Leah's Seduction: 1 (Gianni and Leah) (4 page)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 1 (Gianni and Leah)
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Gianni raised her hands over her head and pushed her against the wall. She knew it would be reasonable to object, but she didn’t want to. What she wanted, Leah would not have been able to say. She prayed he knew and would give it to her.

But he didn’t kiss her. Gianni looked at her, his blue-gray eyes darker than before. It was as though he saw more about her than she even knew, and her legs trembled. He leaned in and grazed his lips across her jaw without actually kissing her. Yet that simple motion sent heavy sensation flooding to her sex.

He continued to tease her and drive her crazy. But he didn’t touch his lips to her. He never really did anything. Regardless, desire swamped her. It was as though he’d reached inside and released passion she didn’t know she could feel.

Gianni lowered her arms and put his hands on her waist. It was possessive. “I want to see you again, Leah.”

His statement caught her off guard and promised a future, something more than one party. He could have taken her then, and she wouldn’t have objected. She
him to. “You’re so…considerate,” she said, at a loss for the right word. It was the fact that he held back and seemed to assess her feelings.

“No,” he said. “I’m not.” His body language was tense, and his eyes darkened. “I am greedy. You will see that soon enough. The fact that I am delaying gratification is only a testament to my control. I pride myself on control.”

Leah licked her lower lip.

“You excite me. And I want you. But not here. Not tonight.” He paused. “We will do it my way. I’ll be patient.”

“You don’t have to be patient.” Leah’s voice came out in a whisper, and even as she said it, she knew it wouldn’t alter his decision.

“Yes. I do have to be patient.” His eyes gleamed, and she could feel his hardness pressed against her, making her weak. “You think you can handle me. I see it in your eyes. But you don’t know what you are getting into.”

“I can handle it.” The confidence in her voice surprised her, because she was more uncertain than she than she cared to show.

Gianni let go of her and took a step back. “We will see.”


Chapter 6

Gianni had to go out of town for a few weeks. The evening at the party with Leah was burned in his memory. Seeing her at the show had inspired him to take the next step in getting to know her. But he had to be cautious.

It was to his advantage not to give her any hint about what was in his mind. It still seemed remote that she could be the woman he sought. But he did find her intriguing.

Possibly, it was the chase that he found exciting. Pursuing her and solving the mystery got his blood pumping. His intention was to take it slow, and feel his way.

Control was the fiber of his existence, and Gianni didn’t intend to let his curiosity make him act foolishly. He’d brought the journal with him so he could read it during his time away. Maybe he could clear his head, and forgo the need to find the woman who had written it.

But he knew that wasn’t to be. Already his thoughts were full of possibilities. Although Leah seemed an unlikely match for the passionate woman he hoped to connect with, something about her aroused him.

It could be the idea that she was capable of writing the steamy prose Gianni had become hooked on reading. Yet it seemed to be more. Watching her from across the catwalk in the darkened conference room had electrified him.

Desire had stirred, leaving him hard beneath his dress slacks. With all the women that had floated around him beforehand, it would be easy enough to satisfy his urge. But he didn’t want any one of them. Not then. He wanted Leah.

Gianni wanted to see what was underneath her humble exterior. He craved knowing if he could arouse the passion he hoped to find. If only she were the author of the journal, it would make it less difficult. It would take time to know for sure.

The image of Leah in her clingy sheath with her hair in voluminous curls, her makeup dramatic, stirred him once again. She had been uncomfortable made up to be someone she was not. And she was awkward in the high-profile social setting.

Yet when he’d pressed her against the wall, her reaction had caught him off guard. Even with all her timidity, Leah seemed to roar to life under his touch. The way her breasts had moved with her rapid breathing, the way her eyes had glistened, her lips parted, had him bordering on losing restraint.

He had wanted to keep her in that hallway and undress her slowly. Gianni had wanted to see her naked body without the adornment, and to feel her give way to his wishes. What he wanted to do with her would likely shock her.

But she seemed determined not to show weakness. And it wasn’t weakness he wanted. Gianni wanted to watch her react to sensations that he was sure she hadn’t experienced before, but that he could give her. He wanted her on her knees before him, doing his bidding.

