Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series 03 (26 page)

BOOK: Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series 03
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Golspie, Scotland, 1435


Freya stroked the wee laddie’s face and marveled once again at his perfection. She did not want to even blink for fear she might miss something he did. Only hours old, he was as bright as any bairn she had ever seen.

“He is flawless.”

“Aye, love. That he is. Just like his mother.”

Ronan sat across from her on the bed and stared at the boy. She looked into Ronan’s face and wondered how it was her heart had not burst from the joy she felt in that moment. Though this was their third child, he was their first son. Their daughters were now two and one and she just knew the eldest, Moira, would adore her new brother.

“What shall we name him?”

“As your heir, I am sure you will want to give him a name worthy of all he will inherit.”

Freya would not dream of taking this moment away from her beloved. He had waited a long time for a son; she knew how important it was for him to have a say in the naming.

When he did not reply, she looked up to see him frowning. “Ronan, what is it? Surely, this is the most joyous day of your life.”

His gaze met hers then. “The day I met you was the most joyous day of my life. All others just add to my happiness.”

“They why does sadness cross your face?”

“Because I think about what he will have to do as a leader. And I pray I am strong enough to teach him well.”

“Ronan, you are the strongest man I know. You are already a wonderful father to your daughters. I know you will teach our son, and all the sons who come after him, all they need to know to become great warriors like their father and uncles.”

He smiled then. “And like their mother and aunts.”

“Aye, well someone has to keep you unruly men in line.”

“Oh, is that so, wife?”


Ronan crawled up beside her so that he sat next to her with his long legs stretched out. He reached his arms out and Freya gently placed the babe in them. Her heart swelled again as he kissed the wee one’s forehead. The babe responded by letting out a huge yawn.

“He is ready for his nap.”

“Aye, he has had a big first day. But he still needs a name. What will you call him, Ronan?”


“For your brother?”

“Aye. I spoke with Fergus about it a while ago. I was not sure how he would feel considering it was because of their friendship that he died.”

“And what did Fergus say?”

Ronan shook his head. “At first, I mistook the emotion he displayed as anger. I later realized it was deep, heartfelt gratitude. I never realized how much guilt he carried around all these years over what happened. Though it was not his fault, and he knows that, he still bore the weight of it. He was very pleased I meant to remember my brother in that way. And more pleased still that I thought to mention it to him.”

“You two have become more than allies over the past three years. You are more like brothers yourselves.”

Ronan grinned. “We both have a common goal to keep the North Highlands at peace as long as we are both able to influence those around us. Between our sons and theirs, we hope they will learn the importance of negotiation and patience. Heaven knows Fergus and I have both had our share of trials over the years, though we are both enjoying quieter times.”

“That is just because you are both getting old.” Freya winked at him when his head snapped up to glare at her.

“We are not. And certainly not in the way it is of most import.”

“Oh? And what might that be?”

“You have only just given birth and already you are wanting to rut with me again. I swear I must train day and night to keep up with my wanton wife.” She loved his wicked grin.

“I was naught but an innocent lass you seduced . . . if I recall it properly.”

Ronan rocked little Artagan and kissed his forehead again. “Do not listen to a word she says, lad. ’Twas I who was enchanted by a flaming haired lass hiding in the wood. She beckoned to me like a siren at sea. I was helpless once she ensnared me with her bewitching ways.”

“You make me sound to be not of this world, husband.”

He looked at her then and his smile faded. “I often wonder at the Fates who brought us together that day. We could have gone our entire lives and never crossed paths. But you were there, as though you were waiting for me, and only me. I knew it then as I know it now, Freya. You were always meant to be mine.”

“Oh, Ronan, I love you so much sometimes I feel as if my chest will burst.”

He leaned over and placed the now sleeping bairn between them. Then cupping her cheek and drawing her close, he tenderly brushed his lips across hers.

“I love you Freya—keeper of my heart and my soul. Nothing in this world is as precious to me as you and our children. Now get some rest. You need to heal so we can start working on our next son.”

Freya grinned as she snuggled under the quilts—her greatest love by her side.




Kate Robbins writes historical romance novels out of pure escapism and a love for all things Scottish, not to mention a life-long enjoyment of reading romance.


Kate loves the research process and delving into secondary sources in order to blend authentic historical fact into her stories. She has travelled to Scotland twice and visited the sites described in her Highland Chiefs series.


Her Highland Chiefs series is set in the early fifteenth century during the reign of James Stewart, first of his name.


Kate is the pen name of Debbie Robbins who lives in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada with her man-beast and two man-cubs.


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Get in touch with Kate Robbins:

Kate Robbins (http://katerobbinsauthor.com)

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Tirgearr Publishing (http:// http://www.tirgearrpublishing.com/authors/Robbins_Kate)


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Thank you for reading Enemy of the Highlander.


Please log into Tirgearr Publishing (http://www.tirgearrpublishing.com) and Kate Robbins' website for upcoming releases.





The Highland Chiefs Series, book one

Released: October 2013


Aileana Chattan suffers a devastating loss, then discovers she is to wed neighbouring chief and baron, James MacIntosh—a man she despises and whose loyalty deprived her of the father she loved. Despite him and his traitorous clan, Aileana will do her duty, but she doesn't have to like it or him. But when the MacIntosh awakens something inside her so absolute and consuming, she is forced to question everything.

James MacIntosh is a nobleman torn between tradition and progress. He must make a sacrifice if he is to help Scotland move forward as a unified country. Forced to sign a marriage contract years earlier binding Lady Aileana to him, James must find a way to break it, or risk losing all—including his heart.

From the wild and rugged Highlands near Inverness to the dungeons of Edinburgh Castle, James and Aileana’s preconceptions of honour, duty and love are challenged at every adventurous turn.



The Highland Chiefs Series, book one

Released: May 2014


Nessia Stephenson's world was safe until a threat from a neighbouring clan forces her to accept a betrothal to a man whose family can offer her the protection she needs. The real threat lies in her intense attraction to the man who arranged the match—the clan's chief and her intended’s brother, Fergus MacKay.

When powerful warlord Fergus MacKay arranges a marriage for his younger brother, William, he has no idea the price will be his own heart. Fergus is captivated by the wildly beautiful Nessia, a woman he can never have.

When the feud between the MacKay and Sutherland clans escalates, Nessia, William, and Fergus all must make sacrifices for their future. Longing and loss, honour and duty. How can love triumph under such desperate circumstances?


BOOK: Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series 03
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