Read Las Vegas Honeymoon Online

Authors: Francis Drake

Las Vegas Honeymoon (3 page)

BOOK: Las Vegas Honeymoon
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Oh, God, oh, God, she had to stay alert. She wanted Dan with everything in her, but she didn’t want him to think she was a complete pushover. Or a tramp, which he actually might think, considering she’d asked him into her room.
No, not just your room, you idiot, your
suite. Which you should be sharing right now with

Dan nuzzled her hair, brushing his lips across her forehead. Mary tried, but couldn’t picture Ralph. Not his face, not his eye color or hair color.

Dan squeezed her shoulder and then slid his hand down her arm, sending tingles through her. Mary couldn’t imagine Ralph’s touch. Had he ever made her feel like this? She couldn’t remember. He must have—they were going to be married. Surely passion had spiraled though her with his touch. Then why couldn’t she remember?

With Dan’s other hand—
when had he put down his wine glass?
—he tipped her glass against her lips. A drop or two dribbled from the corner of her mouth and he licked them up. Just as he’d described, she puckered. He licked her lips, too, taking away the wine’s dryness and leaving fire in its place. His kiss was light, a small press against her lips. Then another, and another, each harder, more insistent.

He massaged her mouth with his lips, pushing, licking. He cupped her cheek. His teeth came down on her bottom lip, lightly, just a nip, but enough to make her gasp in shock. He sucked her lip into his mouth for a second, as though to ease whatever hurt he might have caused, and then kissed her for real.

His tongue roamed the recesses of her mouth, tickling the roof and sending spirals of fire through her when it wrestled with her own. Somehow he disposed of her glass. She clung to his shoulder, but he took her wrist and eased her arm around his neck.

Her fingers kneaded his nape and then she ran her hand up and into his soft hair. He growled his approval before starting a new assault on her mouth, angling his head and spearing his tongue through her lips.

Mary’s insides turned to mush. She couldn’t breathe and didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was Dan and the way he made her feel. He turned more toward her. Arching her back brought her breasts into contact with his chest. Her nipples were hard and pointed, begging for contact. She rubbed against him like a cat in heat, not caring what he might think of her. A restless urge pushed her on, a need such as she’d never felt.

Her left nipple rasped against one of his shirt buttons. Pain and pleasure swept through her. She pushed again, harder, wishing they were skin to skin instead of separated by his shirt and her robe. Dan skimmed his hand up and down her leg, calf to knee. She stretched, opening her thighs. With a soft moan, she kissed him back. Her mind blanked, letting her instincts and body take control. She needed him, she wanted him, more than anything she’d ever wanted.

For too many years, being with Dan Higgins like this had been Mary’s fantasy. Well, not exactly like this. In her childish dreams she’d wanted him to romance her, bring her roses, and whisper sweet, loving words into her ear. Then he’d lay her down and they’d make slow, sweet love. This mad rush toward physical fulfillment was nothing like the fantasy, really, but she didn’t care. She was with Dan, and he was going to give her all she craved. The fantasy might be different from the reality, but the result would be the same.

Dan slid his hand to her thigh just as Mary rose to one knee and straddled his lap. He groaned when his fingers reached the point where her panties should have been. He stroked her pussy lips with his finger. She flexed her hips and he dipped into her slick passage. With a slight movement of his head, he took control of her mouth again. She let him, knowing playtime was over and that the real action began now. Could anything be better than this?

He loosened the belt of her robe. Cool air touched her breasts before a warm hand massaged her skin, exciting her nipple. A finger on his other hand spread moisture from her pussy up to her clit. She wiggled, unable to stay still. Tension coiled inside like a watch, wound too tight.

He pulled away from her mouth. Eyes still closed, she leaned closer, seeking his lips. His kisses stole her breath but she needed them to live.

“I want to take you to bed, Mary.”

His ragged breathing barely registered through the fog in her mind. She kissed him, sucking his lower lip and nodding. “I want you to,” she whispered. “Please.”

“Don’t be confused. If we go through that bedroom door, I’m going to fuck you. All night and into the morning. That’s what I intend and what I’ll do if you let me into your bed. Understand?”