And he wanted to watch her lovely brown eyes when the emotions carried her away. He wanted her vulnerable, and his to command. Because he saw her as the writer of the intimate desires he read without permission? Or was it something about Leah, and that she held an attraction for him that he wouldn’t soon put aside?


Later in the year, Atlanta would be hot and muggy, so Gianni preferred to visit his showroom there earlier in the season. His staff could handle affairs quite well, but he did need to be on site to oversee things. No sooner did he return after the couple of weeks there, solidifying some new programs and buyer promotions, than he had to leave again.

This time it was Los Angeles for Fashion Week in early March. The city held particular attraction for him, as it fit into his new business strategy. Primarily, his profitability came from high-end designer fashions. But a new wave in the industry, a sort of groundswell in Los Angeles, had caught his eye.

Quick to pick up on changing trends, and intent on staying ahead in the competitive business, Gianni worked on a new marketing plan to take advantage of the current wave of what was popularly called “fast fashion.”

In the new model, garments were manufactured and brought to market in two weeks instead of the normal three-month production cycle. Trendy clothing had, until recently, been accessible to well-heeled fashion conscious women. Now, it was available to a dramatically broader audience at more reasonable prices.

The profit potential was not lost on Gianni, and he intended to get ahead of the wave with some restructuring of his marketing. While in Los Angeles, he would attend the fashion shows, as he did routinely to keep up with current trends. But he would also visit designers and manufacturers of the affordable fashions, though only his most trusted employees knew he would do so.

On Thursday afternoon, before the start of Fashion Week, Gianni checked into the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. Outside his window, he had a view of a smattering of tall palm trees and the city skyline.

Before he left to meet some associates for drinks, Gianni checked his phone, and was surprised to see that he had a text from Leah. He was even more surprised at the message. She was also in Los Angeles, and staying at the same hotel. He had known their paths would cross, but it seemed fortuitous that they had so conveniently done so.

He replied, seeing if she could meet him in the lobby bar for drinks. She agreed, and he promptly postponed his meeting. The meeting had been just to connect up before the week started. He could forgo that, and much preferred the prospect of seeing Leah and discovering why she was there.

Gianni found her at the lounge, seated at a table on the outdoor patio. Due to the warm weather, he’d worn just a polo shirt and kakis. Leah was dressed casually in a white blouse, black slacks, and chunky shoes. She nervously moved one foot, but stopped when she saw him approaching.

“Leah, it’s nice to see you again.” Gianni’s words were polite, but he wasn’t disguising his feelings like he should have. He ran two fingers across her jaw line, and she flinched. It was barely perceptible, but he saw it.

He sat across from her and ordered a drink. She was already sipping a margarita. The casual outfit looked more attractive on her than the designer wear had, mainly because he could tell she was more comfortable with it.

Gianni’s eyes drifted down her blouse where the top two buttons were undone. The fabric hugged her breasts, and not for the first time, he noticed she was well endowed. Though she did nothing to show off the curves she had.

Leah sat forward and shifted in her seat. It made Gianni want to take charge, and to cultivate her. He wanted to bring forth confidence in her sexuality, and see her blossom under his tutelage. But he was getting ahead of himself.

“So I assume you are here for Fashion Week,” he said. “But that doesn’t explain your appearance in my hotel.”

Leah fingered her glass. “I hope you don’t mind. Vadim, my manager, spoke with your office. I guess he wanted to coordinate things for the week. When he learned you were staying here, that’s where he booked my reservation.”

Gianni listened.

“I didn’t expect it, either. I mean, for him to pay for such accommodations for a work trip.” Leah licked salt from the rim of her glass and took a sip. The way her tongue touched the glass sent Gianni’s imagination reeling. What he could have her do with that tongue.

She leaned back, relaxing a little. “He didn’t say it outright, but I think he had the idea that I could learn from you.”

That was something he had no doubt about. Yet what he wanted to teach her had little to do with her boss’s aspirations. “That’s possible.”

Looking across at Leah wiping the fog from her glass with a fingertip, and seeing the longing in her eyes that she seemed to be trying hard to hide, Gianni felt the blood in his veins pump hotter. Her coy demeanor and unassuming attitude made him want to take her under his wing. And not in a business sense.

But he didn’t want to go too fast for her. He had time. And he had patience.

“How have you been the last couple of weeks?”

