Read Jezebel Online

Authors: Jacquelin Thomas

Jezebel (36 page)

BOOK: Jezebel
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When she fell asleep, he allowed his tears to fall.

The next day, Jessie Belle woke up to a wonderful sight.

Holt and Frankie had arrived with four-year-old Holt Junior, surprising her with their visit and lifting her spirits. Jessie Belle felt better than she had in weeks just seeing them.

“Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed. “What are y'all doing here?”

Holt planted a kiss on her cheek. “We came to see you and spend the holiday with you. Father said you were demanding that the family come together for Thanksgiving. Well, I told Frankie we had to come because you'd given us our marching orders.”

“Funny…funny,” Jessie Belle managed.

Frankie gave her a hug. “You're looking as beautiful as ever, Mom,” she murmured.

“Thank you, sweetheart. You're looking pretty cute yourself.” Jessie Belle eyed her. “Are you…?”

Frankie nodded. “We're pregnant again. And we're having identical twin girls.”

Jessie Belle beamed with pleasure. “Oh my goodness.

A thread of sadness dampened her happiness. She wouldn't be around to meet her granddaughters.

Traynor walked into the room and announced that she had another visitor.

Before she could respond, her best friend walked through the door.

“Mary Ellen…”

“Jessie Belle, it's so good to see you.”

“Come sit here,” Jessie Belle told her. “I have missed you so much.”

Traynor cleared his throat and said, “I'm taking Holt, Frankie and Junior with me to pick up some food. We'll be back shortly.”

Jessie Belle smiled at him in gratitude. He instinctively knew that she'd want some time alone with her friend. There was so much she wanted to say to Mary Ellen.

“Mary Ellen, I'm so glad that you're here. Traynor is going to need a friend.”

“Honey, what are you talking about?”

“I…I'm dying, Mary Ellen. I can feel it.”

“I don't want to hear you talking that way.”

“Don't cry,” Jessie Belle told her. “No tears, Mary Ellen. I can't…no, I won't have you crying. Remember, I can't even wipe my own face.”

“That's not funny.”

Jessie Belle smiled. “We have today. We have this moment. Let's not squander it by shedding tears. God gave me another chance to get it right, and I didn't waste it. We should be rejoicing. Right?”

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, Mary Ellen nodded. “You're right. You know, I never did thank you for writing me that letter.”

“You are my dearest friend and I thank you for loving me—the good and the not so good. I love you even more for telling me the truth even when it hurt.”

Mary Ellen kissed her cheek before saying, “We're supposed to be rejoicing, girl.”

They were soon caught up in happier memories.

When Traynor returned, Jessie Belle was sleeping and Mary Ellen was in the family room watching television.

“How does she seem to you?” he asked.

“She tires easily.” Mary Ellen's eyes filled with tears. “She told me that she can feel her life slipping away.” She wiped away a tear. “I'm sorry, Traynor. It's just that it breaks my heart to see Jessie Belle lying in there like that. She was such a beautiful and vibrant young girl—that's the way I see her in my mind.”

He gave an understanding nod. “I know. I see her the same way.”

Sighing softly, Traynor sat down on the love seat. “The strange thing is that she's so much more of a woman now than she ever was. Jessie Belle is the woman I always knew she could be, but now I'm losing her.”

“We're not going to think that way, Traynor. The way I see it—your wife has been in some pretty tough situations and she's come out on top. This is no different. But if she leaves us—at least we know that we'll see her again. There are two types of healing. This side and on the other side.”

“This may be the toughest battle of her life. I have to admit that she seems at peace, though. Jessie Belle is more concerned about me.”

“Even with everything she's done, Traynor, Jessie Belle never lied about loving you. She has always adored you.”

“I feel the same way about her. There was a time when I wasn't sure I even liked her anymore, but when I came home and saw her lying on the ground—I knew that I would love her for the rest of my life.”

Holt and Frankie joined them in the family room.

“Junior's taking a nap,” Frankie said. “He was getting cranky.”

“The food's ready,” Holt told them. “Frankie sat everything out on the counter. Is Mother up to joining us?”

“She was sleeping, but she might be up now,” Mary Ellen said. “The nurse is in there sitting with her.”

Just as they were preparing to eat, Helen rushed out of the room, saying, “Mr. Deveraux, I just checked on your wife. I'm sorry, sir. She slipped away quietly. She's gone.”

They followed her to the master bedroom.

While Helen was on the phone making the necessary calls, Traynor went over to his wife. Holt, Frankie and Mary Ellen said their goodbyes, and then left Traynor alone in the room with Jessie Belle.

She looked so beautiful and peaceful; she still took his breath away.

“I've never met anyone like you,” he whispered. “Your character questionable, your triumphs led to tragedy, but before you left this earth, your redemption was complete. It was my honor to have loved you. Goodbye, my sweet Jessie Belle.”


hope you have enjoyed
. I wanted to share some more thoughts on this particular character in the Bible found in 1 and 2 Kings.

In Hebrew the name “Jezebel” literally translated means “without cohabitation.” Simply put, Jezebel will not dwell with anyone unless she's able to dominate the relationship. In cases where she's submissive, she's actually lying in wait to gain the upper hand. She will not allow anyone to control her.

A woman under the influence of Jezebel will use her feminine wiles; however, she won't use physical contact if a seductive glance of her eyes will allow her to gain control.

I think it's noteworthy to mention that while Jezebel is often referred to as a woman, this spirit is without gender.

Had Jezebel thought more about her inevitable end, her story may have had a different ending. Although we don't like to think of our own demise, we should. Doing so humbles us. It strips away any illusions and serves as a reminder that we have to answer to God.

I challenge you to take a few minutes and just imagine your last day on earth. What kinds of memories do you want to leave behind? Pray and ask God to show you what in your life can be celebrated and what in your life needs to be changed. You can overcome the haughtiness of Jezebel by seeking the meekness of Christ.

BOOK: Jezebel
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