Read Kelly Clan 02 - Connor Online

Authors: Madison Stevens

Kelly Clan 02 - Connor (5 page)

BOOK: Kelly Clan 02 - Connor
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Conor rushed forward and rattled the table. He poked his finger into the Russian's chest.

“You fucking touch her, and I’ll kill you,” he breathed out.

Boris looked down at the finger on his chest and then back to Conor. Again, he grinned.

“I look forward to it,” he said and then nodded to two men near the table.

The large Russians pulled Conor back, but he never took his eyes off of Boris. The two stared at one another while he seated himself.

Conor had just started a war with Boris, and that was somehow worse than starting it with just the Russians.

He yanked his arms back and was surprised to find Braden at the door.

“Well,” Braden said, stepping outside. “You looking for a fight?”

Conor scrubbed a hand over his face.

“Fuck,” he mumbled and then looked over to Braden. “He was over at Claire’s office. Just fucking sitting outside like he was waiting for her.”

Braden nodded. “Not surprised. She’s a loose end.”

His head snapped up. Conor hadn’t really looked at it that way.

“Shit.” He began to pace again. “This is so fucked up.”

He stopped pacing and leaned against his car. Braden came up next to him and leaned.

“Yes, it is.”

Conor took a breath. He was doing everything he could. Maybe he’d even start watching her at night. He would have really liked to wrap his hands around Finn’s neck for not having a watch for her. Was she so unimportant to him that he couldn’t spare someone? Or maybe there was no one to spare. He groaned. This was a giant clusterfuck.

He looked over to Braden, who was looking at the stars.

“How was dinner?” Conor asked with a sneer.

Braden frowned. “She seemed to have a good time,” he said stiffly and turned to Conor. “Nothing happened. She’s home now.”

Conor nodded. “Thanks... for everything.”

Braden nodded. “Watching Teagan is the best job I’ve ever had.”

Conor laughed. “What? Better than getting shot at every day?”

Braden turned to him and smiled. “Well, I do like the occasional car chase,” he said. He stood and clasped Conor on the shoulder. “It’s good. I’m just glad Ennis lets me do it.”

Conor nodded. “Me too.”

It was something he thought about often. Ennis had no ties to him emotionally, and yet he seemed to put a lot into the care of his sister. His only hope was that he actually cared what happened to her.

“You better get home to her,” Braden said with a smile. “You know she’s waiting in her bed for you to get home.”

She would be. It wasn’t often that he did night work, but when he did, she always worried.

He nodded and moved to the front. All he could do was what he had been doing. Keep an eye on Claire and keep an eye on Boris. As for the rest, it would just have to work itself out, one bloody way or another.

Chapter Five



Claire stared out the window at the passing cars. The past week had been far more productive than she ever would had thought possible. Having Conor around had actually been a good thing, better than she could have ever guessed. Not only was he a hard worker, but not once did he complain when she asked him to do some of the more menial work around the place.

She turned as he paused from his paperwork at the table. Conor stretched his hands over his head, revealing a strip of skin. Claire licked her lips as she sat, transfixed on the trail of hair that disappeared into his pants.

A noise from the door caught her by surprise, and Anna shot her a look from across the room. Claire had been caught staring at him. She glanced over to Conor, who gave a sly smile, and her cheeks heated. It was bad enough getting caught by Anna, but now she just wanted the earth to open up and swallow her whole.

“Just a reminder about the gala on Sunday,” Anna said. She glanced to Conor, and Claire rolled her eyes. If Anna was hoping to be subtle about having Conor take her, Claire hated to inform her that she wasn’t.

“Gala?” Conor looked over at her from the file in his hand.

She shook her head. “Nothing major, just attending a boring charity gala to try and get backers.”

Conor frowned. “Is that something you have to do normally?”

Claire laughed. “In this town it is. If you hadn’t noticed, money tends to talk here, and those that have it are more likely to grease the wheel and get things moving in certain groups.”

Conor frowned. “Doesn’t sound all that different from what Harriet was doing.”