Leah didn’t reply immediately, and he got the impression she didn’t expect him to ask such a question. But the type of sexual involvement he intended to guide her into involved much more than just the physical. It involved the whole woman, and her emotions mattered.

He needed to know what he was dealing with. Gianni raised an eyebrow to encourage her.

“Well, I suppose I should just say
, and leave it at that.” Leah took a large sip of her drink. “But the way you are looking at me, I suspect you want a more honest answer.”

Gianni warmed to her. She was aware of his need, and observant of his expectations. That was promising.

“It’s been a bit rough, to be truthful.”

“How is that?”

“Vadim seems intent on maligning me at every turn. In response, I’m doing everything to excel in my new position.”

Gianni knew her comment was a portal into her personality. She would excel at her job. But her private life was another matter. Her lack of confidence in herself as a woman had been evident to him from the first moment he saw her.

Leah sighed. “Anyway, it’s frustrating. He seems to look for any minor thing I do wrong, and be blind to what I do right. But I’m not in a position to start job hunting. So I live with it.”

He saw a wave of sadness cloud her expression. “Something else?”

A tear formed in her eye, but she brushed it away. “I’m just worried about my mother, that’s all.”

Gianni stiffened. “Is she ill?”

Leah choked out the words: “It’s breast cancer.”

Gianni waited.

“It was diagnosed early, which is good. And the doctor says it is not high grade, the type that would spread fast.” She paused. “I went home to see her when she first found out. The doctor has removed the lump. I’ve spoken to her since, and her spirits are low. It makes me want to go home, but I can’t.” She wiped her eyes. “What about you? I’m sure your last two weeks weren’t quite so traumatic.”

“Probably not.” Gianni watched her, giving her a few minutes to regain composure.

Leah finished her drink and gave him a faint smile.

“I’ve thought about you,” he said, observing her reaction. Her skin flushed and her breath caught. “A lot.”

Leah silently looked at him.

“I told you I wanted to see you again.” He waited for a reply, but there was none. “And I do want to see you. More than that, Leah. Do you know what I’m saying?”

She nodded, yet she looked so innocent. Gianni knew she understood, and warmth spread through his veins. Leah did something to him, and it was more intense than he would have predicted. The way she deferred to him, and followed his lead, was hot.

He stood and held out his hand. Leah took it, and he guided her out of the lounge. Gianni wanted to be alone with her, and didn’t need to ask to know she wanted that too. In the elevator, he put his hand low on her spine, and felt her tremble. Her reaction elicited a strong urge deep in his core. He knew it wouldn’t be easy to take things slow, but that was exactly what he was going to do.


Chapter 7

Leah’s eyes went wide when she stepped into his suite. It had several outdoor balconies, a dining table, and a padded sofa with matching chairs. Along one wall were windows, giving a panoramic view of the Hollywood Hills and the downtown skyline.

“Expecting company?” she said. “This suite is huge.”

“I do some business entertaining up here. And I like the privacy.” His mention of privacy seemed to highlight how alone they were right then. “I think you need another drink.”


Gianni called down for two margaritas, and then led her out to one of the terraces to get a better look at the view. Touching her arm, he noticed her skin felt cool despite the warm day.

She sat in a wicker chair and put her hands in her lap.

“Do I make you nervous?” he said.

“Sort of.”

They stared at the view for a few minutes until the drinks arrived. Gianni watched Leah sip hers, wondering what she was thinking. Her hair was a little limp from the heat, and what makeup she had applied had worn off. Like a chameleon, Leah seemed to change before his eyes.

From her appearance, Gianni wouldn’t have thought of her as the woman for him. But that was deceptive. She did nothing to enhance her looks, and was too self-deprecating. What if she weren’t? A new vision sprung into view, of Leah dressed in clothes that fit her both in form and personality. And of her exuding the confidence as a result of receiving the pleasure she deserved.

It changed everything.

“Come here,” he said.

Leah put her drink on the table and stood. After taking two steps, she waited beside his chair. Gianni took her hand and pulled her onto his lap. She gasped, and their eyes locked. “I want you, Leah.” She lowered her eyes. “No, don’t look away. I want you, and I can show you pleasure such as you haven’t known. I’m sure of it.”

She bit her lower lip.

