Read Killer Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 3) Online

Authors: Marysol James

Tags: #romance, #sex, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Women's Fiction

Killer Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Killer Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 3)
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“Good.” She sighed. “So good.”

“Yeah? You like when I touch you?”

“Mmmm.” She sounded sleepy now and he picked her up without a word. He carried her in to the bedroom, gently put her on his bed.

“You know that I’m going to take good care of you?” he said.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“You’re really OK with that? After taking care of yourself for so long?”


“And you get that this goes both ways, right?” He pushed her hair off her cheeks. “That I’m not even looking at other women?”

“You’re mine?”

“Damn right I am.”

She smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

“Me too.” He laid down beside her and wrapped his large arms around her again. “Come here, baby. Let me take care of you now. Let me make you feel safe.”

They lay like that for a few minutes, holding each other and Gabi relaxed fully for the first time in days. The sun was just rising and she watched it, loving how it lit up the Rocky Mountains in the distance. Her eyes got heavier and her eyelids drooped. She forced them open.

Aidan held her tighter. “Close your eyes. Just let go and sleep.”

She sighed again. “OK.”

She’d just snuggled up on his chest when her cell phone rang in the living room, startling her. She jumped in shock and Aidan kissed the top of her head.

“You want to get that for you?”

“Please.” She nodded and struggled to a sitting position. “I bet it’s Maria.”

Aidan shot to his feet and found her purse. He brought it to her and she dug through the bag quickly. She swiped ‘accept’. “Maria! Thank God… you OK?”

Her half-sister’s voice was strained. “Yeah. You?”

“Yes. Is Dillon there?”

“Yeah. He stormed the hotel lobby about thirty minutes ago and almost scared me to death.”

Despite her fear and exhaustion, Gabi chuckled. “I can totally imagine it.”

“One hell of a wake-up, I can tell you.” Maria paused. “Dillon said you were attacked last night at Dangerous Curves? And you were saved by a bartender or someone?”

“Yeah. Aidan.”

“Right.” Maria sounded calmer now. “And you’re with him now?”

“Yeah, we’re safe at his place.”

“OK.” Maria hesitated. “Dillon’s insisting that I come back to Denver with him. He says that I’m – maybe I’m in danger.”

Gabi pushed some loose strands of hair back off her forehead. “Maybe you are, I don’t know.”

“Listen, Gabi. Jake and Julie’s wedding is in two weeks here at Open Skies and I’m organizing it. I can’t just up and leave everything in the lurch, you know?”

“I know.”

“I mean, if you’re sure that these guys know who I am, I’ll come and hide in King’s safe house that Dillon told me about. But if you’re not positive, then I’d rather stay here.”

Shocked, Gabi sat up straighter. “Maria, look… these MC guys are dangerous. I mean,
dangerous. OK? You need to come to the city where you can be protected.”

“But I’m protected
,” Maria said. “We have a security guard sitting at the main entrance overnight, and last year Julie had cameras installed all over the place. They cover all the paths down from the mountains and every door and every building outside. It’s safe here, I promise you.”

“What about your apartment in town?”

Maria paused. “Well, maybe I could stay at Open Skies until this is all over. We
have private staff quarters at the back of the main building.”

“Do the cameras cover it?”

“Yeah. The main door has a code and cameras. So do all the patios facing the mountains.”

“Ummm.” Gabi considered. “Well, actually. That
all sound pretty safe.”

Aidan was listening and now he frowned. Was Maria not going to come to Denver? Shit, Jax and King were going to lose their goddamned minds – they’d
told Dillon to bring Gabi’s sister back.

“It is,” Maria said. “I’d rather stay here.” She managed a small laugh. “Though Dillon
threaten to throw me over his shoulder and toss me in his truck to get me to Denver.”

Gabi giggled. “Actually, I wouldn’t put kidnapping past the man. He’s hardcore, Maria, and you don’t mess with him, believe me.”

“Oh, I can tell.”

“But under it all, he’s a good guy and you can trust him with your life. If he’s with you, you’re safe, I promise. He won’t let anything happen to you. He’d die first.”

Maria was quiet for a few seconds. “How did this happen, Gabi? How did you witness a murder?”

