Read Jennie's Joy Online

Authors: Kate Britton

Jennie's Joy (4 page)

BOOK: Jennie's Joy
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Jennie gasped.  No man she
’d met had ever spoken to her like that, used words like that, in such a sexy voice, while his hand was stroking her buttocks on a dark dance floor and his cock was pressing into her, exciting her beyond belief.

“Have I shocked you with my bluntness, Jennie?”

“A little, Mick.”

“But you like it, don’
t you, Jennie?  You like me telling you exactly what I’m going to do to you…” He pressed her closer yet, his hand was burning through her dress.

“I like it,

“And you like me holding you like this, don’
t you Jennie?”

“I do,

“I think we may be very good together, Jennie.  I like the way your little ass feels under my hand…”

“Ah…I like that too, Mick.  I like the way your hand feels on my … ass.”

laughed.  “You were going to say bottom, weren’t you Jennie?”

Mick, I was going to say bottom…”

“I like the way you’
re bending to
way, Jennie.  I promise you, baby, you won’t be sorry. We’ll have a wonderful night, Jennie, full of pleasure….Are you as ready for it as I am? Are your panties dripping wet?”

Jennie blushed.
“Yes, they are, Mick.  How did you know?”

“I didn’
t know, Jennie.  I only hoped.  But now I know, babe, I know we will have an outstanding time, outstanding. 

I think you may like sex as much as I do, Jennie, if your panties are dripping wet.”

“I love sex,
Mick. Sex with a man who knows how to please a woman and how to accept pleasure from me…I think giving pleasure should be mutual, don’t you, Mick?”

Mick’s eyes were burning with desire. This woman seemed to be made for him…he hoped she was what she seemed to be.

“I want you to do something for me, doll.  When we come off the dance floor, I want you to excuse yourself from the table, and go into the ladies’ room.  I want you to take your panties off, Jennie, so that I can touch you in the dark, in the car, on the way back to my house.”

Jennie turned even redder, but she
said, “I can do that, Mick.”

“Good girl, Jennie.  I like good girls.
” Mick laughed suggestively.  “Well, Jennie, to be perfectly honest, what I really like are bad girls, with no inhibitions, who will do anything I ask them to in bed…but they’re good little bad girls, who do what I want them to.  Do you understand me, Jennie?”

Jennie laughed. “I think so,
Mick.  I think you want me to be a…a wanton piece of ass…and not question you, just fulfill your fantasies.”

“Ah, Jennie, for the first time in my forty one years, I’
ve met a woman who understands me. You understand me, baby. Now the question is, are you a wanton piece of ass who will fulfill my fantasies? Because, I promise you, that after you‘ve fulfilled all my fantasies, I will fulfill all yours.”

“They might turn out to be the same fantasies,

“They might, Jennie, they might.  But why do you say that, baby?”

“Because you asked me to take my panties off so that you can touch me in the car.  One of my fantasies, Mick.”

He laughed delightedly.  “Oh, baby doll, wait until Monday morning, when we
’re heading into London in the back of my limousine.  I’ll fulfill that fantasy all right, as I fill you.”

“Oh my
!” Jennie slipped her hand down between them and stroked him briefly…

He kissed her hair again. “This is promising, Jennie, very promising, now take you
r hand off my cock, darling, or I may get too excited, too soon.”

He pressed her closer yet, and they danced t
o the slow, romantic music.

Presently he spoke again. “Are you on the pill, Jennie?”

“I am, Mick.”

“And when was the last time you were checked for any nasties?”

Jennie smiled to herself. “I had a check up a few weeks ago, Mick, and I’m disease free. I haven’t had a sexual encounter since, unfortunately.  How about you?”

“I’m good to go as well, baby. That’s fine. I hate condoms.”

Jennie laughed softly. “So do I, Mick.”

Dan and Lucy sat watching.  “What a display,” sighed Dan.

“Every woman in the room wishes they could change places with her, Dan. They’re all watching them. Every woman in the room is wishing it was her in Mick’s arms. Every woman but me.  I just wish they’d come and sit down, so we could pay the bill and go home… let’s not order dessert, darling, and if he invites us in for a drink, let’s just drop Jennie off with him, and go home to bed.” Lucy’s hand was on Dan’s leg, and inching higher and higher.

“I think their display is making you hot for me, Lucy,” he smiled.

“I think the nearness of you is making me hot for you, Dan,” she corrected him. “I was hot for you before we left home, remember?”

Dan leaned over in front of Lucy, so that no one in the room could see what he was doing.  He slipped his hand inside her deep neckline and played with her nipples, first one, then the other, as he kissed her. 

“That’s to keep you hot until I get you home, Lucy….and I warn you, my farmhouse is just next door to Mick’s.  I think that’s where we’re going…to my farmhouse. It’s the closest bed, darling. Five minutes closer than yours.”

Lucy was breathing heavily.
“Oh, God. Yes, darling, your farmhouse…I’m sure we can get back to my place before Mick drops Jennie off in the morning.”

They heard the music end.  They sat side by side again.
Mick and Jennie came back to the table.

was just as anxious to leave as Lucy was.  They called for the check.  Dan grabbed for it, but Mick was faster.

“Let me, please, Dan.  You can pay the next time the four of us have dinner… I‘
d like to thank you for introducing me to Jennie.  I‘ve promised her Cristal, at my house, Dan when we leave here…”

“Right.  You won’
t mind if we don’t join you?  Lucy has a small headache and we just want to go home to bed…”

Jennie excused herself to go to the ladies.  Lucy joined her.

They met at the mirrors, after, washing their hands, fixing their lipstick.