Her mouth dropped, and she narrowed her eyes. “Of course it’s different. I’m not taking bribes from them.”

“But they put out money to get things done.”

She frowned. When he said it like that, it did sound a little shallow. That didn't help quell her irritation.

“You wouldn’t understand,” she snapped.

Conor held up his hands in defeat. “I guess you’re right.”

They stared at each other for a few tense moments before Anna cleared her throat.

“I’ve got to head out early tonight,” Anna said. “Jason is supposed to take me out for dinner in celebration.”

Claire raised a brow. “Something big?”

Anna laughed. “Not yet. He just landed a lead position with a big client.”

She nodded and smiled. “Have fun.”

When Anna closed the door, Conor stepped forward.

“I also need to leave early,” he said.

Claire frowned. It wasn’t that she minded really, but being Friday, there was always the chance he’d have someone else to spend his time with. Not that she should have cared.

“Hot date?” she said and looked down at some work in front of her.

When he didn’t answer, she looked back up. He was staring hard at her, and she swallowed.

“I’m having dinner with Teagan and Ennis,” he said, his face tight.

She frowned. Hearing Ennis's name mentioned so casually just seemed strange to her.

“Sounds cozy,” she said.

Conor snorted. “It sounds like a pain in the ass, but I don’t have much choice.”

She nodded. Ennis had always been like that, even when they were kids. Participation had always been mandatory.

“Go ahead and take the rest of the night,” she said.

Conor stood and stared expectantly at her.

“I can’t just leave you here by yourself,” he said.

Claire frowned. “Why not?”

He looked out the window. “They are watching us,” he said. “I don’t want to give any of them the chance for anything.”

Claire looked out the window and sighed. It had been too quiet this week, and she knew it was only a matter of time before something happened.

She sighed and picked up her purse.

“Let’s go,” she said and made her way to the door.

Once they were both out, she locked the door and headed to the car.

Claire paused just outside her car.

“Night,” she said and moved to open her car but stopped when a hand came down on her own.

“We should go to dinner,” Conor said softly.

Goosebumps formed on her arms, and she shivered at the contact. Regardless of her traitorous body, she wouldn't go anywhere Ennis might be.

“I don’t think—” she began

“They need to see us out,” he said in her ear. “Have dinner with me tomorrow.”

Claire turned to look at him. She relaxed at the realization it would be an Ennis-free affair. Conor's light brown eyes bore into her, and she let out a sigh.

“Seven,” she said.

He smiled, and she turned to get a better look at him. She was surprised to find him far closer than she had thought.

“This could be fun,” he whispered and inched a little closer.

Claire shook herself loose and stepped back. This was more than she wanted to deal with. She slipped into her car.

“See you tomorrow, Conor,” she said through her window from the safety of her car.

He grinned and waved.

“You can’t run forever,” he called after her.

She might not be able to run forever, but that wasn’t going to stop her from trying.


* * *


The food was the worst. Not only was Conor not going to be able to get a good meal, but he had to endure his sister and Ennis making goo-goo eyes at each other. It made his stomach twist as he watched them.

“How was your day?” Ennis said to Teagan. He smiled so sweetly it made Conor a little sick watching, like watching a rattlesnake cuddle a kitten.

“The spa was amazing,” she beamed.

Conor let his fork clatter to his plate.

“Spa?” he asked. His jaw clenched in anger.

“Ennis paid for a day at the spa. Wasn’t that nice of him?” she asked.

His hands gripped the table, so he wouldn’t lose his cool.

“After everything you’ve been through, you think it’s a good idea to head to the spa?” He stared at her, disgust clearly written on his face.

Teagan glared at him. “I’m fine. The treatments are working, and I feel great.”

“You’ve lost your damned mind,” he nearly shouted. “Of course the treatments are working,” he said. “You’ve spent your time safe away from people while you heal.”

“Conor,” Ennis said, frowning at him. “Surely she can decide for herself. She is an adult after all.”

So, that was it. That was the game. Just another way for Ennis to show that, in the end, he had more control than Conor. A wave of calm swept through him as he looked between the two of them. Maybe they were made for each other.

