 6)
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Barimere sucked in a breath before reverently caressing her.

“So soft,” he murmured. “I wondered if you’d be this soft.”

“You thought about touching me like this?” she asked.

He nodded and cupped the other breast with his other hand.

His touch was better than she’d have imagined. Her fingers explored his body, as he explored hers. Barimere’s touch was light, as if he were afraid to hurt her. When his hands cupped her rounding belly, she felt a flutter inside. It was something she’d imagined the babies’ father doing, but if she had her way, Barimere
be their father. She wouldn’t press him to take her as a mate, but it was her hope that the more time they spent together, the more intimate they became, he would realize he wanted her in his life permanently.

Love wasn’t part of the equation yet, but she hoped it would be one day. Barimere was the type of man she could see herself loving, the kind of man she wanted to grow old with, raise these children with. She only hoped he would give her a fair chance.

“Maybe we should ask Vyrex if this is a good idea,” Barimere said. “I don’t want to do anything to harm the babies.”

She smiled and dropped to her knees in front of him. “I already asked about sex and I was assured it was fine, as long as you’re careful.”

“What are you doing?” he asked, his voice strangled and his eyes wide as she grasped his shaft and licked the tip.

“I’m going to please you.”

Jacie lapped at him, her tongue sliding along his hard length. As his pre-cum hit her tongue, his taste exploded in her mouth and she hummed in appreciation. Fisting his shaft, she fit her lips around him and took as much of him into her mouth as she could. Barimere bumped the back of her throat and she pulled away before swallowing him down once more. Jacie relaxed her throat, trying to take more of him into her mouth.

“Gods,” he muttered, his fingers delving into her hair. He didn’t force her to take more, just held her as if she were a precious gift.

Jacie pleasured him, bringing him to the brink before backing off. When Barimere jerked her to her feet, Jacie stumbled a moment before catching herself against his body. His breathing was ragged and he looked a little out of control as he lifted her and eased her down onto the bed. She felt him tremble and wondered if he was trying to regain control of himself, or if he was about to take her long and hard.

She shivered just thinking about it, but then remembered the doctor’s orders.

“Barimere, are you okay?” she asked, sifting her fingers through his hair.

“I want you so much I ache,” he said, a slight growl to his voice.

“We have all night,” she said. “And you can have me more than once. This doesn’t have to be our only time together.”

“I’m scared that I’ll hurt the babies or you,” he admitted.

“Just take it slowly and everything will be fine. I trust you, Barimere.”

He kissed her leisurely, his tongue thrusting into her mouth as his body settled over hers. She parted her thighs, cradling his body between them. When his cock brushed against her damp curls, she moaned and kissed him harder. The kiss was fierce and passionate as she tried to claim him as her own.

The head of his cock eased between her slick lips and he rocked his hips, thrusting into her tight channel. She felt her body grip him and wondered if he was so large he’d split her in two. When he was fully seated, she lifted her hips and ground herself against him.

As Barimere moved within her, she arched to meet each possessive thrust. He began rocking into her with long strokes, his cock zapping every nerve ending inside her and making her squirm for more. He delved deeper within her with each rhythmic push. Jacie wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him tight as he took her to dizzying heights.

She lifted her hips to his thrusting body, aching for more. As everything spun out of focus, and her breath caught in her throat, she let go and cried out his name as her channel clamped his cock tightly and milked his seed from him. Barimere kissed her hungrily as he came inside of her.

With their hearts beating out of control, Barimere rolled to his side and pulled Jacie with him, their bodies still connected. Jacie couldn’t remember a time she’d ever felt more cherished than she did right now. Even knowing this was just a one-time thing, as far as Barimere was concerned, she still loved being in his arms.

“I’ve never felt anything like that before,” she said, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “I know it took a lot for you to hold back like that…”

“I have a warrior’s control. I didn’t hurt you?”

“No. It was… perfect.”

His lips tipped up at one corner. “There’s that word again.”

