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Authors: Elliot Silvestri

Kassie's Service (6 page)

BOOK: Kassie's Service
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That was an easy request. His cock felt nice in her mouth
and she quickly got him hard. Kassie was then disappointed when he pulled out
of her mouth and mounted the bed and then Joanie.

The dominatrix hissed in pain when Joseph pushed into
her. “Did that hurt?” he asked innocently. Kassie knew it was an act.

“You fucking know it did,” Joanie complained.

“Maybe next time you’ll be more careful about following

To Kassie’s amazement Joanie started to cry. “You’re
hurting her! Stop!”

Joseph’s head turned and he glared at her. Without
getting off Joanie her gestured for Kassie to come closer. She obeyed, but
reluctantly. “You must remember never to order me to do anything,” he said to
her softly. There wasn’t any menace in his voice but Kassie shivered with fear
when he was done speaking. She stepped forward.

Joanie watched her silently, saying and doing nothing.
Joseph’s cock was still inside her abused pussy. Joseph supported himself on
one hand and with the other reached out and grasped her nipple chain. She
looked down at his hand. He wasn’t pulling it, just holding it. Her chest moved
up and down with each breath she took.

“Do you know what type of clamps those are?” he asked

“Nipple clamps?” she asked innocently.

“True, but more specifically they are clover clamps. The
harder you pull against them the stronger the grip. Step back.”

Kassie started to move her foot back then realized that
Joseph wasn’t going to let go of the chain. She hesitated, opened her mouth to
speak, but then thought better of it.

Joseph saved her from some embarrassment. “Yes, I expect
you to pull the clamps off your nipples when you back away. Yes, it will hurt.
Yes, you are required to do this if you wish to remain my slave. Any other
questions?” He finished with a sarcastic note.

“No,” she said and wiped away a pair of tears that had
formed at the corner of her eyes and the true pain hadn’t started yet.  She
closed her eyes and took several breaths, steeling herself, then took a step
back. The chain tugged gently at her nipples.

She inhaled again and took another half step back, but
this time her body unwittingly bent at the waist. Her nipples were fully
distended now, lifting her breasts up off her chest making them stick out in an
ungainly fashion. Kassie’s eyes opened and she saw her nipples being tortured.

When her eyes flickered over to Joanie the other woman
licked her lips clearly enjoying the show. Was Joanie both a sadist and a
masochist? The answer seemed obvious.

Kassie knew she could take another step back but she also
knew that she’d just bend further forward to avoid the torture. The clamps were
pinching her nipples firmly, painfully, now. The only real course was to stand
upright. She looked at Joseph who was watching her expectantly.

Going with the adage it’s better to rip the bandage off
quickly instead of slowly, Kassie abruptly straightened her spine. The pain was
fierce. Both her nipples burned in pain. She cried out and then half
laughed-half gasped at the relief. And then realized the relief wasn’t what she
was expecting.

Only the left clamp had come free. Her nipples pulsed in
pain but the right was still being held at the end of the chain grasped by
Joseph. Kassie cradled her free breast in her hand and sobbed at the pain.

“Continue,” Joseph calmly told her.

She nodded and used a moment to recover, only then did
she twist her torso, yanking the clamp free of her tit. She was certain she
heard the clover clamp snap shut on itself. Kassie screamed at the pain and
fell to her knees sobbing. She now grasped both her breasts trying to find a
bit of comfort in her freedom. But as had happened before the removal of the
clamps was worse than actually wearing them.

Joseph nodded his head in satisfaction and when back to fucking
Joanie. He didn’t last very long, Kassie noted. Maybe two minutes at most. She
rested on her knees, in pain, as she watched them rut. Presumably Joseph was
excited at the display of her lashing of Joanie and then his torment of
Kassie’s tits. Maybe he was just eager for an orgasm. Joanie moaned and groaned
through the process and perhaps sobbed in pain as well. A few grunts and pumps
and he was done, depositing his cum into Joanie’s cunt.

When he got off Joanie’s body and headed to the bathroom
he told her, “Comfort Kassie’s tits. I don’t want them harmed.”

