Read Josie Dennis Online

Authors: Return to Norrington Abbey

Tags: #Romance

Josie Dennis (8 page)

BOOK: Josie Dennis
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She looked about, apparently making certain no one would overhear this tedious and troubling stream of conversation, then leaned closer. “You care for Isabella, James. I’ve known that for a while now. I daresay you are in love with her!”

That last declaration was delivered on a whisper.

“Catherine, I will not—”

“You must seize the day, James. Offer for her before Frederick Tilman can seize the chance to steal her for himself.”

His heart thumped at her words. She skirted quite close to the truth. Frederick
trying to steal Isabella, but he was not alone in that goal. They were partners in crime.

“Frederick?” he asked, keeping his tone even.

“He watches her,” Catherine said, her brow furrowed. “Like last year, he watches her. I am afraid he’ll seduce her away from us.”


“You know our sisters are quite young, James. I love them, but we are not close. Isabella is a sister to me in every way. I want her to belong to us.”

He saw the love on her face for Isabella, and knew that if he let his own feelings show it would be like looking in a mirror. He fell to his knees before her, taking her hands in his.

“You have Isabella, Catherine. John is your husband and Isabella is your sister.”

She sniffed, her eyes glistening. “I know. And I am happier than I ever thought I could be with John and—” Her eyes grew round, and then she shook her head. “I want you to be happy, James.”

He’d heard her slip of the tongue and mentally finished that second-to-last sentence. She was with both John and Henry. That was clear to him now.

He patted her hands and came to his feet. “Do not worry about me, sister. I shall have love in my life. I promise you that.”

She blinked rapidly then nodded her head. “I shall have to be content with that cryptic statement.” She smiled. “But do not expect me to stop wishing for you and Isabella to find what we have.”

He smiled again, letting her see a touch of the happiness he’d found already.

“I shall concede the point to you.”


* * * *


Isabella shifted in her seat, unable to forget all that her men had done to her last night. James had eaten her and she’d eaten Frederick in turn! Then later, on her knees for goodness’ sake, she had claimed both of them for her own.

“You’ve told me you wish to cut your visit short, Henry,” she heard General Tilman say. “When can I expect you to leave the abbey?”

She schooled her expression, keeping her eyes on the fine meal in front of her. She risked a look at Frederick’s brother, however, reading decisiveness on his face. Dread flooded her limbs.

“We’ll head back to Somersetshire in three days,” Henry said.

She froze. Three days? Only three days more with Frederick and James? She looked at her men and saw the flashes of regret and confusion on their faces before they each smoothed their features.

“Why so soon?” the general asked. “Have you not enjoyed your time here? I believe you’ve been riding the estate with Mr. Thorne and his lovely bride.”

Henry shot a glance at John, who cleared his throat.

“We have had a very pleasant time here, General,” John said. “Home beckons, however.”

“Home?” The general leaned back, the casual posture doing nothing to lessen his aura of authority. “Norrington Abbey is your home, Henry. Tell me what draws you to Thorne Manor. As if I didn’t know.”

A hush fell over the table at what the man was intimating. Catherine paled then blushed a bright red.

“Henry is welcome at our home,” Isabella rushed out. “Do not say that he is anything but a member of the family.”

Frederick’s father turned his icy gaze on her. “Is that so, Miss Thorne? Do you welcome my younger son’s company, then? Hmm, I would have thought your affections were secured elsewhere.”

Her throat grew tight, and she found herself unable to speak. Oh, he was an odious man. First shaming Catherine and Henry so then attempting to bait her into revealing her feelings.

“That is enough,” Frederick said. “Henry is not bound to the abbey, Father. We should be grateful he came for this visit, after the last time we had such company.”

The general waved a hand, apparently not caring a wit whose feelings he trod upon. “As you say, Frederick.”

By the time the meal concluded, no one was of a mind to spend time in the parlor or sitting room. John and Henry claimed to have business to discuss and Frederick and James each took off for unknown destinations. It took but a moment for Catherine and Isabella to silently agree to leave the general to his own distasteful company.

“Are you to bed, Isabella?” Catherine asked.