She wanted to tell him that he was everything she’d ever wanted, but she didn’t dare. Her stomach saved her from coming up with something else to say, rumbling its displeasure. It had been a while since she’d eaten and she knew Vyrex would be upset with her not eating those five small meals like they’d discussed. She’d missed lunch and probably should have eaten prior to and after that. Looking out the window at the setting suns, she realized it was now dinnertime.

“I told you I would be a bad mate,” he grumbled. “I should have fed you instead of taking you to bed. I’m already breaking every rule the doctor set in place today.”

He disengaged their bodies and rolled away from her, quickly jerking on his pants. She felt his loss and wished he’d come back and hold her again. With a sigh, she realized there would be no soft words. As Barimere walked out of the bedroom, Sugarbutt rushed inside and leapt onto the bed, purring and rubbing his head against her arm.

“Sugarbutt, I think I screwed up.”

. Sugarbutt bumped his head against her chin, then hopped down and went back to the living room. Jacie hadn’t heard the outer door open, so she assumed Barimere was still in her suite. She rolled to her feet and padded into the bathroom. After a quick shower, she pulled on a sundress and some canvas slides. She braided her wet hair, then steeled her nerves and went into the living room, looking for Barimere. He stood by the window, surveying the city below.

“I’m ready to go eat,” she said quietly, feeling rather subdued. This hadn’t gone at all the way she’d hoped. If anything, she’d just pushed him farther away instead of drawing him closer.

Barimere faced her with a grim expression and escorted her out the door. She placed her hand in the crook of his arm, but it felt like he was miles away. His posture was stiff and he was tightlipped. The closeness she’d felt with him was long gone, and she despaired of it ever returning.

When they reached the restaurant, Jacie followed him meekly inside and took the seat he offered. Barimere sat opposite her and began looking at the menu. Jacie selected the first thing she saw, not really caring what she ate. What little appetite she’d had was now long gone. Her future was looking rather bleak. Barimere might be forced to spend time with her, but it was obvious that he didn’t want to. After he returned her to her room and went to his own quarters, she’d contact the council about assigning her a new bodyguard. And the idea of sharing a home with someone else was displeasing, so she’d insist on staying in the tower. She wasn’t completely helpless and could take care of herself, if they’d allow her to.

Not a word was spoken the entire meal and the tension between them grew. By the time they returned to the tower, Jacie was near tears. Opening her door, she slipped inside and closed it in Barimere’s face. She tensed, wondering if he would unlock it and follow her, but she heard his footsteps recede down the hallway. A tear slipped free and she hastily wiped it away.

It took her several tries, and many wrong calls, before she reached Councilman Larimar. He smiled when he saw her, then the smile slipped from his face.

“What’s wrong? Has something happened with the babies?” he asked.

“The babies are fine. I’m calling to request another bodyguard.”

“You think you need two?” He frowned. “Are you sure something hasn’t happened?”

“Not two. I need one to replace Barimere. It… it’s not working out. He should be allowed to return to his life.”

“I see.”

The councilman looked pissed and Jacie wondered if she’d been wrong to call him. She didn’t want him to be angry with Barimere. If anything, she was to blame for what had happened, not the sexy alien.

“I thought we were growing closer, but I can tell it isn’t going to work between us. He’s been quite adamant that he doesn’t want a mate, and I think he resents having to be with me. I’d like to request another guard be assigned to me.” She took a breath. “And I don’t want to move into a house with them. The current setup is just fine.”

“I’m going to argue with you there. A house is not only required, but one has been found. I was going to contact Barimere tonight to tell him the two of you should be ready to move in by breakfast. But if things aren’t working between the two of you… has he said something or done something?”

Her cheeks warmed.

“I see. He slept with you and then pushed you away.” Larimar nodded. “He’s fighting the way he feels. It was obvious to the entire council that he desires you. But perhaps you’re right in asking for a new bodyguard. As it is, one of my favorite warriors is returning to our world tonight. I’ll have Cosmir report to you at first light and help you move into the house.”

“And Barimere?” she asked.

“I’ll inform him that he is to return to his home, but I believe I should wait until Cosmir has you safely tucked away in your new home. Perhaps, once you’re no longer under his protection, he’ll realize that he wants you as much as you seem to want him.” Larimar gave her a sad smile. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out, Jacie. I thought the two of you would be perfect for one another. You needed his protection, and could give him the gift of four babies to call his own.”