“I’ll get some ice from the kitchen,” she said starting
to move.

“No, with your mouth.”

Joanie sighed after he left the room. “You know what he
wants, don’t you?” she asked Kassie.

“No, not really.”

Joanie rolled her eyes and beckoned her up on the bed.
“Lay down next to me. You know how if you hurt your finger you have this need
to suck on it to soothe it?”

“Yeah,” said Kassie as she cuddled up next to Joanie.

Joanie wiggled down and gently took Kassie’s small breast
in her hand. “Same thing. Not nearly as good and soothing as ice, but it serves
the same purpose plus it humiliate us both a little.” She ducked her head and
started sucking softly on Kassie’s abused nipple.

Kassie let her head flop back and decided it was a very
nice way to be soothed.




Part Two

Chapter Three


The next day Kassie appeared on Joseph’s doorstep as
usual. The key was missing from the secret spot in the flowerpot. She rang the

When Joseph opened the door he had a twisted smile on his
lips and an eager expression on his face. “Get into your uniform and meet me in
the spare bedroom.” He whirled around and marched into the depths of the house.

Kassie was intrigued and quickly stripped off her
clothes, put on today’s g-string (canary yellow), and went in search of her

It wasn’t that hard to find him. The spare bedroom in the
large house was next to his bedroom. He was adjusting some devices installed in
the room. Oddly, for a spare bedroom it didn’t contain a bed, just a table, a
couch, a closet, and two wooden frames that Kassie quickly figured out were
restraining devices presumably for sex games. Joseph wasn’t at either set of
frames; he was crouched on the floor over a small bench that looked similar to
a weightlifters bench. Beneath it was an apparatus of tubes and bottles that
she couldn’t identify.

“Kassie. Good,” he said and stood up. “Are your nipples
feeling good today?”

It wasn’t the most common way to start a conversation,
but considering the context of their relationship it was hardly the strangest
way. “Still a bit sore, but I’ll live.”

“Get used to them being sore for a while,” he told her.
“Come over here and kneel down across the bench. Let your tits hang over this
side.” He indicated how she should position herself. It was still a little odd
to be naked but for the g-string in front of him. Today Joseph was casually
dressed in khaki pants and a golf shirt, different from his customary suit and

Once Kassie moved herself into position she knew what was
going to happen. While she didn’t exactly dread the ordeal she was about to endure
she didn’t understand the ritual either. Joseph spent a few minutes adjusting
the device and bench to make them the right heights.

“Do you know what this is?” he asked her as he worked.

“Not exactly. Looks like some suction thing for my tits.”

“Exactly right. Well, almost exactly right. It’s a
modified breast pump. Top of the line. A friend of mine made some changes to
it. Nothing that will hurt you, of course. You know that breast pumps are to
help out nursing mothers while they’re at work and need to express their breast
milk to feed babies, right?”


He moved a support upward so that it just met her breast
and downward pointing nipple.

“Did you know that some women, usually ones that are
anticipating adopting a baby, often use breast pumps to induce lactation.”

Kassie wasn’t that surprised to learn that piece of
information. “I didn’t know that.”

She hadn’t connected the dots yet. “You have pretty
breasts, Kassie,” he told her. “But I find them a little small. As I’m sure you
know a woman’s breast size changes according to her cycle and with changes in
her body, most specifically pregnancy, but at other times as well, weight gain
for instance. In these modern times we’re able to alter the appearance of the
human body to our liking.”

“So you’re going to use this breast pump on me to make my
boobs bigger?” she asked. That wasn’t so bad, she thought. Maybe it was even a
bit desirable. She could barely fill a B cup on a good day.

“Partly. I’m also going to make your breasts lactate.”


“I have many fetishes,” he said not acknowledging her
question. “I like human breast milk. It’s a difficult commodity to acquire, so
in the past I’ve had women produce it for me. As my current slave you’ll be
filling that role.”

“Is this…safe?”

He gave her a doleful look. “Of course it’s safe. What
possible danger is there in having your breasts perform their traditional

“Oh. Right. But don’t women produce milk because they get
pregnant because of all the hormones and everything?”