“I want you to know in advance that I have

Leah searched his face, as if she might find an answer there. “How do you mean,

“I’ll want you to submit to me. I like it that way. But I can promise to give you pleasure you’ve only dreamed about.” When he said it, Gianni watched her reaction, and saw a flicker of recognition.

Without much hesitation, Leah said, “You’ll have to show me how.”

“I will guide you. We’ll do only what you are comfortable with.” He held her face in his palms. “I want you, but only if you are willing. If I’m doing something you don’t like, you must tell me.”

She touched his cheek. “Okay. I’ll do that.”

“Stand up,” he said. Leah slid off his lap, and he looked up at her.
I want him to own me, command me.
Words from the pages of the journal sprang to mind. The look in her eyes seemed to match. His briefs were tight around his shaft.

But this was for her. Not him yet.

“Undo your zipper.”

Leah undid the button of her pants and lowered the zipper. Underneath she wore blue lace.

Gianni reached inside and cupped her sex. Leah’s eyes half closed. He pushed aside the crotch of her panties and touched her soft pubic hair. Then he slid a finger along her opening, and excitement roiled inside him at the feel of her.

“You’re wet for me, aren’t you?”

Leah nodded and looked at him, waiting.

“You feel sweet,” he said, his voice gruff. “And hot.”

Leah ran her fingers through his hair.

“Move back against the railing.”

She did, and Gianni stood up to come over to her. He nuzzled against her jaw, and her breathing was ragged. But he didn’t kiss her. He taunted and teased her, knowing she was getting wetter.

“You want me to touch your breasts, don’t you?” he said, close enough to smell her feminine arousal. His lips brushed her neck.

“Yes,” she said.

“But not yet,” he said. “Not until I decide.”

He could feel her disappointment. With one hand on her back, Gianni reached inside her panties and fingered her pussy. It was so slick and wet that it made his cock swell inside his pants. He stroked along her slit, dipping into the honey.

“Does this feel good?”

Leah panted faster, and that was his answer.

“Do you want more?”

She moved her hips, rubbing against his hand.

“I want you to say it. Tell me you want more.”

Leah whimpered, and he plunged two fingers inside her.

“I can’t hear you.”

“More…I want more,” she gasped.

Gianni raked his thumb over her clit and felt her body shake. She was close. It had probably been too long for her since she’d had sex. She would have to learn more control. But not this first time. This time was to give her a taste. Just to whet her appetite.

Leah threw her head back, her long hair falling over the railing. Gianni ran his tongue along her neck, and with his fingers buried in her, he massaged her clit. Her body went rigid and she arched her back. When he increased the pressure, Leah whined in a high-pitched voice and the shivers of her climax convulsed through her.

The orgasm lasted long, and she moved against his hand, begging for more. At last, she collapsed and leaned forward against his shoulder. Gianni picked her up and carried her inside. Her skin was warm and her breathing gradually slowed. He sat in a chair with her on his lap.

Minutes passed, and she was quiet. He thought she might have fallen asleep, but then she raised her head to look at him. “You made me feel so good,” she said. “You pleased me. But did I please you?”

His erection was so hard it hurt, and it pressed up against her ass. But she had pleased him. The satisfaction he craved could wait. “Yes, you did. You pleased me very much.”

Her brown eyes were soft, and a calm expression came over her.

“You will please me,” he said. “Many times. If you want to.”

She looked at him intently. “I want to.”

Already she’d learned that he wanted to hear her say it. The prospect of teaching her—of molding her into the woman she could become and enlightening her on her sexual nature—was dizzying. But then, if she were the true author of the diary, maybe she would be the one to enlighten him.

Reining in his need wasn’t easy, but Gianni refused to give in. He needed to guide things in the right direction, and unleashing his desire prematurely was unacceptable. Yet staying alone in the suite would make it impossible.

“I’d like you to have dinner with me,” he said.

“That would be very nice.” Leah ran her fingers through her curls. “But I need to use your bathroom first, so I can fix my makeup.”

Gianni extended his hand toward the bathroom, and she went to get ready. He checked messages and waited. Leah returned looking much as she had when they’d had drinks in the lounge, except that her skin had more color. And she was more relaxed.

Downstairs, the limo picked them up and took them to Spago. The greeter at the restaurant recognized Gianni, and found a table for them on the patio with some privacy. Drinks were ordered, and Gianni nibbled at an olive from the tray while he studied the menu.

