Last Christmas (Bound Together) (6 page)

BOOK: Last Christmas (Bound Together)
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I slid my hand between us and found her swollen clit with the pad of my thumb. I rubbed and massaged it as I continued to fuck her.

She yelled, screamed and cried out my name and hearing it drove me crazy. Her panting, pleading and begging was music to my ears and as she tightened around me I couldn’t hold on any longer. She held on to me in a death like grip as she moaned and groaned through her orgasm. I surged into her again and shuddered as I came.

Exhausted and totally satisfied from head to toe, I fell on top of her. I rested my head on her chest and exhaled loudly. She giggled and brushed my sweat dampened hair from my face.

“Wow. That was…”

I chuckled. “Awesome. Amazing. Everything you’ve ever dreamed of?”

She shook her head and laughed. “I was going to say incredible but I guess what you said works too.”

Pulling out, I quickly sat up, tied a knot in the condom and tossed it in the waste basket beside her bed. I rolled on to my back and let out a long sigh. I felt like I could sleep for a year. It had been a long time since I’d gotten laid and for the first time in months, I felt totally satisfied. And I could have stayed that way for hours I bet if she hadn’t asked her next question.

“So was that the first time you…you know, since Layla?”

? What the fuck is it with women and pillow talk? I didn’t want conversation after sex and I definitely didn’t want that to involve the very last woman I’d had it with!

Sitting up quickly, I swept my feet off the bed and sat on the edge, staring at the wall ahead.

“Yes. That was the first time since her. We done here?”

I felt numb. I thought having sex with Kate might have helped me stop thinking about Layla, stop me from hurting and maybe, just maybe, help me fucking get over her once and for all. But I felt worse.

She sat up and placed a hand gently on my shoulder. “I didn’t mean to upset you Ollie. I was just curious. It was insensitive and I’m sorry. Come on, you look exhausted. Stay here tonight and go back to Amy’s and Mel’s tomorrow. Okay?”

Shrugging her hand off, I stood and searched for my clothes.

“Thanks, but I should get back. I’m their guest and it’d be rude if I just stayed out all night. Besides, I have my ink appointment tomorrow.”

Pulling on my shorts and jeans, I glanced up to find her sitting on the bed smiling at me.

“Oh yeah, your tattoo. So…am I still welcome there?”

I thought for a minute.
Do you want to see this woman again?
Actually, I didn’t see the harm. Kate had made it clear what she wanted and she’d just had it full dose. We knew where we stood and as long as she was cool with it, so was I.

“Sure. I’ll pick you up here at ten in the morning.”

As I pulled on my t-shirt she moved to get out of the bed but I quickly made my way over, kissed her and shook my head.

“It’s okay. I’ll see myself out. You get some rest. You look totally fucked.” I winked at her and saw a smile play across her lips before I left and closed the door behind me. I walked out to the monster in a daze. This was going to be a long drive back.

Chapter 7

The Morning After The Night Before


Walking into the apartment, I prayed that they guys weren’t there. I was feeling pretty shitty about myself and I wasn’t in the mood to go through a play by play of my sex life with them. It would have definitely gone in that direction if Nick was there.

Amy had given me a key when they first moved in, in case of emergencies. Like when Mel locked her keys in her car and I had to make the ride down just to find out she had a spare waiting at the desk! But right now, I was glad I had it. At least I could sneak in without getting the third degree or a grilling from either of them. They were probably still at the bar. It wasn’t
late after all.

Opening the door, I let out a long an
d relieved sigh as I entered in to silence and darkness. It was short lived as I walked into the living room and found Mel waiting for me. She had a glass of what I assumed was water but as I approached I could tell it was vodka. I instantly felt sick with worry. Mel wasn’t a drinker and it was never a good sign for anyone to be drinking alone in the dark anyhow.

Throwing my keys on the coffee table, I slumped down on the couch next to her and rested my elbows on my knees. She went to take another sip of her drink but I reached out and took it from her before the liquid touched her lips. She watched me as I downed it and put the glass beside my keys on the table.

“Thanks. I needed that” I told her.

She snorted and exhaled loudly, rubbing her hands over her face.

“Wanna tell me why you’re nursing a glass alone in the dark?”

She shrugged. “Had a fight with my girl. She was real pissed when she saw you leave with Kate. She wanted to go after you but I told her to mind her own business. She accused me of not caring about you. But I do care Ollie, I do. But you gotta figure your shit out on your own without us being all up in your damn business. Anyway, she got really mad and we had a huge fight in the bar. She wouldn’t speak to me all the way home and now I’m not welcome in my own bed.”

I draped my arm over her shoulders and rested my head against hers.

“Thanks for having my back, but she was actually right this time.”

Mel gave me a puzzled look. “You fucked Kate didn’t you?”

“Oh yeah. I fucked her and now I feel like a total piece of shit.”

“Because you did the dirty and then bailed?”

I shook my head. “No. Turns out, she was looking for the same thing as me. No strings and no drama.”

Mel looked even more confused.

“Then what’s the problem?”

I let out a long and exasperated breath. “What do you think?”


I nodded. “I actually feel guilty! I feel like I’ve been unfaithful. How screwed up is that? She’s wherever, screwing
brains out and I’m sitting here feeling bad for fucking Kate. I’m single, she’s single. Why should I feel so bad? Fuck I hate this shit!”

I stood up and began pacing the room. I couldn’t think straight and I was still coming down from my post sex buzz.

Mel watched me with a sympathetic look on her face.

“Maybe that’s what it is. That it was Kate. She is Layla’s friend after all.”