As Gabi told her sister the whole story, Aidan got to his feet and stripped off his t-shirt. At the sight of his broad, muscular chest, Gabi’s voice faltered. Her eyes drank him in so thirstily, she felt like she’d been in a desert under the blazing sun for a month. He was golden and gorgeous in the morning light, every chiseled muscle standing out clearly. She ached to run her tongue over every single one of them. When his large hands moved to his belt buckle, she bit her lip, watching his every move, suddenly wide awake.

“Gabi?” Maria’s voice brought her back to the moment.


“So are you really OK?”

Seeing as Aidan was now undoing the snap on his jeans, Gabi was actually doing fantastically well, but he
a huge distraction.

“One sec, Maria,” she said and then covered the mouthpiece and glared at him. “What are you

He grinned at her. “Going to take a shower, darlin’. Then I’m going to get back in to bed and go to sleep next to you.” He cocked his blond head as he slowly lowered the zipper. “That OK with you?”

“Yes,” she said, her eyes fixed on his hands, almost drooling as the strong, defined curve of his hip bones appeared. “But maybe you can finish getting undressed in the bathroom?”

“Why?” He kicked his jeans off now and stood there in just his boxers, raised his arms above his head and stretched as bit. “Don’t you like what you see?”

Her breath caught in her chest as she took him in. He was all toned muscle and rangy grace, like a golden jungle cat stretching lazily in the sun. But the power in that massive body was unmistakable and the most feminine part of herself was helpless in the face of it. She wanted to just curl up against that strength, let it overwhelm her.

“I – I like it just fine,” she hissed. “And that’s the problem.”

“Oh, sorry.” He turned and now she got to see that amazing ass, that strong back. Her eyes fell on the bandage covering his stitches and she winced a bit as she thought about the glass cutting and tearing his warm skin. “I’ll go then.”

“Yeah, you do that, you drop-dead gorgeous man,” she muttered and turned her attention back to the phone. “I’m sorry, Maria. Aidan was talking to me.”

“No, it’s OK. I need to get back to the restaurant, anyway. I left Dillon there with Jake and Julie and I think there’s a
possibility that one or more of them may be dead now.”

Gabi laughed. “Really?”

“Oh, yeah. Dillon was making demands and Julie doesn’t take kindly to being bossed around.”

“Yeah, Dillon’s a bit – alpha.”

“No kidding, right?”

“OK, so. Will you let me know what you decide? Maybe if you come back to Denver, you and I can stay at King’s safe house together?”

“Wouldn’t you want to stay with Aidan?” Maria said.

Oh, hell, would I ever.

But aloud, Gabi said, “Look if you get dragged to the city because of me, then there’s
way I’m leaving you all alone with a bunch of bodyguards from King’s Men. They’re scary and they don’t really talk.”

“Alone with

“Oh, man.” Gabi sighed, wondering how the hell to explain King’s Men. “Long, long story, trust me. Just – just let me know what you want to do, OK? If you come back here, I’ll tell you all that I know about King’s Men. Maybe we can even try to get one of them to crack a smile at us one day over coffee.”

“Huh. Intriguing. It almost makes me want to hide out in the safe house, just to get the scoop on these people.”




Aidan stood in the shower, eyes closed, willing himself to relax at last. Gabriela was here with him – and she was actually
him. After all this time, he’d finally made his move and thank Christ she’d wanted him as bad as he wanted her. His whole life was about to change forever and for the better and he couldn’t wait.

He thought about kissing her, about touching her through that thin t-shirt and right away, his cock hardened. He closed his fist around its length, almost groaning as he thought about Gabriela’s hand being where his was… her stroking him just like this, harder and faster, before taking him with her lips and tongue. He was so caught up in the fantasy of Gabriela pulling him in to her sweet, hot mouth, he didn’t hear the bathroom door open.

Gabi stood there and when she saw Aidan in the shower, his cock in one large hand, the other supporting his full weight against the shower wall, she almost collapsed with lust. God, the look on his face as he stroked himself… pure animal need and desire.

Is that for me?

Quietly, not wanting him to stop what he was doing, she took off her t-shirt and panties and approached the shower. Aidan’s hand was moving more roughly now, his eyes shut tight, his breath coming out in pants.