“I suppose. Will you retire?”

Catherine bit her lip then shook her head. “I’ll most likely read for a time.”

Isabella wanted to ask her if her occupation would only last until John and Henry joined her but that was beyond her at present. “One of your gothic novels?” she teased instead.

“Oh, no. I find with your brother I have no need for such stories.”

It was a running joke among them that such books had fairly consumed Catherine’s mind just last year, but that was before she found all the love and passion she needed with John. Again, Frederick’s words struck her. Where did Henry fit into their marriage? It was on the tip of her tongue to finally ask Catherine outright but, now faced with her sister-in-law’s open countenance, she didn’t dare bring her shame of embarrassment by asking such. Surely enduring the general’s hateful behavior during dinner was enough discomfort for one evening.

Drawing Catherine into her arms, Isabella placed a kiss on her cheek. “Soon you will be back at Thorne Manor, dearest. Then you can put all of this distastefulness behind you.”

Catherine returned her embrace then pulled back with a smile. “I’m not the frightened girl I was last year, sister.” She echoed the sentiment she’d expressed before they’d accepted the invitation to the abbey. “The general cannot touch me with his harsh words or sharp glances. I have love now and am quite happy. No one can take that from me.”

Was there something Catherine wasn’t saying? Isabella studied her for a moment then returned her happy expression. “I’m beyond pleased for you, Catherine. Well, I believe I am indeed off to bed.”

Catherine’s gaze grew distant and heated, and Isabella knew she was contemplating all the love and passion she would share with John tonight. Flushing hot herself, Isabella bade her good night and left for her chamber.

“Three days,” she muttered to herself as she stepped within. She closed the door, restraining herself from slamming the panel shut. “Three days. That’s just wonderful,” she grumbled.

“What has you in a snit, love?” Frederick drawled from his position on the bed.

Her mouth fell open. “Frederick! What are you doing here?”

“We couldn’t wait to be with you again,” James answered for him, drawing her attention to where he leaned against one of the bedposts.

They were both dressed quite casually, without jackets, waistcoats, or cravats. Their throats looked strong framed by their snowy-white shirts, their long legs outlined very nicely in their fitted breeches and boots. Her body began to tingle.

“I daresay the general’s irksome presence had one advantage this evening,” James added, apparently unwilling to hide his disdain of that man.

Frederick laughed but she saw the irritation beneath his show of humor, something she’d noticed more often lately whenever she saw him in the company of his father.

“Yes,” he said. “He scared all and sundry to their rooms to keep their own company.” He ran his dark eyes over her and she felt her breasts grow heavy as her nipples peaked against her stays. “I am grateful for that tonight.”

James smiled and began to disrobe, his eyes growing nearly as dark as Frederick’s. “We have a long night in front of us, Isabella. Are you ready to give up a bit more of your lauded control?”

Her pussy pulsed in time with her racing heartbeat, and she gave a firm nod. “Oh, yes.”

Chapter 10


In a rush of movement Isabella soon found herself on the bed, as naked as the two of them were by then. She straddled James’s thighs. He sat at the head of the bed, his back braced on the headboard as his hands roamed over every curve. Tracing his strong shoulders and broad chest with her fingers, she marveled that this man was hers for the moment. She wondered what her other man was about just as Frederick’s hands cupped her breasts. She realized she’d never felt closer to them, their heartbeats so close to hers. Their breaths seemed to be in accord as well. Their different and distinct scents, hot and fresh, mingled in her nose to make her body burn hotter.

James’s cock throbbed against her belly, his mouth hot and wet on her throat. Frederick began to move his shaft against her bottom, teasing her nipples as James stroked her pussy from beneath. Her pussy ached for more.

When the head of his cock brushed back and forth over her slick flesh she let out a cry of frustration.

“Fuck me, James,” she ordered, her words losing their vehemence by their breathy delivery. “I need you inside me.”

“Ah, I will fuck you,” he said, bending his head to flick his tongue over the breasts Frederick held for him. “You will take everything tonight, I vow.”

“Yes, love,” Frederick intoned, his breath fanning over the back of her neck. “Everything and more.”

