Read Jamie's Revenge Online

Authors: Jenny Penn

Jamie's Revenge (9 page)

BOOK: Jamie's Revenge
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Now he got the full show as Brodie released her to run naked for cover. No doubt they both like watching Jamie’s little rump swaying with each step, but when her hand closed over the door knob, Brodie brought the fun to an end.

Sweeping her off her feet, he carried her back toward one of the chairs. There was just something very delightful about an armful of squirming, naked woman, Caelen thought as he chewed. All those soft curves shifting, giving him naughtily little glimpses at the brown curls covering her mound or the puckered, pink nipples crowning those gloriously round breasts…

Caelen shifted, giving up the fight with the ranging tyrant in his pants. Ripping open the line of buttons, he gave the beast some room to breathe. What it really wanted, though, was to be petted, and Brodie didn’t help any when he laid the girl over his legs.

She bit him right on the calf, hard from the way Brodie’s jaw flexed. His brother endured it all with a grunt. Keeping a firm hand on her lower back, Brodie held her in position as his other hand raised. In position, but not still. Those curvy legs kicked and flailed, parting to give Caelen the best view of a lifetime and making his fist clench around his cock.

At this pace, he might not be able to wait for her. Even as much as he knew that should shame him, Caelen just felt too damn good to care. It figured then that the door would get shoved into his back hard enough to make him give an inch.

With a growl, Caelen fumbled to the side as he tried to get his pants closed. Linc barged in at the same instant a piercing scream echoed a sharp crack. Shocked or horrified, Caelen didn’t know, but Linc froze with nearly a comical look of disbelief. It was all the second Caelen needed to shove his older brother right back out the door and slam it as another howl followed in the wake of a second hard smack.

Caelen didn’t say a word, just finished buttoning up his jeans before leaning back to guarded the door. Before him, Linc had been rendered mute or too full of responses to pick one. They showed, though, as his face twisted with confusion, and he started to speak more than once before finally closing his eyes and taking three very loud, very pointed deep breaths.

When his eyes opened again, his brother’s gray gaze focused on him with a clarity of indignation well cemented by a now rational mind. Linc’s slight smile didn’t fool Caelen in the least. Linc was pissed and intending to bring down hell over his head.

“Hey Caelen, you want to answer me a question?”

“Hmm?” Caelen raised a curious eyebrow.

“You want me to go ahead and shoot you in the balls now?” Linc didn’t look like he was kidding when he leveled the question at Caelen.

“I really wish you wouldn’t.”

“Oh.” Linc nodded as if accepting that. “Well, then maybe you’d rather go explain to her just what’s going on here.” Linc pointed to the woman way across the yard. Wrapped in a blanket and glaring at him from across the distance, Caelen shivered at the sight of Bridgette MacAuley.

“Yeah,” Caelen drawled, looking back at his brother. “I don’t want to do that either.”

“Well, I can’t go up there and tell her what I saw unless I shoot you in the balls first, ‘cause you know that’s the only thing that’s going to save mine.”


* * * *


Jamie bit back into Brodie’s leg in a vain attempt to smother the moans cresting the waves of pleasure that rolled through her body. They frightened her with their intensity, with the horror that she actually like this. Being splayed out naked over Brodie’s hard thighs made her feel vulnerable. Just like she’d felt five years ago, but this time the need, the aching pain of lust in her stomach, was much, much worse.

As delicious as the sensations were, the overwhelming power made her feel out of control. Uncertain and unnerved by her body’s response, Jamie couldn’t help but be frightened of the power that Brodie wielded over her. It didn’t matter if she knew better. She’d do anything he asked just to find the end of the frustrating mix of emotions seeping out from her body in waves of heated cream.

It made her whimper in a plaintive plea for just one more when all his hand did was smother possessively over her ass. Brodie, on the other hand, sounded calm and reasonable, even as his hand dipped down between her thighs to brush through her swollen folds and tease her with a little reminder of all that she’d already endured.