She allowed her gaze to roam over his whole powerful body and she bit her lip at the thought that all of this was hers. The broad shoulders, the muscled torso, the perfect ass, the strong back. And that amazing, huge cock… even
was hers. She wanted it. She wanted it all.

Gabi opened the shower door and Aidan’s eyes shot open at the click. He froze but when she smiled at him and stepped under the spray, he grinned back. He held her eyes and his hand moved more slowly now in long, leisurely strokes, as if he had all the time in the world all of a sudden. She loved that he hadn’t stopped, that he didn’t look even the slightest bit embarrassed about her seeing him touch himself.

“What you doing in here, baby?” he said. “You need another shower?”

“Not really,” she said. “I just wanted to finish what you started back in the bedroom.”

“Yeah? You wanted to see me naked?”

“Oh, yeah.” Her breath was getting faster. “I sure as hell did.”

Aidan let go of his cock now. “Well, here I am.”

She almost gasped at the sight of that amazing part of him. He was long, sure enough, but he was also thick. She stared down at him and she actually wondered if she’d be able to take all of him in to her body. No man she’d ever been with had been that large around and her pussy slicked up at the very thought of having that much of Aidan inside her. He’d feel incredible, she was sure of it.

“Oh, God, Aidan.” Gabi’s body was shaking again and she put one trembling hand on the cool tile wall to steady herself. “You’re perfect.”

“No fucking way, baby,” he said, his voice hoarse as he devoured her with eyes as bright as the sunrise. “
are. And I have to touch you.”

He pulled her to him now, his erection pushing hard in to her stomach. She raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck, tugging his mouth down to hers. The kiss was surprisingly soft and Gabi felt tears come to her eyes at this man’s tenderness. He was adoring her with his lips, making her feel so damn loved.

Aidan deepened the kiss and started to run his hands over her golden body. She was all slim curves and smooth skin and his intense wanting was kicked up a notch. When his fingers moved back between her thighs, Gabi tensed in anticipation and Aidan paused.

“OK?” he whispered in her ear. “Can I touch you?’

“God, yes.” She moved her feet farther apart and he smiled. “Touch me, Aidan.”

His fingers slid over her lower lips, teasing and slow. When one thick finger moved inside her slick channel, Gabi moaned, the sound echoing around the steamy shower cabin.

“Feels good?” he breathed, pushing deeper.

“Oh.” Her eyes shut and her head fell forward on to his strong chest. “Aidan…

“It can feel ever better,” he said, slipping a second finger in and starting to gently massage her inner muscles. “I can make you feel so damn good.”

Those dark eyes opened and looked up at him with trust and wanting. “What do you have in mind?”

He grinned and her heart tightened to see it, that lazy, sweet grin that was pure Aidan.

“Let me show you,” he said.

Her hands tightened on his upper arms. “Yes.”

He went to his knees in front of her and she was suddenly very glad for the wall at her back. When his mouth found her pussy, she spread her legs as much as she could, gripped his hair in both hands, pushed him against her raging need. She moved on his lips shamelessly, offering herself to him.

As she began to ride his mouth, Aidan almost came right then and there, every one of his senses overwhelmed by her: her scent, her taste, her softness, the sounds she was making deep in her throat. She was so damn close already, and he wanted to take her there over and over again.

He zeroed in on her swelling clit and he stroked, licked, sucked, before opening her with his fingers and lapping every inch of her that he could reach. His tongue found her most hidden, sensitive flesh and when she started to shudder and say his name over and over, he moved back to her little bundle of nerves. He rolled his tongue over it and her whole body started to unfurl around him.

Gabi felt the pleasure coil up in her stomach and that was when she held Aidan’s head still. “Wait. Aidan, wait.”

Right away, he stopped. He shot to his feet, a look of alarm on his handsome face and he put his forearms on the wall on either side of her head. The position pushed his body up against hers and she almost sighed at how good it felt to have the whole length of him on her. She was thrown back to that night at Curves when he’d put himself between her and danger and she realized that he was
doing it… he was still protecting her with everything that he had.

BOOK: Killer Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 3)
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