Read Kellen's Tempting Mate Online

Authors: Elle Boon

Tags: #alphas shifter, #Werewolves, #BBW romance, #anthology, #romance, #horror comedy romantic comedy werewolves shifters witches wizards fatasy vampires demons angels psyc

Kellen's Tempting Mate (5 page)

BOOK: Kellen's Tempting Mate
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She smiled as if she’d read his mind. “I can be real bendable when I wanna be.” Her tiny pink tongue came out, wetting her plump lips.

His dick jerked through the opening of his jeans, where she’d worked her hand inside, before the call interrupted them. His tempting little mate looked down, gave a husky chuckle that had his eyes crossing, then trailed her hand over him, cupping his balls. “Did I mention that I promise to not make you sorry, and to listen to you?”

His body responded to her words, even though his brain was screaming at him to say no. The sight of her perfect porcelain skin against his rough denim was an erotic sight to behold. “Fine,” he growled.

Laikyn gave him a none too gentle squeeze, remembering he liked it rough. “I’ll be a good girl.”

“Get dressed and let’s go before I change my mind.” She bent, slipping the silk bra back on before the tight tank top, acting as if she was ready. He stared at the gorgeous thing in front of him in a pair of tight black leggings that reached her calves, and a spandex tank top that molded to her breasts, showing off every luscious curve. He unbuttoned his flannel top, leaving him in a black undershirt. “Put this on. I don’t want those asshats to see what’s mine.”

A blush stole up her neck into her cheeks, but she shrugged into his top. “Kellen, we are going to have to talk about,” Laikyn stopped as he covered her lips with his.

“Later. Right now we deal with the threat against you, then you and I’ll talk. At home.” His home, which would be theirs if he had anything to say about it. Jeezus, she looked adorable in his shirt, the thing hung down to mid-thigh, covering her ass. Her hands shook as they worked the buttons into the holes.

“Let me grab my purse.” The strap was placed over her neck and across her chest, then she waited for him.

Yeah, she was it for him. He’d wipe out an entire pack of vamp-shifters if they thought to take his mate from him.

Syn and Bodhi stared at them when they entered the lobby, tension in every line of his sister’s frame. He pulled her next to him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Where we going?” Syn looked over at Laikyn.

He decided to let it go as Bodhi cleaned up what appeared to be breakfast. “Have you eaten, Lake?”

Laikyn’s stomach growled. “We were going to call down for room service.”

“Do you like drive thru food?” He wasn’t a huge fan, but it would do in a pinch.

They agreed on a chain that was around the corner, then they were on the road to her apartment. The closer they were to the high-rise where she lived, the more he could smell her fear. His XV had bucket seats, making him wish he could pull her into his lap and reassure her all was fine. He opened the alpha link, the one all his pack was on and focused on Laikyn. “
Nobody will hurt you, Mon Chaton. I promise you this. If you sense anything, or need to speak to me, find me here. Only you and I can hear each other.”

She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, several silky lengths had come free from the hair tie from when he’d tugged, because he couldn’t resist.

He listened as she instructed where to park, finding his sister’s trailer in the spot they’d left it. He glared at the evidence they’d left without proper protection and then at the two women in his rig. Laikyn’s hand rubbed his thigh.
“Soothing the savage beast?”

“Something like that.”
She smiled at him.

“Hello, it’s rude to use your inside voices in the company of others,” Syn groused.

Bodhi didn’t say a word, his fingers tapping on his phone kept him occupied throughout the ride.

“If you are going to be engrossed with whoever is on the other end, you might wanna stay in the rig, Bo.” Syn said with false sweetness, hopping out of the before Kellen had shut it off.

He met Bodhi’s stare, seeing the boiling beneath the green orbs. “I’m gonna spank her ass one of these days.”

The door to his XV jerked open, leaving him and Laikyn inside. “That’s gonna be fun to watch.” Laikyn pointed out the window.

Kellen didn’t agree. His hand pulled her across the console, fusing their mouths. “Don’t get any ideas from that one, or you’ll find your own delectable behind red more often, than not.”

“Promises, promises,” she said breathlessly.

He maneuvered them out of the vehicle and into the lift, somewhat mollified with the security measures they had to go through in order to get into the building. Of course, there were clearly ways to get in, proven by the twin hybrids up in her apartment.