“Do you like oysters?” he said.

Leah looked up from her menu. “I haven’t had them.”

“I’ll have some brought over. You should try them.”

The order was placed, and Leah buttered a slice of bread while waiting. “I better eat something,” she said. “With all this alcohol, I’ll start to act silly.”

“I’d like to see that.”

She laughed. “You would.” She took a sip of her martini. “Mmm, it’s good.”

Gianni tasted his. “Yes, just how I like them.”

“So,” Leah said, getting his attention, “tell me something about you. You seem to know way too much about me, and I know very little about you.”

“What would you like to know?”

“What got you started in a fashion career?”

Gianni chomped on another olive. “My sister. It was Daniela who had always been keen on fashion. She did makeup while she was still in school, and planned to make a career of it. I went to some shows with her, and met a few people. I suppose when I saw the profit potential, I became serious about it.”

“It seems to be working well for you.”

“Yes, you could say that. I built my business from the ground up. And it’s always competitive in this industry. It never stops.” Gianni took a sip of his drink. “But I’ve continued to grow, and opened new showrooms in the fashion centers. I have a good team, too. I couldn’t do this alone.”

Leah put her bread down and reached for an olive. “And you have a big family?”

“Yes, I have three brothers, as I told you. My youngest brother, Stephano, is a fashion photographer. He travels a lot. And my middle brother, Micah, he’s a bit wild. He’s a sculptor. Then Jacob; he’s a year younger than I.”

“What does he do?”

Gianni sipped his drink. “He works with my father in the wine importing business. Eventually, he will take over the family business, Rinaldi Imports. The main office is here in New York. Since I was the oldest, my father was disappointed that I didn’t want to follow in his footsteps. But it just didn’t interest me.”

“Why not?”

He shrugged. “I suppose I wanted to build something of my own, a business that was all mine. I’m a control freak that way.”

Leah laughed.

The bay oysters were delivered, and Gianni coached Leah in how to eat them. “Just sort of slurp it down,” he said.

“In movies they let them slide down their throat without chewing.”

He shook his head. “That’s incorrect. Like a grape, you cannot get the flavor until you bite into it. So chew it a couple of times before you swallow.”

Leah made a face, but managed to get a couple of oysters down. “Not bad.”

“The taste grows on you.”

The chef recommended the Alaskan halibut, and it proved to be a good choice. It was served with baby artichokes and asparagus in a savory sauce. Through the meal, Gianni talked with Leah, finding out more about her than he revealed about himself.

After the waiter cleared their plates, he ordered espressos and broached a subject that had been on his mind. “You mentioned how badly Vadim treats you.”

Leah furrowed her brow. “Yes.”

“I find it irritating.”

Leah laughed. “I do too.”

“Let’s just say, I’ve been in this industry long enough to spot a fraud. They are usually the ones swaggering around, making out like they hold the future in their hands. When in reality, they are the ones who are incompetent, and trying to cover it up by pointing the finger at you.”

“That’s very astute,” Leah said. “I know the quality of my work. And I know he’s just trying to get to me. But I still have to work with him. He is my boss.”

“True. But keep your eyes open. He works for Mason Barrington, and let’s just say, I’ve had some unpleasant dealings with him in the past. My guess is that Vadim is doing his bidding. It would only make sense. He works for him.”

“I work for him.”

Gianni smiled. “That’s different.”


“Kyra suggested it, and I know she has no clue what they are up to.”

“Are they up to something?”

“It’s just their nature. If they aren’t now, they will be. So be careful.”

Leah nodded. “I will. They may think they can make me cower, but I’m biding my time. I just need some experience. Then I can move on to something better.”

“And I want you to come to me if you need to,” Gianni said.

“Why would I need to?”

“I’m just saying. Just in case.” He locked eyes with her.

Leah didn’t look away. “Okay, if I need to.”

Gianni considered that he was a good judge of people. In business, it paid to know what a person would do, and it had saved him from being caught unaware more than once. For all her humble demeanor, Gianni had a feeling when pressed that Leah would be a force to reckon with.

Even though, in the bedroom, he knew she would let him take the lead. The thought of it reminded him of what was to come. And although he probably should have escorted her back to her room, and given her time to think about what had happened, he knew he wouldn’t.

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 1 (Gianni and Leah)
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