“I don’t know what kind of games your former husband put up with.”

Jamie’s head dipped up and sucked a breath in with an audible rush, as he pushed two wonderfully thick fingers into her clenching cunt.

“But I ain’t one to put up with a whole lot of nonsense. This marriage is going to work based off of one rule and one rule only. We command, you obey. Understand?”

He instructed her even as he fucked her, leaving her absolutely no will power to deny him. The only piece of dignity she had left to cling to was barely strong enough to keep her from moaning as he fed her a delicious three-finger stroke.

Jamie released his leg to gasp as her eyes widened over another unexpected blow to her ass. Like a gunshot, it shrieked fiery flames right up her spine. A second wave of intense pleasure chased at its heels, convulsing out of the very center of her womb as her sheath tightened down, and she sucked hard on his fingers.


“Yes.” Dignity be damned, she couldn’t deny this.

“Okay than, I’ll trust in your word…for now,” Brodie added on with a grim tone.

It matched the motion of his hand as he slid his fingers free. They traced a sticky path between the divide of her rear to pause at her backside’s threshold. Every muscle in Jamie’s body tensed with alarm, as her mind raced to figure out just what he was threatening with that ‘for now’. Surely he didn’t intend to—

“Relax,” Brodie’s voice turned calm and reassuring as he ran a soothing hand up her spine. “It’s all right darlin’, just relax. I ain’t going to do nothing to you that you won’t enjoy.”

Jamie couldn’t stop trembling. The tension vibrated in her voice as she whispered, “promise?”

“I promise, Jamie. I ain’t never going to pause you pain,” Brodie swore solemnly. “You believe me, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Despite the fact that her ass still burned from his punishment, she did. Brodie hadn’t hurt her, just the opposite.

“Good then.” Brodie began to press one finger right through her clenched muscles as he continued talking. “Then trust this, darlin’. One day you’re going to take Caelen and me both into this little body of yours, and you’re going to love it. There ain’t no pleasure better for a woman than being packed in on both sides. It’s going to drive you wild, but first we gotta get you stretched. Now this don’t hurt, does it?”

“No.” The word barely broke the air, she let it loose so softly. It didn’t hurt. It felt a little strange and highly embarrassing. All of that sparkled though with a fine sheen of pleasure or perhaps pressure, she couldn’t really tell as Brodie began stroking that finger into her.

It wasn’t the same as when he’d done that to her pussy, but it wasn’t bad either. Jamie arched and moaned slightly as she flexed into the motion. Her squirming brought a chuckle from Brodie, as he slid his hand free. The pat he gave her ass felt almost like an approving pet.

Jamie’s whimper froze on her lips as a red slash of fading sunlight suddenly split wide over her, and the image of brother-in-law, Linc, popped out of nowhere.

What the hell are you doing


* * * *


Brodie released Jamie to go running, screaming for cover as he lifted off the chair to echo his brother’s roar. Not that he expected an answer or intended to give one, other than with his fist. That’s just how he collided with Linc, who went charging off after Jamie.

Brodie might have had pure mad and a bucket load of hormones driving him, but Linc still had thirty pounds on him. Almost bouncing off his brother’s chest, the only thing that stopped Linc was annoyance.

“You son of a bitch!” Linc spat at him right on the tails of a shove that had Brodie given over an inch.

“I’m the son of a bitch? You’re the one ruining my good time.”

“Your good time with
my sister

That shrill accusation had Brodie going cold and his dick whimpering back into a soft sausage. Linc’s smirk assured him his older brother enjoyed watching Brodie try to shrink before him, but there wasn’t any way to make him disappear. Sucking it up, Brodie turned to watch the pint-sized barrel storming his way.

Behind him, Caelen limped into the threshold, and Brodie didn’t doubt whatever ailed him, Bridgette had delivered. Not any less shy about delivering a punch than Jamie, Bridgette’s had the advantage of actually hurting.

