Read Killer Secrets Online

Authors: Katie Reus

Tags: #Romance

Killer Secrets (7 page)

BOOK: Killer Secrets
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Chapter Six



Mac tugged at his collar and shifted uncomfortably in the driver’s seat of his rented car. Eve had somehow convinced him to take her to a fundraiser tonight. The cause might be a good one but he knew that wasn’t why she wanted to go. Despite the sheriff’s warning, she wanted to see the DA and gauge his reaction to her being there. She hadn’t said it in so many words but he knew her well enough by now to know that’s what she was up to.

The last place he wanted to take her was anywhere public, but especially not to the Underwood mansion where the fundraiser was being held. After what they’d shared together last night, it was hard to say yes to her when all he wanted to do was lock her up tight and keep the world at bay. At the same time it was also hard to say no to her.

For the briefest of moments last night he’d wondered what she thought of his scarred side but it was almost as if she didn’t even see it. All he’d witnessed on her face was lust and need and something else he couldn’t put his finger on. Being around her was like a breath of fresh air—even when she was driving him crazy.

He shifted in his seat again and rolled his shoulders. At least it was only semi-formal. Black tie would have been too much. It was bad enough he was wearing a regular suit and tie.

“Stop it. You act like you’re escorting me to your own execution,” Eve muttered from the passenger seat next to him.

“I don’t like this.”

“I know. You’ve only said it a hundred times. It’s not like Richard Underwood is going to attack me in front of everyone.” She smoothed a hand down her simple black dress, momentarily distracting him.

The strapless gown molded to all her curves and slit up one side to her thigh, revealing too much skin for his taste. He didn’t like the thought of anyone else seeing what was his. Barbaric? Totally. He just didn’t give a shit.

“It’s not like it’s a sit down dinner,” she continued. “It’s cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and a bunch of expensive stuff going up for auction.”

Which would be followed by dancing and more mingling. And more time Eve was exposed to whoever wanted her dead. Which was why he didn’t plan to let her out of his sight. Not for a moment. Hell, he’d follow her to the restroom if need be. “I don’t care. Leave it alone, Eve. I agreed to go.”

She mumbled something under her breath about him being a bad date but he ignored it and focused on the road ahead. So far he was sure they hadn’t been followed since leaving the ranch. He’d rented a sports sedan so he wouldn’t have to take her to the fundraiser in Grant’s truck. He’d also let the sheriff know they were going. The man was livid, not that Mac blamed him. But he’d waited until the last minute to tell the sheriff and there wasn’t much the man could do short of taking Eve into custody.

To do that, the sheriff would have to confront her at the fundraiser and Mac didn’t see that happening.

They arrived half an hour late so the line of cars wasn’t that long. After releasing his car to the valet driver, he headed inside with Eve. A lot of people he recognized, but some he didn’t. Their town had grown in the past few years, gaining transplants from some of the bigger cities in Texas.

Most men wore suits and ties though there were a few in tuxedos. All the women wore long gowns and most of them had on too much glittery jewelry that probably cost a fortune. Not Eve. Her hair was pulled back into some sort of complicated twist and she wore simple diamond earrings, but nothing else.

And she looked gorgeous. Frowning as he looked down at her, he realized he hadn’t told her. He’d been too pissed she’d roped him into this thing. “You look beautiful,” he murmured loud enough for only her as they crossed the threshold into the mansion.

Her head jerked up. Surprise covered her face but was quickly replaced by a megawatt smile. She blushed lightly as she said, “thanks.” When her grip on his arm tightened, he inwardly smiled.

After this thing was over he was going to have her flat on her back again and they wouldn’t be leaving his bedroom all weekend if he had any say. Security on his ranch had been ramped up thanks to drug runners trying to smuggle their product across his property and the neighboring one so he might have to make a few runs with his men. But other than that, he planned to spend all his time buried deep inside Eve’s tight body.