“Let me lay down some ground rules for you two. I want you both to stay behind Bodhi and I at all times. If something happens to both of us, I want you to take my gun and shoot for the heart. Syn, you know how to shoot, yes?”

His baby sister showed him she had her own gun, looking comfortable with the girlie painted piece in her hand. He nodded. “How about you, Mon Chaton. Can you shoot?”

Laikyn swallowed. “Killing is abhorrent to me, but I can and will. I’ve been shooting since I was a little girl.” She pulled a small silver piece out of her crossbody.

“That’s my girl.” Kellen tried to restrain himself, but the sight of her holding a gun like she meant business turned him on. Not that he’d actually stopped being hard since he’d been in her vicinity. He watched her put the piece back into the bag, then wrapped his arms around her. Kellen wanted to show her he could be gentle, licking at her lips like the finest wine. She stroked his tongue with her own, making him growl. Kellen lifted her against him, feeling her legs wrap around his waist. He pressed her to the side of the elevator, forgetting the others were inside with them. Kellen was two seconds from ripping the pants off of Laikyn and fucking her right then and there, when the ding signaled they reached her floor. Bodhi coughed, while Syn laughed outright.

“We need to finish what we started soon, dammit.” He nipped her lip, a little of her blood entered his mouth.

Laikyn did the same to him, the action making him groan, yet he let her slide down his body. “Be good and remember what I told you.”

She saluted him, making him smile. “Save that for Rowan. You can just call me Sir. Yes Sir will sound lovely coming from your lips.” Kellen took her hand in his and let her lead the way with a huge grin on her face.


aikyn almost forgot where they were while she was wrapped up in Kellen’s huge arms. The man was a complete menace to society, yet she was more than willing to let him take charge.

The overwhelming cologne wasn’t as strong, like they hadn’t sprayed it lately.

“What the hell is that smell?” Bodhi asked, nose in the air.

She rolled her eyes. “That would be my unwanted visitors,” she said loudly outside her door.

Bodhi cracked his neck. “Well, it’s god damn offensive to my nose.”

All four laughed, but stopped when they entered. Seated at the kitchen table were none other than Damien and Lucas Cordell. Blood stained one of Damien’s knees, while Lucas’s right and left were bloodied. Rowan and Lyric stood near the large window seat, guns out and pointed at the two doctors. Lake scooted behind Kellen, letting his large frame hide her, his heat infusing her with much needed warmth.

“Laikyn, we mean you no harm.” Damien stood, the chair making a scraping sound on the wooden floor.

“Why are you here?” Laikyn’s voice came out in a whisper.

“Please come out and listen to us. You will find we would never hurt a hair on your glorious head,” Damien said.

Kellen growled, making the pictures in the room rattle. “She is mine.”

Lucas lifted his head and inhaled. “I don’t smell a full mating.”

“Don’t make me shoot you again, dumbass. You and your brother know she belongs to him. Has she ever touched you the way she is touching him?” Rowan asked, waving his free hand toward her and Kellen.

“She never gave us a chance.” Damien stared at Kellen, a plea in his gaze.

Laikyn stepped around Kellen. “I’m sorry, Damien, but I don’t feel that way about either of you, and let’s be honest, you don’t really feel that way about me.” She softened her tone, seeing they really were nice guys, albeit something was going on.

Lucas sat down with a heavy sigh. “I told you she wasn’t the one.”

Damien followed suit and sat down at the table as well. “Please sit. You were the first woman who we both felt a spark for. I was certain if we spent time in each other’s company, it would grow into a Hearts Love like our parents,” he said, sorrow echoed in his words.

She almost felt sorry for them, but remembered the fear she’d felt last night when she and Syn had come home. “Why were you here last night and how did you get into my apartment?”

“Let’s sit down, Mon Chaton. I think this is going to take a while, and I don’t feel like standing.” Kellen guided her into the living room, taking a seat in the large recliner, pulling her onto his lap.

Assured they were no longer bleeding, the two hybrids got up from the table and joined them, seating themselves on the loveseat across from Kellen, two sets of blond brows raised at her alpha’s show of possession. Laikyn squirmed on his thigh until she felt the hard ridge of his erection jump under her ass, and quickly turned to face him. Kellen’s wicked grin had her blushing to the tips of her hair. She tried to sit like a lady. A feat that was impossible while draped across two hundred and twenty pounds of pure alpha male bent on showing everyone he was in control.