“Ah. Partly. Lactation can be induced by pure nipple
stimulation, but I’ve decided to give you a little helping hand.” He stood up
and took a glass of water from the table along with two large tablets. After
being dosed yesterday by Joanie and her E pill, Kassie was leery about
accepting more drugs from anyone. She didn’t reach for what Joseph offered.

“But I’m on birth control,” she reminded him of their
agreement. “Won’t this fuck that up?”

Joseph smiled confidently. “Of course not. Birth control
pills merely trick your body into thinking it’s already pregnant. If your body
thinks it’s pregnant then producing milk is a natural development as well. If
you read all the tiny print in the warnings pamphlet that comes with your pills
you’ll see that unexpected lactation is sometimes a side effect. These are just
a booster for that effect. Perfectly safe; given to me by a physician friend.”

Kassie was still reluctant. She was certain the best way
to get any medication was by actually meeting the doctor, but was she really in
a position to protest? The idea was perverse and that alone excited her. With
fingers trembling she took the glass and pills, swallowing both.

“Very good. Get back down on the bench, I’ll make the
final adjustments and we’ll see what we can do.”

The cups were soft as Joseph fitted them to her breasts.
The bench was padded and supported her weight well so she was comfortable. She
found she could either place her hands on the floor or on a pair of arm rests.
The room’s carpeting was thick so her knees weren’t on an unyielding surface.
When Joseph turned on the machine the cups sucked on her breasts like a pair of
hungry lovers. The suction lasted perhaps five seconds and then cycled to a
pause before sucking again. She watched, fascinated, as her nipples were drawn
into the depths of the funnel-like cups that were fitted to her breasts. It
didn’t hurt. It actually felt quite nice. It probably would have felt better if
her nipples weren’t so sore from yesterday.

Joseph nodded in satisfaction. “Good. Working correctly.
If you were already lactating you’d see the milk spray from your nipples and
collect into the bottles attached to the cups. Careful of the tubing, that’s
what brings about the suction. When we’re done today you’ll find the
instructions in the kitchen on how to clean and maintain the pump. This will be
part of your regular duties. Understand?”

“Mm-hmm,” Kassie heard herself say. She was surprised at
her mild reaction. The machine was actually stimulating her libido. Not unlike
a vibrator she surmised.

“You like this, don’t you?” Joseph asked with a grin.


“We’ll do this twice a day, once in the morning and once
in the afternoon, unless you’re being orally stimulated.”


“Well, I won’t be doing that. Far beneath me as your
dominant. Joanie will help out on occasion and I have others who are happy to
suckle as young woman’s beautiful teats.”

“Oh.” She gave his statement some thought. “When will
you…feed from me? Is that the right way to say it?”

“Nurse or suckle is my preferred usage. I won’t be doing
that until you actually start lactation. I’m not above sucking on your nipples
when we have sex, but I won’t be doing it to induce lactation.”


There was a silent pause between them broken only by the
hum of the machine and the slight hiss of the suction it produced. “You’re
getting horny from the pump, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she admitted. Kassie found she wasn’t embarrassed
to admit this. Had she lost that much shame so quickly?”

“An excellent response,” he complimented her. “Some
people feel that if you are aroused you’ll produce milk quicker. And once you
start lactating the milk is sweeter.”


“I think we’ll run it for twenty minutes this morning and
the same amount this afternoon. We’ll set up a schedule to get you lactating in
no time.”

“Okay.” She wasn’t sure if she liked being so agreeable,
but the pump felt
so good
on her tits.

“Do you want to masturbate?” Joseph asked her.

“Yeah, kinda,” she admitted.

“You won’t be doing that today,” he said, then walked
behind her and pulled her g-string down over her hips and ass to her knees.
Working together they worked them down the length of her legs until she was
truly naked. “Arousal is a good was to stimulate lactation,” he said as he
opened his pants. Automatically she arched her back and spread her legs wider
to give him easy access to her pussy with was steaming and dripping with her
arousal. “Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked her.

BOOK: Kassie's Service
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