A giant chandelier hung overhead and to their right was the auction room. From his vantage point, he spotted the DA immediately. Not wanting Eve to see Richard Underwood yet, he stroked his hand down her arm to distract her. He nodded toward the giant room on the left where servers were walking around with trays of champagne and food. “Want to grab a drink?”

Eve nodded absently. “Sure.” She didn’t care about getting a drink, but knew a small one would probably calm her nerves. She’d thought coming here was the perfect idea and she didn’t regret it, but the stark realization that the person who’d tried to kill her might be under the same roof was more than a little frightening. She couldn’t help the way she sized up everyone who got too close. Even people she’d known since she was a kid.

An hour and a half later, she still hadn’t had a chance to talk to Richard Underwood, but she had seen him. Once the auction had started most small talk had stopped. Now there was a short break in the auction and it was back to mingling for half an hour or so. She’d spotted the DA but he was engrossed in a conversation with the head of one of the local banks and she didn’t plan to interrupt him. She could wait him out.

The champagne she’d had earlier had gone right through her. “I need to find a restroom,” she whispered to Mac.

Silently, he led them down a hallway with marble floors, custom crown molding and a few paintings she was sure cost more than her house. All from old family money.

She heard female voices inside so when Mac went to open the door, presumably to check out the room, she tugged him back. “I’ll be fine,” she whispered. She’d been inside years ago and remembered the setup. Two sinks with a giant ornate mirror hanging over them, a settee bench by one wall and the actual toilet and another sink were part of an additional enclosed room. The dark wood plank flooring was a perfect contrast to the rich gold and cream colored hues.

“Be quick or I’m coming in to get you,” Mac said before planting a surprisingly heated kiss on her lips.

Before she had time to react, he nudged her toward the door. Her lips tingled from where they’d touched and she was sure anyone could read all the hot thoughts running through her mind. He’d been slightly annoyed all night but he hadn’t been paying attention to her at all. Nope, he’d been scanning everyone as a potential threat. The little kiss was a stark reminder of what they’d be doing later that night. Despite her tension, the knowledge of what was to come in a few hours sent a thrill twining through her.

As she entered the large room, a woman she didn’t recognize was leaving, but Leslie Gomez was washing her hands at one of the sinks. She hadn’t seen the other woman since high school, but she hadn’t changed much. Very pretty, petite brunette with dark eyes and perfectly bronzed skin thanks to her Mexican heritage.

When she made eye contact with Eve in the mirror, her eyes widened almost unnaturally. She glanced behind Eve, then breathed out a sigh of relief. “Are you alone?” she whispered.

Eve nodded. She wasn’t going to tell her Mac was waiting outside for her. “Yeah.”

Leslie glanced in the attached room then stepped back out. “I need to talk to you. In private.”

Eve leaned against the counter and crossed her arms over her chest. “
is private.”

“I was going to try to talk to you after the party, but you’re here now and… I sent you that email. I didn’t know who else to turn to.” She twisted her hands in front of her. “Once I overheard what she was planning I wanted to go to the police, but who would believe me? She’s practically royalty around here and her father—”

Eve’s heart rate increased. “Slow down. What exactly are you saying?”

Leslie took a deep breath. “I overheard her talking to someone about Allen Martin and from the sound of it, they were going to kill him. I know she’s in to some shady stuff but I’ve never really known what for sure. But I had to tell someone. You were the first person I thought of. The police would never believe my word over hers and I remember how you wrote that story about corruption in the Mayor’s office a year ago. I know you’re honest and I was hoping you’d be able to help.” She picked at the silk material of her dress as she stared expectantly at Eve.

“Who is the woman you’re talking about?” Blood rushed loudly in Eve’s ears. She figured she already knew the answer from something Leslie had said, but wanted to hear it out loud.

“Tara Underwood,” she whispered.

Eve’s palms dampened, but she remained still. “Tara? Not her father?” She wanted to deny what Leslie was saying, but how well did she really know Tara? Eve hadn’t seen her in years and the woman in front of her had no apparent reason to lie.