Conor ignored them both and went back to picking apart his meal to find things that he liked.

“So,” Ennis said after a bit. “How is the project going, Conor?” A wan smile appeared on his face.

Teagan shot him a funny look. “Project?”

He sighed. Ennis was doing this to try and start something.

“I’m working with Claire on her election,” he said.

Teagan drew her arms across her chest and glared at him.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said, venom dripping from her voice. “After how it ended between you two?”

Conor shook his head. “This isn’t like that,” he said. “We’re just working together.”

Teagan sat her hand down hard on the table. “I should hope not.” She stared at him in disbelief. “She put you through hell and turned her back on you during our darkest time.”

Conor stared at her hard. “She’s not who you think she is.”

Teagan’s laugh was hollow as it came out. “No, she’s worse.”

Conor stood, rocking his chair back. His hands hit the table hard, shaking the silverware.

“You shouldn’t talk about things you have no idea about,” he barked.

Teagan glanced down, only then seeming to realize how far she had overstepped.

“I just remembered some work I need to do,” Conor said. “I’ll ask Braden to bring you home.”

“Conor,” she said softly when he was nearly out the door.

He glanced over his shoulder. Ennis watched him, a smirk on his face. The son of a bitch enjoyed seeing them fight.

“We’ll talk later,” Conor said to Teagan.


* * *


Claire hated leaving work early. Most weekends she couldn’t even stay away the whole time. Usually, it was just long enough to get things in order, and then, she was right back in the office.

She’d had to work twice as hard to even get ahead. In a town where anyone associated with the Kelly clan was suspect, she had to constantly fight to get anywhere. Some were over accommodating, thinking that would get them in good with Finn, while others wanted nothing to do with her and what she might bring.

In the end, maybe they had been right. Harriet wasn’t doing so well, and she had to think the pick by Ennis wasn’t random. Nothing Ennis did was random.

She sighed, something she found herself doing more and more over the past few years. Things just weren’t like she expected. Here, she was poised to land the job of her dreams, and it was like she’d been tricked into eating the vegetable she didn’t want.

Claire shook her head. Maybe it was good she was taking the night off. Some fresh brownies and her favorite show were all she needed. Screw super hot hunks that thought they knew everything, or at least one particular hunk.

She dipped into the pan and pulled out the corner pieces. The best part of not having to share was getting the tastiest pieces. A large chunk fell off, and she popped it in her mouth. Nothing but chocolaty goodness.

After brushing a few crumbs from her shirt, she shrugged. She loved the blue satin button-up short set, even if it wasn’t the sexiest thing. It was comfortable, and after a day in the office, that was all she was looking for.

Claire set her brownies on the table and turned on the TV. Not wasting time, she flipped to her favorite show and froze.

“Thirty-five missed?” she nearly shouted.

It had been a while, but it didn’t feel like it was that long. There was no way it had been two years since she’d gotten to watch it. She would have remembered if it had been years.

Claire rolled her head back on the couch and groaned. The problem was, she couldn’t remember. Even when she thought hard, it still didn’t come to her. How had two years of her life just disappeared like that?

She didn’t feel much like watching TV. The picture flipped off, and she stared at her reflection in the black screen. This was pathetic. It was Friday night, and all she ever did was work and sleep. There was only so much fulfillment she was going to get from work.

Claire jumped when her cell rang next to her. She glared at it and then the clock. People liked to make calls at nine. She wondered if there would ever be a normal calling hour again at her house.

The number on the screen was new to her, and she debated answering but knew there was always a chance it could be Finn.

“Hello?” she said.

“Took you long enough.” Conor’s smooth voice came over the line.

“Conor.” She breathed a sigh of relief and frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

His chuckle came out as a rumble, and she bit her lip. There had always been something very erotic about his low voice.

“Relax,” he said. “I just need an ear.”

Claire propped her pillow on the end of the couch and lay down.

He grunted and she stopped.

“What’s wrong?” she asked softly.

BOOK: Kelly Clan 02 - Connor
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