“And just who was having that good time, Brodie MacAuley?”
Walking right into him, she used his future niece or nephew as a battering ram, bumping him back as she bounced the hard belly into him. “You or my sister?”

“I wasn’t doing anything to Jamie that she didn’t like,” Brodie defended himself, but found it awfully hard to match the statement with a firm tone while Bridgette continued to bear down on him.

“Is that so? Well then why isn’t she standing out here defending your sorry ass, Brodie? If you so innocent in all.”

That had a little heat pumping back into his blood. “Maybe because she’s embarrassed that her kin would barge in on such an intimate moment.”

“Oh, don’t you take that tone with me, Brodie. I ain’t in love with your sorry ass, and I ain’t got a problem seeing it whipped for what wickedness you been up to.”

Obviously she hadn’t gotten a look of just what wickedness he’d been enjoying with Jamie, which probably did save him from serious hurt. That didn’t much matter, given the pain he’d be in if Bridgette whisked her little sister out from under his roof.

“Put your mad hat back in the box, little one,” Brodie grunted. “Your daddy gave me permission to spank her.”

You spanked her

Bridgette didn’t focus on what he’d been focused on—her daddy’s permission. Instead, the little hellion turned, looking wildly about, probably for something to be beat him with.

“Where is my sister?”

Even Linc got the hell out of Bridgette’s way, as she went marching for the bedroom door. His older brother sidled up beside Brodie to offer a few words of sympathy.

“You are in so much trouble. I can’t wait to watch the pain.”

“Screw you, Linc,” Brodie muttered back.

“Actually, Brodie, I got a wife to screw me. You’re the one who is about to be stuck screwing himself.”

Unfortunately, Brodie couldn’t argue that, as Bridgette knocked on the bedroom door. “Jamie? Are you decent?”

In a rush that had Bridgette’s hair lifting in the wind, the door flew open. A warrior goddess wrapped in a sheet breathed fire in the face of Bridgette’s intrusion.

” Jamie almost bowed over her sister, pregnant or not. “I am as far from decent as a woman could get. All day long, all it has been is men
all over me.
First from some upstart dick with a knife and then to Caelen molesting me for the last two hours on the damn ride out here to be stripped down and paddled like an errant child because I don’t want to become Brodie’s

Linc’s hand hit his chest when Brodie surged forward on a deep breath, intending to confront that accusation. “Let it go.”

It was hard to. About the hardest thing he’d ever done, especially with Jamie carrying on an out-right lie. “And I’ll tell you why I wasn’t out here defending his sorry hide, because Daddy sure as hell didn’t give him no rights. Daddy sent me over here to be with you, but these horny dicks tried to sneak me into their place, and I tell you now, I wasn’t willing to
an inch

“I’ll show you an inch.” There would be no holding back Brodie at that lie with nothing less than pure force.

Linc had that.
By Brodie’s second step, his older brother had turned in front of him to use his entire body as barricade. “Let it go, Brodie.”

“I ain’t going to let nothing go. That girl is lying. Not only did her daddy give me right to see to her discipline—”

“He would never!” Jamie yelled back from behind Linc.

“—but I can guarantee you, Linc, that girl was willing to at least about
nine inches

“Which just goes to show how I wouldn’t be interested in you, Brodie MacAuley, because that’s a
lot more than the two you’re packing.”

“I have had it with that mouth of yours, Jamie Traynor. If you want to see the meat, come over here and look, little girl.”

“Why did you have to say that?” Linc breathed out on an exasperated sigh a second before something hit him from behind.

Something hurling wild, obscenity laden insults at Brodie as it tried to claw over his brother to get to him. If only Linc would have let Jamie, then they could have both put their aggression to better use, like fucking it out on the table, and he wouldn’t care who was in the room.

BOOK: Jamie's Revenge
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