“Headache, Lucy?”

“I think that Dan was trying to be polite, Jennie. 
got an ache that has to be looked after,” she laughed.

“Ah.  So does
Mick.  So do I.  I’m going to make up for last weekend, Lucy.  This man is not drunk, and he’s very smooth and masterful…”

“I didn’
t know you went for masterful, Jennie?”

“Neither did
I, Lucy.  Um, he’s talking about taking me into London in his limousine Monday morning. We’ll have to see how tonight goes, of course, but if his performance is as exciting as his talk on the dance floor, Berkshire will be what I’d hoped Torquay would be last weekend…”

Lucy smiled.  “Nothing like a good old rumpling of the sheets to make life brighter, is there, Jennie?”

Their eyes met in the mirror.  They were good friends, very good friends. They smiled at each other.

s fun, so far, Lucy.  But I know he’s out of my league.  I know this will be a one or two night affair.  But I’m going to enjoy it while it happens…”

m sure you will, Jennie. Mick has a reputation for being a very good lover, after all.”

Jennie looked blank.  Lucy realized she still didn
’t know who Mick was. 

“Well, so Dan tells me.  Men talk.
We thought he might make up for your disappointment of last weekend.”

I think he will, Lucy.”

The men were waiting by the reception desk.  The valet had been dispatched to retrieve the Range Rover. 
Mick helped Jennie into the back seat, and strapped her in the middle, close beside him.

Dan watched through the rear-view mirror.  He and
Mick’s eyes met, and they smiled at each other. Both men were very pleased tonight with how dinner was finishing up.

As soon as the car was away from the bright lights of the restaurant,
Mick lowered his head and kissed Jennie.  His tongue languidly explored her mouth, caressed her tongue.  It was unhurried, anything but frantic.  His hand was between her thighs, his fingers exploring her delights.  She gasped softly as he stroked her, and then a long finger was inside her, stroking, finding her sweet spot and she gasped with pleasure. His mouth covered hers so the sound was muffled, so soft that the couple in the front seat heard nothing. One finger became two, and Mick’s fingers brought her to orgasm on the way home…

They drew up outside
Mick’s house.

“Thanks for joining us,
Mick,” smiled Dan. “Lucy’s still got that headache, but if you and Jennie want to party on…”

winked at Dan.  He helped Jennie out of the car. Her legs were weak. She could hardly stand. He smiled down at her, holding her close to his side.

“I promised this lovely lady some more Cristal.  I
’d better keep my promise, hadn’t I?  Or she won’t see me again.”

He smiled down at Jennie as they walked to his front door. “So, baby, was that one of your fantasies?  Because it was certainly one of mine.”

“Oh, yes, Mick.  It was…”

“And are you happy with the results?”

“Very, very happy, Mick.”

“Then I think we’
re in for a very delightful, evening, Jennie.”







opened his front door and a butler was there instantly to take Jennie’s coat.

d like some Cristal, please, James, upstairs in my private sitting room. 

“Immediately, sir.”

took her hand and led Jennie slowly up a long, sweeping staircase, pointing out various paintings hung along the way.  He took his time, he wanted James to deliver the champagne and then disappear. 

James knew the routine.  He quickly took the lift up to the first floor, ice bucket in hand,
placed the champagne in Mick’s private sitting room, lit the fire in the bedroom, added more wood to the fireplace in the sitting room and turned down the bed. He lowered the lights so they were a dim glow, and turned on the stereo so that soft jazz filled the air. His job done, he came to the head of the stairs to let Mick know that all was in place.

nodded to him, and James disappeared without a word. 

led Jennie by the hand through some French doors, which he pulled shut after them. He led her through a library, into a small sitting room, elegant and dimly lit.  He shut that door behind them as well, and locked it.

Jennie began to feel a little nervous
when he locked the door.  Mick smiled.  He liked his women a little nervous. They were more likely to do exactly what he told them to do, when they were a little nervous, and Mick liked his women to do exactly as they were told.

But he should have no worries. He
’d told Jennie on the dance floor what he expected of her, and so far, on the way home in the Range Rover, she’d exceeded his expectations.  Unlike his ex-wife, Denise, this woman obviously loved sex. She was so responsive. Delightful.

Now he wanted to get her undressed, to see just how hot that body really was.  She looked great in that dress, and felt great in his arms, but
Mick had been disappointed before, when the artfully cut dress and the padded, push up bra had been removed from other women…

He turned Jennie to face him, and kissed her very softly.

“Now, Jennie, let me test your memory…what did I tell you I’m going to do to you, baby?  What was the first thing I told you I’m going to do to you?”

“You said, you said you would undress me,” she breathed.  “Undress me, and then undress yourself…”

“Very good, Jennie, very good…so now I’m going to undress you…”

reached behind her and found the zipper on her Stella McCartney dress, and slowly, tantalizingly, pulled it down, all the time staring into her Jennie’s eyes.  She was mesmerized, bewitched by his smoldering dark brown eyes…

He slipped the dress off her shoulders and pushed it down. The dress fell to the floor, and
Mick smiled at the naked figure beneath that dress. No padded, push up bra adding inches to a meager bust. No bra at all…  Jennie’s tits were outstanding, large, but not too large, firm, delightful pink nipples, hard already from anticipation…

Better even than he had hoped.  He picked Jennie up in his arms and carried her through another door, into a very elegant bedroom.  He stood her
beside the sofa near the fire, and stepped back and looked at her…”Oh, Jennie, you are delectable.  What a wonderful figure you have…”

BOOK: Jennie's Joy
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