“Continue with your story, Cordell.” Kellen spoke while inserting one hand between her thighs. His scent was driving her to distraction.

Damien cleared his throat. “We’d been informed that a vamp from another enclave was in town. As this is our territory, we were shocked to find this being not only living in the same location as Laikyn, but on the same floor. Most vampires, unless they are hybrids like Lucas and I, cannot go out in the sun. There is a prophecy, which neither my brother nor I buy into, that says twin daywalkers will rule all vampires when they find their Hearts Love. The one being who will complete the trinity. Although Lucas and I have always had a special connection, especially when it came to women, we do not wish to rule the entire population of vamps. Too much work, and neither of us want that type of distraction in our lives. No matter what any of you think, we enjoy being doctors. Well, in this lifetime.” He flashed pearly whites with two canines much longer than a normal humans.

Syn stepped forward. “What made Laikyn here so special to you?”

Lucas tapped his nose. “She smelled like a shifter, but wasn’t part of a pack. She is a doctor, and is extremely gorgeous. Her body would fit perfectly between the two of us. When we both scented her, our wolves stood up and took notice. That was a first, even though our vamp halves weren’t completely on board. We assumed it was because we hadn’t shared sex or blood with her, yet.”

Laikyn felt Kellen’s muscles tightening with each word until the very end. She wondered if he still thought she’d had a relationship with the good doctors.

I did not think you had anything with them, but hearing them describe your attributes makes me want to rip their fucking eyes out.”
His fingers inched up higher between her thighs.

She crossed her legs to stop his movements. “

“You have years to make up for, Mon Chaton. Behaving is far from what I have planned.”

“Are you two done?” Syn sat on the arm of the sofa, Bodhi glaring for all he was worth.

Rowan and Lyric still stood, only now his gun was holstered, while Lyric’s was pointed at the floor. “Now that you know she is not yours, explain about this vamp. Do we have a problem?” The ex-Navy SEAL asked the question they all needed to know.

“He is not your concern. We went to his apartment last night, but he was not in residence. His home was set up to withstand the sun. I don’t know how or when he’d had steel covering installed, but from what we saw they are timed to come down at the first hint of light. I’m sure he also has it to where they go up when the sun sets.” Damien pointed out the windows. “I didn’t see a sleeping space but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t spend his days there, just that he wasn’t there when we were there. Vamps don’t sleep in coffins, but they do need dark, lightless areas, unlike Luke and I. Our parents were the exception because of their sharing of blood. Which is why shifters don’t share freely with vamps.”

Tension became so thick, Lake wasn’t sure what was going to happen next.

Lucas laughing wasn’t the wisest, but he also wasn’t the smartest of the twins. “You were unaware of others, weren’t you?”

Kellen shifted beneath her. “I keep my pack safe and we don’t fuck with
as you put it. If a threat comes to my territory, it is dealt with. Period. I’m assuming they never came through, or if they had, they watched their Ps and Qs.”

Confidence rolled off of Kellen.

Damien leaned forward. “I admire your courage, Alpha, but don’t be so cocky. Yes, you are strong and could rip off the head of any human, and most shifters. I’d dare say even most vamps, but there are master vampires, ones who are very old and skilled that even Luke and I combined would have a hard time defeating.”

In a move too swift and fast for Laikyn to counteract, Kellen was up and had her next to Rowan in seconds. “You think because you are fast you are better than a shifter? You think because you have the power of mind control, it makes you better than me? Try me?” He pulled Damien to his feet.

Laikyn felt a wave of power sweep through her condo, the air literally sucking out of her lungs, making it hard for her to breathe. A trickle of blood seeped out of her nose as she watched Kellen face off against Damien, while Lucas tried to stand, but an unseen force kept him seated. She held onto Rowan and Lyric, her lungs feeling as if they were about to burst. Through the link Kellen had told her to call him on, she thought of reaching out, but worried it would cause him to lose the battle of wills. More blood flowed from her nose, falling onto the flannel shirt.

Kellen’s head jerked toward her, his blue eyes a bright electric blue. With one big fist, he shoved Damien across the room. Instantly, she could get air into her starved body.

BOOK: Kellen's Tempting Mate
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