Leslie nodded again in that frantic manner. “I haven’t been working at her boutique very long, but I’ve overheard some strange conversations and I’ve seen her talking to a very scary man on occasion. Usually later when I’m getting off work he’ll be arriving. I don’t know if it’s drugs or what or even how Allen Martin is involved, but she said he was a problem and that she was going to take care of him. Something about the way she said it…” She shuddered as she trailed off.

“We need to go to the police.” Something Eve never thought she’d say with such sincerity.

Leslie shook her head. “I don’t know anything.”

“Allen Martin is dead and the police are currently running down leads. You need to tell them what you know.” Even if Leslie was wrong and Tara wasn’t involved, they had to tell the police about it. This could be the lead they needed to catch the killer.

Leslie’s face paled. “I—”

The door swung open, cutting her off. Eve turned at the sound and nearly stumbled when she saw Tara walking in. Pasting on her game face, she smiled brightly. “Tara. How are you?”

With a thick diamond choker, matching teardrop diamond earrings and a gold shimmery dress, the blonde woman looked stunning. Eve couldn’t help but wonder if she’d paid for any of it with illegal money. From what Leslie had said, Eve guessed Tara was definitely into drugs. Dealing or smuggling, she couldn’t be sure.

Tara smiled but it looked more like a cougar baring its fangs. “Eve. So glad you were able to make it.” She glanced back and forth between Eve and Leslie curiously.

Eve didn’t dare turn around. She could only pray that Leslie didn’t act nervous or give herself away. When Tara’s eyes narrowed at Leslie almost accusingly, Eve knew they were screwed.

It happened so fast, she didn’t have time to react. The blonde pulled a snubnose .38 revolver from her clutch purse and pointed it directly at Eve, but directed her attention to Leslie. “You stupid bitch. I wondered how Eve had gotten involved in this. Now I know. I pay you well, give you good benefits and this is how you repay me?”

Behind Eve, Leslie was silent other than a few sniffles that almost sounded like she was crying.

“What are you doing, Tara?” Eve asked, trying to keep the woman’s focus away from Leslie. Her heart pounded erratically and sweat bloomed across her forehead, but she didn’t dare make a move.

Tara’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “You two are going to come with me. The auction is about to start up again and no one will know you’re missing.”

Mac will.
Eve thought it, but didn’t say it out loud.

But Tara must have read her mind. “Say a word and I’ll kill your boyfriend too,” she whispered as she slowly backed toward the door. Keeping the gun trained on them with one hand, she opened the door a fraction. “Mac, sweetie, Eve started her period and I don’t have anything. Will you be a doll and go ask one of the servers or better yet, find my mama.”

“Uh, Eve?” Mac sounded hesitant.

She hesitated for only a moment. “Hurry up, Mac. I don’t have all night.” Eve tried not to let her panic show as she spoke. She didn’t want Tara to hurt Mac because of her stupidity. On another man the excuse might work but she really hoped Mac wouldn’t buy this, even for a female issue.

He sighed heavily. “Give me a few minutes. I’ll be right back.”

Tara waited a few moments then eased the door open. After peering out, she motioned to them with her gun. “Come on.”

“Stay calm,” Eve murmured to a trembling Leslie as they exited the room. Her palms dampened even more when she realized Mac wasn’t waiting in the hall to ambush Tara. They were alone.

“This way.” Tara directed them in the opposite direction Eve had originally come from.

Following her directives they reached the end of the hallway, made a left and headed for a door that led them directly to the backyard. They were on the opposite side of the large property from the pool house. Tara dug the gun into her back. “Head for the tennis court.”

Eve winced at the slight pain in her back, but didn’t say a word. The lights were off and even though she could faintly hear partiers and what was probably some of the valet guys from the front of the house, she didn’t dare turn around and look anywhere. Raw fear and the steel digging into her spine was enough to make her cautious of any sudden moves.

“Why’d you kill Allen Martin?” Eve asked quietly. Her heels clicked along the stone patio as they rounded the pool.

BOOK: Killer Secrets
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