She puzzled over that for a heartbeat and then gasped as one of his fingers probed her secret hole. “Frederick!”

“Trust us, Isabella,” James said, rousing her further with his fingers up inside her pussy. “Frederick will never hurt you.”

“Never,” Frederick said. He pulled his finger out of her and then inserted two. They were obviously covered in some cream or balm now.

“That is cold!” she said. As he moved his fingers they and the mysterious cream warmed. The scent of lemons filled her nose and she felt her inner muscles relax.

“How does that feel?” he asked, adding a third finger to her delightful torture.

“Oh, so…” She closed her eyes as their fingers moved in alternating rhythms. “So good!”

There was a pushing, full feeling in her bottom as Frederick’s cock began to enter her. She cried out then purred as her body began to accept him. She couldn’t guess if it was the cream that did its work or if her own feverish need that eased his way. It didn’t matter. It was darkly delicious and she pushed back against him.

His hands were tight on her hips, holding her still as James continued to tease her with his lips and tongue on her breasts and his fingers in her pussy. Pressure built within her, the need for more of them pulsing in every cell of her body.

Ultimate pleasure tickled just out of her reach, her body held still by both of them as her every nerve ending begged for…something.

“Oh, please…” she moaned, wriggling against Frederick.

“Hold still, love,” Frederick bit out. “You feel so damn good. James, fuck her. God, can he fuck you now, Isabella?”

She knew instinctively that she wanted them both inside of her. How that would be accomplished she could barely imagine, but how she craved it!

“Yes!” she cried.

Her pussy pulled tight, juices flowing down her thighs as their slick bodies moved against each other. James shifted, and then she felt his cock fill her as completely as Frederick’s. She was full of the two of them, held tenderly as they moved in perfect accord of alternating thrusts in and out of her. James threw his head back, an expression of bliss on his handsome face. From the compelling sounds Frederick made behind her she could guess he was in a like state. It was because of her. She was the one giving both of them so much pleasure they trembled against her. Who needed control when she possessed the power to bring these two men to such a state?

In the next moment she could not hold a thought. Every bit of her was attuned to what they did, the slide of their bodies against hers, the moans of pleasure that met her ears. It was too much and she felt herself finally let go.

Her climax crashed through her, and she was grateful they held her upright between them. Together they continued to move, working her wildly until another orgasm took her breath.

“Yes!” Frederick shouted, obviously close to his own release. “James, can you feel it?”

“Yes.” James groaned. “It’s like…God, it’s like everything.”

“Isabella, Isabella,” Frederick began to chant, his motions less controlled now. “Ah, love!”

She nodded, her loosened hair in tangles that stuck to her cheeks. “Come, Frederick,” she panted. “Oh, James!”

James cried out, hot seed pulsing inside her pussy as Frederick held her still and filled her as well. She trembled, deliciously trapped between their hard bodies. She breathed in deeply, pulling the combined scents of their pleasure into her lungs. Salty sweat on her tongue as she kissed James’s chest. Sweet words and caresses as Frederick kissed the back of her neck. She could scarcely imagine such a thing before this liaison began. Now she could not imagine ever being with one and not the other. Slick and sated, she was utterly pleased.

“Stay with us, Isabella,” Frederick said as he eased her down on the bed.

“You are in my room, Frederick,” she softly pointed out, cuddling against his side. “I daresay it’s up to you and James to stay.” She let out a sigh as her eyes drifted closed. “Please do.”

James groaned again, satisfaction in every breath as he held her as well. “No, love. Stay with us like this. Forever.”

She nodded, and then their words penetrated. Her eyes snapped open, and she found James gazing at her with open affection. “What did you say?”

“We want you forever,” he said.

He kissed her so tenderly she could almost believe him. James would be faithful, she knew in her heart. But what he was proposing? That they continue this mad affair? It was preposterous.

“The both of you?” She sat up, flipping her hair out of her face. “How can you ask that of me?”

James appeared crestfallen, his eyes shocked and saddened. “Are you ashamed of what we just shared? Did it hurt?”

She waved a hand. “No on both counts, believe me. That is not the issue.”

BOOK: Josie Dennis
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