I shook my head. “No. It’s not that. It’s that I can’t stop comparing every woman I meet to Layla. This is killing me. I swear, when she came back that night-“

Mel cut me off. “Yeah, we need to talk about that. What the hell happened? When did she come back? Why? What did she say?”

I took a deep breath and sat back down on the couch next to her.

“You remember when you guys got this place and I came in and painted it for you?”

She nodded. “Well, I was here one evening. It wasn’t late but it was past seven and someone buzzed saying there was a woman in the foyer. I thought it must have been one of you guys that had forgotten their key again.  So, I went down there, all covered in paint and plaster, to let you in. But who I actually found, wasn’t someone I expected and sure as hell wasn’t prepared for.”

Mel held her hand over her mouth, realizing who I was talking about.

“Yeah. She was standing there just staring at me. She was clearly as shocked to see me as I was to see her.”

“So what happened?”

“Well. I told her that you guys weren’t here and she should come back another time. Or maybe
send a text
.” Mel winced. “Ouch Ollie. I bet that stung.”

I didn’t give a shit. I was hurting and she was the reason. What was supposed to happen? Was I supposed to be psyched to see her? The girl who tore my heart out and put it through a meat grinder? I don’t think so!

“What was I supposed to do Mel? She fucking ditched me for him and she did it over a text! Who the fuck does that shit!? I thought she actually cared about me. She told me she loved me and I was stupid enough to think she’d actually choose me.”

Mel placed her hand on my back and leaned into my shoulder. “Did she say anything to you?”

I sighed. “She said we should talk, that we both had things to say, but I couldn’t talk to her. I wasn’t ready. I told her to leave and I swear it was hardest thing I’ve ever done. I wanted to hold her, I wanted to kiss her and just feel her in my arms again. But we were over and she’d made her choice.”

Mel nodded as though she understood but I wondered if anyone
really and truly understand how I felt.

“She started to cry and it tore me apart. I always hated seeing her cry and knowing it was over me, just made it worse. I watched her leave and just stood there for a while, staring at the door. Part of me hoped she’d come back and tell me she’d chosen me and the other part was wishing she’d just go and stay away. I got my wish.”

Mel grabbed the glass from the table and waved it at me. “Another?”

I shook my head. Drinking wasn’t going to take my pain away and I sure as hell wasn’t willing to become my father.

“No. I’m good.”

She raised an eyebrow at me. “You sure about that?” I nodded.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Actually, I’m kinda tired. Think I’ll go to sleep. Here, you can have the couch; I can crash on the floor.”

I got up and signaled for her to take the couch and she gave me an apologetic look before lying down on the plump cushions. I sat on the floor with my back against the sofa. Mel’s fingers tangled in my hair as she combed it with her fingernails. It was actually kind of comforting and soothing.

I leaned my head back and sighed deeply. “Amy won’t stay mad for long you know. Especially after I tell her she was right. We both know how much she loves to be right.”

Mel chuckled. “Yeah, I know she’ll be all calm and purring in the morning but I feel bad for taking your bed for the night.”

I shrugged. “No biggie.”

Mel tapped my shoulder. “Come on, get your ass up here. There’s room for both of us if you spoon me.”

I laughed and shook my head. “You sure about that?”

She grinned “You’re hot rock star but I’m pretty sure you’re missing some vital body parts that I prefer right now. And that hot, infuriating girl in there has all of them.” She pointed at the bedroom door.

Getting onto the couch, I crawled over Mel and lay behind her with my arm around her waist. She held her hand over mine and let out a long breath.

Leaning in, I whispered in her ear. “I love you guys. You, Amy and the guys, you’re my family.” She squeezed my hand, turned her head and kissed my cheek. “We love you too Ollie. You’ll always have a home here.”

I smiled against her cheek and gave her a quick peck. “I know.”


The sound of the coffee machine echoed from the kitchen. Opening my eyes I found myself with a face full of Mel’s hair. My arm was wrapped around her tightly and I suddenly became aware of my morning wood pressing against her ass.
Please don’t wake up. Please don’t wake up.

“Well, good morning to you too rock star. That a banana in your pocket or are you pleased to see me?”
Damn it.

I was glad she was facing away from me because I was all kinds of embarrassed right now.

“Sorry. Can’t help it. It’s nothing personal. I like you baby cakes, but Amy would cut off my dick if I even considered it.” Sitting up I looked down and winked at her. She chuckled and swung her feet onto the floor, rubbing her eyes. We were both fully clothed and as Amy emerged from the kitchen with her cup of coffee, I didn’t know where to look.

Her expression was thunderous. She glared at us before shaking her head and going back to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Mel sighed. “Great. Now I need to go fix

I gave her a sympathetic look. “You don’t think, she thinks that we…” I gestured at the two of us.

“No. She knows that I would never cheat on her and she knows you would never do that to, or with, a friend. She’s probably pissed at me because of last night at the bar and pissed at you over Kate.”

I rolled my eyes and flopped back onto the couch.

“Looks like we
have groveling to do. Rock, paper, scissors as to who goes first?” She laughed and shook her head.

“Nope. I’ll go first. I’ll calm her down a little before she claws at you.”

I groaned. “Great. Thanks…I think.”

Leaving me on the couch, Mel headed for the bedroom. I decided to make myself some breakfast and as I began to butter my toast, I could hear Amy yelling. I definitely heard Ol
lie, Kate, asshole and ‘turn into a fucking man whore’ thrown around. Ignoring the ranting going on in the next room, I finished my breakfast, got washed up and sat on the couch with my coffee
. It sucked

I was just about to take a sip when my cell buzzed on the table in front of me. Eyeing the caller ID, I gave my cell a confused look. I didn’t know the number but I answered it anyway.

BOOK: Last Christmas (Bound Together)
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