Read Kee Patterbee - Hannah Starvling 02 - The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen Online

Authors: Kee Patterbee

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Culinary Consultant

Kee Patterbee - Hannah Starvling 02 - The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen (28 page)

BOOK: Kee Patterbee - Hannah Starvling 02 - The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen
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For the first time, Hannah and Hym spent the night together, in the bed, without clothes.

Gran would be pleased.


Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed Book #2 The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen. I have to tell you, I really love the characters of Hannah and Hymnal.  Though many readers wrote me asking: "What's next for them?" Well, stay tuned because the saga of publishing drama isn't quite over. Hannah and Hymnal will be back soon in Book #3, 4 by year end of 2014.

Will they find their
happy ending?  I sure hope so. When I wrote Book #1The Chef at the Water’s Edge, I got so many letters, from fans thanking me for the book.  Some had an opinion about Hannah & Hym, while others rooted for more on the other cast members. As an author, I love feedback.  Candidly, you are the reason that I will explore the cast of this book for future publications.

So tell me what you liked, what you loved, even what you hated.
I'd love to hear from you.

You can write me at
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or visit me on the web at

Finally, I need to ask a favor. If
you're so inclined, I'd love a review of The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen. Loved it, hated it-

just enjoy your feedback.

As you may have gleaned from my books, reviews can be tough to come by these days. You, the reader, have the power now to make or break a book. If you have the time, here is a link to my author page on Amazon. You can find all my books here:

Thank you so much for reading The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen and if you miss my first book, The Chef at the Water’s Edge consider reading how it all began. I appreciate you spending time with me.

In gratitude,


Kee Patterbee

About the Author

Kee Patterbee spent the early years of her life working in the hardest career in the world. She was a mother. Then she embarked on a second career as a grandmother. Along the way, she dabbled in writing, most often in short stories. In 2013, Kee decided to do something she had always dreamed of doing. She began work on her first novel. That book is
The Chef at the Water’s Edge
. Here, she created the character of Hannah Starvling. Her protagonist is a former FBI turned culinary consultant, now semi-amateur sleuth.

Since that
time she's written three more Hannah novels and one novella as part of the ongoing Twilight Mystery Series. Plans are in the work for many more.

Kee grew up in a small southern town. It was there that her love of
slow paced communities, their residents, and the dark underbelly they often hide was born. When she was a little girl, she loved reading old world myths. Her favorite was the Roman god Janus, the two-faced god of beginnings and transitions. Her fascination lay with his association with gates, doors, passages, endings and time, and the future and in the past. Kee remembers riding her bike through her neighborhood, contemplating the Janus story. She then applied it to her town. She often wondered what went on behind the gates leading to façade of the many little wood frame houses. What did the townsfolk do behind those closed doors when no one was looking? Thus, most of her stories and adventures are set in or around the sleepy riverside town of Twilight. The town is a Norman Rockwell picturesque by day. By night, it is illuminated by shadows.

Kee is southern
through and through. She married a man of similar origins. He shares her fascination with the unseen, both real and imagined. They now live in Georgia where they lead a quiet existence of writing and enjoying life in general.  One of the things they love is seeking out and visiting ‘roadside’ attractions. Those places that offer a look into the more unusual aspects of America. They also are in search of the perfect chicken wing and chili cheese dog. In the summer, they exist between writing and these adventures.

Kee and her husband
Joe, are great lovers of animals. They share their house with two Yorkies, Zippy and Doodles, and a tuxedo cat named CTO, which stands for Chinese Take Out. 

1 of the series

Hannah Starvling is a former FBI agent turned Chef Culinary Consultant along with her friends Buster and Cate Jordon attend a cooking festival honoring the town’s famous Chef, Julia Karas, who died a year prior in a terrible accident.

Hannah has always been curious by nature and cannot resist any opportunities to solve mysteries when presented to her. So when the Jordon’s long time friend, Louie invites Hannah to join the festival and stay at his house to investigate the death of Mrs. Karas, she couldn’t turn it down. It did not take long for Hannah to realize that something was not right.

Working her way through the twists and turns of a public life gone tragically wrong her investigation her investigation
is complicated by a man that stirs her emotions and perhaps clouds her judgment.

Now she must find the answers to two questions:

What really happened to Julia Karas?

more importantly, why was the Chef at the water’s edge


Book 3 of the series:

Hannah Starvling, a former FBI agent turned culinary consultant and amateur sleuth, and Hymnal Miles, former small town
lawman, are getting married. But Hannah’s wedding takes an unexpected turn when a priest, Father Jonathan Whipson dies at the reception. Matters are further complicated when it is revealed that he ate a poisoned petit four.  Now, there is a question of whether he was the target, or Hannah, herself. Hannah is determined to find out who ruined ‘her perfect day’, delayed her long awaited honeymoon, and left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. Her clues are limited. The odd choice of a petit four for delivery of the poison. The specific targeting of a single individual. The timing of the event. And the victim himself. Her problems, numerous. Suspects abound. The murderer could be a guest, a member of the wedding planner’s team, the catering staff, or someone much closer. Plus, she must deal with her grandparents, Papa Jay and Gran, who are equally determined to find the culprit.

Now, with the help of her new husband, Hannah must find the answers to two questions:

Who is behind the wedding day disaster? And more importantly…

Why was it just the priest who ate a poison petit four?

Book 4 of the series:

Hannah Starvling-Miles, a former FBI agent, now full time restaurateur and part time amateur sleuth, is trying to live a normal life. She and husband Hymnal now own
The Speakeasy
, a bistro in the small town of Twilight. However, even the best laid plans go wayward. While catering an annual town charity ball, Hannah once again finds herself wrapped in a mystery. The closing event, a play, takes an unexpected turn when one of the actors dies in the last scene. This time, in a very real sense. Now, Hannah and her two friends, Cate Jordan and Savanah Tyler, are looking into the matter. As they do so, question pile up. Who was the victim? How is the murder tied to the Falster Mansion Spa where the death occurred? How were the owners involved? And what is its connection to
The Speakeasy
? Hannah and company have only a few working clues. One, the victim was not who he claimed. Two, the murder appears spur-of-the-moment. Three, the Falster Mansion’s past is at the center of the mystery. And last, Hannah and Hym’s present enterprise plays into it all.  As for Hannah’s problems, she has to balance the life of a restaurateur and married life, against that of an investigation into the present and past that might jeopardize her future and that of her business. All this while keeping friends safe and avoiding getting herself killed.

Now she must find the answers to two questions:

How does The Speakeasy fit into the murder? And more importantly…

Who was the actor who had a taste for death?

This is a novella to introduce the people who live Twilight.  I felt that introducing you to the city of Twilight and its residents would be exciting for you.  This book will be available Free to my newsletter subscribers.

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One dark and stormy night. Two hosts. Ten guests. One death. A real murder was not supposed to be on the menu at Hannah Starvling’s dinner party, but it certainly played a part in it. What was supposed to be a celebration marking the beginning of renovations for her restaurant has instead become a tragedy. The former owner of the building has turned up dead during dessert. Now, Hannah, her husband Hymnal, and nine others are trapped in a building with one, yet to be identified murderer in their midst. If she is to keep the night from being a total loss, Hannah must find the murderer amongst friends and acquaintances.

To do so, she must find the answer to two questions.

Why did the murderer target the man in the yellow suit?

And why did they serve the diner's death before dessert?

BOOK: Kee Patterbee - Hannah Starvling 02 - The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen
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