Barely a day ago, she’d been standing in a white gown, in a respectable church in the outskirts of Atlanta. She’d been about to swear loyalty and a lifetime of love to a man—but not the man beside her. This was to be her wedding night, and she was preparing to have sex with someone she hadn’t married.

Doubt swept through her just ahead of panic. What was she doing? Ralph was probably worried sick about her.
If he isn’t with
, my so-called friend from accounting, or
, my college-friend bridesmaid. Or someone new.

Go to hell, Ralph.
“It’s what I want.”

She felt herself lifted, and then floated into her bedroom where Dan set her on her feet. He removed his clothes never moving his eyes from her face. Then he pushed the robe off her shoulders. He kissed his way along her jaw, down her neck and to her breast, his mouth hungry and hot.

Fire followed each placement of his lips as his tongue laved her skin. The air felt cooler after the heat of his open mouth. But when he took her nipple, nibbled it, sucked, and licked, her knees gave out. He caught her, holding her close while he wrenched the bedspread and sheet to the bottom of the bed. Gently, he laid her down and then knelt between her spread legs. His kisses continued from her neck to her breast where he once more feasted, then down her torso. He buried his nose in her pubic hair. Her breath came fast and shallow.

Ralph had touched her with his fingers, even brought her to climax with his hand, but he’d never—ever—put his face down there. She’d given him blowjobs—he’d insisted—but he’d always refused to make her come with his mouth. He’d said “eating a woman” was too dirty and nasty. Funny, Dan didn’t seem to agree. Thank God.

His tongue sought and found her clit, and she almost came off the bed. Her fingers scratched the fitted sheet but couldn’t gain hold. Instead, she reached up and grabbed the pillows, squeezing, releasing, squeezing harder.

He sucked her clit and teased it. Then he moved down, tonguing her pussy lips, dipping the tip of his tongue where his finger had been moments before. His hands cupped her butt cheeks and lifted her to his mouth, his hot, wet, questing mouth.

She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t have stopped him even if she’d been able to. And God! Stopping him was the farthest thing from her mind. Instinct caused her to move, and in a timeless urge, she flexed her hips, feeding him her pussy.

Like a hungry cat at a bowl of cream, he lapped.

His skill amazed her. He worked magic with his tongue, knowing how to take her nearly to the pinnacle and when to let up so she’d come down a bit. She moaned, she begged, tears streamed down her face from wanting to finish. Finally he showed mercy and took her up…up…up and over. She dropped in a freefall. Surely for a few seconds her heart actually stopped beating. Sensation swallowed her whole, and she gave herself over to it.

Time had no meaning, yet Mary knew long minutes had passed when she was able—or interested—in opening her eyes. Dan lay half on and half off her, his long leg propped between hers, keeping her legs apart and her pussy open and available. The scent of sex hung in the air. “What about you?”

“We aren’t finished. Didn’t I say we’d fuck the night away? Consider this the opening salvo. And my God are you ever beautiful when you come.”

“No one has ever done that before.”

His hand reached to her lower lips and lightly stroked. Her skin was so sensitive, even his bare touch brought arousal tainted with slight pain, a new experience. She arched into his hand, experimenting.

“I need to get some protection.” He bent to kiss her nipple. “Don’t go anywhere.”

“As if I could.”

He chuckled and rose from the bed. She watched with the same studied gaze he’d used on her, and couldn’t help smiling at what she saw. Toned and taut, his muscles rippled under her examination. His cock jutted out, proud, strong, and long. It bobbed and thickened under her gaze. Dan grasped it at the base and pulled his hand to the tip. “I’m going to give this to you in just a few seconds. I’m going to bury it so deep inside, you’ll think we’re one person. I’m going to make you call my name and forget every other man who’s ever had you. Do you believe me?”

She nodded, unable to speak. He caressed himself again. A tiny pearl of liquid formed at the tip. He fingered it and spread it over the head of his cock. “I want to hear you say it. Do you want me? Say it.”

“Yes.” She barely whispered the word. Her attention stayed focused on the spear of hard flesh Dan had just promised her. “Yes, I want you inside me. I want you, Dan. I’ve been good all my life and look where it’s gotten me. Ralph had his fun, now I want mine.”

Like a shot, his head snapped around to pierce her with his stare. His eyes narrowed. His hand dropped from his cock and he took a step back.