“I guess it isn’t meant to be,” she said softly, a tear slipping down her cheek. “Don’t punish him for what happened between us. I was the one who instigated it. I’d thought that it would bring us closer together and he’d decide he wanted me as his mate, but it backfired. If anything, he’s more convinced than ever that he would make a horrible mate.”

“What happened, Jacie?” Larimar asked.

“My stomach growled and he realized I’d missed a few meals. Vyrex said I need to eat at least five times a day and I only managed two meals today. Barimere is now convinced that he isn’t mate material.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Thank you for understanding and sending me a new bodyguard. I’ll have my things packed and ready when he gets here.”

“If you need anything, I’m only a call away. And Barimere is still next door if there’s an emergency.”

She nodded, but knew she wouldn’t get Barimere even if she were to deliver the babies in her living room suddenly. The screen went dark and she started the task of packing her belongings, leaving out something to sleep in and something to wear tomorrow. Once her things, and Sugarbutt’s, were gathered and stacked near the front door, she changed for bed and tried to close her eyes.

Instead of sleeping, she ended up staring out the bedroom window until the suns started to rise the next morning. Changing into her clothes and packing her pajamas, she waited anxiously for the warrior Larimar was sending to her. When there was a knock at the door, her heart leapt into her throat. What would Cosmir be like? Would he be easy-going, or stoic like Barimere?

She opened the door and craned her head back to look up at the warrior on her doorstep. He gave her an easy smile and held out his hand.

“I’m Cosmir,” he said. “Councilman Larimar said you needed a new bodyguard.”

“I’m packed and ready to go.”

He stepped inside and gathered her belongings, leaving her the light things to carry. Sugarbutt planted himself on top of her foot, reminding her that he hadn’t been put into his tote. It wasn’t likely he would run away, so she decided to let him walk with them.

“What’s that?” Cosmir asked, looking down at her pet.

“That’s Sugarbutt, my cat.”

“Sugar…” He laughed and shook his head. “Does he need to be carried?”

“He can follow me.”

“My Vitra is parked out front. It isn’t far to the house, but I figured you’d rather ride than carry anything for a few blocks. Will your cat ride along?”

“He should be fine.”

Cosmir nodded. “Then let’s go before your Barimere decides to investigate the noise in the hall. I was warned that he could possibly make a scene if he were to catch me here. I take it he doesn’t know he’s being replaced?”

“No. Councilman Larimar thought it best to tell him after you’d helped me move.”

Cosmir watched her for a moment then nodded. “Then let’s get you moved into your new home. I’ve arranged for my things to be delivered.”

Jacie followed him out to his Vitra and climbed inside while Cosmir loaded her things into the back. Sugarbutt leapt into her lap and peered out the window. Once Cosmir was behind the controls and they’d lifted off the ground, Jacie allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief. She’d been worried that Barimere would try to stop her. And while it would be wonderful to have that happen, she knew it wouldn’t be for the right reasons.

She rode to her new home in something of a daze, barely seeing anything out the window. When they landed in front of a spacious looking home near the center of town, she felt a flutter in her stomach. This was the home she was to share with Barimere, and it didn’t feel right to be here with someone else, even though he’d made it clear how he felt.

Cosmir helped her out of the Vitra and escorted her into her new home. It was bigger inside than she’d first thought, boasting five bedrooms. She supposed the council had thought she would share a room with Barimere and the babies could have the other bedrooms, but that wasn’t going to work out so well now. She chose a sunny room with a view of the back garden and sat on the bed as Cosmir brought her things in. She told him where to put Sugarbutt’s litter box and other belongings, then went back to staring out the window.

“I know this isn’t what you had in mind,” Cosmir said, “but I have experience with pregnant females. I watched over the Chief Councilor’s mate while she was on Earth. I promise to take good care of you, Jacie. I know I’m not the male you wanted to share this space with, but we’ll make it work.”

BOOK: Jacie and the Alien Bodyguard (Intergalactic Brides 6)
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