“What’s wrong?” A knot of fear formed in Mary’s stomach. What kind of person mentions one man’s name when she’s about to have sex with another? His erection started to flag even as she watched. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to…”

His look softened somewhat. He picked up his pants and slipped them on, then his shirt. Finally, he sat on the bed and took her hand. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have been here with you, not like this.”

On her knees, she threw her arms around him, pressing her breasts into his arm. On the verge of tears she said, “Listen, Dan, don’t go. I want you to stay. Forget I said anything.”


He rubbed her back, but not like a lover, more like a friend. She hoped she could hold back the tears until he left.

“This was wrong of me. I was caught up being with a beautiful woman. I forgot how vulnerable you are right now. If you were just anyone, I might stay. I’d get my rocks off and you’d get your revenge fuck. We’d part and never see each other again. But you aren’t just anyone. You mean something to me.”

“I’m not vulnerable, Dan, and this isn’t a revenge…I just need you to stay. I want you, I always have.” With a shock, she realized what she’d said. She’d thought she loved Ralph, that she needed him. But if that were true, how could she be so confused?

“Mary, Mary.” He stroked her head and pushed her away, back onto the bed. “You’re too special for a quick night’s fun.” He actually pulled the covers over her and tucked her in, as though she were a child. She almost whimpered. He kissed her forehead. “Get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow I’ll see about getting another room, and we’ll forget all about this.”


He’d stopped to pick up his socks, but he turned to look at her. “Hmm?”

“Thanks anyway.”

“You’ll see. You’ll thank me for leaving tonight.” He flicked off the light switch before closing the connecting door.

Then, in the dark, Mary gave in to her tears.


* * * *


Dan closed the door leading to Mary’s suite and collapsed against it. Goddamn, it had been hard leaving her, but he’d had to.

For the four years in school, she’d been the smartest person in their class. What few of their classmates knew—what few had taken the time to find out—was that she was also one of the nicest people. He wouldn’t have discovered it himself if their mothers hadn’t known each other. His mom had keen instincts about people, and she’d always spoken highly of Mary so he’d taken to watching out for her. They weren’t close friends. Mary wouldn’t have been comfortable in his crowd, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t run interference for her.

He remembered her as sweet and shy. Smart as a whip, but overweight, with glasses and long, lank hair. The woman he’d forced himself away from was as different from that girl as a shark from an angelfish. Soft, creamy skin covered curves that would be the envy of any woman. Her hair had shone in the casino lights, and so had her green eyes, like multi-faceted emeralds, polished to a high gleam.

And tonight, when he’d eaten her to the damnedest orgasm, she’d made him remember what a woman was supposed to feel like and sound like when the emotion was real. Mary wasn’t a casual woman who jumped from bed to bed, easily slipping in and out of the role of lover. She took love seriously, and sex, too, he’d wager. She’d admitted as much herself when she said she’d always been good. He wouldn’t be surprised to find she was still a virgin, and if not, he’d be shocked to discover she’d slept with more than one man: her erstwhile groom, who’d turned out to be a cheating bastard rather than the man of her dreams.

Unfortunately, Dan was all about casual sex. No strings, no emotion. Which was why he’d
to leave Mary, though she lay in bed naked, warm and inviting.

Damn it. His pecker strained against his fly again. He thought of her lips, swollen and damp from his kisses, her eyes heavy-lidded with satisfaction and her breathing fast and hard. She’d wanted him and he could have taken her over and over again throughout the night. But tomorrow morning he wouldn’t have been able to handle the guilt and remorse she was sure to feel. After all, only hours ago she’d been about to marry someone else. She must love him, no matter how upset she was now. It should be that other guy with her now, kissing her, stroking her, bringing her tits to hard need and sinking hilt-deep into her pussy.

“Some other guy, hell,” Dan muttered, pushing away from the door and heading for the bathroom. “That bastard isn’t fit to kiss Mary’s toes, much less make love to her.” He turned the shower on high and stripped off his pants and shirt.

When he stepped into the tub, he let the water beat his back. Steam rose to the ceiling but Dan felt the heat from inside. His body remembered the press of hers, and her nipples drilling into his chest, they were so hard. The taste of her still filled his mouth and he reveled in it, thinking of her heat and flavor when she came around his tongue.

BOOK: Las Vegas Honeymoon
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